On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month in the 37th year of the Yongli calendar, Zheng Kezang convened a military meeting in the Yinluan Hall of Anping City. More than a dozen admirals, general soldiers, and town generals gathered together. The military officer Wang Jinzhong and the deputy officer Zhang Xueyao also attended the meeting. As a result, just after the meeting started, the military officials who held their own opinions broke into a mess in the hall.

"I think that the current situation is similar to the situation before Guo Xingye conquered Taiwan." Zhou Yunlong, the commander-in-chief of the Navy's second town, stood up at the beginning of the meeting and said that he was not optimistic about the current situation, and even expressed his dissatisfaction with the current situation. Zheng Chenggong was forced to conquer Taiwan as an introduction. "I ask the grandsons to immediately divide their troops and attack Lu Song as a way out."

"Attack Luzon?" Chen Zheng, the commander of the third naval township, immediately objected. "This is simply absurd, not to mention that the current clan does not have the strength to go on an expedition across the sea. Even if Shi Lang can't give up, what should I do? Is it possible to leave Luzon and go to Brunei or Boni? What's the difference?" Although Chen Zheng was right about the matter and not about the person, his tone was still very fierce. "I advocate that the soldiers come and cover the water and the earth. Only when Shi Lang is blocked can we have a chance to find the second and third caves."

Huang Liangji, the general of Jianwei Town, was also not optimistic about Ming Zheng's current strength. After hearing Chen Zheng's words, he immediately questioned: "There are many ports along the coast of Dongning, how does Lord Ye know where Shi Lang will land?"

"Where to go to land? Danshui is sometimes plagued by epidemics. If Qing captives land from Danshui, then we can easily win without our hands." Huang Jin, the general of the [-]th town of the Navy, responded first. "As for landing from Danshui, Shengang, Lukang and other places, it is also impossible." Huang Jin explained. "First, there is no convenient transportation between Tamsui and Dongning, and there are many torrential streams and shefans along the way. If the Qing army landed at these ports, their progress would inevitably be slow. On the other hand, our domain can use official roads. Gather a large army calmly and wait for work. Second, there is a severe drought and food shortage in Dongning. Would the Qing Dynasty dare to use all the navy capable of fighting to cover the sea transportation? If this is the case, this domain should be able to win calmly. Therefore, The minister thought that Shi Lang must still seize Penghu first and then seek the Eastern Capital."

"That's true, but there have been a lot of defections recently. If there are traitors leading the way, it may not be impossible for the Qing captives to attack Fengzhugang." "Once the Qing army goes ashore, they will go straight to Bo Chengtian Mansion and other places in the confidant's heart. If there is such a shock, there may be accidents."

"If he goes straight to Fengzhugang, then Shi Lang will be looking for his own death." Qiu Hui, the chief soldier of Louchuan Town, agreed with Huang Jin's point of view. "Shi Lang is not the only one who knows the importance of the Daofeng Ports. Our feudal clan will inevitably place a large army. If Shi Lang goes ashore here, he will be targeted by this feudal clan. At this time, he has no way to go in, and he has no food and grass supplies to retreat. He will be defeated. Period." Qiu Hui paused, then emphasized. "Therefore, I believe that the battle must take place in Penghu."

Wu Gui, the general of Wuxing Town, did not agree to fight head-on with Shi Lang on the Penghu ocean: "I think that the Qing army's claim of [-] is an exaggeration, but if it has [-] to [-] troops, it will be no less powerful than the original army. Instead of trying to win at sea with a [-]-[-] chance, it is better to abandon Penghu and lure the enemy to go deeper."

"This is not going to work. What if the Qing army followed up with Penghu as an outpost, how should we deal with it?" Chen Qiming, the left-wing commander of the Navy, firmly opposed the plan to abandon Penghu without a war. "In addition, there has been a severe drought for two years in this domain, and the food for the people is exhausted. Most of the military food is purchased from Guangnan and Siam by descendants. If the Qing captives are allowed to occupy Penghu, the ships transporting foreign rice will be worrying."

"Master Wu Gui said that the chances of winning are only five or five. I think so, but Penghu has to defend. If something goes wrong, what should we do?" idea. "Why don't you send a team to Chenla, Champa and other places to explore the way, just in case."

A group of veteran generals were arguing fiercely, and Wang Jinzhong and Zhang Xueyao were like clay sculptures. Zheng Kezang couldn't help frowning, and coughed lightly, which made the warriors who were hinted stop.

I heard Zheng Kezang ask Hong Lei: "Hong Qing, you are also in charge of the barracks and warehouses, and I ask you, is there enough military rations?"

Without any hesitation, Hong Lei opened his mouth and said, "There are still more than [-] shi of military rations in each storehouse, and more than [-] barrels of salted fish and salted whale meat, which can feed the entire army for half a year. There are also [-] shi of Dried sweet potatoes are prepared to supply the people of Chengtian, Tianxing and Wannian prefectures, and they can also be diverted if there is an urgent need in the army."

Zheng Kezang nodded. Since the military rations are guaranteed, all that remains is the commander's determination, so he turned to Liu Guoxuan and asked, "Uncle Wu Ping, how do you think this matter should be decided?"

Liu Guoxuan stroked his beard, and said calmly: "Dongning's land is full of soup and martial arts. The fertile soil is suitable for farming. Grains, vegetables and fruits are less fertile and more abundant; there are also sugar, salt, bamboo and wood. The merchant ships, deer and musk. , Rare birds, famous materials, exotic plants, leather armor, copper and iron are invincible; millions of soldiers are trained, thousands of ships are repaired, guns, artifacts, nitrates, and strange medicines are all waiting for him. Surrounded by the sea and mountains, the sky There is no limit. If you see benefits, you will make progress slightly, and the coasts will be connected; if you have no benefits, you will stick to Li Nong, and everyone will be self-sufficient. Fortunately, you will cast a gap in the sky, in order to dominate the world, and the world will have nothing to resist. , internal and external troubles, conflicts and conflicts, then Jie and Zhou are rich in the world, and they can wait for their death! (Note: Liu Guoxuan's words are from Taiwan Literature Series "Taiwan Zheng's History and History Volume Six")"

After talking for a long time, Liu Guoxuan said decisively: "This is comparable to the strength of Wei Han, and we should resist the enemy at sea. As for the act of finding a way out before fighting, it will shake the morale of the army. No!"

Liu Guoxuan immediately glanced at Zhou Yunlong, Xiao Wu and the others, then at Wu Gui, and finally turned his eyes back to the space in front of him: "The adults have made it very clear that the Qing army must attack Penghu first. , I thought that the defense of Penghu was quite complete, and the Qing should be given a head-on blow in Penghu. There is a saying that peace can only be achieved through war, and only by hurting the Qing and letting them know the strength of the vassal can Dongning be preserved once and for all."

Zheng Kezang knew that Liu Guoxuan had indeed spent a lot of energy on the defense of Penghu. Among them, he built Kecheng Walled City in Niangma Palace, Fengguiwei, Sijiao Islet, and Jilong Islet; The forts were set up in Zhuge, Xiyutou, Niuxinshan and other places, especially the low wall with a length of more than [-] miles used a considerable amount of cement and stone.

Now that Liu Guoxuan is full of confidence in the defense system he has built, Zheng Kezang is naturally happy to see it succeed, so he asked: "Since Wu Pingbo has made up his mind, Yu is naturally trustworthy, so we still need Yu and the Zhengshitang What are you going to do? Do you need to strengthen your military strength?"

"Penghu is narrow, Master Lu doesn't need many, one or two towns is enough." Although Liu Guoxuan had already made preparations, he still spoke slowly at this moment, as if he had just thought of it. "However, the navy should mobilize as much as possible. If the number of warships is not enough, generations and grandchildren will be needed to allocate merchant ships and civilian ships."

Merchant ships?civilian ship?Zheng Kezang gritted his teeth, it turned out that he was waiting for him here.You must know that that year when he withdrew his troops from Siming and returned to Taiwan, he drastically converted more than 130 veterans and more than [-] warships of various types into civilian ships and merchant ships. Now that the old saying is repeated, is it implying something?

But in the face of the enemy, Zheng Kezang seemed to have to rely on this prestigious commander, so he just smiled: "Wu Pingbo's request is not too much. Is it a sea battle? Of course, more ships are better than fewer ships. In this way, the order to be stationed The naval divisions from Dagou, Lukang and other places, as well as Wuxing and Wubing towns were all transferred to Penghu. He You, the commander of Youhuwei, led Wuchang and Wutong towns to guard Danshui, and still dispatched ten merchant ships to be transported. Dingxibo led the second town of Rong Banner, the fourth town of Rong Banner, Wuxuan Town, and Youhuwei Town to guard Lugang, Zhongzheng Zhongzhen Hong Gongzhu led Jianwei Town, Jianwei You Town, Xuanyi Town, and Youwuwei Town To defend the various ports in Dafeng, the boy scout sailor battalion will take over the port of Dagou, and the rest of the ministries will be supported by General Yu Zijiang as Wu Pingbo."

Liu Guoxuan frowned, and Zheng Kezang seemed to be magnanimous in transferring most of the Zheng Army's navy to himself, but he did not agree with his suggestion to further recruit merchant ships. In this way, only two hundred soldiers could really be used for naval battles. There is still a gap with his earlier budget.

But Zheng Kezang had finished speaking, and Liu Guoxuan couldn't continue to remain silent, so he pondered for a moment, then leaned over and said: "I take orders, and I will never let down the expectations of my grandchildren. I will definitely defeat Shi Lang, use his The dog's head is sacrificed in front of the ancestor's spirit."

"Okay, okay," Zheng Kezang applauded repeatedly, as if he was really moved by Liu Guoxuan's rhetoric. After the joy on his face faded, Zheng Kezang winked at Zheng Xingying who was watching all this with cold eyes. "Then there is Lao Zheng's announcement of his participation in politics."

Zheng Xingying bowed to Zheng Kezang, then stood in front of all the officials, took out an edict from his wide sleeve and read it aloud: "Only Marquis Wuping's voice is in the universe, and his righteousness is on the moon and the sun. Driven by electric wind, fearful to look at Liu's banner; Yuzhang is terrified, seizes and shakes Yue's army. The vegetation is known by its name, and the buildings and boats are also strong. I hereby order the battalions of the governors of Er to drive my large and small warships to go Guard Penghu and stop captive ships. In the fish and dragon team, the murderous Yingteng is the only one; amidst the sound of the thunderbolt, you can see the enemy's boat powder. Don't let it go."

After hearing this, Liu Guoxuan turned over and knelt down, raised his hands to accept the order from Zheng Xingying, and then kowtowed to Zheng Kezang: "I am trusted by the grandson, I will go now."

Zheng Kezang sat alone on a chair, looking at the empty Yinluan Palace, he couldn't help feeling ups and downs. Shi Lang's crime was the second big hurdle he encountered after Feng Xifan's conspiracy, and it was also a matter of life and death for the Han regime in Dongning. At this moment, he naturally wouldn't place all his reliance on Liu Guoxuan.

"Come here," Zheng Kezang called softly, and a guard quickly appeared from the shadows. "Go and ask the boy scout shipyard to call Ma Chengban and Su Bangban here." Zheng Kezang corrected the guard just as he was about to leave. "No, you don't have to let them come. You go directly to Chuanyu, let Ma Yuan take over the Zhenhai Shipyard of the Armament Department, Tang Tong take over the Ninglan Shipyard of the Construction Department, and Wu Hu take over the Dingbo Shipyard. As for the boy The military shipyard will be handed over to Li Ping, and you will then inform the Department of Military Affairs that the four of them will be promoted to the fifth rank." Having said this, Zheng Kezang stood up. "Arrange for the Soviet Union Office to inspect various shipyards, and rush to build them from now on"

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