At the end of March in the 25th year of Kangxi, Yao Qisheng, who was recovering from illness in Fuzhou, was chased for 5 taels of silver because the Ministry of Household Affairs investigated Fujian's fraudulent military expenditure case.Yao Qisheng, who was in tears, became angry and sick after defending himself, and died on the second day of April.After Kangxi got Yao Qisheng's legacy, he was grateful for the old dog's hard work, so he issued a decree to exempt him from compensation, and even Huang Fangshi, the former Haicheng Gong who was impeached for embezzling military expenses, was also exempted from compensation.

But before a group of traitors and running dogs praised Kangxi, Zheng Jun suddenly sent troops to Qiongzhou again, and captured Lehui, Wanzhou, Lingshui and other places in a short period of more than ten days, and the soldiers pointed directly at Yazhou and Huitong.Since it was only five or six years since Zheng Jun's last attack on Qiongzhou, the local vitality has not yet recovered, so Zheng Jun adopted an attack route that focused on the south and light on the north, and focused on absorbing the population. Constantly sent to Guangzhou

Zhao Shilin, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, who was still immersed in Huizhou's victory in forcing Zheng's army back, learned that Qiongzhou was in a hurry, and immediately felt as if he had been hit in the head. He did not dare to neglect, and immediately summoned Guangzhou General Wang Yongyu, Governor Li Shizhen, Guangdong Navy Admiral Hou Xijue, Guangxi Admiral He Fu, Hunan Yunyang General Huang Dalai and others came to discuss countermeasures.

"Qiongzhou and Gao Lianlei face each other across the sea. If you want to reinforce the past, you must first break through the strait." Hou Xijue was originally the admiral of the Guangdong Army Division and was transferred to Guizhou to serve as the admiral of the Army Division. Pulling out the eldest son, he transferred his old land back, but when it comes to naval battles, he is actually a character who knows nothing about seven orifices, so he is afraid of competing with Zheng Jun at sea. "Although Huizhou was victorious last time, the Guangdong Navy was completely destroyed. What can we use to fight Haini now?"

When the Guangdong Navy camp in Jieshi Town was attacked, Hou Xijue was still in the mountains of Guizhou, so he didn't have to bear any responsibility for it, but Zhao Shilin's face was a little ugly, after all, it was his responsibility.

"Perhaps the civilian ships can be used to transport some battalions there, but if the Zheng army intercepts them, even if they break through the strait, there may not be any ships that can come back." Governor Li Shizhen saw that the governor's face was ugly, so he hurriedly chatted. "Furthermore, Qiongzhou's terrain is easy to go from sea to land, but it is difficult to march on land. Therefore, Lord Hou's concerns are justified, but we, the border ministers, have the responsibility to guard the land, and we cannot just sit back and watch the sea go against the sea and take all the land of our house. And indifferent."

"That's right, but it will take time for the navy to rebuild." Speaking of it, the Guangdong navy in Jieshi Harbor was nothing more than a show, but Marquis Xijue bit this to death in order to justify himself in the next battle responsibility. "No one has no boats, how can we fight Haini, and I am worried that once the army reinforces Qiongzhou, what will happen if Haini suddenly comes back with a carbine?"

"Returning the carbine is nothing to be afraid of." The Guangzhou general has the same rank as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, but his status is higher than him. Even the green battalion soldiers in Guangdong province have to be commanded and dispatched by the Guangzhou general. Xijue kept silent. "After all, there are reinforcements from Hunan and Guangxi in the province. Prince Kang can also transfer troops from Fujian Province to assist in the defense. However, how to land in Qiongzhou is a problem. After all, the navy of the three provinces is rebuilding, even if you want to transfer some from Fujian Province first. There's nothing you can't do."

He Fu, Admiral of Guangxi, and Huang Dalai, the commander-in-chief of Yunyang, Hunan, were guest soldiers, so they just listened with sullen faces, and had no intention of expressing their opinions, but Zhao Shilin didn't want to let them go: "He Junmen, Huang Zongzhen , the two of you are old veterans, if you have any good suggestions, feel free to speak up."

Seeing Hou Xijue's unfriendly expression, Huang Dalai said in a bewildered way: "Hunan is located in the inland, and the low-ranking officials didn't see the sea until they arrived in Guangdong Province. This, this really doesn't have any rules. Please let me know." A few adults must forgive me."

Huang Dalai was a guest army in southern Hunan, governor of Pianyuan (Note: In the early Qing Dynasty, the governor of Pianyuan and the censor of Yunyang capital were set up in the Ming Dynasty, the censor of Yunyang capital was abolished in the third year of Kangxi, and the governor of Pianyuan was changed to the governor of Hunan in the second year of Yongzheng) He is his right manager. Even if he pretends to be false, the people present have nothing to do with him, so He Fu can actually do the same, but this old man insists on his identity and doesn't want to express his position like a general soldier, so he pondered for a while before giving it. a charter.

"The imperial court wants to implement a sea ban, and Qiongzhou is naturally outside the border closure order. Instead of losing the land and being reprimanded by the emperor, it is better to simply withdraw the troops."

"Withdraw troops?" These people were all people with long experience in officialdom, and their emotions and anger would naturally not show in their faces, but they were still greatly shocked by He Fu's words. "Qiongzhou is no better than Dongning. This place was China's territory during the Han Dynasty. If we abandon it in the name of sea ban, I'm afraid the emperor will not be able to explain it."

Kangxi is the most famous emperor in the world, this is like ceding the territory, how can he be satisfied, the emperor is not satisfied, this anger should be vented on the heads of civil and military officials in Guangdong, He Fu patted his ass and left , but others are out of luck.

"Then put all your eggs in one basket, call civilian ships and fishing boats, and send more troops to Qiongzhou." After hearing this sentence, everyone knew that He Fu's feelings were only suppressed first and then raised. "Hundreds of boats are competing for the flow, and thousands of boats are sailing. I don't believe that Haini can catch all of them." Speaking of this, He Fu ordered someone to fetch a map, and taught in a tone of mastery. "There are many ports on both sides of Leizhou. As long as we set a time and go hand in hand, I want to see how Haini will stop them?"

He Fu's plan was to sacrifice a part in exchange for the landing of the brigade of the Qing army. Li Shizhen hesitated about this: "Let's not talk about whether the loss will be small, but once it lands in Qiongzhou, can the ship come back? If the ship returns If you don’t come, how will the army on the land be replenished? Qiongzhou has never been rich, and Qiongbei was captured by Haini and has not yet recovered.”

"The adults think highly of Haini," He Fu said with a sneer. "Although Shi Junmen was defeated and died in the battle, the Battle of Penghu was not all exaggeration. Haini was also severely injured. I doubt whether Haini still has the power to completely block the strait." But He Fu's words did not convince everyone. All the big officials who sealed the frontier felt at ease, so he said again. "Then bring more food, fodder and supplies, and treat it as a one-shot deal."

He Fu, who has reached the first level of admiral, has long been indifferent to the casualties of lower-level officers and soldiers. In his opinion, as long as he lands in Qiongzhou, the size of Zheng's army of more than ten thousand reported by Liu Wenlong, the general soldier of Qiongzhou, is not enough for him to blow away What's more, according to unspoken rules, at least half of the water should be deducted from the figures reported below.

"It's too risky." Hou Xijue resolutely opposed it. "Let's not talk about how to gather the army after scattered boarding and landing, just say that after gathering, they will gather and go south. The roads in Qiongzhou have been in disrepair for many years, so how can the marching speed be accelerated? If the war continues and the army supplies are exhausted, the tens of thousands Soldiers are on the verge of death."

"It's already April." He Fu argued hard. "By the time I landed, I'm afraid it will be June or July, and the rice in the fields has already been ripe. Even if it is inconvenient to transport across the sea, why can't we transport it to the nearest place in Qiongzhou?"

"When the rice is ripe and transported to the army, the typhoon will also come." Hou Xijue gave another reason. "Isn't the war going to be dragged on? At that time, I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers will compete with the people for food, and the sea will be in vain."

"The common people are suffering, I know of course, but Lord Hou forgot, kindness does not command soldiers!" He Fu snorted heavily. "If anyone colludes with Hai Ni because of this, he will be killed without mercy!"

Zhao Shilin frowned. Of course he knew that He Fu wanted to use the heads of Qiongzhou people to dye his crown red, but he also knew the reason why the official was given by the emperor, not the people, so he couldn't help thinking about it. Throwing it on Wang Yongyu's face: "Master Wang, what do you mean?"

"Although Qiongzhou is wild, it is also a land in China that has been in business for many years. In addition, there are three crops a year. This land is probably valuable." Wang Yongyu glanced at Zhao Shilin and Li Shizhen with a half-smile. "If traitors resist food and are killed, is this place?" Li Shizhen trembled all over, but the eyes of several generals beside him revealed a terrifying light. "That's why I think He Junmen's words are very insightful. Haini landed in Qiongzhou to ask for population. Why don't you simply kill him to stop Haini from missing him?"

"My lord, be the son of heaven." Li Shizhen was not a compassionate person, but he knew Kangxi's temper well, so he persuaded him with a pun. "I still have to be measured when I wait for my courtiers."

"Of course, of course." Wang Yongyu nodded hastily. "So, what Mr. He just said about the people who colluded with the anti-grain and the sea insurgency, good people, naturally the court should give preferential treatment."

After Wang Yongyu said this, Li Shizhen, who got an excuse to make excuses to Beijing, did not intervene, so Zhao Shilin thought: "How many troops should we prepare?"

"Hai Ni is also a long-term battle, so it should not be underestimated." Exaggerating the strength of the enemy is to show his own military exploits, so He Fu stretched out his hand to compare. "At least 2 horses and two months' food must be mobilized."

Twenty thousand?Zhao Shilin calculated that there are now about [-] Guangxi green camps in Guangdong, about [-] Hunan green camps, [-] Guangdong green camps in the province, [-] garrisoned Eight Banners, and [-] Guangdong green camps on the Fujian-Guangdong border. More than enough, but there are loopholes everywhere in the thousands of miles of sea. If you really want to draw [-] of them, in order to prevent Ming Zheng from taking advantage of it, I am afraid that some guest troops will be necessary to fill in the defense.

"My lord, please send a letter to Prince Kang to discuss the transfer of [-] Jiangxi troops to the south." Zhao Shilin and Wang Yongyu chewed their ears. "The next official will ask Master Shu'a Lian of Hunan Province for help, and ask him to transfer another five thousand Hunan troops into Guangdong." Wang Yongyu stroked his beard and nodded slightly, so Zhao Shilin turned his head to look at the crowd. "Hou Junmen, you immediately recruit civilian ships across the province, and you must collect [-] ships within one month."

Marquis Xijue was very unwilling, but the general and the governor joined hands, but he couldn't stop him, so he responded sullenly: "I obey!"

"He Junmen." Zhao Shilin continued to order. "You lead the provincial army of [-], the Gui army of [-], and the Hunan army of [-] to go south to garrison Gaoleilian Road. Once Hou Junmen mobilizes ships, immediately go south to rescue Qiongzhou."

"He Junmen." Before He Fu responded, Wang Yongyu added. "I will also draw Qianwu from the Eight Banners of Guangdong Province for you, and I will also invite you, brother, to live up to the emperor's grace."

"It's easy for me to be a lower official."

"Master Li, the food and fodder needed by the army depends on the master to dispatch."

Li Shizhen nodded and said: "Please don't worry about the army, I will do my best."

"Very well, my lords are here," Zhao Shilin shouted loudly. "When Qiongzhou is recovered, I will join forces with Mr. Wang to ask for credit for all your lords."

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