Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

248. Battle of Jiangsu and Zhejiang

"Boom!" After a loud roar, a lead bullet the size of a bowl hit the city wall of Kunshan County after covering a distance of three hundred steps. After bouncing about a foot and a half in the air, it landed on the ground in a free fall, and made a small hole in the ground, and then it couldn't move anymore.

After about ten breaths of time, the adjacent [-]-jin Hongyi gun also fired shells, but the gunner here seemed to have insufficient gunpowder when loading, so the lead bullets fired Without even touching the city wall, it fell directly into the not wide and deep moat, stunning a few unlucky pond fish.

Another quarter of an hour later, the Qing army's artillery fired at the beginning spoke again, but this time the Qing army's gunners charged a little too much, and the shells fired went straight over the city wall, perhaps destroying several houses in the city or creating a partially hidden area. The Zheng army suffered casualties, but it did not help the Qing army's efforts to forcibly demolish the city wall.

Three rounds and one hit, the Qing army's garrison commanding the bombardment saw such a result, and their face was extremely gloomy.So he summoned the commander of the cannonball, and after a merciless reprimand, the Qing army's shelling began to be relatively accurate.However, since the number of medium-sized artillery brought by the ten thousand units on this trip was only two, and the rest of the Frang machine light artillery and tiger squatting artillery were unable to pose a threat to the city wall, the improvement in the shooting accuracy of the Qing army did not increase the damage to the city wall.

Looking at the artillery team leader who was braving the Qing army's gunfire to measure the range, Wu Ziming asked with some concern, "Is the range enough?"

"It's not enough." There are two-inch and three-inch cannons belonging to Zheng Juntuan, and the effective range of the three-inch cannons is within 330 paces. Naturally, they can effectively attack the Qing army's artillery positions under the city, but Zhuang Xing's troops are now attached. But the two-inch artillery team has an effective range of 250 steps. Even if the height of the city wall can provide a bonus to the range, it is difficult to pose a fatal threat to the two red barbarians owned by the Qing army. "But you can try to push back the artillery of the Qing army."

That being the case, what else to say, Wu Ziming immediately ordered to open fire.The two two-inch guns of the Zheng army first loaded the ammunition inside the city wall, and then the artillery squad pushed the gun wheel hard together to send it to the crenel of the city wall. Door

Zheng Jun's sudden artillery counterattack really shook the Qing army.Seeing the very close impact point, the Qing army garrison ordered the artillery position to move back immediately without asking Wan Yongqi for instructions.As a result, the Qing army's bombardment of the west wall of Kunshan was naturally interrupted, but more importantly, the Qing army's artillery team had to go inside the artillery to make up for the increase in range after retreating more than [-] steps and re-establishing a shooting position. Adding more gunpowder greatly increases the risk of bombing.

"Palace Guerrilla." Seeing that the artillery team was forced to retreat in embarrassment, Wan Yongqi, who had a gloomy face, immediately gave the order to attack the city. "I entrust you with the Songjiang City Guard Camp, Jinshan Camp, Zhelin Camp, Qingcun Camp, and Nanhui Navy Camp. How should you know what to do?"

Gong Guerrilla, who had suffered under the hands of Zheng Jun, groaned secretly, but the military discipline of the Qing court was still strict at this time. It is not uncommon for Ninggu Pagoda to be dispatched, so Gong Guerrilla could only put on a sigh of relief and accept the order with fists folded: "Your official understands."

A quarter of an hour later, the reorganization of the siege team composed of more than [-] remnants of the five battalions was completed. The entire siege team was divided into a support team with bird guns and bows, a ladder team with ladders and wooden boards, and a team with swords, shields and spears. The pioneer team consisted of three parts, one by one stripped off their livery and put up their braids, drank a bowl of farewell wine, and rushed out fiercely with a command.

For fear of accidental injury, the Qing army's red artillery stopped, but the tiger squat artillery team rushed to the moat with the artillery and followed the siege team.In fact, only a few of the lead, iron nails, and gravel fired by the tiger squatting guns with a very short range can reach the top of the city. The team walked through the smoke, with a posture of everyone moving forward bravely.

In response, Zheng Jun's two-inch guns fired one after another, and the two-inch guns loaded with shotguns cast a shadow of death. Unfortunately, the Qing army rushed too fast, and Zheng Jun only fired two rounds, and his vanguard had already reached the moat. side.The Qing army who rushed to the moat began to use ladders and wooden boards to build simple pontoon bridges in the moat, and the other part waded towards the city wall.

Seeing that the artillery was powerless, Huang Qi, who was standing at the top of the wall, ordered: "Counterattack immediately and shoot freely."

Rows of lead bullets were shot out, but because the lead bullets had to be wrapped with a layer of sackcloth to prevent the ammunition from slipping out of the gun chamber when shooting down, Zheng Jun's shooting speed was obviously slower than in conventional warfare, but it was In this way, the Qing army still paid a considerable price under the dual effects of the projectiles flying around and the thunder that was thrown after being ignited.

However, the casualties on their own side did not shake the determination of the generals at all levels of the Qing army to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. , Thousands of generals scolded, and climbed up desperately. From time to time, some people were knocked down by bullets and shrapnel, and some people slipped from the ladder because they stepped on blood, but no matter what, the Qing army was gradually approaching its goal. land.

"Ah!" A horrified scream resounded, and the Qing army who was climbing suddenly found that the sky and the earth had turned upside down, but it was a few Zheng Jun who pushed the ladder away from the city with the blunderbuss, and caused an explosion in the process. The flip of the ladder.

Of course, there are only a few phenomena where the ladder is overturned, and most of them are pushed away and then smashed to the top of the city again without overturning.However, a small part of them caused the ladder to break due to reasons such as weight, center of gravity, impact, and sloppy dressing during production.The soldiers of the Qing army on the ladder tried in vain to grab the fixed object, but they fell heavily under the city wall during the almost free fall

Finally, a few Qing troops took the top of the city, but they had to face not only Zheng Jun's platoon but also Zheng Jun's spear array, so they fell short before "success", and some even had to fight against the enemy. Because he couldn't stand, he was forced back to the ladder by Zheng Jun, so that he accidentally slipped and fell down and died.

"General Town, the combat power of facing the sea against the sea is very strong." The so-called rabbit died and the fox was sad. Seeing that the rest of the five battalion heads paid a very heavy price but failed to successfully climb to the top of the city, the commander of the Songnan Navy Battalion, who was also a remnant soldier, Wan Yongqi said. "It's better to attack the city at the same time on the other sides to divide the tide of the sea."

"Zhentai," although the Qibing Battalion is not a superintendent in terms of organizational system, it also belongs to the governor of Liangjiang. Therefore, General Li Shen, who is in charge of the battalion, has a special status, so he is unwilling to easily damage the strength of the army, so he urges Wan Yongqi not to Accept Matsunan Dusi's opinion and make a proposal. "It's better to wait until the local people are strong and the regiment is trained before attacking the city."

Although the opponent is a general, he is not an officer after all, so Songnan Dusi retorted unceremoniously: "I'm afraid that when Minzhuang and regiment training recruits arrive, Haini's reinforcements will also arrive."

General Li Shen was furious, and immediately raised his eyebrows, but Wan Yongqi didn't give him a chance to get angry, and saw the commander-in-chief wave his hand, interrupting the possible argument between the two: "What Song Nanying said makes sense. Come on, call for gold first, and then withdraw the fifth battalion."

The Qing army who received the signal to withdraw troops dropped their equipment and ran wildly, but left behind the calm Zheng Jun shooters. At this time, the Zheng Jun artillery team, which had not fired a few shots because the Qing army rushed in too quickly, spoke again. Although the effect was not as good as before because the formation of the Qing army had completely dispersed, it still left more casualties behind the Qing army who was eager to escape.

"A total of more than 200 people were lost in the city and the city, and more than a dozen injured were also lost on the way back." Of course, Zheng Jun was not harmless, especially when he was shot by the Qing army's bird gun There were more than a dozen people who were killed or wounded, but even if the specific casualties of Zheng Jun were known, the exchange ratio would not be conducive to the Qing army. There were only one casualty, so Shigong Guerrilla was unable to report his results directly.

"You go down and reorganize the ministries, and I'll give you the Songnan Camp as well." Wan Yongqi waved back the man who had been pardoned, and ordered at the same time. "Later, the Qibing Battalion will take over the offensive from the west and south gates, and the Qingshan Battalion will take over the offensive from the east and north gates. Be sure not to give Hai Ni time to breathe." It has to be carried out, of course, Wan Yongqi can't just force it, so he lured him. "After regaining Kunshan, I will definitely ask the imperial court for your lords' credit"

"Brother Xianjie, the worst situation has already appeared." The blatant mobilization of the Qing army naturally couldn't hide from Zheng Jun's observation on the city, but Zheng Jun only had two outposts and six troops in Kunshan, and the average was no more. There are more than [-] people on each wall, how can they stop the Qing army's four-sided attack. "What should we do?"

"Reinforcements from all over the country are coming, we must persevere." Zhuang Xing also had a serious expression. "Since the top of the city can no longer be defended, let's retreat inside the city." Zhuang Xing ordered. "However, the walls of the county government need to be strengthened, and there is no room for a team of more than 600 people. Therefore, it needs to be dispersed to the Confucian Temple and the Town God's Temple. Before that"

Before Zhuang Xing finished speaking, You Tao made a firm promise: "Before this, the lower officials will never let the Qing captives ascend to the top of the wall."

"Confused!" Zhuang Xing reprimanded. "If it weren't for the fact that my regiment was divided into four directions, and it was too weak to fight against the Qing captives, why should I retreat to the county government?" Zhuang Xing patted You Tao on the shoulder. "You Chengxin, if you really wiped out all the soldiers, can Kunshan City still be defended? So," Zhuang Xing paused. "Remove the soldiers from the city walls and set up barriers in the streets and alleys."

Although Kunshan is a county seat, only the north-south main streets can pass vehicles and horses, and most of the branch roads and alleys can only be walked by three or two people or alone. In this terrain, the advantage of the Qing army's strength is naturally not suitable.

You Tao's eyes lit up, and he immediately responded, "Your official knows what to do."

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