Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

181. Prelude to the Controversy over Etiquette

The disappearance of the Vostok and Neptune after crossing the Taiwan Strait made the Dutch in Batavia extremely angry. However, due to the shrinking of the overall national strength of the Netherlands after the three Anglo-Dutch wars, the Dutch United East India Company at this time had only three 90 The cannon battleship and more than 20 other large and small warships can be used in the huge East Asian waters. It has no power to monopolize the Spice Islands and the Northeast Asian trade line. Not only did it fail in the competition with Britain and France in Siam, Pattani and other places, He was even expelled from Guangnan and Cambodia, and could only lick his wounds slowly in places such as the East Indies and Malacca. Under such circumstances, it is obvious that even the most impulsive adventurer would dare to let the Dutch challenge Zheng Jun alone. Unwilling to attempt suicide.

But looking around, Britain, France, Spain and Portugal are all their old enemies, and the Qing court is too arrogant. After thinking about it, the Netherlands has found the same weakest and weakest man who has also suffered from the Ming Dynasty, and the conflict with itself is not the biggest. Portuguese.From September to November of this year, the Dutch sent envoys to Macau twice, nominally hoping to reach an agreement with the Portuguese to purchase Chinese goods from Macau, but in essence they wanted to establish a military alliance between the two countries in Northeast Asia. In order to unanimously deal with Zheng Jun.

Although the Netherlands blocked Goa for 1636 years between 1645 and 9, drove Portugal out of Malacca in 1641, annexed Ambon Island in 1647 (note: an island in the Moluccas), and in 1658 In 1663, Ceylon was seized, and Cochin on the west coast of the southern tip of India was captured in [-], which led to the gradual shrinking of Portugal's power in East Asia, but today is different from the past. Still shook hands and made peace.

However, although the hostile relationship between the two parties has been eased to a certain extent, which party will take the lead in the joint operation, how should the benefits be distributed after the war, and what to do if Ming Zheng's power cannot be completely eliminated, etc. A series of issues have become the focus of a new round of disputes between the two sides.

Out of the deep memory of the painful lessons in the past, the weaker Portuguese, in order not to be fooled by the Dutch, but also to curb the further possible ambitions of the Dutch, and to share the war compensation they should have, proposed Let the Qing court also join this alliance.

The Dutch side has a lot of doubts about this. After all, the result of the negotiation in Fuzhou did not disappear with the disappearance of Vostok and Neptune.The governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhao Shilin, was on the front line in northwest Guangdong. Governor Li Shizhen stood by because he had no responsibility to supervise military and western affairs. As for the general of Guangzhou, Wang Yongyu, he was a slippery old fox. Therefore, this proposal was also received coldly by the Qing court.

Since they couldn't talk about a Chou Yinmao, the Dutch and Portuguese sides, who were at odds with each other, had no choice but to break up. After hastily concluded a verbal offensive and defensive alliance, the matter was over.

"Mr. Curator, I heard that your shop in Banten has been closed for some reason." But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the approach of the Netherlands and Portugal has aroused the vigilance of the Thai and Western countries and the vigilance of Ming and Zheng. Continuing to attack the Netherlands, Lin Weirong was ordered to negotiate with the British. "I don't know when it will reopen."

The smile on the face of the British paused. You must know that before the 36th year of the Yongli calendar (1682), the Banten Commercial Hall had always been the British trade center in Southeast Asia. In order to maintain this center, the British had actively supported Sultan Abu Fada .But in the 34th year of the Yongli calendar (1680), after the Dutch United East India Company suppressed the Matalan uprising, the Dutch adopted the method of supporting the old sultan's son Abujaha against his father and promised to give military assistance to obtain Banten. monopoly of trade.Afterwards, the old Sudan was defeated, and the Netherlands obtained the trade monopoly of Banten and Lampong, which belonged to Banten on the island of Sumatra, while the British were squeezed out of this area, only in Menggulian ( Bencoolen) retains a commercial stronghold.

For the failure in Banten, the British are naturally full of resentment, but this does not mean that the British are willing to take chestnuts for Ming Zheng. Our country is going to war with the Netherlands? Your Excellency's idea is too clever."

"No, the curator misunderstood what I meant." Lin Weirong waved his hand. "My officer is just proposing to form an alliance against the Dutch's trade privileges in the Java region." Speaking of this, Lin Weirong pointed to the large globe in front of him. "The Maluku (Note: Moluccas) series of countries have attracted attention. Franjiren and Little Luzon have all attacked them. Now they have fallen into the hands of the Dutch. This has become their capital to continue to dominate this area. "The British once supported the country of Hova to fight against the Dutch and smuggle spices from the Spice Islands, but this action failed in the end, so the owner of the museum just listened quietly. "There are some Japanese immigrants living in this domain, and they still maintain close relations with other Japanese immigrants who settled in this sea area. If you intend to return to the above-mentioned areas, I believe this domain can help a little. In addition, the owner of the museum should Knowing that my domain has captured tens of thousands of people recently, these were once the most elite soldiers, it is too wasteful to serve as slaves, if the price is right, this domain may be able to hand them over to your country."

"Mercenaries?" The British were a little confused. He couldn't figure out whether Ming Zheng's suggestion was for money or to contain the Netherlands. However, in his view, one purpose was clear, that is, if Ming Zheng intervened in Southeast Asia The region is not a good thing for European countries, but how could Ming Zheng not intervene?

Therefore, the British responded: "This proposal is of great importance. I think it needs to be reported to Mumbai."

"It should be so." Lin Weirong glanced at the wary British indifferently, and then served tea to the guests. "Then I will wait for the good news from your country."

He Zhizhou (recommended by Friends Crying Chrysalis) slowly paced the streets of the city. Since Manila has been ruled by the Spanish for more than 100 years, this tropical city composed of all kinds of people has been contaminated with too much colonial style. This made He Zhizhou from Dongning full of curiosity.

Speaking of which, He Zhizhou is actually the second shop owner sent by Dongning to Manila, but it is different from the previous one who once ambitiously hoped to move all the Han people in Luzon back to Taiwan, but in the end only moved back [-] households. Knowing that the Spaniards are actually afraid of the Chinese and cannot do without the Chinese, the Department of Commerce and Industry did not demand too much from him. Instead, he made a proposal that seemed unbelievable to him—using some Qing army captives to Exchange Luzon Hanmin families.

Spain is still hesitating about this plan, and He Zhizhou, who has already reached an agreement on the purchase of grain, iron, spices, etc., does not want to stay idle in the shop every day and restrain himself, so he quickly integrated into the local life. In the middle, even from time to time to St.Church of the Augustinians in progress.

"I don't know when Brother He joined the church?" Due to the efforts of Luo Wenzao (Note: China's first Chinese Catholic bishop) and others, there are many Chinese priests in Manila. Someone with a heart will come to contact. "Is it the Jesuits? The Franciscans? Or the Dominicans (Latin name, also translated as the Dominicans, also known as the Brotherhood of Missions)?"

"I was a teacher in Fu'an Tengtou in the fourth year of Yongli (1650 A.D.). It has been nearly 40 years. Back then, I was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old." He Zhizhou sighed with a look of unbearable memories . "Should be the Dominican."

"In the fourth year of Yongli, that is, in the seventh year of Shunzhi, wasn't that when Bishop Luo was preaching in Fujian?"

"It was Father Luo who helped to be baptized." Anyway, Luo Wenzao had introduced so many people into the church that he didn't even remember it himself, so He Zhizhou could relax and borrow his tiger skin. "Why, bishop, has Father Luo also become a bishop now?"

"Brother, your news is not working," the bishop was an unattainable high position for Chinese priests at the time, so Luo Wenzao's ability to reach this height made all Chinese priests proud. "In 1674 after the birth of the Lord, that is, in the 13th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Pope Clement X appointed Luo Wenzao as Bishop of Bahili (titled) and Apostolic Vicar of the Diocese of Nanjing."

In fact, it was last year, that is, April 24, 1685th year of Kangxi ([-]), that Luo Wenzao became the first Chinese bishop in charge of northern China after he was ordained by the Italian bishop Kang Hezhi of the Franciscan Order of Guangzhou. As for the educational affairs of the various provinces, ordinary priests naturally have to hide from it.

"So, congratulations to Bishop Luo." He Zhizhou sighed for a while, then changed the topic. "By the way, is Manila strict with us Han Catholics when offering property, worshiping ancestral tablets, and asking whether we can pay back money?"

"This?" The priest's face changed drastically. It turns out that this issue is part of the famous etiquette dispute. It is related to the struggle between the Dominicans, the Jesuits, and the Franciscans for missionary rights in China, and it even involves the Pope's edict. However, it is not something a small Chinese priest can participate in, so the priest just asked rhetorically. "Is this situation common in the mainland?"

"The believers in Dongning are mainly from Fujian, and most of them are brothers from the Dominican Church. They have done a little better in this respect, but the heaven, earth, king, relatives and teachers, these have been passed down for many years, so naturally they have to worship Yes." He Zhizhou said seemingly casually. "In addition, Dongning prohibits money lending, so there will be no taboos in this regard, but there are also some brothers from other sects who worship idols very badly, and worship whenever they see God."

"You've done a good job." After sending He Zhizhou away, the priest immediately reported today's conversation to the bishop. The report in this area is even more attentive. "It seems that the Jesuits have slipped into heresy. I will report this matter to Bishop Gadran, the governor of the church in Manila. This kind of heresy must not continue."

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