Wu Ying looked at Beishanwei Port, which was gradually moving away, and subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Yes, the vicissitudes of the past few days made him feel dizzy. , He would never believe that the tens of thousands of troops conquering Taiwan have collapsed.

Speaking of it, Wu Ying is also a ruthless character. Once the bad news is confirmed, even if it is said that it is a great victory for the army, taking advantage of the carnival of all his subordinates, he brought a few generals, guerrillas, guards and Several relatives boarded the ship and left, leaving more than [-] unsuspecting junior officers and soldiers on the island

"My lord!" Wu Ying was still in a daze, and the sailor operating the boat screamed. "Hai Ni, Hai Ni's plywood ship is coming."

Wu Ying watched intently, and saw seven Boy Scout warships emerging from the southern channel one by one, and then headed straight for the direction of Beishanwei Port at a jaw-dropping high speed.

Wu Ying's heart was broken, and he immediately ordered: "Go quickly, don't go to Penghu, change the road immediately, go to Xiamen, no, go to Fuzhou!"

But Wu Ying's thinking was too simple. In order to ensure that the news of the Battle of Dongning would not be leaked at the first time, Zheng Kezang gave the order to keep silent, so Ma Ying, who had returned to the deck of the Feitian, ordered : "Show the flag, let the Knight catch up, and the rest of the ships will continue to destroy the ships in the port."

Soon, the Knight, which served as a communication clipper in the Boy Scout fleet, cut through the waves and rushed towards the big bird boat where Wu Ying was sitting.Since the Knight was only [-] materials and less than half the size of his own bird ship, Wu Ying led the Qing army to make a big noise on the ship in an attempt to intimidate the opponent.

But how can this kind of pediatrics shrink Chang Tianyuan who has experienced big scenes? I saw him taking advantage of the Knight's high speed and good maneuverability to circle around Wu Ying's big bird ship from left to right, back and forth , like a civet playing with a stupid mouse.The bird boats of the Qing army also had two 6-jin Fran cannons, but the range of the Frang cannons was far inferior to the three-inch ([-]-pound) cannon on the Knight, and the shooting skills of the Qing army's archers It was also too bad, and Zheng Jun’s artillery was adjusted by a pulley block, while the Qing Army could only adjust the angle manually, so this asymmetrical contest quickly evolved into a Boy Scout sea artillery drill.

"It's over! It's over!" Wu Ying, who was beaten with blood all over his face by the splashing sawdust, was extremely frustrated, and his sad voice was accompanied by the rumbling gunfire of Beishanwei Port. , Wu Ying had to make another choice. "Luofan, shout to me, we're going down!"

"Be careful of the tricks of clearing the captives." Chang Tianyuan, who caught the movements of Wu Ying and others with a binoculars, gritted his teeth coldly. "This is deceiving us to rely on help, don't be fooled, change the shotgun, only dead prisoners are good prisoners"

The 48 pieces of lead fired by the two three-inch guns washed the deck of the bird boat like a storm. Wu Ying, who fell to the ground, could only feel unwilling at this moment: "I am the commander-in-chief. I have already surrendered. How can you do it?"

At this time, the main force of the boy scout navy, which had completed the bombardment of Beishanwei Port, passed in front of the dead ship one by one. The artillery shells smashed out water jets in the bird boat, but the final word was the four-inch (12-pound) short gun.When the hull torn apart by the shells gradually sank, the scout fleet then rushed west!

"Congratulations husband, congratulations husband!" Chen Xianqiao, who was holding Baoguan, said congratulations, but tears were streaming down her face.

Zheng Kezang gently helped her up, and then took his sleeping son from his hands: "Okay, okay, everything is fine, I believe Baoguan will understand your painstaking efforts in the future."

Chen Xianqiao threw herself into Zheng Kezang's arms in disregard of etiquette and sobbed silently. Yes, it is unimaginable for a mother to take the courage to end her own flesh and blood. In this era, Chen Xianqiao will definitely do it. I have taken too much psychological pressure, and now it is just a normal emotional vent.

Zheng Kezang patted his wife on the back lightly. Suddenly he felt a gaze fall on him. He looked back and saw Feng Lianniang timidly standing in the city gate looking at him. Zheng Kezang waved at her. , and then whispered in Chen Xianqiao's ear: "Madam, the guards are all watching."

Chen Xianqiao suddenly struggled out of Zheng Kezang's arms. Looking around, all the guards had already turned their backs. She hammered Zheng Kezang in shame, and suddenly burst into tears again: "Husband, sister Lianniang is also waiting for you."

"I see." Facing the sly look in his wife's eyes, Zheng Kezang's head suddenly grew dizzy, and he had no choice but to respond flatly while trying to divert Chen Xianqiao's attention. "By the way, Ziling and the others, did you send someone to pick them up?" Chen Xianqiao shook her head, so Zheng Kezang ordered. "Come on, hurry up and beat the dog, and bring Mrs. Xie, Mrs. Tong, and Mrs. Fang back." A guard left quickly, and Zheng Kezang patted his wife's arm. "Ma'am, go to town"

Zheng Kezang's victory was immediately reported back to Chengtian Mansion. The fearful Ming clan gathered in the Mingjian State Mansion finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Ming clan also ended up in a terrible end (Note: There are quite a few Ming clans who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, but in 1684, when Kangxi made his first southern tour to pay homage to the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, it was stated that the heirs were extinct, and there was no one who inherited the incense. You can see how powerful the Tartar butcher's knives are).

However, the Ming clan who just put their heart and liver back in place turned serious again. How should they reward Zheng Kezang for preserving Dongning?Although Dongning is the foundation of the Zheng family, it is clearly under the banner of the last frontier of the Ming Dynasty. In this way, Zheng Kezang has made a great achievement. Naturally, he has to reward him for his merits, but how to reward him can satisfy the other party. Well, this is a problem.

"It's still king." Lu Wang Zhu Hongheng is the son of Lu Jianguo Zhu Yihai. He has the highest status among the clans. If he was wary, it would not be Zhu Shugui's turn to be the supervisor of the country, but even so, his suggestion still had a lot of weight in the clan meeting. "Following the example of Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Jing, it's good to make a county king. Even if you think about it, you won't dare to surpass your father's title."

"I'm afraid it's not very good to be just a county king." Zhu Ciyu, the king of Luxi, said hesitantly. Before that, because of Zheng Jing's posthumous title, there was a great deal of turmoil between Ming Zheng and the Ming clan. The tenants have also been forcibly dismissed from their tenants and moved to their villages. If they don’t make up for it now, if their face is torn apart, life will be no better than going to the mainland. "It's still a one-word king."

One word king is the prince. In the Ming Dynasty, except for the prince and the prince's heir, no courtier could get such a reward. Zheng Chenggong also declined the canonization of the Yongli regime back then, but it was more than 20 years after his death. It was promoted by Zheng Kezang Shangzuo.

"Is the prince's rank too high? What if Zheng Kezang refuses?" Badong King Zhu Zunjiang had such worries. "If you refuse, you will sweep the prison country's face, and let that kid get a good reputation. This is a two-fold thing, and the other party may not let it go."

Yi Wang Zhu Yihao thought for a while and came up with a neutral opinion: "Then make two preparations, first give the word king, and then give the county king. We have done our superficial skills. If the boy refuses again and again, he will He is domineering instead of us being stingy."

"What is the title bestowed by the king?" Zhou Shizi Zhu Lunkui asked. "Zheng Chenggong is the king of Yanping County chasing Jinchao King, and Zheng Jing is the king of Nanping County. Both father and son used the same place as the name of the country. Does the kid also give the name by this?"

"In the history of Yanping Mansion, there is no other title other than Nanping. I'm afraid it can't be given any more." Huai Wang Zhu Yougui explained. "Or simply give it to Dongning, so that the name and reality will be unified."

"No, no." Longping Wang Zhu Changhui turned pale upon hearing this. "I'm afraid that kid thinks we are mocking him."

"It makes sense." Yi Wang Zhu Yihao echoed, the so-called heart knot was getting worse step by step. "I still give it to the King of Xinghua County."

"What kind of country name is the one-word king going to give?" Most of the country titles that canonized princes were Zhou Dynasty titles in the pre-Qin period, and there were big and small countries. The three lines of King Rong and King Fu did not use ancient country titles, but these three also used auspicious words. Only King Chao, who was accepted by Zheng Kezang to chase after Zheng Chenggong, King E, who was used to chase after Jin Shenghuan, and canonized to Wu Sangui's Jiwang Sanzhi is an exception among the exceptions, and it is said that the reason why Zheng Chenggong was not called Chaowangwang back then was that the title was too undignified. "Don't use words like Chao and Zhang again, lest that kid think we are teasing him."

Fengxin Wang Zhu Chaokui sneered and said, "Just give him the title of King Fujian, that kid will refuse anyway."

"The King of Min is not as good as the King of Yue. Anyway, it is a land of barbarians and Di." Anle King Zhu Yijun said with a smile. "Or simply King Minyue."

"Minyue is two words." Zhu Ciyu, king of Shucheng, hastily denied it. "It's better to use the king of Yue, the country of Yue is the name of a big country, solemn, solemn!"

"Then settle it like this." Zhu Shugui, Jingnan King of the Ming Dynasty, said weakly. He had seen through that the tigers in the west wanted to eat people, and the tigers in the east also wanted to eat people. He didn't even dare to curse behind his back He doesn't expect Mingshi to get back together, as long as Mingshi doesn't end in his hands, he is already satisfied, and he doesn't want to mess with Zheng Kezang anymore. "Notify the Yizhi Department first, and confer Zhu Qin the King of Yue. If he refuses, he can be conferred the King of Xinghua County."

Zheng Wang Zhu Youge, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up: "What if that kid refuses?"

"Then chase after Jin Zhu Chenggong and Zhu Jin and become the king of Yue," Zhu Shugui said decisively. "In this way, Zhu Qin will never refuse to accept it again. As for himself, besides Zhang Guogong, Chao Guogong should be added."

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