As the name suggests, Xigang is the westernmost port on the Taijiang Inland Sea. The reason why Shi Lang chose this place as the landing place for the main force instead of choosing the closer mouths of Yanyan Creek and Zengwen Creek is of course his own considerations: because of the existence of *, so Shi Lang learned that although the mouth of Zengwenxi is the closest to Chengtianfu, it is adjacent to the mountainous area and it is not suitable to deploy troops; The small fish port on the side, the sea is extremely narrow, and a dozen boats have already blocked the beach tightly. If tens of thousands of people landed, it is estimated that it would not be completed in a day and a night, which made it possible for the Qing army to wait for work. The Zheng army repelled one by one.

So after careful consideration, Shi Lang finally chose Westport, where the sea is open and easy for the army to go ashore, and it is easy to get support from gunboats, as the main landing site.Of course, the reason why Xigang was chosen is that Xigang is close to Jialixing, the state city of Tianxing Prefecture. From Shi Lang's point of view, seizing the influence of a state city will give him a favorable position in the next battle .

However, he knew that the Qing army might have the idea of ​​capturing Tianxing Prefecture, but Zheng Kezang could not stick to the state city---the Qing army is so powerful that he can defeat the reinforcements one by one after besieging the city, so as to achieve the same as taking Chengtian Mansion directly. The effect --- so since the main force of the Qing army and its purpose have been judged, Zheng Kezang naturally responded.

Zheng Kezang’s delineated blocking location is a place called betel nut forest. This is the main road from Xigang to Tianxingzhou. On the west side of the dirt road is a betel nut forest stretching to the sea, and on the east is a sweeping rice paddy field. In addition, there is a knee-length river called Xigang running through it. Although the terrain is not dangerous, it can use the betel nut forest to prevent the side of the boy scouts from being attacked, so as to achieve the purpose of saving troops.

Just after the end of the day, the boy scouts set up a battle along Xigang. Before that, Zheng Kezang gathered more than [-] soldiers from the Second Town of the Yongwei Army and Wuchong Town. Unbearable to fight, Zheng Kezang sent several flying fish uniforms and sword fish uniforms to rectify him in the rear, and moved them to the betel nut forest as suspects.

Not long after the boy scouts laid out the simple artillery fortifications, more than [-] Qing army forwards arrived from Westport. There was almost no pause in the middle, and the two sides fought together.The Qing army was well aware of the power of the Zheng army's firecrackers, so they tried to disperse the Zheng army's face-to-face firecrackers with bird blunderbusses, and then opened the passage with melee fighters, crushing the Zheng army's defense line with superior forces.

But the boy scouts had already responded to this. The two-inch artillery teams under the first town opened fire first. At a distance of 150 to 120 paces, the direct-pointing two-inch cannons almost fired without missing a shot. The Qing army's bird gun team lost More importantly, the tight formation of the Qing army was destroyed, so most of the bullets shot by the Qing army were lost.

It's a pity that the Boy Scouts have only three [-]-inch guns in the first standard. Even if the two-inch guns in the town's artillery battalion and the [-]-inch guns in the Kunlun standard are added, the entire front is only twelve [-]-inch guns. In addition, the water in the paddy field was slippery, and it was basically impossible to form an effective ricochet, so it failed to cause greater losses to the Qing army.

Seeing that the blunderbuss team failed to work, the Qing army simply used their strength to convince them. More than 2000 Qing troops charged together, and there were black heads everywhere. The scene was spectacular.Seeing the Qing army trying to win with brute courage, the rest of the troops of the No. [-] Artillery Battalion hidden in the rear finally couldn't hold back anymore. Then six three-inch guns joined the chorus, causing considerable losses to the Qing army at once. .

"Damn it!" Zhao Bangcheng, the guerrilla from the right battalion of Tong'an city guard who led the charge, cursed loudly. "How come Hai Ni's cannon fires so fast." However, his cursing was quickly drowned out by the sound of cannons, guns, and his own shouts of killing, so that he could only wave his knife as a signal in the end. "Rush, let me rush up"

After entering fifty steps, the boy scouts' deer guns fired a beautiful volley. The powerful lead bullets not only penetrated the bodies of the lightly armored and unarmored Qing soldiers, but even caused a bullet to penetrate two people. , In a moment, the people in the Qing army were turned on their backs, and the dead and dying Qing soldiers twisted their bodies, causing considerable obstacles to the latecomers.

In addition to these strange-looking corpses and wounded, the slippery paddy fields actually slowed down the speed of the Qing army's attack. Originally, even a well-trained boy scout shooter could not shoot three times within fifty paces, but now, any one The shooter can easily shoot three times, and what's more, even double the effect of four times.

It was not easy for the Qing army to step into Xigang, and they could appear in front of Zheng Jun as long as they crossed the ten-step wide river.At this time, the boy scout shooter who had been resting up calmly put away his stand, and turned to the back of the formation, and two rows of thin spear formations appeared in front of the Qing army.Although some generals of the Qing army knew the power of this spear formation from Wu Ying's subordinate who besieged the artillery fortress on Beishanwei Island, most of the Qing army did not understand it at all, and even those who knew , also thought it was the exaggeration of the losers, and dismissed it at all, so this time it was their turn to suffer.

"Kill!" Before the Qing soldiers set foot on the soft soil on the other side, they stabbed with spears beyond imagination. Some people blocked them, some slipped their feet and dodged, and more people were pierced through their bodies in astonishment. , the blood instantly dyed the river red, but this was not over yet, the first row of spearmen who retreated sideways gave way to the passage, and the Qing army, who hadn't recovered from their senses, ushered in the second wave of stabs. "Kill!" Then came the first row, and then the second row. "Kill! Kill"

Due to the need to expand the spear formation as much as possible, the Boy Scouts' front line is actually very thin, so some highly skilled Qing troops escaped several waves of assassinations and crashed into the ranks of the spearmen.They were about to retaliate wantonly, before they had time to raise their swords, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of them.Seeing the two big rattan cards smashed up, the Qing soldiers just wanted to dodge or split, but the spearmen who reacted stabbed again from an unexpected angle, and after a puff, the screams were held in the abdominal cavity

Although the frontal attack of the Qing army failed, a detour force of 800 people had already appeared on the flanks of the boy scouts. Jiang Maoxun, the deputy general of the Fujian Security Association who saw this scene from a distance, showed a proud smile on his face and waved All the troops under him were sent up, but before his order was issued, an accident occurred in the detour troops.

"Kill all these Tartar lackeys." Most of the time, the cavalry troops in Luanyiwei's cavalry camp and the boy scout towns were just a facade, but this was not what they wanted. Now the Qing army gave them a show Naturally, they would use it to prove their bravery. "Not one left."

The heavy-nailed war horses sprinted steadily on the rice fields. Although the speed was not very fast, their deterrent power was astonishing, and some of them were tall horses from Europa. It is the chariot of this era, rampant and invincible in the roundabout Qing army.

Speaking of which, it is not that the Qing army has no cavalry, but the people have not finished disembarking, so how could it be possible to disembark these large animals, so all the cavalry of more than 800 people stayed at the end, so that the Qing army could only use people against horses This can be regarded as a big loss.

Of course, the Qing army tried their best to fight back, but the fire rope of the bird gun was wet by the splashing water, and the bows and arrows shot were unable to pierce the chain mail worn by the cavalry. Numerous casualties, in this case, no matter how brave the fighters are, they can only collapse.

"Run away!" But it's not easy to escape. Relying on the advantage of speed, the Qing troops who turned around and fled were cut to the ground one by one by Zheng Jun's cavalry.

"Damn you!" Shi Lang, who arrived with the follow-up troops, immediately took over the command, and after learning about the battle situation, he slapped Jiang Maoxun across the face. "Why don't you continue to send people to attack Zheng Jun's line, how many times can a mere 2000-man team withstand your assault?" Shi Lang shouted violently. "Take it down, chop it up, and pass it on to the army."

Jiang Maoxun begged loudly, but Shi Lang was unmoved, and soon a bloody head was held up. All the generals looked at each other, but Shi Lang looked solemn. Speaking of which, he only had more than 2 Qing troops in his hand, among which there were The five or six thousand series was adapted from Zheng Jun who surrendered. Once blocked at this time, if Zheng Jun comes in droves, the future result will be worrying.

"Xiamen Town." Shi Lang ordered. "Immediately lead another three thousand to attack, and you must defeat the enemy who is blocking you in front of you." Yang Jiarui took the order and left, Shi Lang continued to order. "Foreign commissioners guard Shi Zhaofu, Shi Zhaoxun, and Shi Zhaozan." The three came out, Shi Lang ordered. "The three of you lead five hundred soldiers to clear the way to the betel nut forest." Shi Lang ordered again after the three relatives of Shi Lang and their family members withdrew. "Left Commander He Yi and Commander Chen Mang." Two senior officers stood up, and Shi Lang took out the map drawn by * and showed them both. "The terrain here is flat, and there are few Haini soldiers, so it is impossible to cover everything. The two of you lead 2000 people to detour behind the enemy. You might as well take a longer route. Haini will definitely not be on guard."

There were about 4000 Qing troops who landed from Westport, of which about 8000 were still being rearranged, so Shi Lang could only use 8000.Among the 2000 people, 500 people have been used by Shi Lang to defend against the attack from behind by Zheng Jun who broke through the platoon, and just now Jiang Maoxun lost nearly [-] people. Almost accounted for half of Shi Lang's total power.

But Shi Lang, who bet on half of his property, still felt that it was not enough, but the Boy Scouts had a narrow front, and he could not invest more troops, so Shi Lang ordered: "Wang Zuochang, the guerrilla of the Fenghuo Battalion, led 500 people to continue to outflank the Haini flank."

Shi Lang was planning to use Wang Zuochang's 500 men as cannon fodder to attract Zheng's cavalry, and He Yi and Chen Mang's troops used them as a cover for a larger detour: "Zhan Liuqi, deputy general of the Jiangdong Association, and Li Quanxin, a guerrilla from the Pinghai Army, led 2000 men to Yang Zhen In the future, if the Yang Division cannot open the way, the two divisions should attack in relay so as not to cause Haini to take a breather."

While arranging the attack, Shi Lang didn't forget the rear team that was still being reorganized: "Urge Haitan Town to bring the rear team here immediately."

After issuing a series of orders, Shi Lang raised his binoculars and looked at the Boy Scouts' position, gnashing his teeth and roaring, "I want to see if the fish is dead or broken today."

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