"Second brother is here." Chen Xianqiao said softly while studying ink for Zheng Kezang. "My father's former friend, Mr. Li Jun, is also here, the same Mr. Li who ran the Sicong Academy in Chengtianfu."

"Li Jun? Sicong College?" Zheng Kezang thought carefully for a moment before he vaguely remembered something. "Is it the one who is known as the former closed disciple of He Fengsheng, the chief assistant of the deaf people in Ming Dynasty?" Chen Xianqiao nodded, and Zheng Kezang couldn't help but chuckled. "Are you here to fight the autumn wind?" Chen Xianqiao was slightly annoyed, and Zheng Kezang had to surrender immediately. "Since it's Yue Zhang's friend, and it was brought by the second brother, then let's meet."

Soon Li Jun appeared in front of Zheng Kezang. He was a very thin middle-aged man, but his eyes were sharp. People can't help feeling a little bit good when they look at it.

"Student Li Jun has met Zhang Guogong and his wife." But what surprised Zheng Kezang was that it was this handsome-looking middle-aged man who just paid homage as soon as he entered the room, and finally waited for him to get up , and the result was another series of dazzling sign language. Although Zheng Kezang couldn't understand it, and Chen Xianqiao didn't understand it very well, it was Chen Mengqiu who was interpreting at the side. "Congratulations to Xiaomin on behalf of the deaf people in Dongning, who is the main leader of Keding the Great Enemy!"

Zheng Kezang was rather dumbfounded, so he had no choice but to say: "Li Maocai is a good friend of my father-in-law, and he is also an elder in terms of seniority, and this is not a foreign court, so there is no need to be so cautious."

Zheng Kezang did not expect that the other party could understand lip language, so he saw a series of hand gestures before he could speak.

"Mr. Li said that he did not worship because of the status of the Lord, but to thank the Lord for preserving the last books of Shenzhou and the last world for the deaf in Ming Dynasty." Speaking of this, Chen Mengqiu explained. "Mr. Li wanted to visit the lord after the victory in Dongning, but unfortunately, he was seriously ill at that time, and he recovered only a few days ago."

"No wonder Li Maocai looks so clear." Zheng Kezang nodded, and immediately ordered the servant on the side. "Go get the second brother and Mr. Li a stool." Zheng Kezang asked after the two Xie En sat down. "Li Maocai came to Anping today, I'm afraid it's not just to congratulate Dongning's great victory?"

"Although the lord defeated Shi Lang's army, I think the Qing captives will never let it go." As soon as he said this, Zheng Kezang hiccupped in his heart. You must know that scholars in the late Ming Dynasty were exaggerated, but he didn't expect Chen Yonghua's friend to be too. This virtue, but as soon as this idea popped up in Zheng Kezang's mind, Li Jun's words had substantial content. "Since the two sides are at odds, the student thinks that the Qing army should be contained as much as possible in the interior. The student is not talented, and Zhu Gongyu is a classmate of Xiange's old He Gong. With this relationship, the student would like to send a letter to contact Zhu Gong. , launched an uprising in the interior to support Dongning."

Zhu Da?Zheng Kezang didn't know who the other party was talking about. At this time, Chen Xianqiao seemed to see Zheng Kezang's doubts, and whispered in his ear: "It's a mountain master, a mountain donkey, and my concubine also has a piece of the master's card." What about the paintings?"

"Master Geshan?" Neither Zheng Kezang nor Fang Ming in his previous life knew anything about poetry and painting, so he naturally didn't know who Master Geshan was. If this master changed his name to Bada Shanren in a few years, Presumably Zheng Kezang will be like a thunderbolt. "I don't know what power this Geshan master has to instigate an uprising in the interior?"

"Master Geshan is the seventh grandson of King Gongyi of Yiyang, one of the clans of the Ming Dynasty, and one of the main organizers who stayed in Jiangxi during the Han Dynasty."

Zheng Kezang kept his body upright, and his face couldn't help becoming serious: "Wait, why didn't Yue Zhang mention this matter to Gu?"

"According to your fingers, the master is now 56 years old." Chen Mengqiu explained. "My late father thought that the master might not be alive, but Mr. Li thought that there was a glimmer of hope and he couldn't give up, so"

Chen Mengqiu spoke hesitantly, which made Zheng Kezang think that he couldn't save the face of Chen Yonghua's old friend, so he interrupted him without listening to him: "Li Maocai's heart to serve is good, and it is extremely dangerous to go deep into the enemy's rear. There is no need for sir and his disciples to go out, in fact, staying in Dongning can also make some contributions to the clan."

Hearing Zheng Kezang's words, Li Jun put on a wry smile, and immediately made a series of gestures: "My lord misunderstood, it's not that the students want to use this to ask for credit, but in fact, the students want to do their best for the lord, both public and private. Participate."

So Li Jun explained further, it was fine if he didn't say anything, but Zheng Kezang understood what was going on when he talked about it.It turns out that Li Jun's father, Li Zijing, died in battle against the Qing army. The traitor Fan Wencheng suggested that Dorgon implemented a series of discriminatory policies that restricted the reference of the disabled and prohibited the deaf-mute from teaching, cutting off the opportunity for the deaf-mute to become an official. This is public enmity.

"What? Inner Court Jushengwei?" Zheng Kezang was shocked by a new term in the commentary. "Did you mean that Emperor Hongwu set up Jushengwei in the inner court to monitor Jinyiwei? This? Where did this come from hearsay?"

"Jueshengwei has always belonged directly to Da Tianzi alone. It is normal for the world to not know, but this is not just hearsay." Li Jun quickly defended. "Master Yang Qicong's ancestors in the army served in the Juesheng Guard. If the Lord doesn't believe it, you can ask the disciples of Master Yang to come and ask, and you will know that the students are not lying."

"Yang Qicong?" Zheng Kezang thought about it for a while, and indeed there was such a half-deaf general in the navy, but Zheng Kezang would not believe that he was a descendant of the Jueshengwei. "Master Yang has already died in the battle in Penghu. Although his children are still here, the orphan certificate of the family can't explain anything, so there is no need to mention this matter again."

"My lord, there were deaf and dumb people under the command of Wu Mourning Heavenly King and Heavenly King during the Wuhu chaos, and there were countless deaf and dumb people who were determined to fight against the Yuan Dynasty during the Yuan Dynasty." Li Jun's expression was sad, obviously He expressed great grievances for Zheng Kezang's distrust. "Also ask the Lord to recite the students' hearts"

Zheng Kezang made a pause gesture. Although the sign language used by Li Jun and Chen Mengqiu was different, the two stopped knowingly, and Zheng Kezang asked, "Where is Master Geshan at present?"

Li Jun was overjoyed, and immediately responded: "Master Geshan and his younger brother, Master Daoming, mostly preach in Qingyunpu, Nanchang, Jiangxi."

"In Nanchang, Jiangxi?"

Zheng Kezang chewed on these two place names, which seemed a bit too far away. You must know that according to the report of Chen Shengwu who regained contact, Xinhan’s development in Guangdong is still going well. The preliminary organization has been established, which is similar to the original The connection between the underground anti-Qing organization and the anti-Puritan sect has gradually become closer, but due to the problem of manpower, there is no plan to develop inland for the time being. At this time, let deaf-mute people come forward to make a school of their own, will it be the same as Conflict between Xinhanliu?

Moreover, Zheng Kezang is also worried that it is currently impossible to directly enter the mainland through Fujian and Zhejiang, and if the channel of Xinhanliu is used to transfer via Guangdong, if the deaf-mute is exposed, then Xinhanliu will suffer a disaster?

"Li Maocai, I have a few questions." Zheng Kezang thought for a long time before asking the expectant Li Jun. "It's a long way to go to Nanchang. Even if we avoid the scope of the sealing order, and Maocai has no guides, how can we break through the barriers and get to Nanchang to contact Master Geshan? Besides, even if we make contact , how should I return to my feudal clan? Furthermore, even if the round trip goes smoothly, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth, so by the time the feudal clan knows the situation in Nanchang, isn’t it too late?”

Li Jun was taken aback. If he wanted to break through the Qing army's customs and defense contacts, he still had some hope of achieving it, but he hadn't thought about the time-consuming problem. If Zhu Da was activated, there would be no time for Taiwan to provide support. If you don't say it, you will not only scare the snake away, but Jiangxi's anti-Qing organizations may be wiped out.

"You can send someone to send you to the mainland, or you can send someone to contact you, but please remember that the main focus is on lurking and spying and intermediary contact, and you must never instigate an uprising without authorization." Zheng Kezang looked at Li Jun's reaction , There was a smile on his face, yes, Xinhanliu can have one more dumb hall, as long as the relationship is straightened out, there is still a lot to do. "Why, Maocai is not willing?"

"Stay true to my wishes, dare not accept my orders." Li Jun agreed without thinking too much. "Students will arrange it now."

"It's not urgent, we need to contact Lu Lu to discuss this matter first." But this matter needs to be discussed with Chen Shengwu first, and it is not a matter of sending deaf-mute people there. "As for Maocai's manpower, they can be arranged in the staff room first, and I will inform them to do some training in advance."

He took the initiative to declare that he would go to work in the enemy area, so Zheng Kezang naturally wanted to commend him. After Li Jun received 100 taels of funding and retired, Zheng Kezang frowned at Chen Xianqiao: "Accordingly, if this person is real, If you are willing to repay the throne, the place where Gu succeeds to the throne should come forward through Yue Zhang, why is it only now?"

"My concubine has heard from my father that this person is loyal to the Ming family. When my husband took the throne, his position was not stable and he was somewhat dirty with the Ming family. It is normal for this person not to come forward." Chen Xianqiao explained a few words. "But when my father was alive, he still respected Mr. Li's talent. Up to now, my family still donates 50 taels to Sicong College every year."

"Then from now on, the inner court will also subsidize 50 taels a year." Zheng Kezang also expressed his feelings. He didn't think that the so-called education without discrimination was such a thing, and he didn't know that the practice of universal love was actually ahead of Xiyi. Hundreds or even thousands of years, unfortunately, all of this ended in the hands of the evil slaves of Tunguska with the fall of Ming Dynasty. "But what is Jueshengwei, don't let Mr. Li say anything casually in the future, lest anyone think of it?"

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