Zheng Kezang dangled his hands in front of the steaming iron smelting furnace, and the officers and workshop owners nearby did not make him retreat. Zheng Kezang asked: "How much pig iron is Dongning's monthly production?"

"Now this domain produces 25 catties of pig iron per month." More than [-] officers of the Qing army at all levels were driven to the Danshui mining area. Tainan pig iron production has also reached a peak. "In addition, about [-] jin of various ironware and iron materials can be imported from Japan and North Korea."

"25 catties." Zheng Kezang's eyes flashed. Although this number is still so inconspicuous, it was a great success for him, so he asked with hope. "In other words, if one hundred thousand jin is extracted from it for other purposes, it should not affect Dongning's livelihood and military expenses."

"One hundred thousand catties?" Zheng Yingping, who had just been transferred to the post of Yantie Division Chief, showed a trace of distress on his face. "My lord, the expenses are very tight, and it took a lot of effort to get some relief. If it's [-] catties per month, I'm afraid."

Before Zheng Yingping finished speaking, Zheng Kezang understood the meaning of the other party, and he smiled slightly: "One hundred thousand catties a month is really embarrassing for the Qing family, so every two months, I have to take away one hundred thousand of them. Jin, it’s all right.”

Looking at Zheng Kezang's half-smile face, even Zheng Yingping was a relative of the Zheng family, he was a little apprehensive, so after thinking about it, and whispering with the officials nearby, he gritted his teeth. Zheng Kezang bargained: "Isn't the lord unaware that Lukang, Dagou, Danshui and other places lacked a lot of cannons, and the Military Affairs Department pressed him very hard, and each cannon cost tens of thousands of catties, and at least three, Five, so my lord, at most one hundred thousand catties in three months."

[-] catties in three months, Zheng Kezang touched the short beard on his chin and thought. To be honest, he didn't know how many catties of iron materials were needed to build an iron-ribbed plywood ship with more than [-] materials. It is also impossible to build a large ship with several thousand materials immediately, so it is estimated that one hundred thousand catties in three months is enough for the time being.

"A total of 20 catties will be provided within the year." Facing the pressure of reality, Zheng Kezang took a step back temporarily. "Next year, let's talk about it next year." Zheng Yingping smiled wryly and didn't answer, Zheng Kezang was talking to himself. "Besides, the orphan needs to be withdrawn, and other needs have to give way." Perhaps seeing Zheng Yingping's expression, Zheng Kezang said in relief. "Zheng Qing, don't worry, the naval shipyard has to plan carefully, so Qing won't be caught off guard."

"Tanaka Magi, and all the proprietors and shopkeepers." Located in the self-government office of the chicken coop Japanese community, Huang Liangbi, the new secretary of the Chengxuan Department who patrolled the chicken coop on behalf of Zheng Kezang, looked at the so-called congregation prostrate in front of him. , a strange brilliance appeared in his eyes. "I'm patrolling the chicken coops under the order of the Lord. There are two main tasks." Huang Liangbi held up his folding fan to compare. "The first one is prospecting," Huang Liangbi introduced, pointing to the man sitting cross-legged beside him. "This is Mine Master Du sent by the Yantie Division, the official residence repair man."

Speaking of which, Xiuzhilang only has the eighth grade, and he is just an insignificant official, but Zheng Kezang is now very powerful. The Japanese who live in the chicken coop are certainly rejoicing at him for leading his troops to repel the Qing army, but they are very proud of this young man. The monarch of the country was also a little nervous, so the few Jilong elders who didn't dare to be careless paid homage one after another: "I have been to Mr. Xiuzhilang."

The miner greeted several Japanese with a smile. At this time, Huang Liangbi said again: "Master Du will explore ore in the mountainous area near the chicken coop in the future. You don't need to bear the guards, but I hope that you can send out a few guides if you can. In addition, food and water are also available." I need your help."

"Master Huang, please be sure to speak to the General," Matajiro Tanaka, the head of the Self-Government Office, promised. "It's just that the Japanese business house in the chicken coop will arrange the best manpower and provide the best food. Please rest assured, the general."

"That's good." Huang Liangbi nodded. "Then let's talk about another matter." Huang Liangbi asked with his head tilted slightly. "How many Japanese are registered in the chicken coop today? How many are male and female? How many of them are farmers? How many acres are cultivated in the chicken coop? How many people are doing business? How many seagoing ships? "

Jiro Tanaka was startled again, and then he looked at the congregation next to him, only to see the real owners of these chicken coops nodded slightly, and then he reported: "There are 840 Japanese descendants of chicken coops, five thousand and one One hundred and six people, including 710 adult males, 66 adult females, and 980 elderly men and women over [-], and the rest are children. Most of the adult men go out to do business, and a small number Responsible for the guarding of the chicken coops, and fishing in the coastal waters in their spare time, only the women and the old men do farming at home."

Tanaka Matajiro said in one breath, and recorded the documents brought by Huang Liangbi one by one: "The reclaimed grain fields have a total of 170 six sections (Note: The Taiko District Inspection Law defines a section as 191 steps, and a step as a curved ruler. Six feet three inches (47 centimeters square) and 20 steps, all of which are paddy fields. Calculated on the basis of two periods, more than [-] stones of white rice can be obtained in a good year (Note: How many kilograms is equivalent to one stone during the Warring States Period of Japan is doubtful, and now uses Wikipedia According to Baidu, a stone of white rice is [-] kilograms), and it is thanks to the general that he can eat white rice that ordinary warriors in China cannot eat."

Hearing this, Huang Liangbi showed a knowing smile on his face, but he didn't come here to listen to flattery, so he just gestured with his eyes, so Tanaka continued: "Men in business belong to the four major merchant houses in chicken coops. Among them, Tianchuan House employs 620 people, including 19 large merchant ships and six small merchant ships; Chicken Coop House employs 280 people, including ten large and small merchant ships; Mountain House employs [-] people, including ten large and small merchant ships; Sanshui House employs [-] people and has eight large and small merchant ships."

Huang Liangbi added it with his fingers, and found that there were a total of 48 merchant ships of various types. He couldn't help but sighed, and then asked further: "Which sea routes are all the merchant houses running now?"

Tanaka froze, how did he answer? At this time, Tagawa Goro Zaemon, who had paid homage to Zheng Kezang, moved his body and came out to report: "Tagawaya mainly deals with Dongning to Ryukyu, Macau to Ryukyu, meeting The sea trade between An-Ryukyu, Siam-Ryukyu, and Siam-Dongning is roughly the same for other companies."

The owner of the chicken cage house, Xiaoxi Xinzang of the Xingchang clan of Xiaoxi, added: "Our family also operates the air route from Batavia to Dongning."

"Our family also operates the air route from Taini (Note: Pattani area in Malaya) to Ryukyu." Yamanakaya Shinhiro also reported that the reason why they did not operate the air route to Nagasaki and Tsushima was because of the shogunate's lock-down decree. Not that they don't want to make more money. "In addition, our merchant ships also operate the route from Manila to Ryukyu."

"Bosses are very honest." Huang Liangbi praised him, but his expression immediately turned serious. "By the order of the lord, I would like to inform all the bosses that from now on, all ships from chicken coop Japanese merchant houses are not allowed to sail to Naha."

"Not allowed to sail to Naha?" A group of Japanese panicked, Misuiya Yashichiro almost fainted. "Why? Is this the general's reward for our annual tribute?"

The noisy people below made Huang Liangbi Qiu Ba lose his temper, and he slammed his palm on the tatami, and the loud noise immediately overwhelmed the noisy voices: "What's the noise? If you don't run away, will you all lose everything? It's really unsatisfactory." Elephant!"

Huang Liangbi's violent shout reminded the Japanese whose world Dongning belongs to, so Tagawa Gorozaemon, who was the first to wake up, immediately asked cautiously: "The general won't let us send the goods to Ryukyu. There's a reason, or another way out."

"I can give you the reason, and I can give you the way out." Huang Liangbi said, which immediately attracted the attention of all the Japanese present. "The lord has ordered that the merchant ships sailing into Naha will be taxed at 40 taels for every hundred materials."

There was another commotion among the Japanese, and Huang Liangbi continued unmoved: "In order not to let you lose money, the Lord hopes that you will use Lukang as the end of each air route in the future. List, as long as a sufficient amount of goods are shipped according to the list, the rest of the goods will not be subject to tariffs, and the goods that are not on the list can be transported to Penghu for you. By the way, the official forgot to say, now the fan Signed an agreement with the British, Guilian, French, and Luzon Yi to set up commercial offices in Penghu, and you can also build commercial houses on Niangmagong Island."

The bosses of several commercial houses looked at each other, and Xiao Nishi Xinzang inquired, "What about the Japanese goods?"

"Don't worry, the caravan of this domain will bring in a sufficient amount of goods from Japan and North Korea."

It’s no wonder if you don’t worry, but who makes you a homeless refugee? Faced with Dongning’s dominance, Yashichiro Mizuya, who felt that he had suffered a big loss, asked angrily: “What about the price of the bag? Estimate?"

"According to the selling prices in Nagasaki and Naha and the purchase price at the place of shipment, take an average value in the middle, and then add [-]% interest to ensure your profits." Huang Liangbi reported the calculation method of the tax department to several people. "As for silk and tea, which are in short supply, the price can still be negotiated. In short, no matter what, one or two raw silks and one bolt of silk are not allowed to flow into Naha." Huang Liangbi warned. "If anyone is lucky, don't blame me for being unpredictable today."

In this way, several Japanese bosses understand that this is all caused by raw silk and silk. Dongning wants to monopolize the Japanese market in order to occupy excess profits, but what can they do if they understand it? You are dead, and I will give you some profit. If you are disobedient, the sea will be your destination.

"Look at my brain." Seeing that the Japanese in the room were all unhappy, Huang Liangbi sneered, and then raised the quota with his palm. "There is another thing. There seem to be more men and women in the chicken coop. It just so happens that there are more men and less women in this feudal clan. In this way, I will do the cutting and seek employment from various families for the former army's robes. In this way, you and I can be closer. .”

"This?" Seeing Huang Liangbi's gloomy smile, the Japanese who have long been used to political marriages naturally would not refuse. "Being able to marry Shangguo is exactly what I have been wishing for."

"Tanaka Makoto said well, then it's settled like this."

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