From the 30th year of Kangxi to the 31st year of Kangxi, the Guanzhong area of ​​Shanxi (Shaanxi) suffered from severe drought year after year, and the people were in extreme poverty. Although the Qing government ordered Gansu to provide food relief nearby, the food was delayed due to disputes between the two provinces. At that time, the common people in the narrow west changed their sons to eat each other, and the miserable situation could not be worsened. At this time, the Qing government continued to increase the anti-payment, and finally forced the common people of Shaanxi to rise up.

The two provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu are heavily fortified areas of the Qing court after Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces. Therefore, the riots of the hungry people were quickly suppressed by the swarming Qing army, but a few hungry people who fled to Zhongnan Mountain broke through the blocking of the Qing army. , broke into the southwest of Henan, and took advantage of the opportunity for most of the Qing army in Henan to go out of the province, and set off a struggle against the Qing on the border of Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi.

Because of the association of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong back then, the Qing court was naturally terrified, and immediately mobilized troops from various provinces to march into southwest Henan to suppress the peasant army.However, the thieves have always been like combing troops, and the Qing government's Qing army not only failed to wipe out the peasant army on the front lines of Funiu Mountain and Xiong'er Mountain in western Henan, but instead rose and became stronger.

Since the suppression could not achieve the set goal, the Qing court sacrificed the magic weapon of Zhao'an.During this period, leaders of the peasant army such as Xu Guisan, Deng Fuwu, and Xiao Yisan laid down their arms one after another because of high officials and high salaries, or because the Qing government promised to give the old and weak a way out, but there were also Feng Dalong, Cai Dace, Peng Dasheng and others who resolutely refused to surrender to the Qing army. , Instead, held high the banner of anti-Qing and Fuming, claiming to be the commander-in-chief, admiral, general and the Qing army continued to deal with the poor mountains and mountains.

In addition to the peasant uprisings in Shaanxi and Henan caused by the hungry people in the narrow west, the remnants of Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Sun Yanling also launched dozens of large and small anti-Qing uprisings in the four provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, and Hunan. Some of the things destroyed by local officials were also destroyed by the Qing government before the uprising due to confidentiality. There are even successful examples of capturing Yuanjiang, Zhenyuan and other places and openly playing the banner of the Great Zhou Dynasty.These large and small uprisings not only exhausted the Qing court's garrison, but also destroyed the Qing court's financial foundation. More importantly, some Qing court officials and generals of the green flag soldiers believed that the troubled times are coming back, the world is in chaos, and it is necessary to speculate

"Do you mean that there is a businessman who came to do business, and he said that he was entrusted with a message to tell the official?" Wu Qian, who was sitting behind the official hat chair and writing quickly, raised his head and looked up with a look of astonishment. come over. "Do you know the details of this person? How did he know that I am on the island?"

"Return to the words of Master Fuyuan," the seventh-rank civil servant in a green robe reported in a neither humble nor overbearing way. "This person is the first merchant who came to Dongchong after the opening of the ports. He has already traded several times, and the goods he brought are all urgently needed by the feudal clan. That's why the people from the Department of Commerce and Industry will recommend them to the lower officials." Being able to cross the sealing wall set up by the Qing court can also bring a large amount of goods. This alone is enough to prove that the other party has a strong backing at least on the Qing court side, and naturally becomes the best contact object for the staff. "As for the other details, the lower officials will investigate again." The civil official paused. "The lower official also asked insinuatingly, and found out that he didn't know that the lord is on the island now. He originally planned to go to the front line of Fuqing in Hainan to find the lord, but it happened by chance."

"It's really a coincidence." Wu Qian naturally didn't believe it, but he would not argue with a mere Chengzheng to find out the truth. "Then did this person say what is the importance of finding the official, why does he have to see the official? Isn't the name of the supervisor more famous?"

The green-robed civil servant continued to respond calmly: "The lower official has also asked, but this person said that this matter is of great importance, and no one else can hear it except for your lord. As for why you are looking for Mr. Wu instead of you Master Superintendent, but it was because of the special care of the person who entrusted him with the message that day, saying that it was the old days with the Lord."

"Could it be that he came to appease this official?" The two brothers Wu Shu and Wu Qian don't look at the high status in Dongning now, but his original status was a general, so the so-called old times naturally refer to the two brothers who were in Dongning back then. Peers in the Qing army. "You stand on the side." Of course, Wu Qian, who doubts the intention of the messenger, wants to avoid suspicion, and the best way is to let the people from the Military Law Department to listen in on the situation, but at this moment, Wu Qian has another option, that is It is to retain the people who are in charge of the party as witnesses. "Come on, call this person up." Not long after, a middle-aged businessman walked into the small courtyard led by a guard, and when he stood firmly on the porch, Wu Qian asked directly. "You are Wu Jinhong? My official is Wu Qian. Tell me, what message do you want to deliver?"

The businessman was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect to see Wu Qian just like this. He hesitated for a while, came back to his senses, and bowed: "The villain has seen the master of the Fuyuan, and please ask the master of the Fuyuan to back away from the left and right. The villain Feel free to speak."

Wu Qian waved his hand, and all the guards standing on both sides of the corridor retreated one after another, but the official of the official department was told by Wu Qian just now, so he still stood behind: "Don't look, this person is my official My confidant, I don’t shy away from everything, just say what you have to say, if you still have doubts, please come back.”

The businessman smiled awkwardly at the green-robed civil servant, and then humbly said to Wu Qian: "The villain asked Mr. Cai Yuancai, the commander-in-chief of Funing Town, to ask Mr. Cai. If Mr. Cai leads his troops back east, the feudal lord can What kind of Juelu is bestowed?"

Cai Yuan wanted to vote for Ming Zheng, but Wu Qian's expression changed drastically due to the earth-shattering news, and the green-robed civil servant beside him even rushed forward for more than half a step before stopping his footsteps.

After a long time, Wu Qian finally spoke: "Cai Yuan is an old friend, but this is a big matter, and I can't accept it for a while. I have to report to the Lord before I can reply truthfully."

The businessman nodded knowingly, but before he could speak, Wu Qian said again: "Brother Hongyi came back with a righteous act, I am not very happy, but I think the Tartars are afraid of the officers and soldiers of the green flag. , there must be some unforeseen disaster, so I would like to send someone to intervene in this matter, I wonder if Cai Zhen can accept it."

"Please rest assured, my lord." The businessman bowed his head knowingly. "The young one must pass on the original words to Mr. Cai."

"Very good." Wu Qian scanned the green-robed civil servant with the corner of his eye. "Thank you, Sir, Wu Chaofeng has worked hard in dealing with you, and you can give him a hundred stones of refined salt as a reward." The staff member immediately responded, looking at the middle-aged businessman whose face was flushed because of the extra reward, Wu Qian asked again. road. "This time I acted in a hurry, next time I will ask Wu Chaofeng to bring the token."

When the businessman surnamed Wu was sent away, Xie Chengzheng immediately asked, "Your Excellency thinks this person is untrustworthy, so why do you want to give salt?"

"Wu Qian handled it right. There is a one-in-ten-thousandth possibility that this kind of thing must be caught. Once this Cai Yuan is really attached, it will not only be as simple as shaking the world." Looking at the report in his hand, Zheng Kezang Said so to Ke Ping, Zheng Yingping, Lin Liangrui, Cai Ji and others who participated in the political affairs hall. "It can be compared with Hong Chengchou's surrender to the Qing Dynasty."

"What the Lord said is very true. As long as there is an example at the beginning, it seems that someone will follow up." Ke Ping also looked excited. "Furthermore, once the town of Funing is changed, the door of Fuzhou will be opened, and the unfinished business of the previous king will be completed in just a few days."

"However, although Cai Yuan intends to join him, the asking price may not necessarily be lower." Zheng Yingping is somewhat different from Zheng Bin. Although both belong to the Zheng family, he obviously has a lot less taboo than Zheng Bin as he comes from a distant branch. "But if you agree to it completely, how will the generals under this army deal with themselves?"

This is a problem, and Zheng Kezang does not want to see a situation where an early revolution is not as good as a late revolution, and a late revolution is not as good as a counter-revolution, so he thought about it: "How to deal with this matter should be left to the court and the ceremonial system for discussion." I just want to say one thing, if you want a title, there is no problem with Earl or Marquis, but you can only go to the South China Sea to establish a state like Labuan Marquis; if you don’t want a title and want strength in your hands, you can give it in the name of the Deputy Commander-in-Chief According to the military system of this vassal, lead one or two towns of soldiers and horses, and be the generals of the front."

Now that Zheng Kezang has made the final decision, the ministers naturally stopped talking, and the topic naturally shifted to the next item: "My lord, the youngest son of Zheng Jianguo has grown up and wants to adopt the branch of King Liaojing. , I don’t know what the Lord’s opinion is on this?”

"Zheng Jianguo is good at calculating," Zheng Kezang suddenly laughed. It is not too much to say that Zhu Youge was playing tricks on this matter. You must know that Zhu Shugui was promoted to King of Liao not long ago, and his posthumous title was changed. King Liao Jing couldn't wait to adopt his son, obviously because he wanted Liao Kingdom, the great sect of the Ming clan, to be in his hands. "But there's no need to fight back and forth."

When these words came out, the eyes of several ministers were fixed on Zheng Kezang's face at the same time, but Zheng Kezang was unaware of this: "If this vassal also wants to ask for a king title, which one should be better? Grandfather's Zhang Kezang King? King of Min? King of Yue? King of Minyue? The Qing family are talking about which country name should be used together."

"What does the lord mean?" Lin Liangrui frowned. "Right now?"

"Of course not, build high walls, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly." Zheng Kezang laughed. "In other words, if you don't restore the half of Jiangnan, what face will you have to accept the title of king. However, it will only take two or three years for the feudal clan to go all out to the west, so planning ahead and planning in advance are not out of the ordinary."

Just after Zheng Kezang finished speaking, Lin Liangrui exhorted in a fierce tone: "My lord, soldiers are a major event for the country. The Western Expedition is related to the success or failure of the feudal clan. How can the lord use this mentality."

Zheng Kezang's face froze, and he couldn't help shaking his head: "Lin Qing said it seriously, loneliness is just a child's play, why bother?"

Lin Liangrui immediately stepped forward again: "My lord's words and deeds are related to the great Ming Dynasty, so how can we call it a joke."

"Okay, okay, it's Gu's fault." Zheng Kezang had no choice but to put on a straight face and look at the important ministers in front of him seriously. "But it will be a matter of time before the Ming dynasty. The name of the country needs to be considered carefully, but it must not be passed on, which will ruin the great cause of the Western Expedition."

"How should Zheng Jianguo respond?"

Zheng Kezang's face turned cold: "The lineage of King Badong is still alive, and the ancestors of the Liao Kingdom are intact. It seems inappropriate to directly inherit the title of King Liao. You can inherit the title of King Ningjing first."

"Sir, you understand!"

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