On July 29th, the [-]th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, when the war in southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang was in the ascendant, the main force of the Qing army under the command of Funing arrived at Turgeng Yizhaer in Kexigten Banner (Note: later Mulan Paddock) .The Qing army camped here on the spot. The entire camp area was [-] miles long and [-] miles wide, with nearly [-] troops stationed there.

On the same day, Fuquan sent an envoy to find the Zhungeer camp and said to Galdan: "When you entered our frontier flood, Shang Alani and others had to fight. You have made a good relationship with the Celestial Court Xiu, and you are here to pursue Khalkha. Er. Now Khalkha has robbed our foreign clan, committed rebellion, and lost our court. The Holy Majesty sent Prince He Shuoyu and the eldest son of the emperor to affirm the etiquette and law with you, and we will make an eternal alliance from now on."

Here, the tone of the Qing court changed greatly, admitting that Galdan went south to "pursue Khalkha", and said that Khalkha was the common enemy of the Qing court and Junggar, and the emperor sent important officials here to discuss and solve the problem. Method.

In order to further dispel Galdan's doubts, he also specifically stated that the Qing envoys did not bring troops here for the purpose of fighting.

However, Galdan had long seen the intention of the Qing court to make false talk, so he used his plan to deceive the other party, and sent the Qing court to explain the reason for entering the border again: "Kalka is my enemy, because I chased Bilan and entered the border flood. In the Taoism of the Chinese emperor, you dare not act recklessly." Kangxi replied to Galdan, explaining that the Qing court did not promise to hand over Tu and Zhe. Butsundamba wants to give it to you. This is all the envoy's plan to escape and this is what he said."

At this time, Kangxi, who was ill and returned to Beijing, sent an order to Fuquan on his sickbed, saying: "What restraints should be made in Galdan to wait for the soldiers of Shengjing, Ula, Horqin, etc. The cattle and sheep left behind are old and vigorous, and they are doubtful. Soldier."

Fuquan was ordered to immediately send people to send a hundred sheep and twenty cattle, and sent a letter hoping to agree on a place for peace talks to completely resolve the Khalkha issue.However, this move did not work. Galdan accepted the gift from Fuquan, but did not reveal the slightest word about the peace talks, which made the envoys of the Qing army and the accompanying ministers at a loss.

Fuquan had no choice but to report to Kangxi: "Since the soldiers are out, you must know. The ministers are going to Keyi, and Galdan is stationed again. If you want to go back and inspect them, you are afraid that they will go west. Go. Galdan is cunning and cunning, and his whereabouts are difficult to determine. The soldiers were caught in a detour, and the deployment was not good enough. They temporarily stationed in Habtahai Haitaha, and then set their direction."

Although there were frequent exchanges of envoys between Junggar and the Qing court, and they expressed friendship many times, the two sides were already at the ready, lacking in sincerity, and all efforts for peace talks failed, and a war between the two sides was inevitable.

On July 29, Galdan's troops arrived at the line of Ulan Butong Mountain and camped on the mountain.The Ulan Butong Mountains are densely forested, dangerous, and there are large swamp areas on the east and west sides, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. What's more, under this terrain, the superior strength of the Qing army is not easy to obtain. carry forward.

On August [-], the Qing troops who were deliberately lured by Zhungeer riders and discovered the Gardan camp left the Turgeng Yizhar camp and arrived at the foot of Ulan Butong Mountain one after another.In the afternoon of the same day, they used the "Wucheng Yonggu General Cannon" and "Shenwei Invincible General Cannon" that were cast with the help of Western missionaries to bombard Galdan's camp. Some dust was stirred up inside and outside the "Camel City" of the Jungar people, causing very few people and animals to be killed or injured.

The so-called "Camel City" is to tie the camel's limbs and make it lie down on the ground, and then pile up wooden boxes and felts wetted with water. Soldiers can hide between the humps and wooden boxes and shoot outwards.But the Zhungeers made a huge mistake, that is, they didn't realize that the Qing army would have a large number of artillery pieces, so they didn't block the ears of the camels. Like getting rid of the tied ropes, the camel cities collapsed one after another after being affected by this change.

Seeing that the "Camel City" of the Jungar people was useless, the Qing army thought they had a chance to win, so they rushed to the mountain regardless of the unfavorable terrain, but they were fiercely attacked by the Jungar army with bows, arrows and muskets. The army was killed and wounded, and finally reached the edge of the "Camel City", and was driven out by the brave Zhungeer people in hand-to-hand combat.

The Qing army, which left thousands of corpses, fled down Ulan Butong Mountain in embarrassment. Although Prince Yu Fuquan, who commanded the battle, encouraged the whole army to fight again, the Shaanxi Green Camp that could fight has become an empty shell, and the remaining Eight Banners soldiers It was completely useless to fight with the Inner Mongolian soldiers, so Fuquan had no choice but to stop fighting.In view of the fact that the Qing army still had a large number of troops, Galdan, whose number was only one-fifth of the Qing army, did not dare to take the initiative to provoke a battle, so the day's battle came to an end.

Regarding this disastrous defeat, Fuquan reported: "General Fuyuan and Prince Shuoyu Fuquan reported that on July 29, the ministers and others heard that Erut was stationed in Ulanbutong, that is, the entire team. Marched at dawn on the first day of August. , Seeing the enemy in the middle of the day, set up antler guns, and the soldiers marched slowly. When it was not too late, they approached the enemy and fired guns and shells. At the foot of the mountain, they saw Erut repelling each other across the high bank of the river in the forest, lying on a camel as a barrier. Since never During the battle, when the lanterns were held, the left wing was involved from the mountainside, and they were defeated and killed a lot. The right wing attacked, blocked by the river cliff and mud, and returned to the original place. I wanted to wipe out the remaining thieves, but in the dark night It is dangerous, withdraw the troops and retreat slowly. Whether or not his Galdan died in the rebellion will be found out later, and it will be reported later. It is related to the defeat of the bandits, so I would like to hear about it."

Regarding the battle on this day, Bai Jin, a French missionary who served in the Qing court at that time, said in his report to King Louis XIV of France: "In a battle against Erut Khan (Note: That is, Ulan Butong During the battle), the emperor (note: referring to Emperor Kangxi) knew that the reason why his army suffered heavy losses and failed to completely defeat the enemy was because the Eruts forced the emperor's cavalry to withdraw from the battle line with the powerful firepower of their good platoon guns .”

Bai Jin also wrote: "Thereafter, the emperor ordered his cavalry, even the fine cavalry in the guards, to practice using firearms and bows when riding horses and running, or when reining in their horses."

And Bai Jin's statement can be confirmed by the records recorded in "Personal Expedition to Pingding Shuomo": "Shangyu University scholar Yisang'a and others, our army has recently fought Erut, and the arrangement is too close, and they are shooting randomly for the thieves." In the middle of the camp, the advance and retreat do not make a sound, which is why they are not used to battle formation. Since ancient times, the art of war has always been pre-trained. The former, the soldiers of the Eight Banners, and the school hunting in the Spring and Autumn Period, means training military equipment. But the school hunting fears that the soldiers will be exhausted. , Now the school hunting is stopped. It ordered the soldiers of the Eight Banners to gather in the open place in spring and autumn, set up formations and sing, and train the pace."

Even Kangxi's uncle Tong Guogang was killed by the Zhungeer army's musket bullets during the retreat on this day, which shows the tragedy of the Qing army's unsuccessful attack that day.

Regarding the casualties of the Zhungeer army on this day, Fuquan wrote in another battle report: "On the first day of August, Galdan was defeated, and the army was withdrawn in the evening. The next day, he went forward to kill the remaining bandits. Dan firmly refused according to the danger, so I let my soldiers take a break."

The situation is already obvious. After the fierce battle on the afternoon of August [-], Galdan not only was not defeated, but instead assembled an army to hold on to the danger, and his position was not shaken.

In this regard, Zhang Cheng, a French missionary working for the Qing court at that time, recorded the battle of Ulan Butong and said: "King Erut (Note: Galdan) is very familiar with their marching situation, and has made up his mind to fight in the Ulan Butong. About eighty leagues (note: one league is about five kilometers) away from the city of Beijing (that is, Ulan Butong) to fight. The terrain occupied by this king is extremely favorable. Although he lacks the well-equipped cannons like the imperial army , the number of troops was also small, but he still ignored the disparity in strength between the two sides, and met the opponent's challenge. At the beginning, his vanguard suffered heavy losses from the enemy's shelling, which forced him to change the deployment of the battle. Since he was deployed behind the great swamp, the emperor's The army could not surround him. He defended so bravely that it was not until nightfall that all sides retreated to their camps."

It can be seen from this that the Junggar army was bombarded by the Qing army at the beginning of the war, and indeed suffered some heavy losses. However, at the end of the day's battle, the forces of the two sides essentially confronted each other. Dan was victorious.

Although Galdan won the fierce battle on the afternoon of August [-], he went deep alone and had no successors, so it was impossible to persist in long-term combat.Although the Qing army suffered heavy losses, its strength was still strong, and the newly deployed troops from all walks of life advanced into Ulan Butong one after another, and were about to form a siege against the Junggar army.In this situation, quickly leaving the battle and retreating to Mobei is the only way out for Galdan, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

In order to retreat safely, Galdan, who did not know that Zheng Jun had landed in the Jiangnan area, adopted a strategy of making peace with the Qing army and carefully designed a set of negotiation procedures.

On August [-], Galdan sent the great lama Yiraguk Sanhutuktu to the Qing army headquarters to ask for peace, and used his military victory as a bargaining chip to launch a psychological offensive against the opponent, insisting on asking for Tushetuhan and Jebu Zundamba Hutuktu, but was severely rejected by the commanders of the Qing army.The envoy of Galdan expressed that he would continue the negotiation, and said that "within one or two days, Jilong Hutuktu will talk about the reason and repair it."

On August [-], the great Tibetan lama Jilong Hutuktu led more than [-] disciples to the Qing army headquarters to seek peace, admitting that Galdan "went deep into the border, his subordinates were ignorant, and robbed people and animals, all of which were indecent."He repeatedly explained that the war was due to "the mistake caused by his enemies Tuxie Tuhan and Jebtsundamba", and he did not mean to oppose Kangxi, the "lord of the unified universe".He lowered the negotiation conditions, gave up asking for Tushetuhan, and only asked for "Zhebtsundamba to be sent to his teacher, the Dalai Lama."Jilong also said that Galdan would withdraw from Ulan Butong and wait for a peace negotiation in a place with water and grass.

Fuquan and others did not agree to Jilong's request, and threatened: "Is there any reason to send the Dalai Lama because of Galdan's words? Because I am waiting for you to come and judge my actions, I will move forward now."

Under the military pressure of the Qing army, Jilong stated that as long as Galdan was allowed to withdraw from the border, other demands could be waived.

In fact, Galdan was not yet surrounded by the Qing army in Ulan Butong, and the road to retreat was still open.But he worried that once he left the position, he would be chased and intercepted by the Qing army.Therefore, Galdan used peace talks to stabilize the Qing army so that he could escape.Therefore, on the night when Jilong Hutuktu arrived at the Qing army camp, Galdan led his troops to quickly evacuate Ulan Butong, "carried water from the Shilamoleng River across the Daqi Mountain, and fled to Ganga overnight. Brain".In this way, Galdan took the initiative to send envoys to negotiate peace, and after three days of rest, taking advantage of the Qing army's unpreparedness, he quickly retreated, successfully threw off the Qing army, and ran out of the border.It's just that on the way back to the Khovdor camp, Galdan encountered a plague. "Those who have to return to Khobdor are only a few thousand ears."

Since then, Galdan has lost the ability to get involved in the Qing Dynasty, and can only operate in Mobei, and the focus of the war has once again shifted to the southeast of the mainland.

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