"According to the two years of exploration of the waters near Xiboni, we already have a rough chart." Fang Yunchun hung a rough map on the wall. "The larger islands located between Java, Sumatra, Malaya and Borneo include Karimada Island, Maya Island, Belitung Island, Bangka Island, Linga Island, Bintan Island, Temasek Island, etc. Several. Among them, Karimada Island and Maya Island are the closest to the Governor’s Mansion of Xiboni, Bintan Island and Temasek Island are close to Malaya, Linga Island and Bangka Island are close to Sumatra, and Belitung Island is located in Sumatra, between Borneo and Java."

Lin Zhida thought for a while and asked, "According to what you said, do you think that the location of Belitung Island is the best?"

"If you choose Belitung Island, of course you can monitor the three continents nearby, but the island has no good port and is desolate. It's not true. Hongyi and other Thai and Western tribes can't ignore it." Fang Yunchun talked eloquently. "Another point is that once a water village is set up on the island, it is tantamount to setting up a cannon at Hongyi's door. Hongyi will definitely respond if he thinks about it, so the officials don't think it is a good idea to choose Belitung Island. "

"Oh?" Lin Zhida was taken aback for a moment, and then looked thoughtfully at the captain from the side line. "I think Captain Fang is already very familiar with this water area, maybe he has already made a plan, can you spare the time to explain something for me?"

"Don't dare." Fang Yunchun responded flatly. "The lower officials are just talking about the facts. If the adults want to listen, then the lower officials will explain to the adults one by one." Fang Yunchun pointed to the two islands closest to Xiboni. "Karimada Island and the surrounding islands are too small, while Maya Island is big enough but it is close to Borneo. It is not so much an island as it is a sandbar washed out by a river on Borneo, but it is not all silted up on it for the time being. Let's go together." Lin Zhida squinted his eyes and listened, but he didn't say a word, and when he saw Fang Yunchun, he didn't care and just went on talking. "Bangka Island is the territory of the Sultan of Palembang. It has always produced tin and pepper. Not to mention whether the Sultan is willing to let go, even if it is a territory of Palembang, it is easy for Hongyi to grasp the handle." Fang Yunchun moved his fingers To the location of Linga Island. "Linga Island, Singji Island and the surrounding islands, together with Bintan Island, Batam Island, Galang Island, Bulan Island, Suji Island and other islands in the north, face the exit of the strait. There are a lot of people, and the shipping routes are fragmented. If there are not enough ships, it may not be possible to control the mouth of the strait. As for Temasek Island in the north, it is the territory of the Sultan of Johor, and it is on the north side of the strait.”

Although there was no obvious inclination in Fang Yunchun's words, Lin Zhida could sense a bit of taste, but instead of making a decision immediately, he ordered: "Captain Fang, prepare to disembark in a few days. I will go to the above-mentioned islands with you for a visit or two, so as not to follow the map and find out what to do, and it will be a thousand miles away."

Fang Yunchun frowned, and was about to decline politely, when he suddenly thought of something, and the words that came out of his mouth became: "Your Excellency is the governor, how can there be a governor who is not in the governor's mansion, how will the military affairs and government affairs be handled at that time. "

"The civil affairs should be handed over to Mr. Zhuge. He handled it well before I came." Lin Zhida responded calmly. "As for military affairs, with Ke Liangke from the Eighth Regiment of Hailongxiang Division in charge, everything can't be messed up." Seeing that Fang Yunchun was still hesitant to speak, Lin Zhida waved his hand. "I've made up my mind, so there's no need to talk too much. In addition, if Captain Fang does this job well, I will recommend Mr. Fang to the Naval Academy."

What Lin Zhida said later, Fang Yunchun could no longer hear clearly, his mind was completely attracted by the words of Naval Academy, and he didn't even know how he got out of the Dudu Mansion, it's no wonder, you know In today's Ming Zheng Navy, he is not a boy scout and has never been in a naval academy. He can only be the captain of a slow civilian ship forever, but those soft-sailed gunboats that are as fast as a galloping horse are just for a look. There is no chance, so how can this not make the man on the sea who likes to drive the fastest boat and drink the strongest wine sad?

"My lord, three more died today." After starting from Baishangouzi, a considerable number of women and children died along the way due to their weak constitution. This was the result of Ye Zhao and the others providing horses and enough food, otherwise the consequences Even more unimaginable. "We can't go on like this, otherwise the Tartars will be able to chase down the corpse, and the old camp will be exposed by then."

"Is it possible to abandon these people now?" Gao Yizhi objected immediately. "Then our brother didn't die in vain?"

"It doesn't necessarily mean that everyone will be dragged to death by them." The original voice retorted. "What's more, didn't we hack the real Tartar No. [-] to death, so how can we say that the brothers in the past died for nothing?"

"Okay, don't say a few words." Seeing that Gao Yizhi was about to open his mouth, Ye Zhao immediately stopped him. Since they all knew Ye Zhao's identity, everyone immediately fell silent. At this time, they just listened to Ye Zhao asked. "The corpse was not disposed of according to the predetermined plan?"

"Returning to my lord, we have already set up a circle of suspicion, but if there are proficient pursuers on the side of the Tartars, they may not be able to hide it for a long time."

"It's good if it can be delayed for a few days." Ye Zhao said so, and then he asked again. "Is there enough food to last to the old camp?"

"Not enough." Zheng Jun, who was in charge of food, replied. "There are so many people eating and chewing, no amount of food is enough. Now there is only one and a half days of dry food left. Tomorrow, no matter what, I will go hunting in the forest."

"At the current speed, it will take at least half a month to reach the old camp. During this time, the Tazi's pursuers will catch up anytime and anywhere." Ye Zhao thought for a while, and said to his surroundings with a solemn expression. "But the so-called saving people and sending Buddhas to the west, since we have brought them out, we must find a way to bring as many people back to the old camp as possible." Ye Zhao looked at a few faces and looked uncomfortable. Yes, shook his head slightly. "Of course, there are opinions on how to lead people." Ye Zhao said. "I'm going to take back all the horses, and hand over the women and children who can't walk to the help of twenty or so healthy men."

A Zheng Jun suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't this speed even slower?"

"It's slow, so our doubts will continue." Ye Zhao pointed out a few people. "Third brother, you guys will ride back tomorrow on horseback. If you find any signs of Jiannu chasing them, you will lead them to the southwest. If the Qing prisoners have not caught up, you will also act like a brigade and make enough traces." , and then make a detour to meet us, as long as the Qing captives are fooled, we will have at least five or six days more time every time we come back."

Hearing that Ye Zhao's dispatch was reasonable, several Zheng Jun who were named looked at each other, nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, my lord, we will leave tomorrow morning, and the tartar must be chasing in the wrong direction."

"You two, work harder after hunting tomorrow, and rush to the old camp overnight. On the one hand, I will inform them to prepare food, and on the other hand, let them prepare a few more horses to meet us." Two more soldiers nodded in agreement. . "besides"

Before Ye Zhao finished speaking, a soldier guarding the former San Francisco Department hurried over and reported, "My lord, it's not good. Just now I counted the number of people and found that two men escaped privately."

"Damn it!" Ye Zhao cursed, then calmed down, and asked the soldier who came forward to report. "What's missing?"

The soldier obviously had considered Ye Zhao's question in advance, so he answered very satisfactorily: "I asked the people in the left neighbor, and they said that they didn't see them after eating, and according to an informed report, it was said that these two people were probably ran back."

"Run back? The two-day journey is full of forests. Where can they go? If you want them to live and behave like ghosts, they are really self-inflicted." Ye Zhao sneered. "Third brother, when you go back tomorrow, you guys will look for it by the way. If you find the body, bring the head back and let them identify it."

Ye Zhao deliberately emphasized the tone of the word corpse, and the people around him naturally understood it. It is also true that Ye Zhao can not only rely on Zu Yin, he has experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Usually he seems to be a good man, but once his bottom line is touched, it can be found out that he is also a decisive person.

Ye Zhao pondered for a moment, and explained to the Zheng Jun who was going to the old camp tomorrow night: "In addition, we are not afraid of [-], but just in case, if these two bastards really come out of the woods alive, and they are completely out of the woods." If it falls into the hands of the Tartars, everything about us will be exposed, so the old camp should tell them to prepare what they should prepare."

The two Zheng Jun nodded, at this time Ye Zhao suddenly thought of something, and gritted his teeth at someone who was listening quietly: "Fly on the grass, I warn you, don't stick to those women, since you When you join the army, you must abide by the rules of the feudal clan, if you let me know that you can't control the stick under your crotch, be careful that I will spoil it."

The Zheng Junmen on the side laughed, but Ye Zhao continued with a serious expression: "The big guys are all doing this with their heads up. If anyone puts the big guy in a dead end because he can't manage the little brother, wouldn't he be in advance?" Did you goose for him?"

Having said that, everyone's faces became serious, and those who were called Flying on the Grass also came to their senses. Now that all the people are still in the control area of ​​the Tartars, it is not a good place to be courteous, so they scratched their heads and smiled embarrassingly. : "My lord, the little lard is blinded, and the little one doesn't dare anymore."

"I know my brothers haven't touched a woman for a long time, and my heart is full of anger, and I am the same, but please bear with it and go back to the old camp." Ye Zhao is not a teacher of Taoism, he also has normal physiological needs, and it is up to him People, he also understands that some things are better to be blocked than to be left alone. "Besides, those girls are so skinny that they are only waiting for their bones. Don't you have nightmares when you feel it?" There was another burst of laughter, and Ye Zhao waved his hand. "It's gone, it's gone, what should I do, by the way, I'll watch it tonight, don't let the wolf take some away for no reason."

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