After the envoys of the Qing court were exempted from the welcoming ceremony of the King of Korea through heavy bribes, in order not to make any further complications on the issue of etiquette, the two sides of the Qing Dynasty soon began to interrogate the criminals in the Sandaogou incident.In the process of investigating the crime, in order to avoid getting burned, the court king Li Xuan strongly advocated "leniency" in dealing with criminal officials and the people, and proposed that the six principal criminals who shot the shotgun and injured the Qing army should be executed, their wives should be enslaved, and the rest [-] who crossed the border North Korean officials who participated in the border crossing were also executed, suspected of neglecting their duties and conniving at crossing the border.

After the investigation process was completed, the Qing envoy applied to the king to draw up an apology.At this time, the three princes of North Korea went to Yingwai, where the Qing envoy was stationed, to ask for punishment, claiming that the king should write the answer in words, as if he was disturbed by the "matter".Faced with North Korea's resolute attitude, the short-staffed Qing envoy finally had no choice but to let the king verbally apologize to the Qing court.

Li Xuan apologized for this: "The border people broke the law by sneaking over and firing shotguns to hurt the officials. They dare not have a careless heart. As for the matter, it is because of the lax prohibition. Now I am panicked by the emperor's order."

It seems that the Sandaogou incident has come to a good end. However, before the North Korean ministers had time to feel lucky, things began to change.When North Korea sent three envoys headed by You Yizheng Zheng Zaisong to form Chen Zuo envoys, when they arrived in Beijing, they heard from the Winter Solstice envoy who was about to return to North Korea that the king had been fined [-] taels of silver. The three envoys were angrily, Immediately decided to report to the Ministry of Rites to defend the king.They quoted extensively from many sources, listing the cases in which Koreans in the past dynasties offended the Qing Dynasty when they were punished only by themselves but not by the king, and pointed out that the punishment of the king "has a grand ceremony of being obedient and considerate before and after the great dynasty."

After receiving the letter from the three North Korean envoys, some people in the Qing court advocated arresting the three envoys immediately, while others advocated escorting them back to North Korea for disposal.However, due to the increasingly serious threat from Mingzheng in the southeast, and the fact that the Qing court had vaguely heard that there was a connection between North Korea and Dongning, Kangxi's attitude appeared to be more tolerant.

When the Ministry of Rites of the Qing court proposed to issue an edict to reprimand, Kangxi pointed out that "this is not a trivial matter, and there is no need to issue a special edict, but according to the written edict, order the Ministry to copy the book and play it, and when it is played, the ticket will be agreed." Kangxi considered that at the beginning of the incident, he had already issued an edict to investigate the king of Korea. If he issued another edict to question the three envoys, it would inevitably cause "the hearts of the people in the court to be separated, and the sea will be in vain, and the country will be damaged."

Therefore, Kangxi ordered the Ministry of Rites to write the content of questioning the three envoys in the memorial, and he only expressed "according to the proposal", so that he could put pressure on North Korea and show his leniency so that the situation would not develop into a dispute between the Qing Dynasty and the Dynasty. There was a scene of serious opposition.

In April of the 40th year of Yongli and the 25th year of Kangxi, the Ministry of Rites of the Qing court once again issued an edict to North Korea.

The imperial edict first listed various "crimes" in North Korea recently, such as the king's failure to abide by the etiquette of the suburban welcome when the envoys of the Qing Dynasty arrived in Seoul; However, there was no news after the military aid arrived; during the San Francisco Rebellion, floating words were used to find out the truth and so on.

Secondly, the imperial edict also listed the handling of silver fines imposed on the king of Korea in the Qing Dynasty and the examples of dismissal by the emperor after the proposal of the Ministry of Rites, and scolded "taking the former aunts as an example, how absurd is it to say that there is no punishment?" He scolded "the lowly position does not tell the king, but the light strokes of the pen start the misfortune, and it is all because the king is weak and the minister is strong."

In the last part of the imperial edict, the Ministry of Rites of the Qing court proposed that Zheng Zaisong and other three Korean envoys be arrested and escorted to North Korea's important place.

In this regard, Kangxi decreed: "Exempt them from strict enforcement, and others are discussed."

"This, this is simply a shame and a great shame." Li Xuan, the king of the court, looked at the Qing court rites message in his hand and said angrily. "The master is weak and the minister is strong? Am I a senseless and foolish ruler who sits on power and falls into the hands of treacherous eunuchs, or are you a rebellious party who seeks to usurp the throne? It is simply a big slander, and it is Bingzilu chaos (Note: Ding Maohuran and Bingzilu) Luan refers to an insult never seen since the Manchus invaded North Korea."

The faces of the North Korean ministers who Li Yun sat down were also livid. Yes, no one would be willing to be accused of being a traitor for chaos and power. Therefore, the accusation of the Ministry of Rites of the Qing Dynasty actually created an atmosphere of common hatred and hatred in the divided North Korean political arena.

"I thought that trade with Dongning should be resumed immediately, and North Korea's horses, copper strips, pig iron, cotton, and slaves were exchanged for Dongning's artillery, gunpowder, sulfur, and armor in case of emergencies." Come on with a tough attitude. "The envoys of this dynasty can also go south to Dongning to pay homage to the Ming Dynasty and ask for an imperial edict (the two countries join forces)."

"It's too intense." Li Ruiyu frowned. "There is a lot of movement in the preparation of the military. If the Qing court finds out, it will not be an edict." It has been more than half a century since the Bingzilu Rebellion, but the strength of the Qing army is still fresh in the memory of the court. The second thing is, the North Korean army is really not able to support the wall with mud, so Li Ruiyu can't help but worry that using toughness for toughness will backfire. "My lords, please be careful."

"Purchasing cannons and gunpowder may be done slowly, but it may not be impossible to pay homage to the Ming Dynasty." Leader Song Shilie stroked his beard. "However, the old man thinks that today's Dongning does not follow principles, does not pay attention to articles, has lost Chinese morality, and has almost become a merchant. It will take some trouble to deal with it."

"The mainland fell, and a large number of honest and gentlemen were slaughtered by the Qing court. The Zheng family was a pirate with a shallow background, so it is normal for Dongning to become a merchant." Da Sixian Jin Wanzhong narrowed his eyes slightly. "However, merchants also have the benefits of merchants, and the price is clear." Speaking of this, he suggested to the court king Li Xuan. "I invite the princess, the eldest daughter, and Dongning to be brothers."

Before Li Xuan could answer, a You Yizheng next to him yelled: "Lord Jin, this matter is too ridiculous. Can a mere Dongning stop the Qing army's massive attack? Once Dongning is forced to be wiped out by the Qing court, we will If the matter of the king marrying a daughter is exposed, then it is not a matter of a paper, you are causing trouble for His Majesty."

"Is this absurd?" Jin Wanzhong asked. "Isn't the Qing court's speech from the Ministry of Rites more ridiculous? As for causing trouble for North Korea and His Majesty." Jin Wanzhong sighed. "I can't afford this crime." Jin Wanzhong opened his eyes fiercely, and shot out a bright light. "My lord, don't you know that Dongning has already counterattacked Qiongzhou, and the Qing court is in a state of desperation."

"It's just a moment of stubbornness." You Yizheng argued. "A mayfly shakes a tree and a mantis turns a chariot. It won't last long."

"Of course I know that the Zheng family won't last long, but as long as the Zheng family stays in Dongning, the Qing court will be at a loss for a day, and there is no time to use troops against North Korea." Jin Wanzhong said decisively. "I think this is the original intention of the Qing court not to make further threats."

"But it is not necessary to marry a princess, and it will make more noise." Nan Jiuwan, who was promoted to Zuo Yizheng, said eagerly. "Besides, Dongning may not be willing. It's better to send someone to check the other party's tone first." After saying this, Jin Wanzhong had nothing to say. After all, the suggestion just now was that he was too hot to shave his head. "The Zheng family in Dongning wants to contact, but should it be urgent? The most important thing now is to deal with the Qing court first." Nan Jiuwan's words hit the point, and all the people in the hall nodded. "The minister thought that he should first send a thank-you envoy to the Qing court to show respect."

This is really interesting. The Qing government insulted North Korea extremely, but North Korea had to send people to Beijing again to thank the Qing court for not arresting the three envoys of North Korea on the spot. From this we can see that the result of a weak country is only resignation. , but if the national power is strong and you have to give in everything, this is self-abuse. Of course, there is another possibility that you are the outer sage and the inner king.

Li Xuan sighed and nodded: "Nan Qing will go to Beijing as an envoy. If the Qing people still don't want to let it go, you can propose to the Qing court to dismiss the three envoys and make appointments. I really wronged them."

"The minister takes orders!" Nan Jiuwan, who wiped out his political enemies with the help of the timid Li Xuan and the Qing people, deliberately showed a sad expression on his face, but soon became serious, and further elaborated. "I'm afraid it's not enough just to send a thank you envoy. I'm afraid that if the situation of the abandoned four counties does not change, there will be another dispute between the two countries in the future."

The situation where China and North Korea were bounded by the Yalu River and the Tumen River was formed in the early years of the Ming Dynasty.It was the result of the continuous northward expansion of the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties on the Korean peninsula.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the old Yuan forces withdrew from the Korean Peninsula to form a power vacuum. The Koryo Dynasty took the opportunity to expand its territory northward, and set up a series of towns along the south bank of the lower reaches of the Yalu River, along the Changcheng, Bidong, and Jiangjie lines.Recover the Shuangcheng General Manager's Mansion to the north and advance to Jizhou, and start an offensive and defensive battle with the Jurchens in the north of Jizhou and south of the Tumen River.In 1392, Li Chenggui launched the Revolution of Changing Surnames, established the emerging Joseon Dynasty, and continued to advance to the upper reaches of the Yalu River and the lower reaches of the Tumen River.In particular, King Sejong (1419-1450), the fourth king of Joseon, actively promoted the policy of going north, and set up six towns along the south bank of the lower reaches of the Tumen River, and four counties along the south bank of the upper reaches of the Yalu River. The outpost of the North Expansion Territory.However, the above-mentioned areas belonged to the Jurchen territory. Due to the continuous resistance and surprise attacks by the Jurchens, shortly after Sejong's death, North Korea had to abandon the four counties in the upper reaches of the Yalu River. At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, in the process of unifying the Jurchen ministries and establishing the Houjin, Nurhaci recruited young men from the upper reaches of the Yalu River, the southern foot of Changbai Mountain, and the middle and lower reaches of the Tumen River.Since then, the Jurchens have never returned to the above-mentioned areas, which is very beneficial for North Korea to consolidate the borders of the Yalu River and the Tumen River.But since then, North Korea has used the vast uninhabited land in Jiangbei to repeatedly cross the border to illegally harvest ginseng, illegally cut down forests, and poach furs.

Nan Jiuwan's voice continued to echo in the hall: "My minister, please immediately promulgate the "North and South Participation in Merchants and Offenses Offending the Border", so that I can explain to the Qing court."

The so-called "North-South Participation in Merchants and Transgression Prohibition Items along the Border" is a regulation formulated by North Korea after the Sandaogou incident to prevent border residents from crossing the border. Violation and many other aspects of the content.This "Matter of Events" has not been promulgated because it involves the interests of all parties. Now that the Qing court is pressing harder and harder, I am afraid that it will not be able to pass the test if it does not throw out some dry goods.

The fat on Li Xuan's face trembled, obviously he was very unwilling, but the situation was stronger than others, so he had no choice but to reluctantly agree: "Quick play!"

But Nan Jiuwan's smile didn't fade away, and Li Xuan then ordered: "Song Qing, you should discuss with Da Si Xian about how to tie Dongning well."

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