Looking at the guests who were gliding around on the small deck to enjoy the scenery, the captain of the boat accompanied him cautiously and persuaded him: "Master Ma, we have already reached the middle of the river, and the wind and waves on the river are rough. The villain can't afford to suffer from the wind and the cold, so please go back to the cabin to rest."

"It's not in the way." The middle-aged scribe smiled and shook the folding fan in his hand, rejecting the kindness of the boat boss. "It's the same scene when sailing all the way. It's enough to be aggrieved. Now that the boat is in the middle of the river, you have to see it. By the way, where is the direction of Zhonglengquan? Can you go there?" The boatman replied, The scribe nodded and sighed. "Just the surface of the Yangtze River is so wide, I don't know how boundless the scene of the sea must be."

"There are three-foot waves when there is no wind on the sea. Although the young ones have been sailing on rivers for many years, they dare not say anything." The boat owner explained with a big smile. "I'm afraid that only those who are against the sea can sail like a boat and be invincible." The middle-aged scribe nodded thoughtfully, waiting to ask something, suddenly his eyes were attracted by a certain scene in the distance, and he couldn't move anymore Seeing the appearance of the scribe, the boss of the boat also turned his head to look, and the next moment he suddenly exclaimed. "Red flag boat, hurry up, hurry up, get closer to the shore."

The sailors who were reprimanded immediately adjusted the angle of the sail. At this time, the boss of the boat didn't care about what to say to the scribes, so he grabbed a big oar and joined the rowing team.But his efforts didn't seem to have any effect at all, and the oncoming ship cut through Jiang Bo like an arrow from the string and rushed towards him.

"What kind of terrifying thing is the red boat?" The scribe asked eagerly, puzzled by the exaggerated reaction of the boss of the boat. "Why did the ship owner hide?"

"Master Ma, hurry up and hide in the warehouse, don't ask anything." The boat boss didn't have time to answer the scribe's question, but looking at the other party nailed in front of him, the boat boss had no choice but to explain. "This is a soft-sailing boat from Haini." The scribe exclaimed, and then the boss of the boat complained. "Hai Ni has never been imported. I don't know how it appeared here today. The masters of these navy masters just eat and don't do anything."

Several passenger and cargo ships and more fishing boats on the river were doing evasive movements, but Zheng Jun's notification boat didn't seem to see them at all, and just overtook them from the side.Seeing the Zheng Jun soft-sail gunboat passing by, the captains who had just wiped off their sweat were horrified to find that more and larger Zheng Jun gunboats were still behind.

"What a big ship." The middle-aged scribe standing at the cabin door exclaimed. "It's been more than a dozen, what is Haini?"

"Hai Ni is probably going to bombard Jingkou." Relieved, the boss of the ship responded. "It's just that, Master Ma, in this way, we may not be able to cross the river, and your old schedule will be delayed."

"It doesn't matter." The middle-aged scribe scanned the location of the family members in the inner cabin and said softly. "As long as people are okay"

The report flew like snowflakes to the Lion Forest where Kangxi was stationed in Suzhou City. However, due to the destruction of Su Song's navy and other troops, the Qing army did not stop Zheng Jun's fleet from sailing into the Yangtze River.At the time of You on this day, General Jingkou reported that the Jingkou garrison Eight Banners camp had been shelled and Taicang Zhizhou reported that a large number of Zheng Jun's troop transport ships were found going up the river, which made everything clear.

Kangxi keenly determined that Zheng Jun's goal was to attack Jiangning, and then sweep Jiangnan under the premise of blocking the Yangtze River.But at this time, the garrison in Jingkou was only [-], and there were only [-] people in Jinling City. It may not be able to support the superior Zheng Jun. As for Zheng Kezang, it is almost impossible to repeat Zheng Chenggong's mistakes. so what?

But it is neither realistic nor immediately possible to order the hundreds of thousands of troops that entered Fujian to come back to rescue Jiangnan, and the entourage that once had 5 horses is now only [-] because of the rotation of the garrison—the rest Either he was still on the way here or he was blocked in Jiangbei---could it be possible to watch Zheng Jun take Jingkou and then attack Jiangning, but he could only hide in Suzhou City and wait for his opponent to succeed?Kangxi obviously would not make such a choice.

After a night of repeated deliberation, Kangxi decided to lead 2 horses to reinforce Jiangning, but his decision was unanimously opposed by the ministers who followed him. Kangxi, who had never commanded a specific battle, went down the slope under the arguments of the ministers. Donkey, gave the command of the Eight Banners Banners to Prince Jian Yabu and Jiangning General Miao Qina, and left Suo Etu and others as military counselors.

Yabu and Miaoqina had just taken over the military affairs, and they hadn't even made a decision on whether to immediately call up the left-behind green camps in southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang. The report of the fall of Jingkou was sent to Suzhou by Jiangning and Changzhou.

"Jin Shirong, an idiot, actually wants to do something half-baked." Miao Zena, an authentic man of the Eight Banners, naturally felt that he was more upright than Jin Shirong, a colleague who was born in the Eight Banners of the Han Army, so he showed a schadenfreude. "It turned out to be a good thing, Zhenjiang was lost too quickly." Miao Qina sighed bitterly. "My lord, our errands are very difficult."

"If it's difficult, we have to do it." Yabu walked two steps quickly in the room with his hands behind his back, and said with a serious face after he stood on his heels. "Zhenjiang was lost so quickly that we didn't have enough time to gather our forces, so the current plan must be to immediately send troops northward to contain Haini, so that they cannot rush to attack Jiangning. As long as a confrontation can be formed, we can slowly gather On the other hand, when looking at the sea against the sea, even if the army is superior for a while, it comes from thousands of miles after all, and it is the source of nothing. As long as it survives this period of time, the situation can be reversed."

Yabu said it lightly, but it was the rainy season before and after the Qingming Festival, and the Feifei drizzle would seriously delay the whereabouts of the Qing army brigade. For this reason, Miao Zena, who had lived in Jiangnan for more than ten years, persuaded: "Jiangning The city is strong, even if an army of [-] besieges the city, it may not be able to go down at once. But if our army advances rapidly, if the sea goes against the city and abandons the city, it will not care about us. Once there is a loss, there will be no resistance in the south of the Yangtze River. The overall situation is not good."

After hearing this, Suo'etu, who was sitting on the side, asked with some displeasure: "Could it be possible to watch Haini calmly attack Jiangning?"

Suo'etu has a special status. Although he is only a military counselor in name, Yabu and Miaoqina must not be treated as his general staff. For this reason, Miaoqina explained: "Mr. Don't get up soon, this rain, this river."

Miao Qina smiled wryly and said, "Even if the Qianfeng Battalion and other troops directly reach the front line of Jingkou with light cavalry, how can they fight Haini when they are exhausted? Besides, the Tiger Gun Battalion and other troops are mostly from the northern countries. Excellent, but if you really want to fight against the sea reverse from the south of the south in the hot and humid place, the outcome is hard to predict."

The so-called uncertainty of the outcome, Suo Etu certainly knew that it was already a tactful statement, but the elder of the cabinet understood Kangxi's thoughts, so he asked regardless: "Even if this is the case, we shouldn't indulge the sea against the city, I also want a perfect method.”

Regarding the request of the power minister representing Kangxi, Miao Zena pondered for a while before saying, "Maybe we can march into Changzhou to contain Haini."

Changzhou, Yabu and Suo'etu's eyes fell on the map next to them, and they found this city located by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.Speaking of it, the location of Changzhou is indeed good, it can go straight to Jingkou along the canal, and it can indeed threaten Zheng Jun's "rear route" to contain Zheng Jun's further actions, which is completely in line with Miao Zena's image of conservative use of troops in the past.

Although Suo'etu knew a little about military affairs, he had no way to make a judgment in front of the big scene, so he had no choice but to kick the ball in front of the old and sick Prince Jane: "What does the prince think?"

"Changzhou is still too far away from Jingkou," Yabu pointed his finger on the map. "It's still Danyang."

"If it's Danyang, then it's just a stone's throw away from Haini," Miu Zena looked at the map worriedly. "The prince should think twice."

The subtext of Miao Zena's words is already very straightforward. Everyone knows what is going on with the Eight Banners soldiers now, not to mention that these banned Eight Banners have their own backgrounds for being able to follow Kangxi. Well, the other party is the prince or the master, so at most he can reprimand and pay a fine, but he feels that he will become a scapegoat, and moreover, he will become the target of several powerful and powerful families.

"How did Tuhai defeat Burni back then?" Yabu looked at Miaoqina and Suoetu. "It's nothing more than high-ranking officials and generous salaries. These bastards can't fight anymore. I'd better take a look and try." Yabu sat down on the chair slowly. "In the final analysis, the Qing Dynasty still depends on the Manchus themselves. If they can inspire a few high-ranking officials and generous salary, the Qing Dynasty will still have hope. If not, Mr. Suoge, you should rush back to Hangzhou to persuade the emperor to choose a way to return to Beijing. This south of the Yangtze River is South China, and it’s not Qing Dynasty anymore.”

"Why is the lord so pessimistic, pass, pass." Suo'etu said duplicity, but he was prepared in his heart, and then he changed the subject. "My lord, although Haini is criss-crossing the river, they can't easily cut off the rolling Yangtze River. Do you want to send someone to dive across the river and contact the reinforcements in the north?"

"Old Suo Ge doesn't know something." Miao Qina replied for Yabu. "It may be possible for one or two people and one or two boats to dive across the Yangtze River, but how can the tens of thousands of reinforcements avoid the eyes and ears of Haini."

Suo'etu was always looking for something to say, but now that Miao Zena explained it, he seemed to have suddenly realized it, but before the performance was over, he suddenly shook his body and looked at the two of them with terrified eyes: "What if The war continues, and the summer grain from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces cannot be transported to Beijing, so the price of grain in the capital this year is boundless."

"Last year, most of the output from the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang was used as rations for the Southern Expedition Army." Miao Qina responded with an ugly face. "The grain grain transported to the north is only 40 shi, and the price of grain in Beijing and central China has remained high. If it is completely interrupted now, it is estimated that it will be easy to spend hundreds of dollars per bucket. This is exactly the trick used by the sea to force the court to make a quick decision. "

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