On the first day of the first lunar month in the 41st year of the Yongli calendar of the Ming Dynasty, when the sky was still dim, the small square in front of the Yinluan Hall in Anping City was already full of civil and military officials of the Ming Zheng regime. This was the first time since Zheng Kezang succeeded to the throne. Therefore, everyone is extra cautious, and the officials of the Department of Rituals who maintain order even give guidance back and forth for fear that something will go wrong at that time.

In the middle of the day, the Department of Yizhi began to roll the rolls. Anyone who did not come without asking for leave, and whoever was late, will all be transferred to the court for trial. Not to mention that the test results of the year must be poor, and it will become an indelible record on the resumes of these officials in the future. If you think of a smooth promotion, it will be even more difficult.

Although the current highest official ranks of the Ming and Zheng regimes are only the third-rank civil servants and the second-rank military officials, there are nineteen divisions in the Zhengshitang, two divisions in the Military Academy, plus middle and high-ranking military officers from the land and water divisions in Dongning. Many, it took nearly half an hour to roll the names one by one.

After the roll call of all the officials was completed, a group of officials entered the hall one by one under the leadership of the Department of Rites and Systems. However, due to the large number of participants, the Yinluan Hall could not accommodate them, so the deputy chief and the deputy generals could only walk along the altar outside the hall. Sakai arrangement.Waiting for the officials to stand on the hall (note: the platform outside the hall), the musicians began to play "Zhonghe Shaoyue" in unison.

"Zhonghe Shaoyue" is royal music used for sacrifices, court meetings and banquets in the Ming Dynasty.According to historical records, since the Zhou Dynasty in China, there has been court music called "Six Dynasties Great Music", which is elegant music.Yayue uses rhythm, Wen uses five tones, eight tones are repeated, and the sound of jade vibrating gold integrates ritual, music, song and dance to express praise and respect for gods.From the pre-Qin period to the Song and Yuan Dynasties, gala music continued to last through generations. In the early Ming Dynasty, gala music was reorganized and named "Zhonghe Shaoyue".Of course, according to the etiquette system, only Zheng Kezang, the duke of the country, used this set of royal music, which is beyond the limit, but now the "Ming" of "Ming Zheng" is just a signboard for the outside world, and "Zheng" is the supreme ruler of Dongning Under such circumstances, how could "Zheng" officials everywhere accuse their masters of overstepping?

Amidst the magnificent Shao music, 64 dancers dressed as scribes and warriors in the square in front of the hall dance gracefully and solemnly.At the end of Shaoyue, Zheng Kezang walked up the steps and sat on the throne under the gaze of everyone. At this time, the civil servants, under the leadership of Hong Lei, and the military officials, followed the slogan of the Yizhi Division, kneeling twice and knocking six times. Hu Chitose.

When all the officials knelt down and stood up, Zheng Kezang said with a smile: "It's the new year, let's celebrate with Qing!"

So Hong Lei and Wu Shu took the lead, and a group of civil and military men knelt down and kowtowed to thank Zheng Kezang for his reward, and then the priest in the hall shouted with a long tail: "Congratulations are over, Bailiao returns to work. "

The civil and military people returned to their original positions, and the priest knelt down to ask Zheng Kezang to worship the ancestors. Zheng Kezang went down the steps and went out of the hall to sit on the shoulders. After returning to the Yinluan Hall, the whole ceremony ended

The sound of crackling firecrackers has been silenced, and the cold moonlight is also blocked by dark clouds. While people are falling into a sweet sleep, a group of men in black are introduced to a berth of the Guangdong Navy in Leizhou Bay without anyone noticing.

"Hallmaster Yue." The leader of the black-clothed man inquired about the registered capital who was leading the way. "How many people and boats are there in total?"

"There are a total of 33 large ships of more than 49 materials, and [-] small ships of [-] to [-] materials." According to Yue Cheng's figures, these ships can carry nearly [-] Qing troops south to Qiongzhou at one time. "There are two battalion heads and [-] Qing soldiers guarding these ships, but don't worry, they have already eaten food and wine, and are now sound asleep."

"That's good, brothers." More than a dozen men spilled buckets of tung oil, varnish, and more flammable vegetable oil everywhere, even a few warehouses on the shore, but when the fire was about to start , the leading man in black seems to have remembered something. "Master Yue, will you be found out because of this?"

"It's okay." Yue Cheng comforted them, and suddenly drew out his sword and chopped down a few people. When the others were stunned, Yue Cheng suddenly shouted. "There are thieves, come quickly!"

The man in black suddenly understood, drew his sword and was about to resist, when suddenly several rows of dense bows and arrows shot at them, so they all collapsed on the ground, and when they were about to die, they still cursed: "Traitor, traitor, you must not kill me!" Good to die."

"Brother, you go on the road first." With a wry smile, Yue Cheng mended each other's swords one by one, so as not to fall into the hands of others and die. After he finished all this, several generals of the Qing army with higher ranks appeared in front of them with guards. in front of him. "My lord, I was lucky enough to fulfill my mission and lure out this gang of rebels."

"Well done." The leading lieutenant praised Yue Cheng, and then ordered. "Come on, set the fire!" Since the man in black had already done the preparatory work, the fire quickly ignited. "Mingjin call the police!"

The lieutenant general who was on the edge of the sea of ​​flames quickly ordered, and the sleeping Qing army was finally awakened, but the raging fire was irreversible: "Bastard, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and put out the fire!"

"With this fire, my lord will have to suffer some grievances." After the lieutenant gave a hoarse performance, Yue Cheng handed over the towel while showing a concerned expression. "In case the Master Taiwan and the General do not give a chance to distinguish," Yue Cheng paused. "Wouldn't it be better to steal a chicken and lose a handful of rice?"

"So, Lao Yue, you are a registered capital when you are old." The deputy general took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and at the same time pointed to the scene of the fire. "They swallowed these dozens of boats and 10,000+ taels of silver. If they don't help outside, do they still expect me to fight it alone? Besides, the admiral didn't want to fight Haini's boat at sea. Knowing that the ship is destroyed, why don’t you secretly applaud?” The deputy patted Yue Cheng’s shoulder affectionately. "Just look at it, with the help of those in the military gate and the shipyard, I will be demoted a few ranks at most this time, and I will be able to return to my post in a blink of an eye. Maybe I will be promoted to the general soldier in the near future. When I become a general Commander-in-Chief, Lao Yue, it's time for you to take the real role as the capital."

"Thank you for your cultivation, my lord." Yue Cheng immediately gave the other party a thousand, and at the same time showed a strange smile on his face. That's right, the quality of these dozens of boats that cut corners in order to dare the construction period is really not very good, but at least they will be given away. Two waves of Qing troops landed on Qiongdao, but there was no problem. Now that the fire is on fire, Li Shizhen's chance of attacking Qiongdao after the next year will naturally come to naught. Du Si was an unexpected joy, and paying a few lives for this was nothing in this troubled world, and he could even make a certificate of nomination to hide himself deeper in the Qing army. "My lord, please don't worry, the little one will do things properly." Yue Cheng said meaningfully. "Never let a third person know the truth."

"Very good." The lieutenant smiled with satisfaction. "Everything is up to me, you just do it"

"You bastard!" Li Shizhen shouted angrily after reading the navy's report. "Hundreds of people guarding a berth were sneaked in by Haini dead soldiers. How did the Marquis Xijue manage the army?" Li Shizhen, who knew that Emperor Kangxi would be furious, ordered immediately. "Cha, I just don't believe it. If there is no collusion between the inside and outside, how could it be possible for the dead Haini to sneak in."

"Master Li, it's a big deal for Zha Junzhong to collude with Haini, but?" The new Guangzhou General Bai Yindali next to him asked Li Shizhen with an ugly expression on his face. "But the ship was destroyed, what about the original plan to go south to recover Qiongzhou?"

"The shipyards around the world make them rush to work day and night, and they must make up for the lost ships as soon as possible." But this is only a means of remedying the situation. Even if they work day and night, it will take months or half a year to build these ships, so they will go south after the year. The plan has been completely ruined. "As for the original strategy?" Li Shizhen sighed. "We have to make arrangements after the windy season. However," Li Shizhen said through gritted teeth. "The navy's malpractice cases continue, and it is because the Marquis Xijue is not doing well, and the general and the subordinate officials are requested to report to the court together and replace the Marquis Xijue!"

"It may not be appropriate to change generals just before the battle." Baiyindali shook his head. "Master Hou has been training as a navy in Guangdong for more than a year, and he has experience in maritime strategy. If he is replaced at this time, where will the court ask the court to transfer the navy to fight in the future?" There are naval divisions in the three provinces, and most of them are land generals who have temporarily changed careers. Hou Xijue is already the eldest son of the dwarves, so how can there be replacements? "I think, my lord, it's better to be honest with Lord Hou and persuade him to rectify the navy. This is the best policy."

"But let the emperor know at this time that he will be furious." Li Shizhen has already said it very bluntly. "How can I explain it?"

"Lord Hou is training in Jieshi, so he can't reach Leizhou." Bai Yindali pointed to a certain name on the report. "It is unforgivable that this person bears the full responsibility for supervision. He should be arrested first to set the court's discipline."

"Then do as the general wants," Li Shizhen finally agreed to the suggestion of arresting the small zoom, but what he didn't expect, he couldn't even deal with a lieutenant general, and soon all kinds of entrustments poured in, so that he finally had to Being able to take out a guerrilla, as for Yuecheng, who is not on the duty list, no one will link it with the fire. "Learn about this as soon as possible."

Bai Yindali was satisfied with the result he wanted, so he changed the subject to another question: "Lord Li, I heard rumors from the governor of this province that Guangdong is planning to increase sea rates by adding one penny per mu. This matter?"

"My lord general," Li Shizhen said with a hint of embarrassment on his face. "In the imperial court system, the lower officials are now in charge of military affairs in Guangdong and Guangxi, so it is not easy to get involved in civil affairs, so the lower officials can only hear about the actions of the feudal officials."

What Li Shizhen said is true, it is related to the court system of size and size, and Baiyin Dali obviously asked Yu Blind: "Since this is the case, then this matter will be written directly by the official."

The two talked for a while, Baiyin Dali got up to leave, and Li Shizhen personally sent him out of the governor's office, but both of them seemed to have consciously forgotten that the Portuguese were still waiting to cooperate with the Qing army to go south, perhaps in their eyes The Portuguese, who was seeking money for thousands of miles, was just a clown-like existence, but no one realized how much trouble this missed date in Guangdong Province would bring in the future!

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