He Lide set foot on the land of Dongning under the welcome of the Spanish business office in Penghu. As the first foreign missionary to enter Dongning during Zheng's rule, his arrival aroused great welcome from France and Spain. Of course, the Puritan British and the Lutheran Danes both sneered and envious of this.However, He Lide politely rejected the request of the Spanish and French business houses to stay in Penghu to preside over the church. Instead, he asked the Ming Zheng Commercial Department to enter Taiwan to preach.

Out of some unspoken conspiracy, Zheng Kezang personally approved Ho Lide's request to preach, and suggested that he preach in Pingtung or Taipei.After weighing, He Lide chose Taipei County, which has a larger number of immigrants, as his parish.

In June of the 41st year of the Yongli calendar, He Lide, who promised not to violate the Ming and Zheng laws, finally arrived in Danshui.

Later, He Lide wrote in his "Formosa Missionary Chronicle": "At that time, Danshui was just a newly built town with a population of about several thousand, but all of them were pagans. In the desert of the Lord's faith, , the only good thing is that the local government has adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards my arrival, and even sold me a large piece of wasteland for a relatively small sum. On which the pedestal of the Cathedral of Our Lady has risen"

In fact, He Lide was able to gain a foothold in Taipei very quickly because of his excellent medical skills, especially because he can provide the special medicine Cinchona Cream for the treatment of malaria. Only then did the Ming side acquiesce in recruiting young believers in the name of opening a medical school

However, in this era, Taixi’s medicine has not completely escaped the control of Christianity, let alone developed clinical medicine that surpassed traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, Zheng Kezang’s interest in He Lide himself is far less than his interest in Kinney. It is not as good as the expedition report brought by Xie Sinian after returning from the voyage.

Sweeping the few people standing in front of him, Zheng Kezang asked calmly: "About the proposal of the Military Academy to garrison troops and set up shipyards on Yezo and Kuwu Island in the north (Note: Ku Island), the military affairs What is your opinion?"

"My lord, the Military Affairs Department thinks it's not possible. There are four reasons." Lin Heng replied flatly. "Firstly, Ezodi and Kuwu Island are thousands of miles away from our domain, so it is extremely inconvenient to supply and respond to them; Heavy burden, if we divide our troops to the north again, the defense of Fujian and Haihai will become more and more empty; third, both places are bitterly cold, and there are more than six months of freezing all year round. I think most of my fans are from the three provinces of Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong. After all these hardships, if troops are forcibly dispatched, the losses of the patients may be staggering. Fourth, Kuwu is under the rule of the deputy capital of Jiannu Ningguta, and the land of Ezo is also the territory of the Japanese Hirosaki clan. If the clan rashly intervenes, it will be self-defeating. .”

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he took a step back. Zheng Kezang frowned slightly, and then looked towards the Military Academy: "Wu Qing, you have heard what the Military Affairs Department said. Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Returning to the Lord, the Military Academy believes that since the Lord wants to contact the rest of the San Francisco outside the customs, or to support him to return to the south or encourage him to wreak havoc in the Northeast, he needs to support him nearby." Wu Shu refuted the opinions of the Military Affairs Department one by one. "So even if it is thousands of miles away, what should be transported and repaired still needs to be transported and repaired. As for the navy, it is overwhelmed. As long as the transportation in Qiongzhou is over, the Lugang team will definitely be free." Speaking of joining the army The academy is responsible for commanding the troops. In fact, they are the ones who know which troops are available, so the insistence of the Military Affairs Department is full of loopholes in their view. "The Secretary of Military Affairs said that all the ministries of this vassal are from the south, and it is inconvenient to go to the bitter cold in the north. This point is not denied by the ministers, but the Lord insists on restoring the old rivers and mountains. Is it because of the cold weather that the southern army does not want to Is it okay to be patient and give up? It is not the case. I think the more this is the case, the sooner I have to adapt, and the Kuwu and Ezo lands are the best places to forge." Lin Heng was very angry when Wu Shu went online. The nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes, but Zheng Kezang is right next to him, so he has no choice but to hold back for the time being. "As for the fourth point raised by the Military Affairs Department, I think there is no need to worry at all. Both are big islands. Neither the Jiannu nor the Japanese can control the whole island. The feudal clan has kept it a little more secretive. Who would know? Knowing that the big trees of the two islands are very scarce in this domain, using them as keels can save hundreds of thousands of catties of fine iron."

After Wu Shu said, Lin Heng was about to step out to rebut, when he saw Zheng Kezang waving his hand, he had no choice but to retreat angrily. At this time, Zheng Kezang was lost in thought, and it took a long time before he broke the silence and asked: "Shrimp Yidi, Kuwu, and Damu in Kanto are urgently needed by this clan, but the shipwrights of this clan are priceless treasures. Firstly, they cannot be damaged, and secondly, if they fall into the hands of Jiannu, it may be an unprecedented blow to the clan. To ensure the safety of these craftsmen in the extreme north, at least a few sentry troops are needed, where do the soldiers come from? What is the price of food for hundreds of people from thousands of miles away?"

Lin Heng's face showed a slight look of joy, but Wu Shu said again: "I ask the master to train the Youlongxiang Division to digest the new Qiongzhou attached army, so that each of the eight divisions can transfer a post to Xiguipu, Wo Kuowei and Ezo, as for Kuwu, you can set up logging camps in summer and retreat to Ezo in winter.”

It is a good suggestion to build a new division and then transfer the troops of each division to garrison the north in turn, but this does not solve the problem of the navy and supplies, so Wu Shu once again suggested: "My minister, please move the Lugang team after the Qiongzhou incident. Seogwipo, support Beidi nearby."

Lukang team moved north?Zheng Kezang frowned. You must know that his original plan was to combine the Lukang and Penghu fleets into the main fleet. It is not unknown to the Military Academy, but what does it mean for Wu Shu to make such a fuss at this time.Zheng Kezang hesitated, then thought about it again. Due to insufficient iron materials, the Penghu team has only replaced three [-]-material two-masted gunboats and three [-]-material three-masted gunboats. It's still the year of the monkey, so it might not be a bad thing to transfer him to the north under such circumstances.

"Your suggestion makes sense." Zheng Kezang nodded. "We can consider moving the Lukang team to the north, but we need to train the Youlongxiang division." Zheng Kezang has a different idea. "I think that Seogwipo, Okuowai, and Ezo are all coastal lands, or it can be said that the Marine Corps has been expanded into a naval division."

"Sea soldier?" Wu Shu was taken aback. "Then how to solve the matter of Master Lu's rotation?"

"Jiannu is now in great power, and it will be difficult to shake for a while. Therefore, in the future, the Lu division will be mainly responsible for the defense of Dongning Island, and the navy division will be the main force for harassment." Zheng Kezang said carefully. "Of course the Marine Division can give the title of Youlongxiang Division. As for the rotation of Beidi? Don't the military officers of the eight divisions have regular rotations? The military officers can be like this, and the sentry teams can also be exchanged! Save the following to talk about doing things alone. It's unfair to not give them the opportunity to make meritorious service and award honors."

Zheng Kezang's suggestion was unimaginable, but Wu Shu was fine, and everyone in the Military Affairs Department who handled the specific arrangements had a wonderful face. Zheng Kezang turned a blind eye to this: "Let's just settle it like this, by the way, the people who go to and from Macau It is rumored among the barbarians in western Thailand that Folangji has hooked up with the traitor Wu Xingzuo again, and will send troops to Qiongzhou in October, so what do you think should be done in this battle."

"Now our feudal clan has transported 30 people from Qiongzhou," Lin Heng was already worried about this, and when Zheng Kezang mentioned it now, he immediately took up the conversation. "The original vassal used to have 40, but now there are 30. Not to mention whether the locality can bear it, I am afraid that Tai Ah's downfall is in sight." Zheng Kezang was taken aback, but soon realized that Lin Heng was It is said that the proportion of immigrants who entered Taiwan with Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Jing was very small, which was extremely unfavorable for Ming Zheng to maintain his rule over Dongning. Lin Heng was so worried. "That's why I implore the lord to take advantage of the situation and end the Qiongzhou war."

Regarding Lin Heng's concerns, Zheng Kezang was noncommittal, and instead asked the Military Academy for confirmation: "Wu Qing, Qing commanded the Qiongzhou war at the beginning, and Lin Qing also stayed in Qiongzhou. You two think that if you rely on the Wanquan River line, Can this domain last until the end of the year?"

Wu Shu and Lin Sheng looked at each other and asked, "How many troops will the Lord plan to leave behind?"

Zheng Kezang thought about it.Stretch out your hand and compare: "A division, at most, is the strength of a division. Even if the Wanquan River cannot be defended, it will be easier to retreat, and there will not be too many losses."

"A teacher?" Wu Shu and Lin Sheng discussed for a while before responding in an uncertain tone. "Lang Yida, the newly appointed admiral of the Guangdong Land Division of the Qing Dynasty, is said to have been a first-class bodyguard in Jiannu University. The ministers don't know much about this person's use of troops, so they can only give a speculative answer." Zheng Kezang nodded. Head, so Wu Shu said. "If this person is reckless, regardless of Wenchang and other places, he can go directly from Qiongzhou to Anding and go south, and he can reach the Wanquan River in about ten days. After counting camping, making offensive equipment and several storms, then maybe within 20 days. Let his troops go south, and Lang Yida will send troops to detour if he says anything next." Wu Shu frowned, after all, the opponent's character and tactics of using troops are unfamiliar, but it is a bit out of control to estimate his actions. Available now. "After the detour, how can we continue to attack the bastion in Henan recklessly? That will give us ten days more time, but it is hard to guarantee that the opponent will not let go of the fortress in Henan and go straight to the ports in Wanzhou."

"If Lang Yida used his troops cautiously, he would divide his troops to recover Wenchang, Chengmai, Lingao, Danzhou and other places first, so that the Qing captives would not try to attack the Wanquan River before December." Lin Sheng added with. "But anything can happen on the battlefield, today's ministers can only speculate, and cannot be used as a basis."

"It's a lonely one." Zheng Kezang made up his mind. "If you stick to it for one month, you can transport more than 3 people to the east, and if you stick to it for two months, it will be almost [-]."

Zheng Kezang was a little fussy, but even so, there were still a large number of people in some counties and prefectures in Qiongxi who had no time to migrate.

"My lord, you can't settle accounts like this." Lin Heng was a little anxious. "After the Qing captives land in Qiongzhou, traitors who are willing to serve as slaves will inevitably come out to fight against our vassal." Of course, Lin Heng's words were embellished. military. "The speed of recruiting people in this feudal domain will inevitably be hindered by this. I'm afraid we won't be able to transport many people back in two months."

"Lin Qing made some sense." Zheng Kezang was a little resentful, but he couldn't count on the fire in Leizhou, so he ordered. "I'm a little worried"

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