The moonlight is bright, and the silky moonlight is scattered on the calm and waveless Taijiang Inland Sea, like a long picturesque scroll.Suddenly, there was a sound of splashing water on the sea surface, as if there was a terrible monster swallowing something there, what is it?If it was a bright daytime, every move on the sea would not be able to escape the monitoring of the observation post, but now it was night with poor visibility.Therefore, although there was a lot of movement, even though the Qing army had sent outposts to land on the Luermen Peninsula, the Qing army's outposts, which focused their attention on the connection between the peninsula and the mainland and the adjacent waters, never noticed this. No one would even imagine that someone would dare to dive across the sea more than ten miles wide and board Luermen from this position.After a while, a wet figure slowly sneaked onto the island. On the Luermen, where there are many strange rocks, this figure shuttled like a ghost, and soon disappeared, leaving only faint water marks to prove its past presence.

Gao Yi, who was born in Ding Siqi, a boy scout, quickly removed the shark skin water on his body, and quickly wiped his whole body with a dry cloth prepared in advance-although the sea water in August is not very cold, but anyone You will feel exhausted after diving for more than ten miles at a time-this is not only a way to activate blood but also to drive away physical fatigue.

Gao Yi stopped his hands when his skin felt a little stinging, and then touched the mosquito repellent essential oil made from mint and whale oil. This is a lesson he and his comrades learned after lurking for many days. Don’t think this is just a deserted island. , but the overwhelming mosquito swarms cannot be resisted by tightening sleeves and trousers.

After the essential oil was applied, Gao Yi put on his clothes again. While sitting down and panting for breath, he reached out and touched the pre-hidden fire sickles and fire folds. After confirming the safety of these firelighters wrapped in oilcloth, he put them back on Buried next to the shark water.Afterwards, he used the sugar cane wine mixed with water to eat two messy mouthfuls of the dead bread. After carefully cleaning up the food residues, he got up again and tiptoed around the island, with the purpose of checking the stored hay, hay Was the material discovered by the Qing army, and was it wet by rain?

Just after the ugly time, Gao Yi was suddenly awakened by the sound of a huge tide. He rubbed his eyes, got out of the cave where he was hiding, climbed to a suitable angle, and saw the turbulent tide rolling in from the Fujian Sea. On weekdays, even small flat-bottomed sand boats are not easy to pass through. The waterway gradually deepens and widens.Gao Yi, who couldn't bear to open his mouth wide open, woke up from the shock, and saw a Qing army rushing in from the Fujian Sea. After a burst of cheers, more Qing army ships sailed past this natural barrier one by one. .

Gao Yi pinched himself heavily, then quickly ran back to the hiding place, pulled out the fire scythe and fire fold, and quickly moved all the hay and dry materials that were stored to one place. Fortunately, at this time, the Qing army His mind has been attracted by the continuous incoming warships. Fortunately, it is the darkest hour before dawn, and he was able to calmly complete this impossible task.

"Father!" Standing on the handsome ship, Shi Shixiang, the son of Shi Lang, saw the flames emanating from the peninsula. "There are Zheng Ni's spies on the island." Shi Shixiang said angrily. "The guys in the front battalion are too tired. They didn't even know they were brought to the island by Hai Ni. Now Zheng Ni knows all about our army's movements. This alone should kill them!"

"It's over now to say anything. Haini already knows that our army has entered Luermen, but it is precisely for them to know." Shi Lang, who was fully armed, smiled lightly. "No, it's not enough to deter Haini." Speaking of this, Shi Lang patted his son on the shoulder. "Go down and get ready for the father to drive in after you"

The fire on Luermen was detected by both sides almost at the same time. Zheng Jun was shocked by Shi Lang's understatement. The battalion is ready to attack, and then inform Hong Gongzhu to return to the division with the main force. As for the towns of the army division of the army, arrange to have dinner now, and tell them that they will have the strength to capture Shi Lang alive when they are full."

Since it was still dark when they sailed into the inner sea of ​​Taijiang River, the Qing army did not go further, but just parked near Luermen, but even so, nearly 550 large and small warships gathered together, still as impressive as prehistoric monsters Daunting.

Unknowingly, more than an hour passed like this. Almost all the ships of the Qing army, including Shi Lang's ship, sailed into the inland sea. At this time, the sky had already turned white. The ship's centipede attacked in all directions, and soon brought back the detection results that the coach wanted.

"Junmen," Wang Chaojun, a guerrilla from the Wuyu Battalion, reported to Shi Lang. "According to the detection of the sentinel ship, the flags of the Zheng army are scattered all over the Dapai, Xigang, Shuiyanxi, and Zengwenxi along the coast of Tianxingzhou. Yongwei Army, Guoyi Zhongzhen and more than ten town flags."

"Junmen," Zheng Guiyun, a guerrilla from the Pinghai Battalion, also reported. "There is a group of Zheng Jun's ships blocking the way on the waterway to Chengtian Mansion." Shi Lang and the generals cheered up, and then they heard Zheng Guiyun's dumbfounding report. "There are about fifty ships in total, but they don't look like warships, but civilian and merchant ships with cannons."

The Qing generals were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Shi Lang was even more overjoyed. After laughing, he ordered: "He Yingyuan, the guerrilla in the front battalion, is in the first formation, and Wu Hui, the guerrilla in the left battalion in Haitan town, is the second." In the second formation, Chen Yi, a guerrilla from the Weitou battalion, was in the third formation, and Jiangxin, a guerrilla from the Biaoyou battalion in Haitan Township, was in the fourth formation. In the fifth formation, Huang Chang, the deputy general of Suizheng, Huang Yong, the governor of Suizheng, and He Yi, the governor of Zuozheng, formed the sixth formation. Jiang Maoxun, deputy general of the Security Association, Ruan Qinwei, a guerrilla from the right battalion of Tongshan Town, and Xu Yinglin, a guerrilla from the Biao Zhongbattalion of Jinmen Township, formed the eighth formation. Guerrilla Zhu Ming from the Left Battalion, Dai Mingfang from the Central Army Guard of the Back Battalion will form the Ninth Formation, General Luo Shi from the Central Battalion, Cai Qifeng from Qianzong, and Li Tingbiao from the foreign commissioner will form the [-]th Formation. For the next attack, be sure to defeat the remnants of Haini in one fell swoop."

Although he dismissed Zheng Jun's strength in front of him, Shi Lang still decided to forcefully push, thus completely ending Zheng Kezang's last resistance.However, although Shi Lang responded decisively, because Shi Lang did not catch up with the battle of Liuluowan in Zheng Zhilong's era, and defected to the Qing Dynasty before Zhu successfully recovered Taiwan, Shi Lang did not understand the role of gunboats in naval battles. In addition, the performance of Zheng Jun's gunboats in Penghu was not good, so although Shi Lang dispatched a combat force far superior to that of Zheng Jun's navy, he habitually forgot the dozens of large and small gunboats in his hands.

"My lords, this is the last battle, and I hope you will work tirelessly to fight the enemy bravely and do your best."

Soon, about one-eighth of the Qing army's ships broke away from the brigade. These ships formed a five-plum formation with four outside and three inside and rushed towards the Zheng army's fleet, which was in two staggered rows. About two miles away, there is the Qing army brigade walking slowly.

"Grandson! The Qing army has divided up and attacked." The guard who jumped down from a high platform hidden in the towering green oak forest by the sea quickly ran to Zheng Kezang. "I can see clearly that there are about seventy ships."

"More than seventy ships?" Zheng Kezang repeated subconsciously. He was slightly afraid that Shi Lang would send too many warships at once, but as the saying goes, changes are worse than plans. He is not an omnipotent god who can penetrate everything, so now he only We can place our hopes on the performance of the Boy Scouts. "Revisit"

"Zheng Jun is afraid that a trapped beast is still fighting." Standing on the first team, He Yingyuan and the soldiers around him said so. However, when the two fleets gradually approached, he suddenly showed an ecstatic look on his face. It turned out that Zheng Jun's formation The shape is not the common bow-to-bow style at that time, but is arranged in two staggered rows, with the bows facing the coastlines on both sides of the inland sea, and the slender hull is aimed straight at the way of the Qing army. "God bless my emperor, Haini collapsed before the battle. How can this formation be used for fighting? I guess they should flee before the fight begins." He Yingyuan danced with his arms and legs, and at this time he made an even more astonishing discovery. "Zhu Qin's little boy doesn't know how to fight soldiers, so he ordered his subordinates to anchor and lower the sails for fear of fleeing. Isn't this just asking for a quick death?" He Yingyuan, who felt that the chance of victory was within his grasp and that he was about to be promoted to an official position, encouraged him loudly. "Rush forward and kill them all, this is the military career that fell from the sky."

He Yingyuan thought that the sky was falling, but other people's eyes were equally keen. After the initial bewilderment, the overjoyed generals of the Qing army were gearing up one by one, and no one wanted to hand over the credit to others.As a result, the formation of the Qing army suddenly became chaotic. It turned out that the three folded waves merged into a line, and all the ships rushed towards Zheng Jun.

Looking at the Qing warships scrambling to kill each other, Ma Ying, who commanded the battle, showed a sarcastic smile on his face, but when he saw the officers and soldiers of the former navy division with fearful expressions, he immediately ordered in his heart: "Shoot out!" Banner, anyone who dares to pull out the anchor, hoist the sail and jump into the sea to escape will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, the figures on the warships of the Qing army were already clearly visible. No matter it was a bird boat or a big catching bird boat, they fired guns and fired guns, looking murderous, but for this, Maying only gave two words of simplicity. Review: "Stupid!"

Speaking of which, in Maying's eyes, the stupid behavior is actually the Qing army showing off its power, but this batch of bird boats, chasing boats, and double-sail boats did not have the red cannons equipped with cannon boats, nor small cannons. The large-caliber breech-loading Francois machine guns equipped on the ship only have some firearms with limited range such as bird guns and tiger squat guns. They start firing at a distance of more than one mile, which can only be heard by Maying as noise up.

Xu Shi saw Zheng Jun's stupefied look, and the Qing army didn't deliberately threaten them. However, the sound of gunfire stopped, but the murderous intent became stronger. Sweat also broke out on Jun's head and hands.

"Steady, steady." The charge officer, squad leader, and team leader opened their mouths subconsciously. At this time, another signal flag was raised. "Quick, quick," the squad leaders told the reserve gunners around them. "Prepare the brazier, prepare the hot bomb."

140 feet, 130 feet, 120 feet, getting closer

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