Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

258. Battle of Jiangsu and Zhejiang

On September [-]th, the elderly Huang Zongxi arrived in Lukang, Dongning, and Zheng Kezang personally led civil and military personnel to welcome him.Seeing the clothes of the Han people everywhere, Huang Zongxi and the accompanying disciples of more than [-] people wept bitterly. Zheng Kezang went to comfort him in person and arranged for an official post and doctors.

On September 24, Huang Zongxi, who had been recuperating for several days, was driven to Dongning by carriage. Zheng Kezang, who arrived earlier, accompanied him to kowtow to Zheng Jianguo.In the Yinluan Hall of Jianguo Mansion, Zheng Jianguo granted Huang Zongxi the title of Zhengyi doctor on the grounds that Huang Zongxi had been the left deputy capital censor appointed by the King of Lu, and awarded him Wen Xun of Zizhi Yin.Huang Zongxi bid farewell repeatedly, but Zheng Jianguo refused. At this time, Zheng Kezang advised that Huang Zongxi was old and needed to rest.

On September 25, Zheng Kezang gave Huang Zongxi a mansion and a mountain forest in the name of recruiting the generals of the Ming Dynasty for him and his disciples to continue writing books.On the same day, he was awarded the honorary title of Grand Priest of the Guozijian, and more than 600 Dongning Jiansheng went to greet Huang's new house in person.When Huang Zongxi's car appeared in the new house, the supervisors shouted in unison in standard Nanzhili official dialect to pay homage to "the head of the mountain", and the etiquette was almost extreme.

On September 26, Zheng Kezang heard that Huang Zongxi was not used to the hot climate in Dongning, and his appetite had decreased since he entered Dongning, so he ordered to supply ice cubes to Huang's house every day. Walking around, Zheng Kezang wrote back to express his agreement, and sent ten guards as a guard of honor

Looking at the children running in the courtyard, Feng Lianniang, who was caressing her slightly protruding belly, glanced coquettishly at Zheng Kezang. Regarding Zheng Kezang's courteous treatment to Huang Zongxi, Feng Lianniang, as the bedside person, was dubious: "My lord, What kind of person is this Mr. Lizhou, is it worth all the trouble?"

"Mr. Lizhou is the only surviving literary master today, and he has his homeland in his heart, and he is unwilling to serve the Tartars. Do you think he should pay a little respect to such a person?" Of course, Zheng Kezang is just paying respects. Zheng Kezang scoffed at some of the propositions in Yi Dai Interview Lu. As for some proposals such as the parliament (Note: see "School"), although Zheng Kezang did not object to them, Zheng Kezang must now It is impossible to implement it. "Besides, Mr. Lizhou is already an octogenarian, and his life will not last forever. Even if he pays too much respect, it's no big deal."

Of course, Zheng Kezang still has some things to say. On the one hand, Huang Zongxi is an iconic figure. His standing in line can strengthen the orthodox status of the Zheng regime in the Ming Dynasty and the Qing court. A contrasting example is needed to show that what Zheng Jun did was not aimed at scholars or Confucianism, that's why this grand scene happened.

"Okay, don't talk about Mr. Lizhou," Zheng Kezang pointed to Feng Lianniang's stomach. "What did the doctor say?"

When mentioning the unborn child in her womb, Feng Lianniang had a gleam of light on her face: "The imperial doctor said that the fetal position is still very normal, but this is the first birth, so be more cautious."

Zheng Kezang nodded. Among his wives and concubines, Chen Xianqiao had two sons and a daughter, Xie Ziling had a son, Tong Chunniang and Fang Yuniang each had two daughters, and even the last Li family had a daughter, only Feng Lianniang and Geng Tanger No heirs yet.However, Cheng Huan paid more attention to Geng Tang'er because Zheng Kezang pityed her when she was young. Only Feng Lianniang did not get pregnant because of some previous reasons.Feng Lianniang also shed tears once, but now everything has changed with the arrival of this child.

"Wouldn't it be miserable to be alone?" Zheng Kezang joked in the woman's ear. "The night is long, where do you let Gu go to sleep peacefully?"

They have been married for so many years, of course Feng Lianniang knew that Zheng Kezang was playing tricks, but she couldn't help but give Zheng Kezang a supercilious look, but the supercilious look was almost like a wink.

Zheng Kezang laughed, and then stood up: "Baoguan and Zhenguan are the first day of enlightenment today, let's go and have a look, and come over later, okay, don't hang oil bottles on your mouth anymore."

While Zheng Kezang was enjoying peace in Dongning, the turmoil on the mainland continued.

On September 25th, under the persecution of Qing troops from all walks of life, the rebel army in western Jiangxi turned northeastward and crossed the Yangtze River. They captured Huangmei and Susong all the way and broke into Anhui. Dabie Mountains.

However, it was precisely because Xiong Xin finally chose to march into the Dabie Mountains, which led to the great split of the Ganxi Rebel Army.Some of the rebels who did not want to be far away from their hometown then took the road south and returned to Yangxin through Yingshan, Huangzhou and other places, while the other rebels who did not want to be safe continued to march northward and broke into Huaishang through Huoshan, Lu'an, and Luzhou. The main force of the rebel army who continued to carry the banner of "Three Princes of Zhu" in the Dabie Mountains also transferred to the junction of the three provinces of Henan, Hubei and Anhui.

Some people say that the bandits were one of the fundamental reasons for the fall of the Ming Dynasty. This kind of argument is actually somewhat reasonable, because whether it is the rebels or the rebels, they were originally farmers and small handicraftsmen, but now they are separated from the land and industry. Not to do production, not only do not do production but also destroy the production of the areas they pass through. What is even more terrifying is that since ancient times, thieves have lived like a soldier. Killing red-eyed officers and soldiers will destroy the production and life of the area more than the rebel bandits. , and officers and soldiers are paid, where does the salary come from?Naturally, it was passed on to other areas without war, so that the lives of people in other parts of the country were also dragged down.

Now that the Qing court is also facing the same troubles as in the Ming Dynasty, it does not dare to be negligent. For this reason, the Qing court once again issued a decree to mobilize the green camps of Hunan and Guangdong provinces to assist the green camps of Jiangxi province to continue to block and chase the rebels from the south. At the same time, the Green Battalion of Fujian Province was transferred to Quzhou to deal with Zheng's offensive, and then Shouchun Town, which was originally going south, was transferred back to the original defense to coordinate Wannan Town and Guide Town to suppress the rebels who went north to Huaisi. They mobilized the Nanyang Township of Luying in Henan Province and the Luying Town of Hubei Province to encircle and annihilate it, and for the sake of emptying Henan Province, they also dropped the Lvyingliqiao Camp, Yijun Camp, Lutang Camp, Huaping Camp, Anding Camp, Longde Camp, and Xifeng Camp in the west of Henan Province. The Binzhou Camp, Changwu Camp, Qingyang Camp, Jingzhou Camp and other ministries drove to Luoxi for listening.

Just when the Qing government thought it was foolproof, the Hanliu organizations in Guangdong instigated anti-Qing groups such as Tiandihui, Qiankunhui, and Baihejiao to revolt in northern Guangdong, southern Hunan, southwestern Hunan, and eastern Guangxi. In response, a frenzy was quickly set off in the above-mentioned areas. In just over [-] days, nearly [-] states and counties in the three provinces fell to the side of the rebels one after another.

On November [-]th, representatives of the Hunan-Guangdong-Guangxi Rebel Army gathered in Lianzhou at the junction of the three provinces and recommended Du Yutian (recommended by the flower in the corner of the friend) as the supervisor. However, because the interests of all parties could not be reconciled, the rebel army finally Unable to work together, all the ministries acted on their own. Although it caused more chaos to the Qing army, the weak rebel army was unable to resist the Qing army, so they could only continue to flee and be trapped by regiment training in various places.

When the anti-Qing struggle in the whole country was on the rise again, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Qing army's suspension of troops on the Qiantang River and Ninghai line, the Zheng army quickly expanded its strength and transferred the population. As of November [-], the total strength of the Zheng army in eastern Zhejiang had reached The expansion has been doubled, and more than [-] households have been relocated to the islands of Zhoushan, more than half of which will be relocated to Taiwan, and the rest will be retained in Daqushan and Daishan Islands. Afterwards, these villagers will provide military rations and other supplies to the Governor's Mansion in Daqu Mountain, so as to reduce the transportation pressure for Dongning in the future.

However, due to the turmoil caused by the war and the large-scale migration of the Zheng army, the autumn grain harvest in Shaoxing and Ningbo was not enough to support the long-term battle of the [-] Zheng army. In addition, the grain reserves in Dongning also showed a sharp drop. Therefore, Zheng Jun was forced to launch an attack on Hangzhou.However, Qing troops from all over the world gathered in the city of Hangzhou. The Zheng army stormed for three days and failed to break through the city defenses. , the enemy in Shengxian County, the main force quickly retreated eastward, and after a short rest in the Ningbo area, they went south to attack Taizhou.

The Qing army concentrated Huangyan, Haimen, and Wenzhou three towns to defend Ninghai, Fujian Lvying Funing Town, and Jianning Township. More than [-] people rushed to southern Zhejiang to help in the battle. As a result, Zheng Jun conquered Ninghai, but the Qing army still retreated to the capital city of Taizhou Linhai defended to the death, and Hong Gongzhu's idea of ​​resolving the war in southern Zhejiang in World War I did not succeed.

At this time, Zheng Kezang, who had been fighting continuously for many months, began to feel homesick. In addition, Zheng Kezang was worried that Hong Gongzhu's long-term control of the army would cause some unfavorable situation, so when he learned that the Qing army in Fujian province After the town of Tingzhou appeared in Quzhou, Zheng Kezang ordered Zheng Jun to withdraw from the mainland on November 28.

Of course, Zheng Jun's retreat could not be concealed from the Qing army's eyes and ears. However, due to the barrier of the mountains, the information learned by the Qing army on the southern line was not easy to be conveyed to the Qing army on the northern line, and the Qing army from Fujian Province who entered Zhejiang in two ways could not. Judging whether Zheng Jun's withdrawal was a trap or not, the Qing army sat back and watched Zheng Jun's withdrawal until the seventh day of December. Then slowly attack Shaoxing and Ningbo all the way.

On the ninth day of December, Wu Shu led the advance troops of the Zuowu Guard Division, Zuo Yong Guard Division, and the Fourth Regiment of the Hailongxiang Division to Changguo Island. On the same day, Hong Gongzhu led a part of the Zuohu Guard Division to return to Dongning on a naval gunboat. .

On December [-], after occupying Dongyang, Yiwu, and Pujiang, the Qing army successively occupied Xiaoshan and Zhuji counties and arrived at the deserted city of Shaoxing. The Qing army on the northern line, who was preparing to return to the aid, did not dare to act rashly for a while, and could only wait for the arrival of Tingzhou Town. Funing and Jianning Towns, which discovered that the crisis in Taizhou had been lifted, also retreated first to prevent Zheng Jun's possible actions along the coast of Fujian. , As a result, Zheng Jun was able to retain Yuyao, Cixi, Yinxian, Fenghua and Ningbo Fucheng for a long period of time.

On December 25th, the Qing army in northern Zhejiang, which joined forces with Tingzhou Town, transferred some troops back to Hangzhou to ensure that the Zheng army would not re-land in northern Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu. After that, the main force continued to march eastward and recovered Yuyao and Cixi Two cities, but since the New Year came, the high-level Qing army could not force the troops to advance, so Kangxi drew a stop sign in the 29th year of Kangxi.

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