Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

177. Salary from the bottom of the pot

On August 21, Guangxi's anti-Qing armed forces, which had been unable to conquer Wuzhou for a long time, were forced to break out of the siege in the face of the encirclement of the Qing army.Due to the mountains in the Xunjiang River Basin, it was difficult for the Qing army to hunt down the rebels, so most of the rebels escaped smoothly, and only a few laggards and singles were hunted and killed by the local regiments loyal to the Qing court.

"Brother Su, it's a good thing that the entire western Guangxi region is recovering now, but if we can't cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, it will always leave troubles behind." Sitting in the second hall of the Wuzhou government office that was temporarily changed to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhao Shilin looked at Lin Dan with a worried face. Fan Chengxun is sitting. "Brother Su Gong is Guifu. He has a heavy responsibility to comfort the environment and calm the people!"

"What the platform said is very true." Fan Chengxun responded with a livid face, but in his opinion, it was not the Guangxi green camp that made a lot of eastward adjustments, otherwise, how could the so-called traitors take advantage of the gap, and now Zhao Shilin has turned his back on him. It's a kind of insult, but the officialdom pays attention to Pili Yangqiu, and the other party can be regarded as a superior official at any rate, and he must be a little decent, so he can only respond in a low voice. "However, Guangxi is mountainous, and Rebellion is well versed in geography. His whereabouts are erratic, and it is really difficult for him to be an official. I hope that the military headquarters will stay in Guangxi for a longer period of time, so as to help counter the rebellion in the province."

"He Fu suffered a defeat in Qiongzhou and was forced to retreat to Qiongshan." In Zhao Shilin's eyes, one is the remnants of San Francisco's rebellion, which is just a problem of mustard moss, which is not a concern. , the possibility of restoration at any time is the real serious problem, so his mind has already flown there. "Brother Su Gong, it's self-evident which side is more urgent, so I really can't if I don't want to." Zhao Shilin explained. "Guangdong's reinforcements will cross the sea to reinforce in the near future, and the superintendent and Hunan Province's reinforcements will also immediately fill in the defense. It is really difficult to stay in Guangxi Province for a long time."

"But you can't always ignore the head and the tail." Fan Chengxun's words were not standard, but who made him anxious. "There are only more than ten thousand green camps in the province, and even if you add the courage of the township, it is only twenty thousand. This is not even counted as pepper noodles. How can we eliminate the rebellious? If the ashes are revived and the army is reinstated, how can we report to the emperor?" Confession."

Fan Chengxun's words were regarded as using Kangxi to suppress Zhao Shilin, but Zhao Shilin is also an old official, so how could he accept his tricks, so he just smiled lightly: "Brother Su Gong, Guangdong Province is really urgent, but Gui Province's lack of troops is also a problem. In fact, why don't you and I jointly request an order to call the green camps in Guizhou and Yunnan provinces for reinforcements?"

Zhao Shilin was already in place, so Fan Chengxun naturally couldn't push him any further, so he could only sigh: "I'm afraid it's too late!"

"Actually, we can take the bottom line." Zhao Shilin is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Although the situation in Guangdong seems to be more serious, he will suffer if there is a problem in Guangxi. Therefore, he came up with a vicious idea. "First, group training is available!" Rural landlords have always been the most powerful support for the ruling class. "Second, if the water is drained, can the fish survive?"

"Drain the water?" Fan Chengxun was surprised, but he knew very well how the Qing court could gain a foothold in the Central Plains, it was nothing more than a killing word. "This method of controlling the army is very good, and I will hand it over to the next official."

Of course, Fan Chengxun would not give orders stupidly, but a hint is enough, so under his instigation and acquiescence, Guidong fell into a bloodbath.

On the first day of September, a part of the Qing army marched into Rong County. In order to pretend to be credited, the Qing army plundered the county for three days. More than a thousand people in the city were killed and countless women were defiled.In order not to expose their own atrocities, the Qing army slandered the incident as the work of the rebels, and even deliberately erected a monument of "Records of the Rongxian Ping the Thieves" in an attempt to cover up the truth forever.

Some people succumbed to the butcher's knife. On September [-], a certain person who served as the deputy general of the rebel army in Rong County more than a month ago led more than [-] people to beg for surrender from the Qing army.Fan Chengxun, who was overjoyed, immediately promised to recommend this person as the capital, but when this person and some of his confidants received official titles in Guiping, his troops were collectively shot and killed by the Qing army who had ambushed in advance.

Of course, there are still people who left the team and went to the grass, but there are still some teams that are still persisting.Among them, the northward branch broke through He County on September [-], and then conquered Fuping County, Jianghua and Yongming counties in Yongzhou, Hunan, and marched into Lianxian County, Guangdong, which shocked the three provinces.In addition, there is another group that crosses the Yunkai Mountains to the south and enters the Xinyi and Xining counties of Gaozhou Prefecture in Guangdong Province. After the local Qiankun Association, Tiandi Association and some anti-Qing underground organizations joined the momentum, it once approached Gaozhou. Although it was in a hurry The mobilized Qing army failed to suppress it, but still contained the great strength of the Qing army.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Qing army had no time to take care of Qiongzhou, the Zheng army tried its best to transport the population. However, the strength of the Zheng army was still insufficient, so it never set foot in Qiongshan, Chengmai, Lingao, and Changhua, the four counties of one prefecture and four counties. A tacit cold peace.

"My lord, I just learned from the Ryukyu Merchant Hall that the Qing court defeated the invading Raksha people in Yaksa." Seven times the strength of the enemy, so once the Qing army withdrew, the Russians who received reinforcements immediately made a comeback.

Although the Ming court had diplomatic ties with Russia during the Wanli period, it is too far to open up the ties with each other now that Ming Zheng's naval forces are mostly present in Jeju waters, so Zheng Kezang just listened to Calculated.

"My lord, the Ryukyu side requests us to take back the matter of the Amami Islands"

"Now that the Qiongzhou war is in the ascendant, our domain does not have the strength to fight on both sides at the same time." Zheng Kezang's mouth showed an incomprehensible smile. "Besides, our business in Japan is more important, let the Ryukyu people be patient for a few years before we talk about it." Of course, Zheng Kezang will not chill the hearts of the Ryukyu people. "Tell Ryukyu to walk more often with the two judges."

"Yes," Lin Weirong replied, and then continued to report. "My lord, the Qing government recently established Jiangguan Customs in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture (note: today's Fengxian District, Shanghai). It turns out that the institutions in charge of foreign maritime trade in China in all dynasties were called Shibosi, and the word customs was used in the past. It was invented and used after the Qing Dynasty came to power in order to cut off the cultural inheritance of China. "Huating's Jianghai Customs has 24 sub-customs offices under its jurisdiction, including Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Huai'an, Yangzhou, Taizhou, and Tongzhou (Note: Nantong). This domain is in the commercial port of Penghu."

Although the Qing court successively set up four customs offices, the Zheng army in the Fujian Sea blocked it tightly. There were examples of the Portuguese and the Dutch first. No merchant ship from any country dared to try to break in easily. The Zhejiang Provincial Customs used to be mainly Korean and Ryukyu merchant ships. Entry and exit, but with the opening of Jeju and the levying of sea tax on the Ryukyu side, the reasons are almost abolished. The only thing that can play a role is the Guangzhou Guangdong Customs, which is still beyond the reach of the Ming and Zheng sides. This is why the Qing government wants to re-establish in Songjiang. One reason for customs.

"It's a pity that our strength has only just gained a foothold in Zhoushan, and it is not enough to radiate Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces."

Zheng Kezang frowned, but fortunately, Japan still implements the policy of locking up the country. The silk and raw silk shipped from China by other countries may only be sold to Naha, while tea and porcelain are usually shipped directly back to Europe. Satsuma Shimadzu obtained raw silk and silk from Ryukyu, so it would not cause too much impact on Mingzheng's continued monopoly of the Japanese market, but the problem came back again, how can we avoid Shimadzu's family?

Zheng Kezang squinted his eyes and thought for a while: "Lin Qing, tell me, is it possible to open an opening on the Ryukyu side and tell them that raw silk can be exempted from customs tax after it is shipped from Jiangsu Customs and Zhejiang Customs and imported into Penghu? Give Mao Enshou and Ma Liangzhi a miss."

Lin Weirong thought for a while: "My lord, this method is very good. I think it kills two birds with one stone. No, the strategy of killing three birds with one stone will benefit both the Fan and Ryukyu, and it can also test Mao and Ma's attitude towards the Fan. the true meaning of

Zheng Kezang waved his hand: "Are you flattering, Qing?"

Lin Weirong was an official after all, and his face was not embarrassed at all, but Zheng Kezang didn't want to say anything more, so he just confessed directly: "Since it is feasible, the Department of Commerce and Industry will coordinate with Ryukyu."

Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang complained a little unwillingly: "The strength of the navy is still insufficient. It seems that the speed of the shipyard has to be accelerated. Go and explain it to the Ordnance Department. It will be the middle of next year at the latest. I saw that the Taijiang team has finished changing their outfits."

When Zheng Kezang was in the position, every word he said would be magnified, so the guards beside him didn't dare to neglect, they hurriedly responded and retreated to pass the order.

Zheng Kezang was still in astonishment, and at this moment he heard Lin Weirong continue to report: "In addition, regarding North Korea's sending five hundred maidservants to our vassal in exchange for the suspension of the Jeju trade, the Department of Commerce and Industry means that it is better to agree."

"North Korea still has smart people." Zheng Kezang sighed. "Forget it, just follow the wishes of the Department of Commerce and Industry. In the future, women can also be exchanged for goods from the feudal clan." At this point, Lin Weirong's report was over, and he was about to resign, when Zheng Kezang said suddenly. "I heard that Uncle Jianning recently had a son named Kexi (thanks to my friend manson2003) who was born. This is also a happy event for the Zheng family. Jianyan from the Department of Yizhi gave him the command to make Tongzhi. I can see it alone. If you arrange it, it is also considered lonely. congratulations."

"The Department of Rituals should send an envoy for this matter." Lin Weirong was a little surprised. To be honest, Zheng Kezang's arrangement is easy, but it is not in line with the rules, and it will make Lin Weirong a power grab in front of his peers Therefore, Lin Weirong bowed down and refused. "I really dare not obey orders!"

"It's true." After being reminded by Lin Weirong, Zheng Kezang realized that he had made a mistake, and had to act as if he accepted advice quickly. "In this way, you can find out when the ship to Nagasaki will sail recently, and then let the Division of Instruments assign it to the undertaker, and I will also arrange for a personal person to go there together."

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