Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

217. Qiongzhou Great Victory

After June in the 41st year of the Yongli calendar, the air in the Qionghai Sea gradually became tense. The number of troops stationed by the Qing army in Gaoleilian and other places increased day by day. The island opens to Bohe Port and Leizhou Bay successively.By early September, the Qing army had garrisoned 150 troops on the north side of the Leiqiong Strait, and there were more than [-] navy ships. It can be said that the preparations for the offensive were almost complete.

However, in view of the fact that the Portuguese ship agreed to carry out the escort mission has not yet arrived, Fu Kui, who claims to be unable to fight head-on with Zheng Jun at sea, adopted a retreat tactic and placed all the ships of the Guangdong Navy in the transparent sea sheltered by the three southern islands and Dongshan Island. Along the coast, in order to avoid the possible devastating blow of Zheng Jun.

Although the retreat of the Qing army into the inner sea shoal made it impossible for Zheng Jun's main splint gunboat to attack it, but the practice of the Qing army surrendering its command of the sea also allowed Zheng Jun to easily grasp its movements.The notification ship of the Qiongzhou Squadron of the Zheng Army's fast fleet even went deep into Leizhou Bay to investigate the Qing army's coastal villages, which depressed the morale of the Qing army.

Fortunately, this kind of swallowing days passed quickly. On September 21, three Portuguese armed merchant ships, three large and one small, entered the Naozhou waterway and moored in the sea south of Dongshan Island.The Qing army, which was strongly assisted, immediately drove the Portuguese to close Leizhou Bay and drive away the Zheng army's reconnaissance ship.The Portuguese dispatched two large ships to cruise in Haikou. The large number of guns did prevent Zheng Jun from reporting the ship's actions. However, the Portuguese did not wholeheartedly cooperate with the Qing army's actions, so they ignored Fu Kui's attack order. To deal with it, I just drove Zheng Jun's notification ship out of Haikou.Although Zheng Jun could not sail into Leizhou Bay as easily as before, he was still able to cruise outside the bay, which did not hinder the investigation of the Qing army's movements.

Fu Kui and Lang Yida had no choice but to send someone to negotiate an early attack with the Portuguese.Among the four Portuguese ships that came to Leizhou Bay to assist the Qing army in landing, except for a small military Galen, the other three large Clark ships belonged to various ship owners and merchants. The reason why they put aside their normal commercial activities came Leizhou Bay was precisely because of the ultimatum from Guangdong Province. Now that the Qing army intends to advance military operations, it is naturally full of joy. Therefore, the two sides agreed to carry out the southward landing operation in the early morning of September 24.

On September 24, the Qing army boarded the ship and went to sea before dawn, but it took nearly two hours for the landing convoy of more than [-] people to get into formation and slowly sail out of Leizhou Bay.Since the Portuguese ships had blocked the seaport in advance, Zheng Jun's notification ship could not know the real movement of the Qing army, but as the brigade of ships sailed out, everything was no longer a secret.

The Qing army went all the way south, and just when they sailed through the Wailuo waterway and entered Qionghai, three [-]-material two-masted gunboats belonging to the Qiongzhou Squadron of the Zheng Army's fast fleet, including Yanyanxi, Dapai Port, and Zhurai Port, were already under the command of the new commander Yan Yan. Under the leadership of Daoji, the generals came over.Seeing Zheng's menacing approach, four Portuguese ships got rid of the slow Qing army fleet and met them. Although only one was a military Galen, the large Clark ship had a load of up to [-] tons and nearly [-] guns on one side of the ship. The number was much higher than that of Zheng Jun's brigantine gunboats, so after a bombardment where the demonstration was greater than the actual effect, Zheng Jun was forced to turn around and leave.

The Portuguese who successfully demonstrated suddenly remembered what happened to the Madame Rose, so they chased after them relentlessly. In this way, they were out of touch with the Qing army fleet.Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the three ships of Feixi, Feixiong and Feixing, who were looking for opportunities in the periphery, rushed out from the direction of Hai'an Bay under the leadership of Tan An, and went straight to the Qing army brigade.The Qing army only saw Zheng Jun's navy fleeing in embarrassment under the Portuguese attack, and thought that Zheng Jun was no good. A dozen warships broke away from their positions and rushed out, but were repaired by Zheng Jun with broadside gunfire. some.

Just as the six Qing warships suddenly sank into the sea with thick black smoke, and just as the Zheng Jun gunboats were getting closer to the main force of the Qing army after throwing off the other clumsy Qing warships, they heard The Portuguese who heard the sound of cannons from the rear realized that they could not catch up with the dexterous Yan Daoji and his party and turned back. The general rescued Fu Kui and his party from the brink of destruction. Even so, the Qing army still paid for four more transport ships The price of fire and cold sweat after being shot.

Seeing the loss of the Qing army, the Portuguese, who knew that they had been hit by a slap in the face, learned to be good, and no matter how tempting Zheng Jun tried to lure them, they would not leave the fleet too far.Because the distance between Qionghai was too short, after the two guerrilla attacks failed, Zheng Jun's navy could only watch the Qing army approach Qiongzhou.

The Qing army who had escaped from death swarmed to the coast of Qiongzhou. The chaotic situation made Lang Yida spend a full half a day to organize the team. During this period, Lang Yida was very worried that the Zheng army would take the opportunity to attack. Nan withdrew to the front line of Wanzhou, so Lang Yida was lucky enough to regroup his troops.

Not to mention that He Fu will be harassed by Zheng Jun's navy on the way back, let's say that Lang Yida gathered more than [-] people to split up and sent people to recover the Baisha Water Village that had been demolished. Slowly approach Qiongzhou Fucheng.However, the brigade had only marched ten miles, and the scouts in front came to report that Qiongzhou Fucheng had been recovered.

Surprised and delighted by the news, Lang Yida sent someone to send a report of victory to Fu Kui who had not yet returned to the voyage, and at the same time sent more scouts to investigate.Perhaps what was learned from Zheng Jun’s withdrawal, the gentry who had not been sent away by Zheng Jun in various counties greeted the so-called king’s master, and some local magistrates and guards appointed by Ming Zheng also announced that anyway, In this way, by the third day of October, Qiongzhou (Qiongshan attached to Guo) and Wenchang, Anding, Chengmai, and Lingao counties had returned to the rule of the Qing court.

In view of the fact that as many as [-] Qing troops landed every day, the Zheng Jun Navy officially decided to terminate the blockade mission in Qionghai on the fifth day of October.On the ninth day of October, the Portuguese, who had not been harassed by the Zheng army for many days, requested the Qing army to terminate the escort for the purpose of restoring normal trade as soon as possible and earning due money as soon as possible.

Lang Yida and Fu Kui naturally didn't want the Portuguese to let go and withdraw at this time, so they flatly denied the Portuguese's request.After another three days, the unbearable Portuguese chose to leave without saying goodbye. For this reason, the two sides filed a lawsuit. Wu Xingzuo, who was pushing the boat along the way, also tore up the benefit agreement reached with the Portuguese before, so that those who dared not speak out Macau and Portugal were very angry at the arbitrariness of the Qing court.

But the Portuguese matter is not over yet.After the Qiong Hai incident, two of the four Portuguese armed merchant ships, two Clark and one Galen, returned to Macau, but the other Clark only went straight to Hoi An in Guangnan, and ended up being evacuated to Zhengzhou in Cam Ranh. It was encountered by the fast fleet of the Guangnan people, and the two sides were fighting in the outer sea of ​​Huitong. The Zheng army seized the Clark ship in front of the Guangnan people at the cost of one sinking, two fires, and 77 officers and soldiers. The news spread to Macau. The Macao Council was in mourning, and some businessmen began to make a request for reconciliation to Ming and Zheng through the British.

Not to mention the disengaged Portuguese, the Qing army took over Danzhou on the eighth day of October, but Lang Yida’s footsteps stopped there. On the other hand, the remaining gentry gathered in Qiongzhou Fucheng is also the object Lang Yida is eager to solve.

On October [-]th, Lang Yida arrested [-] households and more than [-] gentry in Qiongbei in Qiongshan, Lingao, Chengmai, Wenchang, Anding and other places in the name of being a bandit and a traitor.The gentry, who were still confused about the purpose of the army, proposed to pay for their "self-crime" by means of family wealth and labor, but Lang Yida refused to recognize his relatives, and a massacre from the "sage king and master" fell to some Willing to fall on the head of the traitor who is the servant of "Lord Baylor".

On October [-]th, after receiving supplies and completing the "cleaning and suppression" campaign in Qiongbei, the Qing army marched southward again, recapturing Huitong and Lehui counties on the eastern front, and reapproaching the Zheng army's line of defense at the Wanquan River.

At this time, the real news of Qiongbei's "clearance and suppression" had not yet spread to Qiongxi and Qiongnan, so Changhua and Thanksgiving counties also rebelled from Ming and Zheng's control areas. By October [-], Zheng's army had only retained Wanquan. The coastal area between the Ningyuan River and the Ningyuan River.

On October [-], the Qing army stationed [-] troops in Wanquan Hebei, but Lang Yida had an extra mind and did not invade directly. Wanzhou left, as for Zheng Jun's plans for the war, all of them fell through, and he had to withdraw frontline personnel from Wanzhou, Lingshui, and Yazhou ahead of schedule.

On October [-], the Qing army entered the city of Wanzhou. On the same day, the Zheng army began to retreat along the Wanquan River.

Zheng Jun's retreat naturally alarmed the Qing army, and Lang Yida also wanted to make real military achievements, so he immediately ordered his troops to carry out a general attack on the fortresses along the line, but the Qing army's attack was met with the same experience as He Fu's troops back then. , there were piles of corpses piled up under the forts everywhere, and Lang Yida was forced to stop his foolish behavior of hitting his head against the wall.

Therefore, taking advantage of the night, Zheng Jun withdrew the defenders of the forts one after another. On the first day of November, the Qing army was awakened by the earth-shattering explosion. Only then did they realize that Zheng Jun had already destroyed all the forts , boarded a ship to leave Qiongzhou, and returned directly to Dongning.Lang Yida, who had picked up a big deal, had to report victory to Guangdong with a number of flags that Zheng Jun was too late to withdraw as proof of his military exploits. So far, the resistance established by Zheng Jun above Qiongzhou post no longer exists.

Although the main force of the Zheng army had all been withdrawn, taking advantage of Qiongzhou's long coastline, the Zheng army was still active on the Qing army's food road with a small force, forcing the Qing army to continuously strengthen the protection of rear transportation.Of course, all this is back to the light. On the eighth day of November, the Qing army entered Lingshui, and on November 26th, the Qing army entered Yazhou. So far, the entire Qiongzhou has fallen into the hands of the Qing army. Xiaobu was forced to withdraw, which was the "Qiongzhou Victory" in Kangxi's [-]th year.

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