Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

250. Battle of Jiangsu and Zhejiang

Although the Songbei Association had no way to bargain with Wan Yongqi, in order to make these demoralized soldiers rush to kill again, Wan Yongqi still found a way to collect a batch of chicken, duck, fish, dog wine and distribute them.As a result, all the battalion heads sent people to collect a series of roadblocks set up by Zheng Jun to use as firewood, and broke open the houses to collect pots, condiments, bowls and chopsticks, fried and stewed, and immediately turned the front of the county government into a I entered a winery and tea shop with noisy voices.

Regardless of the hot weather, the Qing army, who should eat something lighter, ate a lot, and before he could lie down on the ground comfortably, he was driven into battle by the chief officer.Since the outermost end of the county government building was a thick screen wall, the red cannons brought in by the Qing army could not directly shoot at the gate of the county government. It took several rounds to forcefully knock down a section of the wall.

Since it was not known whether there was Zheng Jun behind the wall, the red barbarian artillery of the Qing army continued to bombard it, so the Yin Hotel, Restaurant and other connected buildings that were attached to the wall were smashed to pieces one after another.As soon as the red cannon stopped, more than a dozen Qing soldiers rushed to the wall with the tiger squatting cannon. Regardless of whether there was anyone in the Yin Hotel, they just ignited the cannon door with fire, and immediately lead bullets, iron nails, stones, tiles Films and other messy things washed the hall like a torrential rain, but Zheng Jun didn't deploy manpower here at all, so that the Qing army just made trouble for itself.

Then more than [-] Qing soldiers, led by a foreign commissioner Qian Zong, entered the Yin Hotel through the hole. After carefully avoiding the iron nails, they opened the door and walked to the central axis of the county government.At this time, the gate of ceremonies was closed, and there was no movement in the Shenming Pavilion built by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, as well as the dining hall next to and opposite the Yin Hotel, the double ancestral hall, the third class courtyard, the prison temple, and the prison. There was a depressive and terrifying atmosphere. Immediately came to Qing Jun's mind.

Some Qing troops with limp hands and feet didn't care to move on. They turned around and opened the gate first. The Qing army brigade, which had been waiting on the side of the wall, quickly passed the Xuanhuafang archway and went straight to the gate, but people could enter. It was not so easy to bring in the cannon through the steps, so the pressing Yimen (Note: the second gate of the county government) became the biggest trouble facing the Qing army.

Just as more and more Qing troops poured in, dozens of Zheng Jun infantry gunners suddenly appeared on the walls on both sides of Yimen. Immediately, rows of lead bullets tore apart dozens of fresh flesh.

The Qing army hastily used bird guns, bows and arrows to fight back, but in a hurry, most of the projectiles and arrows shot missed. When they woke up, they rushed to the dining halls and other houses on both sides, but although there were many places where the Qing army could hide, the doors and windows were narrow. Three salvos.

The three salvos left the Qing army with forty or fifty corpses and the same number of wounded. Looking at the comrades lying in the pool of blood and moaning, the Qing soldiers who survived by luck could not help but feel terrified, so One by one hid in the buildings on both sides and did not dare to show their heads, so the offensive was naturally out of the question.

"Hai Ni is so fierce and stubborn." After listening to the report of the Qing army who escaped in embarrassment, Wan Yongqi looked gloomy at the generals around him. "Can the adults have any good ways to defeat the enemy?"

General Li of the Qibing Battalion and Qin Guerrilla of the Qingshan Camp looked at each other, secretly rejoicing in their hearts. As for the Gong Guerrilla of the Songbei Association, although he was anxious, he had nothing to do. Mr. Qian, a confidant that Qi brought from Huanggang, suggested: "Since it is impossible to attack from the front, it is better to start from the back house, or attack from both sides."

The palace guerrilla is in a hurry: "On both sides of the county government, one is the money and grain warehouse (east warehouse) and the other is the military equipment warehouse (west warehouse), both of which are solid and heavy buildings in the county government office. Yamen, Jieshi Pavilion, county magistrate's office, master book office in the east and west sides of the lobby, Confucius' courtyard in front of the corridor of the second hall, Yazao room, east and west account rooms on both sides of the second hall, east and west flower halls on both sides of the third hall, these There are at least a dozen or so rooms, all of which can be used by the sea, so it is not advisable to attack the two sides by force. And the garden of the back house is rugged, so "

Gong Guerrilla looked at Wan Yongqi's displeased eyes, gritted his teeth, and insisted on finishing his sentence: "So, the lower officials thought that it would be better to suspend the attack on the strong county government, and first take down the other strongholds such as Chenghuang Temple, Confucian Temple, etc. When the sea turns against the wings, it is impossible to escape with the wings.”

Gong Guerrilla's mind was very clear. Songbei Association had gnawed at the hard bone of the county government, so naturally the Confucian Temple and Town God's Temple could no longer be dominated by Songbei Association.But Li Shenjiang and Qin Guerzilla next to his calculations can see clearly, and naturally have their own calculations.

As soon as Gong Guerrilla finished speaking, Qin Guerrilla next to him immediately expressed his opinion: "General Town, I am willing to lead the Qingshan Battalion to attack the Town God's Temple."

General Li Shen was a step behind and was annoyed. You must know that it is not the time to start the Qing Dynasty. In order to whitewash the peace and show the orthodoxy, the Qing court was relatively generous to the scholars. At this time, I smashed the Confucian Temple. I won't say much for the time being to suppress rebellion, but it's hard to guarantee that the big turbans won't secretly hate themselves.

It was precisely because of this consideration that General Li suggested: "General Town, Hai Ni is desperate, why don't you ask people to surrender?"

"Surrender?" Wan Yongqi's expression changed. It's getting late now. Unless he has to fight at night for his own reasons, he can only wait for tomorrow to fight again. At this time, sending someone to persuade him to surrender, even if it can't get results, at least it will be messed up. Zheng Jun's fighting spirit. "This discussion is very good." Wan Yongqi said after weighing for a while. "And find someone to write a persuasion letter and shoot it in"

Although the calculations of the generals of the Qing army were good, they were all rejected without exception. Of course, this is not because Zheng Jun is not afraid of death and injury, just like most civil servants and generals of the Qing army were unwilling to surrender after the defeat. However, military attaches at all levels of the Zheng Army who don't want their family to be implicated and become criminals also don't have much room for choice, not to mention that most of the middle and lower level military attaches of the Zheng Army are from boy scouts, and their beliefs are more firm.

"You don't have to drink a toast." Wan Yongqi sneered. "Pass down the order of the general, all the ministries should rest immediately, and attack the sea at midnight!"

As the night darkened, most of the Zheng army had already fallen asleep soundly, but Zhuang Xing, Wu Ziming, Huang Qi and others who were stationed at the three last strongholds tensed up. They did not predict the actions of the Qing army, but in order to Just in case, several officials still went out to watch the night several times with their poor bodies.

"What's going on?" The Qing army was repeatedly harassed by tired soldiers in the first half of the night, and this time it seemed to be the same, but You Tao was extra vigilant. He deliberately lit a torch to throw it over to see clearly, but there were a few crisp sounds of bird guns Afterwards, You Tao, who was struck by thunder, his eyes froze and fell to the ground together with the torch.

The sound of the guns alarmed the sleeping Zheng Jun. They picked up the rifles lying beside them and moved closer to their companions. Xiangfang was shooting arrows and firing guns. Under their cover, the Qing army who jumped off the wall quickly opened the gate of the Confucian Temple, and hundreds of Qing troops rushed in.

The same sound of fighting also resounded in the Chenghuang Temple and the county government, but here either it was alarmed by the sound of gunfire from the Confucian Temple, and it was prepared, or it discovered the Qing army's attempt in advance, so the resistance was more organized.

However, the strength of the Qing army was overwhelming. Therefore, when the walls and other fortifications could no longer stop them, the Zheng army could not use the power of its own rifles and was forced to engage in bloodier hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

With the passage of time, the two troops in the Chenghuang Temple and the Confucian Temple were divided into several groups by the Qing army, and lost the tight gun forest. The casualties of the Zheng army immediately increased. The county government is still stubbornly resisting, and the other two places have already fallen.

"Get down!" Wu Ziming with red eyes yelled, and a dozen or so Zheng Jun who were entangled with the Qing army subconsciously acted in accordance with this Hokkien dialect. The shotgun shells from the platoon swept across the area.

Although the results of the indiscriminate bombardment were outstanding, it was only to temporarily stabilize the front line, but it was not enough to drive out the Qing army that had broken into the backyard of the county government.The more deadly crisis was in the front yard of the county yamen. After paying the price of nearly 200 people, the Qing army had forced Zheng Jun, who was fighting on two fronts, to the second hall.

"It seems that the reinforcements have arrived." Zhuang Xing, who had been stabbed in the body, gasped while clutching his suspected broken rib. "Tell the army commander to burn all the remaining food." The order was issued, and the black smoke soon rose. At this time, Zhuang Xing looked at the soldiers around him with some regret. "I really should retreat back to join the Lord Commander, otherwise, none of these robes will die."

The two lieutenants of the guards responded in unison: "My lord, I'm waiting for a warrior to be shrouded in horse leather, and now I deserve to die."

"I just wish there weren't too many Tartars." Another captain named Cong Liupin Zhongxian complained. "Hateful, hateful!"

"Traitors who can't be killed endlessly." There was also a lieutenant of the eighth rank Xiuwu who spat on the ground. "It's all their bad things. Fortunately, I still have a dozen rounds of ammunition in my arms, and I can kill a few more."

Zhuang Xing smiled at these Zheng Jun, and at the same time comforted a few recruits who were staring at him: "Although we can't wait for reinforcements, this group of traitors will never escape, and they will avenge us!"

At this time, the sentinel who was observing the movement of the Qing army shouted loudly: "The Qing captives are attacking again."

Zhuang Xing stood up straight and ordered: "Load the ammunition, and when the volley is over, let's rush out to fight back."

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