Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

256. Battle of Jiangsu and Zhejiang

In the early morning of September [-]th, on the Furunqiao line to the east of Zhangting, the four divisions of the Zheng Army set up a formation along the Cijiang River and its tributary, Yuanjiachuan. The Yuyao River and its tributary, the Cijiang River, flow through two major rivers, so the Qing army can only choose to break through head-on.

At three o'clock in Yinshi, the Qing army who had a full meal went out of the camp one after another. They supervised the middle battalion, supervised the left battalion, garrisoned the Manchu Eight Banners, garrisoned the Mongolian Eight Banners, garrisoned the Han Army Banner, Zhejiang Tibiao Zuozhong Right Battalion, and Jiangnan Tibiao Zuozhong Battalion. , Quzhou Xiecheng Shouying, Yanzhou Xiecheng Shouying, Chuzhou Xiecheng Shouying, Jinhua Xiecheng Shouying, Huzhou Xiecheng Shouying, etc. Dozens of battalion flags and leading flags are arranged neatly, and the entire army formation is chilling The sight of the war indicated that the war was imminent.

As early as when the Qing army was eating, the noise of troops and horses in the camp had already allowed Zheng Jun to find out the movement, so Zheng Jun served the meal at the same time and entered the formation first. Sitting and waiting by the river bank of Yuan Jiachuan, some veterans of many battles even held their weapons to catch up on sleep on the spot, and they also had a posture of winning.

At the beginning of Mao, the sky was completely white, but the sky was overcast that day, coupled with the faint humidity in the breeze from the northwest, it was obvious that heavy rain was already brewing.

Although this kind of weather is not suitable for large armies to fight, both sides in the war are ready to fight.

At half past eight, the Qing army on the north wing under the command of Chen Shikai took the lead in attacking. About 3000 people from Zhejiang Tibiao Zuolong Battalion, Huzhou Xiecheng Shoubat Anji Battalion, and Taihu Naval Battalion each rushed directly to the face of Zheng Jun Zuolongxiang Division.Under the influence of Chen Shikai's department, the supervisor of the middle road was the left camp, the Quzhou Xiecheng guard camp was in the middle camp, the Yanzhou Xiecheng guard camp was in the right camp, the south wing Jiangnan was promoted to the bid middle camp, the Chuzhou Xiecheng guard camp was in the left camp, Jinhua Xiecheng Shouying Zuoying and other troops attacked together, and the army of more than [-] troops crushed Zheng Jun firmly with overwhelming momentum.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Zheng army's artillery fire began to respond to the Qing army's actions. Thirty-six three-and-a-half-inch (36-pound) guns from the four divisions of the four divisions fired violently, breaking through the space and descending on the Qing army's formation. The shells plowed bloody passages, taking hundreds of Qing soldiers' lives in the bounce.

Under artillery fire, the Qing army realized the equality of all beings. No matter whether it is the capital, garrison, general commander, general commander, foreign commissioner, or even ordinary soldiers who went into battle in person, they did not have any special powers. If a shell full of huge kinetic energy touches it, it is bound to cause neither death nor injury.

Of course, the range of the three-and-a-half-inch guns is quite far, and the power is also extraordinary, but the 36 guns are distributed on the front for tens of miles, and the losses caused to the Qing army are actually very limited. 72 two-and-a-half-inch (4-pound) guns and 36 three-inch (6-pound) guns fired successively, flying chain bombs and rainstorms of shotguns in the formation of the Qing army. Caused several times the terrorist casualties before.

At this time, the red cannon of the Qing army also pushed up, but after firing a few shells, it was discovered by Zheng Jun, and the three-and-a-half-inch cannon did not hesitate to fight back. Although only one hit by luck, the Qing army was shot. Naturally, it was impossible to provide further support for the charging Qing army if the artillery positions were forced to move.

After entering the 48th step, 96 of the [-] Zheng Army outposts were divided into four rows and fired back and forth. Thick gunpowder instantly enveloped the Zheng Army position on the east side of Yuanjiachuan.The thick smoke certainly affected Zheng Jun's shooting range, so that Zheng Jun could only mechanically shoot out of the dense fog one by one according to the training regulations, but he couldn't understand the results of his shooting.

When Zheng Jun was trapped by the gunpowder smoke caused by the shooting, the cold wind blowing from the northwest gradually became stronger, and a little bit of rain fell down, quickly sweeping away Zheng Jun's confusion.At this moment, Zheng Jun discovered his achievements - about [-] Qing army corpses and a similar number of Qing army wounded were lying on the road of charge, while the rest of the Qing army turned their backs and fled towards their own direction in horror. go.

Cheers suddenly rang out on Zheng Jun's front, but before the cheers that resounded through the sky came to an end, the rain gradually became heavier. Although it could not be called a torrential rain, dense raindrops fell on people's bodies , It still caused a small commotion among Zheng Jun.Seeing that the rain was conveyed, the Zheng Jun riflemen had no choice but to quickly put on waterproof raincoats with a layer of Eucommia gum under the command of the troop commander, and at the same time carefully protect the fire pool of the rifles from getting wet, while the artillerymen Regardless of the fact that they were already wet, they frantically built a rainproof roof for the artillery.

After one failure, Shi Lin finally understood how sharp Zheng Jun's firearms were, and the "old friend" Yang Jie was also a little dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he saw. It increased the confidence and courage of the Qing army. Shi Lin and Chen Shikai, who thought that Zheng Jun's weapons could not be used in the rain, ordered the reorganization of the first wave of attack troops and at the same time sent the second batch of attack battalions.

But the Qing army was doomed to be disappointed: "How is this possible? Why can Haini's firecrackers fire even in the heavy rain?"

"Zhijun, as far as I know, Japan has manufactured firearms that can shoot in the rain decades ago, known as rain iron." An aide who accompanied Shi Lin in military uniform replied like this. "But don't worry about the military, rain irons can't be fired at every door. As long as the heavy rain continues, Haini's firearms will be damp and unable to fire sooner or later."

Although Shi Lin's staff used the performance of the rain iron from the Warring States Period of Japan to analyze that the flintlock guns that Zheng Jun is equipped with today are somewhat wrong, but the staff is right, Zheng Jun's firing rate has dropped to Seventy percent of normal days, and as the heavy rain continues, the firing rate will further decrease.

However, although a considerable number of rifles produced misfires, Zheng Jun's artillery fire and platoon guns still looked fierce. Naturally, the Qing army's attack could not escape anything good. The Qing army that touched the Zheng army's formation lost its armor and armor and retreated again.

But after hearing the words of his staff, Shi Lin obviously had a bottom line in his mind, so he personally ordered to drive the third wave of camps to charge forward.

This time, Zheng Jun's rifles and artillery finally couldn't stop the Qing army. After firing three volleys, Zheng Jun's rifle hands were forced to retreat and form a forest of guns to defend. The sword and shield hands of each post and the jumping post directly under the division will take over, and they will counterattack as soon as the Qing army crosses Yuan Jiachuan.

Speaking of which, the rain also brought some conveniences to Zheng Jun. Among other things, the soaring Yuan Jiachuan and the slippery muddy ground slowed down the advance and charge speed of the Qing army.When the drenched Qing army finally stood on the east bank of Yuanjiachuan, before they wiped off the rain on their faces, a swipe of knife light appeared in their eyes.

Seeing that his own troops had already fought against Zheng Jun, Chen Shikai took the lead in putting the reorganized first battalion into battle again, and even moved his admiral's flag forward in order to intensify his fighting spirit.

Seeing Chen Shiqi's actions, Bo Jiatu, the right-wing deputy governor of Hangzhou, who thought he had a chance to win, saw the advantage, so he asked Shi Lin to join the garrison of the Eight Banners. Jia Tu asked for battle again and again, so he had to bow his head and promise, so more than 800 Manchu Xiaoqi (vests) and more than 200 Mongolian Xiaoqi, under the protection of 300 Han Xiaoqi and more than [-] Han infantry (infantry), rushed straight to the middle of Zheng Jun. Come.

At this time, standing in front of the Eight Banners soldiers were the left battalion of the Quzhou Xiecheng garrison camp, the left battalion of the Yanzhou Xiecheng garrison camp, and the Quzhou Xiecheng garrison middle battalion and the Yanzhou Xiecheng garrison camp who rejoined the battle after the first wave of attack failed. There are about [-] people in each of the city guard camp and the right camp.But these masters of the Eight Banners who wanted to grab merit did not care that the other party was their friendly army, and shot at them with a bent bow. Except that the shooting skills of the Mongolian Eight Banners were still excellent, most of the bows and arrows shot by the Manchu Eight Banners actually missed, but these came from behind. The bows and arrows shot still greatly shook the fighting spirit of the Green Banner soldiers, making them subconsciously think that they were surrounded.

"These guys are more than successful than they are!" Shi Lin, who was watching the battle from the hill named Hu Tiaotou, cursed secretly after seeing Zheng Jun taking advantage of the chaos of the Qing army to fight back decisively, but he was behind the battle line His desperation did not affect the results of the battle on the front line. "Come on, hurry up and bring the Eight Banners Cavalry back."

Before Ghoshha had time to get on his horse, the battle situation on the front line changed again. Zheng Jun, who had played a small climax, suddenly retreated, and the Qing army, who was under less pressure in front of him, surged forward. However, when they could really calm down When observing the surrounding situation, they found a terrifying forest of guns in front of them.

Before the Qing army had time to react, the Zheng Jun infantrymen who had rested for a while squeezed over like a rolling Great Wall of steel. Amidst bursts of inexplicable slogans, the long thorns attached to the rifles came over in a uniform order. , one after another, and like a raging tide, they hung the huddled Qing army and some of the Zheng army's swords and shields on the spears.

Facing the almost unstoppable tide, some Qing soldiers tried to attack from the flanks or the lower plate, but they were either stabbed by the subsequent spears or bumped into the guards with swords and shields. At this moment, he lost his impact in the crowd, and watched Zheng Jun killing neatly like a machine.

"Defeated!" The Eight Banners soldiers turned around and fled, once again breaking up the surrounding queues, and even these Eight Banners soldiers cut down the Green Banner soldiers around them in order to escape, so the Qing army's middle road was completely chaotic. Ji's broken soldiers ran back shouting the words "flee for their lives", and the situation immediately collapsed!

Seeing the ugliness of the Qing army, more than [-] cavalry troops of the Zheng army crossed the riflemen who outflanked the north and south wings and gave chase.As a result, the bodies of the dead and dying Qing troops blocked Yuanjiachuan, so that Zheng Jun's cavalry easily passed through the trenches, which were once a headache for the Qing army, and were able to reap the harvest calmly after the defeated army.

Under the pursuit of Zheng Jun, the Qing army had no chance to respite and regroup. Even Shi Lin's supervising standard battalion was washed away by the defeated army, and the second wave of battalions suffered losses when they hit the Zheng Jun formation. The unbearable ones fled one after another, and even Shi Lin herself was taken away by the defeated army, so that the opportunity for the Qing army to turn defeat into victory on the last line of the battlefield was also lost.

"It's over." Chen Shikai sighed as he watched Zheng Jun's central reinforcements approaching and the chaotic situation behind him. "The governor has already run away, what are we still doing here, retreat, retreat to Shaoxing!"

If Chen Shikai made a decision now, then Yang Jie slipped faster. As early as Shi Lin's flag disappeared from the battlefield, he left the Zhejiang soldiers fighting fiercely ahead, and led the Jiangnan Tibiao, which was still intact, to escape. On the battlefield, they first crossed the Cijiang River in the south, then waded across the Yuyao River on the Hemudu line and retreated to Shaoxing.

The successive withdrawal of the three top commanders of the Qing army marked the final end of the First Battle of Zhangting. Because the heavy rain continued, the Zheng army did not pursue it. However, the Qing army finally withdrew to Shaoxing and Hangzhou with less than [-] people. As for Shi Lin, who was taken to Yuyao by the defeated soldiers, she was still fantasizing about regrouping Chen Shikai and Yang Jie to attack Cixi again. Zheng Jun, who found out his whereabouts from the defeated soldiers, besieged the city in one fell swoop, and killed the governor and four thousand remnants. Trapped in the tiny city of Yuyao

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