On November 46th in the 20th year of the Yongli calendar of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Jianguo completed a whole set of procedures for offering sacrifices to heaven, ancestors, and the country under the presence of tens of thousands of people in Fuzhou wearing Han costumes. In the palace rebuilt by the governor's yamen, he ascended the throne of the Ming emperor and became the No. [-] monarch of the Ming Dynasty, with the reign name Wuding.

Since Emperor Wu Ding succeeded to the throne, he naturally wanted to reward him generously. The eldest son Zhu Cichen was promoted to the crown prince, and the other two sons were respectively kings. At one time, four cabinet scholars, six ministers, ministers, and the left and right censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were appointed.

Among them, Hong Lei, the governor of Zhejiang, served as the first assistant of the cabinet. Uncle; former Ming Zhengzhengshitang Zuozheng Ke Ping was a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion and Prince Shaobao; Zheng Yingping was a right-hand member of Zhengshitang in the original Ming Dynasty and was a scholar of Dongge University and Prince Shaobao.

Zheng Bin, the governor of Guangdong, served as the minister of the Ministry of Officials, Chen Shengwu, the governor of eastern Zhejiang, served as the minister of the Ministry of Rites, Lin Liangrui, the left counselor of the Zhengshitang, concurrently served as the minister of the household department, Cai Ji, the right counselor of the Zhengshitang, concurrently served as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Yan Gang, the secretary of the police department, served as the left of the Ministry of Punishment. The minister in charge of the ministry, Guo Kai, the secretary of the criminal and prison department, was the right servant of the Ministry of punishment, the counselor of the ministry, Lin Heng, the secretary of the military affairs department, took the left servant of the Ministry of war, Cai Qian, the secretary of the military department, was the right servant of the military department, and Wu Qian, the governor of eastern Fujian Cai Hanxiang served as the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the censor of the right capital concurrently.

However, whether the cabinet ministers or ministers are just empty shells, in fact, the real power of the Wuding Dynasty is still the original Ming Zhengfan's Zhengshitang and various division officials.Of course, in order to adapt to the needs of the development of the situation, the Zhengshitang was renamed as the Department of Joining the Army of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.As for the various divisions, they were renamed as a certain experience department of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. For example, the police department was renamed the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion Police Experience Division.

At this time, the Military Academy was also renamed as the Staff Office of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and Lin Sheng's chief military officer was changed to the General Staff Officer. The left and right colleagues of the two were also renamed the left and right deputy general staff officers. staff.From this point of view, the positions of general staff, staff commander, and army staff of each division, regiment, and post were also changed to general staff, chief of staff, and staff officer respectively.

The enthronement ceremony of Emperor Wu Ding had just ended, and Zheng Bin, who hurried from Qiongzhou to Fuzhou, and Deng Lincai, the left servant of the official department who also served as the trial officer of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, found Zheng Kezang immediately.The two unanimously asked Zheng Kezang to give priority to solving the vacancies of dozens of prefectural and county Zhengyin officials and auxiliary prime ministers in the areas occupied by Zheng in the two provinces in the Ming Dynasty. Gu Tongshan, the official and left servant, added to the chaos while he was busy, and asked Zheng Kezang to help solve the problems of insufficient autumn grain harvest that year and the large loss of farming population due to war in the coming year.

Facing the siege of these four important ministers, Zheng Kezang couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, and had to push all the problems to the Military Division of the Metropolitan Government.The Department of Joining the Army made a joint decision overnight to confiscate the wealth and land of the hardcore traitors like Li Guangdi and distribute the land in the Qiding circle around Fuzhou to the families of the soldiers for free. Due to misunderstandings, the central government of Wu Ding Dynasty temporarily refused to send orders to the prefectures and counties in northern and western Fujian occupied by the two and agreed in principle to the list of sponsors proposed by the two.

Zheng Kezang had no objection to the decision made by the Department of Joining the Army in the name of the cabinet, but only pointed out that "if I or my ancestors have served in false positions and have taken part in the imperial examinations of the false dynasty, as long as they can raise the city or lead their troops to vote and are willing to accept Ming Zheng's "Unified scheduling" can be tried as a reform and no longer be punished as a traitor.

The cabinet was a little confused about the change in Zheng Kezang's attitude, but he had to obey those who understood, and obey those who didn't understand, so he "amnesty" the world in the name of Emperor Wu Ding. It spread throughout the Ming and Zheng ruled areas and spread to Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Lu and other places. shaken.

Of course, it was military force that determined the ownership of South China, and the various Qing armies worked extraordinarily hard under the persecution of Kangxi who was stationed in Shaoxing.With more than [-] troops, the Qing army in southern Zhejiang continued to attack Xiapu non-stop after it invaded Fujian.Cai Yuanbu, who suffered heavy losses in the five-month blockade on the Zhejiang-Fujian border, had to abandon Funing (Note: Xiapu County of Funing Prefecture) and retreat to the front line of Zhouning.Upon receiving the news of Cai Yuan's retreat, the fourth regiment of Zheng Jun's Hailongxiang Division deployed on the Dongchong Peninsula immediately rushed to Ningde, and the headquarters of the Fubo Fleet also marched into Sandu'ao as a response.At the same time, the left and right guards who were fighting in northern Fujian were also ordered to return quickly, vowing to block the Qing army invading south from the heavy "gate" formed by the Donggong Mountains, Jiufeng Mountains, Taimu Mountains, and Tianhu Mountains (Note: The terrain of Ningde is in the shape of a door-shaped ladder).

The withdrawal of the left and right Yongwei army divisions led to the sudden weakening of the Zheng army in northern Fujian. The Qing army in western Zhejiang broke through the Xianxia Ancient Road and broke into Pucheng. Repeatedly harassing and harassing the Qing army in the high mountains of Wuyi Mountain in northwestern Fujian. Although the Qing army broke into Fujian, its pace was already slow.

After repelling Wang Xinhua's attack, the Qing army in southern Jiangxi also wanted to attack western Fujian or northwestern Fujian. However, Zheng Jun's rapid march to northern Guangdong made Yu Chenglong, who had limited troops, dare not act rashly.After hesitating for a long time on the issue of aiding Fujian or Guangdong, Yu Chenglong, who is also the admiral of Jiangxi, found that he could only choose Wang Xinhua in the direction of Tingzhou as a breakthrough.However, the green battalion in Gan Province, who managed to cross the mountain with great difficulty, was bruised and swollen under the capital city of Tingzhou.

Since the progress of the Qing army in the direction of Fujian can be described as difficult, the eyes of the whole world have to turn to the Guangdong battlefield that may turn things around.At this time, Cadre He, who conquered Shaoguan, encountered the challenge of the Green Banner Soldiers from Hubei Province, Yunyang Town, Yichang Town, Hunan Green Camp Yongzhou Town, and the Eight Banners stationed in Jingzhou.However, Weiling, Dayuling, Dadongshan, Yaolingshan, Qiweishan, and Qingyunshan lie across the territory of Shaoguan from north to south. The Qing army can only slowly advance along the Wujiang Valley, and there is nothing they can do about it for a while. .As for the Zhaoqing direction, Mao Hongyan has already traveled back to the Xijiang River to Deqing, and the hydrological conditions are different from the Wujiang and Zhenjiang rivers in the Shaoguan direction. The Xijiang River is wide and deep, and Zheng Jun's cruise ships dare not go deep. Ships and ordinary thousand material notification ships can still sail in calmly.With the assistance of naval gunboats, the Qing army in Guangxi, which did not have an inland navy system, could not break through the defense line of Zheng Jun. The two sides fought several times under the city of Deqing. step forward.

At this time when the Fujian-Guangdong war was in turmoil, almost no one noticed that Zheng Kezang, who was supposed to be in charge of the overall situation in Fuzhou City, had disappeared. Of the seventeen divisions, only eight of the Lu divisions of Zheng Jun's direct line were used on the Fujian-Guangdong battlefield.

On December 46th of the [-]th year of the Yongli calendar, the Northern Fleet of the Zheng Army attacked the coastal areas of Shandong and Zhili again, abducting nearly [-] households and [-] people from the two provinces, and then landed in Fuzhou and other places five days later. , killed a full Eight Banners defender and more than a dozen banner infantry in a coastal defense post. Since then, because the New Year is approaching, Zheng Jun stopped the harassment, but soon the Northern Fleet that was supposed to celebrate the New Year in Seogwipo and other places The main force returned to Dongning on the last day of the Yongli Year.

Also on December [-]th, Kangxi, who lived in Shaoxing aggrievedly, decided to return to Hangzhou for the new year, but the imperial horse dragging the imperial chariot was inexplicably frightened on the way, which caused great confusion in the convoy, although the accompanying guards eventually killed him. The frenzied imperial horse rescued Kangxi who had been turned upside down, but this unlucky omen still made Kangxi extremely displeased, so he decided to go to Suzhou to recuperate after the next year, and at the same time repatriate the accompanying army, and start from the forbidden Eight Banners and Shanxi, Zhizhi, etc. Li, Shandong, and Henan provinces took turns to garrison troops.

On December 24, Cai Yuan's department, who had been resting in Zhouning, Zhenghe and other places for more than a month, entered Jianning Mansion due to supply problems.The influx of friendly troops certainly greatly increased the strength of Hong Gongzhu and the Qing army's confidence in resisting the invasion from western Zhejiang, but the arrival of the Cai Yuan tribe also made the already weak food supply system in northwestern Fujian more strained. There was no direct governing relationship between the two ministries, and the distribution of lodging and luggage was also very dirty. Hong Gongzhu, who did not want to cause a change in the overall situation because of a carelessness at this time, led his ministries to withdraw from Jianning Fucheng.

However, Hong Gongzhu's retreat did not achieve good results, because he could not satisfy his subordinates who were insatiable in their desires. On the night of December 28, riots in several camp heads of the Cai Department quickly developed into a mutiny of the entire army.Cai Yuan and You Funing Division Commander Gu Yongfen who came forward to suppress the repression were killed by the rebels, and Zuo Funing Division Commander Zhou Zhenghe fled to Yanping with injuries.

At this time, Hong Gongzhu, who had just led his troops into Yanping for rest and recuperation, could not help but turn pale with fright when he received Zhou Zhenghe's flying report. Immediately, regardless of the approaching New Year, he mobilized a division of soldiers and horses and rushed northward, taking advantage of the unprepared rebels in the carnival to rush into the building. In Ningfu City, the rebellious army was quelled in one fell swoop.However, after this change, Jianning has ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and it is no longer suitable to serve as a fortress against the attack of the Qing army.As a last resort, after killing all the rebels, Hong Gongzhu could only retreat to Nanping with his troops on the first day of the first lunar month in the first year of Wuding.

Since the change in Northwest Fujian has not yet been conveyed to Fuzhou, the city of Fuzhou is still a scene of festivities and festivities.Zheng Kezang, who returned to Fuzhou, showed up again and personally led all the officials to congratulate Emperor Wuding on the New Year. Emperor Wuding awarded Shaobao, one of Zheng Kezang's three orphans, as a New Year's reward. live drama.

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