"What? Lin Xian, please surrender?" Zheng Kezang couldn't believe his ears. It was true or not. He had only [-] people, most of whom were the weak second town of the Yongwei Army. , Yongyi Zhongzhen and other ministries, in terms of the strength of both sides, the artillery has a certain advantage, why did the other party surrender, is Lin Xian playing a strategy of delaying the attack?

"Since you want to surrender, why didn't Lin Xian himself come?" Regardless of whether it's true or not, as long as you are careful, you won't suffer if you accept it. "You go and tell Lin Xian that if he wants to surrender and let him personally lead his troops to disband his troops, this vassal will spare his life?"

"Ah!" The envoy looked at Zheng Kezang in shock, and it took him a long time to say anything. "If we had known that the feudal lord was here, our army would not have stopped so easily last night. It is too late to regret now." After finishing speaking, the envoy respectfully kowtowed to Zheng Kezang. "Please rest assured, the feudal lord, I will definitely bring the message to you."

The lazy and loose Qing army brigade quickly appeared in front of Zheng Jun. One of them walked out of the brigade with several Qing court military officers dressed as generals, then took off his armor, and followed their movements , the sound of throwing weapons in the Qing army brigade came and went, and then everyone knelt down shirtless.

"Wansheng!" There was a wave of cheers, followed by hysterical shouts from the boy scouts. "Long live grandchildren, long live, long live!" The sound of long live did not hide at all. Infected by the Boy Scouts, the soldiers of Zheng Jun, such as the Yongwei Army, also raised their weapons to the sky. "Long live, long live grandchildren, long live!"

"That's all," Zheng Kezang enjoyed it for a while, and then reached out his hand to stop the excitement of the generals. "The battle is not over yet, and Shi Lang is still waiting for us to capture him!" Under Zheng Kezang's continuous drink, the sobriety of the Zheng soldiers was slightly suppressed. "Invite Lin Zongbing first, and collect the rest of the weapons and take care of them on the spot." Zheng Kezang explained to Mao Hongyan. "Send the news of Lin Xian's surrender to Master Hong and Master He as soon as possible. If there is no change in the Qing army, the boy scouts must be ready to attack Shi Lang eastward immediately."

At this time, half-naked Lin Xian appeared in front of Zheng Kezang's horse: "Mr. Lin? Master Lin from Haitan Town?"

"I don't dare to rebel." Lin Xian knelt down in front of Zheng Kezang and didn't dare to lift his head. "It's Lin Xian."

"Gu is very curious," Zheng Kezang was really curious. "Now that the battle has not yet settled, why did Mr. Lin surrender? It's unreasonable. Can Mr. Lin tell everyone about the mystery here?"

"Last night, the whole army saw the fire in the Inner Sea clearly. The army was bombarded by your side again and again. It was a sleepless night. The army had no fighting spirit." Lin Xian explained. "Besides, since entering Luermen yesterday, the officers and soldiers, no, the action of clearing the captives is all under the control of the feudal lord. If there are no spies in the middle, it must be the feudal lord who has the care of heaven. This cannot be stopped by manpower, and the criminals dare not resist the destiny. "

"Master Lin is very good at talking." Zheng Kezang smiled. "Then let's ask Master Lin to cultivate for a while before we talk about it." After finishing speaking, Zheng Kezang winked at the guards nearby, and naturally someone took Lin Xian aside for interrogation. "Come here," Zheng Kezang explained. "Report victory to Chengtian Mansion and Anping City Lubu."

"What? Lin Xian surrendered!" Naturally, those who were unwilling to surrender to Ming Zheng left the camp to report the funeral to Shi Lang, but Shi Lang, who had just heard the bad news, spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, scaring Shi Shixiang and Shi Shiji who were nearby to rush over to help his crumbling father . "Lin Xian misunderstood me!" Shi Lang didn't care that Lin Xian, who didn't have a cannon, couldn't face Zheng Jun's fierce bombardment, and he didn't care that it was his own mistakes in decision-making that ruined the victory in front of him. At this moment, he made a mistake. She shirks responsibility like a child. "Destroy tens of thousands of soldiers of our army, hateful! They should be killed! Hateful!"

"Grandpa, Grandpa!" Shi Shixiang wiped the blood from the mouth of the crazy Shi Lang, while Shi Shiji who was at a loss asked anxiously. "What should we do now? What should we do now!"

"I haven't lost yet." With the help of his son, Shi Lang straightened his waist all of a sudden: "Order the whole army to attack, defeat the enemy in front of you first, and deal with the traitor Lin Xian later."

The Qing army brigade didn't know that the war had progressed further, but felt that there were more supervisors with red eyes, and the reprimands of the officials at all levels were also louder.For some unknown reason, they finished their last breakfast, lined up in three formations and slowly walked out of the crude temporary camp, and under Shi Lang's desperate order, they slowly walked towards the point of no return

Soon the Qing army was bombarded by Zheng Jun's torrential bombardment---these were brought by the second town of the boy scouts this morning. Dozens of temporary artillery fortifications have been built, and now they have really played a big role --- the overwhelming artillery fire and painful casualties have brought back part of the Qing army's memory of yesterday's battle, so the first Qing army has not yet engaged in battle It was confusing first.

An even more unexpected thing happened. The original Zheng Jun who surrendered to the Qing army with the chiefs in Penghu may have realized the reversal of the general situation or felt ashamed after seeing his relatives on the opposite side, so he suddenly fought in the second and third battles. Even if there is no defection, they desperately shouted the words "lost, it's over" and ran wildly.

This time, as if the fuse was lit, the morale of the Qing army collapsed instantly.The Qing troops from all walks of life either surrendered on the spot, or ran desperately towards the sea, or drew their swords to commit suicide in order to be loyal ministers. Only a very few still resisted stubbornly, but they were quickly submerged in the torrent of Zheng's army attacking.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lang, who was in the back of the formation, couldn't hold on any longer, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, Shi Shixiang and Shi Shiji hurriedly grabbed their father and fled, surrounded by a group of Gohas.With Shi Lang fainting and fleeing, the Qing army, without the final command, completely lost the chance to turn the tables.

Escape, escape, escape, the Qing soldiers only had this word in their minds. Although they knew that fleeing to the sea might not be able to escape the fate of destruction, but at this time, escaping on the ship was the straw for everyone.At this time, the Luanyi Guard Cavalry Barracks and the Boy Scouts, who attacked first, chased and killed them relentlessly, and some even bent down and chopped off those who surrendered.

The Qing army, who lost their helmets and armor all the way, abandoned all their burdens and ran towards Xigang like a stream merging into a big river. Finally, Xigang appeared in front of them.But before these Qing troops could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw that the ships that were originally berthed on the shore had not been damaged or had sailed away from the pier, and only a few small boats were still parked on the shore.

"Come in, come in!" The Qing army yelled at their companions at sea, but the Qing army sailors on the ship didn't seem to hear it at all, and they hid as far as they could. The Qing troops on the shore clamored and cursed loudly, but when the cursing was over, the other party did not come over, so all the Qing troops focused their attention on the only few small boats. "Get out of the way, I'm a guerrilla officer."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a guerrilla or a general, I won't let you." For these small boats, the Qing army fought fiercely, and some who kept their swords even moved their swords. Therefore, many Qing troops who did not die in the hands of Zheng Jun fell instead. into the hands of one's own. "Row quickly, row quickly!" After finally grabbing the boat, regardless of whether it was overloaded or not, several Qing troops rowed hurriedly. However, the boat was too heavy, and it capsized when it was not far from the shore. . "Help"

"My lord, Mr. Shi and the others are still on land, so it's better to send a boat there to meet them." Chen Wanglu, the garrison of the foreign committee, suggested to Chen Long. "Besides, these people are all comrades after all."

"Do you know how to save people who fell into the water?" Chen Long asked back, Chen Wanglu shook his head in doubt, and Chen Long explained. "You have to choke him out first, otherwise he will drag you and sink into the sea together." Chen Long pointed to the shore and said. "The current situation is the same as rescuing a drowning man. If you sail the boat over, they will definitely tear you apart." Chen Wanglu was about to say something, and Chen Long waved his hand. "Don't say too much, even if you save them now, the only way to go is to surrender. It's better to let them surrender earlier, so as not to suffer double crimes."

Chen Wanglu looked at Chen Long in surprise, and in a hurry he even forgot the official title: "Uncle wants to surrender Haini, this, this"

"Are you surprised?" Chen Long patted his nephew on the shoulder. "The Chen family is in Fuzhou, and there is a glimmer of life. I would not choose to implicate the family, but do we have this glimmer of life?" Chen Long smiled wryly. "I know that there must be the channel left by the Zheng family, otherwise there would not be the Zheng family's plywood boat haunting last night. But what if we rush out, can we still go to the sea through the southern channel? Rather than the last food It’s better to sell it for a good price now”

Just as he was talking, there were little ripples on the water surface, Chen Long raised his head: "It's raining, what a pity, this rain came too late."

Chen Long looked at the rain, and Shi Lang, who was sober from the dampness, also looked at the rain, but he was crying: "God is so unfair, if it rained yesterday, I would have taken Tianxing away in one fell swoop. state."

Shi Lang cried and danced again, and then said to his two sons: "The head of the father goes to see Zhu Qin, and he will spare your lives."

Shi Shixiang and Shi Shiji bowed down weeping bitterly and refused to say anything, but Shi Lang sighed and stretched out his hands to take their heads over and whispered: "Fools, you don't want to trade your father's head for peace, wait a while, They are going to exchange the heads of our father and son for peace."

Shi Lang was referring to Geha around him, and several of them were his nephews or distant relatives, but now Shi Lang would not believe anyone.

Shi Shixiang and Shi Shiji groaned, their heads knocked on the ground frequently, Shi Lang stretched out his hand and drew out his sword with a wry smile: "Forget it, you can't do it, the old man fulfills himself."

After finishing speaking, Shi Lang swung his hand horizontally, the sharp sword pierced the trachea and aorta, and the blood shot out all at once. Shi Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed it, then his knees gave way and he fell to the ground, dying.

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