Ma Mingpeng (recommended by friend manson2003) was powerlessly digging holes on the ground. Although it was already late spring in April, the weather outside the customs was still freezing to the bone. After surviving the winter, there are not a few who die before the arrival of spring. In order to find more time, Ma Mingpeng has to spend more time looking for edible grass seeds and overwintering nuts hidden by the squirrels.

Suddenly, something appeared in Ma Mingpeng's peripheral vision, and he knelt down immediately without daring to be negligent. You must know that these armored men have a very low status in the banner people, but they are like wolves and tigers when they oppressed the Han people who were exiled in the Kanto region. However, Ma Mingpeng was unwilling to lose his precious life because of some trivial matter.

However, the armored men who came out to hunt today seemed a little strange. They stomped in front of Ma Mingpeng and stopped moving when they were riding horses.Ma Mingpeng fell on the ground in astonishment, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. Could it be that these armored men didn't find their prey, and they were going to regard themselves as the objects of hunting games?

Thinking of the fear, Ma Mingpeng suddenly turned over, then sprang up, and ran desperately into the forest. During the period, in order to avoid possible bows and arrows, he stopped and changed direction from time to time, but he was too weak to run away In a moment, with his eyes blackened, he fell headfirst on the snowdrift that hadn't completely melted.

When Ma Mingpeng opened his eyes again, a seductive aroma spread to his nostrils, and he slowly opened his eyes with his stomach growling, only to see a wooden bowl in front of him, which vaguely contained broth , and even a few unknown pieces of meat.

"If you die, you have to be a hungry ghost." With this in mind, Ma Mingpeng grabbed the wooden bowl without looking aside, swallowed the warm broth without hesitation, and at the same time chewed the meat that he hadn't tasted for several years. , this long-lost taste almost made him swallow his tongue.

Ma Mingpeng, who licked up the contents of the bowl, sighed contentedly, then closed his eyes and thought about it.

Just when he thought he was going to die soon, a voice asked, "Is it finished? Do you want to add some more?"

"Yes, that would be the best." After finishing speaking, Ma Mingpeng suddenly felt something wrong, he suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at someone speaking Cantonese in front of him. "Who are you?" Ma Mingpeng exclaimed suddenly. "Your hair, you, you are Koreans, how can you speak Cantonese?"

"We are not Koreans, we are Han Chinese." The leader responded with a smile. "A genuine Daming man."

"You guys?" Although Ma Mingpeng was sent to Jilin Ula to do hard labor, he knew that the Qing Dynasty was not over, so the only possibility for the other party to declare that he was from the Ming Dynasty was to be. "You guys from Dongning, what, why did you come to the old den of the Tartars outside the pass, don't hurry up, if the Tartars find out, don't hurt me!"

"My lord, let me just say that the blood of the rest of San Francisco has been tossed away by the suffering of the past few years." A young voice said coldly. "I'm afraid that this will happen just by mentioning the Tartars. How can you expect him to fight the Tartars? It's better to bring him back to the old camp and become a burden."

"You can't say that." Before the leader could respond, another knight beside him interrupted the young man's words. "Although it doesn't look bloody, it's still a son of the Han family. Instead of leaving it to be ruined by the wild girl, it's better to take it back. The Tianziying has been calling for a lack of manpower to develop it."

Ma Mingpeng blinked his eyes, but his spirit was extremely tense. He vaguely guessed that the other party would not let him go easily, but whether he could survive would depend on the other party's wishes.

While Ma Mingpeng was tremblingly waiting for the verdict of fate, he heard the leader say: "Seeing that you are a Han Chinese, I will give you two choices, one is to go back and continue to serve the Tartars as an ox and a horse, and the other is to follow us." Walk."

While talking, the leader looked at the sky: "It's getting late, and it's too late to go back. The Tartars will have to give you a few whips, but it's better to save one's life, and you can take as many days as you can. But if you If you go with us, you can't guarantee that you will have a safe life, and you can't guarantee that you will have hot soup and meals every day, but there is a chance to get out of this hell alive."

"My lord, why bother talking to him," the young voice seemed dissatisfied with the leader's decision. "Beat him unconscious and take him away. Wake him up after fifty miles away from here. At that time, he wants to go back. The Tartars will think he is a fugitive slave, which is better than wasting words here."

"Maybe this brother has a family." The leader rejected the young man's proposal in a reasonable manner. "Let him choose by himself." Speaking of this, the leader looked at Ma Mingpeng. "No matter how you choose, don't let your family commit crimes."

"Family?" Ma Mingpeng burst into tears after being touched. "My son starved to death, my daughter was taken over by the leader, but tortured to death by the leader's ex-wife, my wife couldn't stand all of this and died of illness early. What family do I have?" Ma Mingpeng wiped away his tears. "Stop talking, I'll go with you, as long as you don't lie to me."

"I'm sorry, brother." The leader patted Ma Mingpeng on the shoulder. "The Tartars owe us Han people too much blood and tears. One day, all of this will be repaid to them." The leader commanded the knights around him to put out the fire, covered all traces of activity with snow, and then got on his horse. "Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't prepare your horse. In this way, it's no problem to wrong you to be tied up with our companions."

"What is wronged or not?" Ma Mingpeng laughed. "If I can escape from the hands of the living Tartars, even if I'm tied to a horse's tail and dragged away, I'm willing."

Before everyone in the Camran Metropolitan Government recovered from the joy of forcing a country to sign a treaty, on April 27, two Dutch forty-gun military galleons [Bandan], [Cape Town] and the notification ship 【Gazel】appeared off the coast of Jin Ran.Since Zheng Jun implemented the two-stage method of cruising and resting, three four-thousand-material iron-frame gunboats and one thousand-material notification ship were blocked in the port area immediately.

Although the Dutch were repelled, the two cruisers still stayed off the coast of Cam Ranh, which made the upright Tang Shenzhi choked up. For this reason, he convened a military meeting and pointed out: "We must rush out of the port as soon as possible to meet with the No. Six teams meet."

Tang Shenzhi pointed to the map and said: "Now Hongyi is anchored on the southern side of Kempin Island. From then on, it will definitely alarm the opponent. Our ship has few small guns, so it may not be his opponent. Therefore, we can only take the north channel of the island."

All the captains gasped. The northern channel of Cambin Island was so narrow that there was no room for turning around. Once the Dutch discovered the intention of the Guangnan Squadron, the only thing waiting for Zheng Jun was to be destroyed.

However, Tang Shenzhi's determination has been made: "Notify the ship yard and let them speed up the repair of the ship. We will set sail within three days."

"There are many cannons on the red barbarians, Commander Tang must be more vigilant." The governor Cai Tong, who attended the meeting, took care of him after the meeting. "Even if we join forces with the Sixth Squadron, don't fight against them lightly. Please come quickly with the Zhenguo Fleet. Hongyi is trying to use the big to control the small, and we will do the same, just to use the same way to fight back."

Tang Shenzhi didn't want to work on the Zhenguo Fleet. After all, Dongning was thousands of miles away, and it would take nearly a month to go back and forth. The Dutch might leave after a few days of blockade. His fellow sailors mocked him for his cowardice and incompetence.

But it's not easy to tell Cai Tong directly, so he said perfunctorily: "Let's meet with the sixth team first and then talk about it."

Cai Tong, who left the fleet berth, felt more uneasy the more he thought about it, but even though he was the governor, it was not good to interfere with the authority of the commander. After all, size control existed in Dongning, so he discussed with Fei and decided to send People went south to Bintonglong, made a boat at Bintonglong port and returned to Dongning to report.

Don't say anything about pressing Cai Tong's back hand, three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this night, the fifth team of the Guangnan Squadron, three large and one small, four ships slowly sailed out of the inland sea of ​​Cam Ranh Bay under the night rain.After crossing the North and South Peninsula forts, each ship lowered its sails one by one, using the tide to slowly drift towards Cambin Island.Under the cover of the small island, a group of Zheng Jun ships quietly crossed the northern channel and sailed into the vast South China Sea. Then they sailed northward first, and after a large circle, they turned to the south and parked in Hamada ( The Dutch blockade ships on the outskirts of the beach were left behind.

Now that the Dutchman was out of sight, Han Bai, the supervising officer of the squadron, said, "Commander, Governor Cai asked us to inform Dongning. Do you think we should send Jiashan back?"

"The Dutch Hongyi only have two large ships, and we have six ships after joining forces. It is not necessary to rely on the Zhenguo fleet."

Since Tang Shenzhi is the highest officer of the squadron and has full power of freedom, Han Bai did not dare to shake his determination after fulfilling his obligations, so the decision was made

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