Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

120. Penghu Naval Battle

On the day of the decisive battle, Shi Lang divided the camp into four parts.There are 56 large warships in the middle road, divided into eight teams, each team has seven ships, commanded by Shi Lang himself, as the main force to attack Niangma Palace.Commanded by Zhu Tiangui on the right, a total of [-] warships under his jurisdiction attacked Jilong Islet and Sijiao Islet from Dongshi, and then joined the central troops to attack Zheng Jun.Commanded by Lin Xian on the left, there are also [-] ships planning to attack Niuxin Bay from the inner fort, making Zheng Jun misjudge that the Qing army will land here.In addition, Shi Lang also formed a reserve team of [-] smaller Guangzhou ships and bird ships, ready to reinforce the Qing troops from all walks of life at any time.

After discovering the dynamics of the Qing army, Liu Guoxuan immediately made adjustments, using Jiang Sheng's troops to deal with the large number of Qing troops in the middle, using Chen Liang's troops to deal with the enemies in the inner trenches and oceans, and using Qiu Hui and Chen Qiming's troops to join forces. For the Qing army that appeared on the waters of Jilong Islet and Sijiao Islet, Liu Guoxuan personally led the large ships as a reserve team and provided reinforcements depending on the battle situation in all directions.

The purpose of Ming and Zheng is of course very clear. To block most of the Qing army under the cover of the forts on the islands, first concentrate on eating one wing of the Qing army and then sweep the entire army. The strategy is correct.

The battle between the two sides soon started. This day coincided with a typhoon blowing on the sea. It was affected by the typhoon around Chenshi (7 o'clock to 9 o'clock), and the northwest wind was blowing on the sea. Li Xian's department on the left and Shi Lang's headquarters on the middle were obstructed by Zheng Jun, who was not much different in strength, and they were unable to break through Zheng Jun's sea defense at all.

On the battlefield on the right side, there was a dramatic scene. Qiu Hui and Lin Ying, the forwards of Zheng Jun's navy, were relatives of sons and daughters, and Lin Ying and Zhu Tiangui were also relatives of sons and daughters. They were all former colleagues of Ming Zheng, so they had such a relationship. When the two boats faced each other, Zhu Tiangui stood on the stern upstairs and yelled "in-laws" loudly.

Of course, Zhu Tiangui's intention might be to recruit Qiu Hui on the battlefield, but the hot-tempered Qiu Hui hated this traitor unceasingly, and immediately responded through gritted teeth: "Traitor! Those who betray righteousness are not tolerated by heaven!"

After all, even if Qiu Hui ordered the helmsman to turn the rudder and fire the cannon, it was amazing. Cannons in this era have always been probabilistic kills and have never been able to be precisely guided, but this cannon was just right, and Zhu Tiangui was caught off guard. In the ribs, the bones were broken and the blood flowed continuously, and he died in the boat after a few breaths.

Zhu Tiangui's death caused the Qing army on the right to lose its command, while the morale of the Zheng army was greatly boosted. The two sides fired guns and guns, and the shouts of killing shook the sky for a while. After a while, burning warships and floating warships were everywhere on the sea. dead body.

By noon in the battle, the Qing army lost more than [-] warships, most of which were losses on the right.When the balance of victory was tilted towards Ming and Zheng, the typhoon was affected by the equatorial front, and the southerly wind began to blow on the sea. The sudden change of wind direction made Zheng Jun, who had been fighting with the wind, suddenly fell into a passive situation.

"Kill!" Qiu Hui slashed at a Qing soldier with all his strength. He knelt on the deck and gasped for breath while leaning on his knife. He looked around, only to see that the Zheng army's ships had either sunk or had collided with the Qing army's warships. , the two sides are fighting each other on the deck. "Come on, let the Ruihai come over." However, no one answered his order. "Are they all dead?" Qiu Hui cursed, and staggered towards the rudder. "Ma Gouzi." Lieutenant General Ma Qing had a knife stuck in his chest. "Thank you Erniu." Supervisor Xie Chunlin's head and body were already separated. "It's dead on"

Qiu Hui was still waiting to find someone alive, but he didn't expect the ship's body to shake. He raised his head and saw a large ship crashing into it through the smoky sea. He rubbed his eyes and saw more than a dozen people The Qing army jumped over to help, and Qiu Hui laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay, I can grab two backs when I die, so I won't be alone on the road to Huangquan."

After all, he pulled out a big spear from the corpse beside him and threw it fiercely. The Qing soldiers in front hurriedly used their weapons to block, but the powerful long spear was not completely let go. It passed over his shoulder, and while taking away a large piece of flesh and blood, it also made him temporarily lose his fighting power.

The Qing soldiers were still screaming, but Qiu Hui rushed up, the Japanese sword in his hand had been rolled up, but now he was using two wood axes that he picked up casually.The wood ax that was originally used to cut the cables and clean the damaged cabin was not sharp, but in Qiu Hui's hands it set off a bloodbath.The Qing army wanted to fight with a single knife, but it was broken with just one axe. The Qing army wanted to use a gun to stab it, but Qiu Hui had to swing it round and slash across the wounds.Like a mad tiger, Qiu Hui blocked from left to right, and quickly beheaded the Qing army who came over from the springboard.But the price was also high, one on the thigh, one on the arm, and another on the back. The blood gushing out from the three wounds made Qiu Hui lose the ability to continue fighting while dizzy.

At this time, two Qing warships coming with the wind ran into Qiu Hui's ship one after another. However, the scene of Qiu Hui's fighting just now clearly shocked them. Fight again, but still no one is willing to face this brave general who is desperate to fight.

"Fight one to earn money, fight two to earn one." Qiu Hui felt the vibration of the collision of the ship's hull, his consciousness had begun to blur, and he knew that he had nowhere to go, so he murmured. "I've made a lot of money, I've made a lot of money." As he spoke, he slowly moved to the place where the gunpowder barrel was placed next to the cannon at the stern, with one kick, two kicks, three kicks, the wooden barrel fell under the force and rolled over And spilled a gunpowder belt. "Why are you acting like a mother-in-law now?"

Qiu Hui laughed at himself, and fell powerlessly on the deck. After a long time, he slowly climbed to the side of the burning ship, tore off his clothes with great effort, and ignited the fire. The blood-soaked clothes were half dry and half wet. The part of the body gave off an unpleasant smell in the flames, but Qiu Hui didn't seem to feel the stench at all.

"The surname of the country, the king, the grandson, and the minister have done their best." After finishing speaking, Qiu Hui raised his hand, and the clothes with embers fell on the gunpowder belt, and a gorgeous flame burst out instantly. "Shi Bald (Note: Shi Lang once shaved his head in Zhu Chenggong's army to express his dissatisfaction, so Zheng Jun laughed at him as a bald man), the master is waiting for you underground."

When Qiu Hui set himself on fire and died, Shi Lang was ordering the bird boat of the reserve team to sail downwind as an arson boat and burn directly to Zheng's brigade.Almost instantly, the sea was billowing with black smoke and the flames were soaring into the sky. Zheng Jun, who was jumping to fight, was caught off guard. Dozens of large ships caught fire one after another. The soldiers on board were either burned to death or forced to fall into the sea and drown.Seeing such a scene, the morale of the officers and soldiers of the Zheng army who were caught in a hard fight became more and more low.However, at this time, a scene that made matters worse appeared. Jiang Sheng's warship was surrounded by more than ten Qing army warships.

Although Liu Guoxuan, who discovered the danger, rushed to take over the main force in the middle, but a quarter of an hour was enough to change the situation of the battle, and the defeat was irreparable.At this time, Shi Lang ordered the remaining ships of the Zheng Army to pursue and attack the remaining ships of the Zheng Army in the spirit of chasing the poor and the poor. Caught in a situation of fighting each other.

At Shenshi, Chen Liang, who saw that the situation was not good, fled first, and the Qing army under Lin Xian was able to join the main force in the middle. So far, Zheng Jun was completely helpless.However, the generals of the Zheng army were still fighting with the attitude of not wanting to be obedient to the people of the Tartars. Countless good men risked their lives to fight, killing the Qing army guerrilla Zhao Bangshi and shooting the Qing army general Lin Xian and Wu Ying, in short, under Zheng Jun's hard work, the Qing army could not immediately turn its advantage into victory.

In the middle of the application time, Chen Qiming, the general of the Navy, Wang Long, the general of Louchuanzhong Township, and Zeng Rui, the general of the Ninth Township of the Navy, were killed one after another. Zheng Jun's collapse began to change from quantitative to qualitative. Soldier Huang Xuefu, General Chen Zheng of the Three Towns of the Navy, General Zheng Ren of the Aided You Town, General Huang Lian of the Guard Town, General Liu Ming of Houjin Town, Central Admiral Zuozhen Hong Bangzhu, Central Admiral Youzhen Youjun, and Central Admiral 47 generals including Yang Wenbing and other admirals, chief soldiers, town generals, deputy generals, and associate generals and above in Houzhen were killed on the spot

Seeing that everything was irreversible, Liu Guoxuan finally couldn't stand it anymore. In a panic, he gathered the only dozen or so warships around him and escaped from the battlefield, and fled from the Houmen waterway to Dongning. The organized resistance was over, and except for some Zheng soldiers who were still resisting, the Penghu naval battle ended.

The results of the naval battle came out, and the defenders of the Penghu islands surrendered one after another. So far, less than ten days after leaving the battle, Zheng Jun lost more than 370 people, more than 1 soldiers, and more than [-] ships. All but a few of the large and medium-sized warships were lost, and more than [-] officers and soldiers were either surrendered or captured. More than [-] people were injured in the battle

After conquering Penghu, on the one hand, Shi Lang recruited the surrendered troops and gave medical treatment to the wounded; A pen and ink lawsuit of repaying revenge for kindness (Note: refers to grabbing credit with Yao Qisheng).

Emperor Kangxi in Beijing was rewarded by Shi Lang's victory, and the dragon's heart was overjoyed. Immediately, Shi Xing wrote a poem "Hearing the Sound of Victory on the Sea in the Mid-Autumn Festival". The gate of the island is empty. Come to the court to cultivate literature and virtue, and Rouyuan is not a military exploit. The tent of teeth is surrendered in the autumn, and the feather forest is triumphant in the moonlight. The sea corner has long thought that the common people are trapped, and the nine sites will be the same from now on."

In the eyes of Kangxi and Shi Lang, the victory of the Penghu naval battle made Mingzheng lose the last ability to resist, and Dongning was like a naked girl waiting for them to humiliate and trample, but will the result be like this?No, Zheng Kezang has not surrendered yet, and the real climax of this war has not come yet

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