"My lord, the territory of this feudal clan is growing day by day, but there are not enough officials available. Please start Enke immediately to recruit talents."

Looking at Chen Kejun, who served as the minister of the Ministry of Rites and the school experience officer of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and Deng Lincai, who was the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials and also the trial officer of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Zheng Kezang was thoughtful. Of course he knew that Ming Zheng The territory is too small. Although it took nearly 20 years to cultivate talents, it is a bit stretched to use it in the new ruling area that has increased dozens of times. It is no wonder that the two people in front of them are anxious to find themselves to solve it.

"What the two Qings said is necessary, we can't rely entirely on demoting officials to support the country," Zheng Kezang naturally nodded in agreement with such a clear understanding. "Then, according to the regulations of the two divisions, the Enke will be opened in Zhili and Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong at the end of October, which will just appease the local people. However," Zheng Kezang dragged his voice. "This is an expedient measure. In the future, we have to improve the cascade education system of the Imperial College, the prefectural school, the county school, and the elementary school. In addition, this Enke will also focus on practice. To become an official with a rank, the deputy list is to enter an official with a rank of nine, and you can't choose people."

The two retreated obediently, but they just retreated. Lin Heng, the left servant of the Ministry of War and the director of the Military Affairs Department of the Metropolitan Government, and Cai Qian, the right servant of the Ministry of War and the chief of the Military Weapons Department of the Metropolitan Government, walked in with the guards : "The ministers and others see the Lord."

"Lin Qing," Zheng Kezang waved his hands to make them stand up, and then asked directly. "How's the recruiting going?"

"Returning to the Lord, the current Military Affairs Department has set up five battalions along the river in Zhenjiang, Taiping, Chizhou, Jiujiang, and Ezhou. Each battalion has 5 to [-] soldiers and horses." Asking the soldiers was naturally Lin Heng's answer. "However, these five battalions have only one or two divisions, and their combat power is extremely suspicious. There are also a lot of military resources such as firearms and war horses, so it's okay to stick to it, but I'm afraid it's impossible to attack."

"Insufficient combat power depends on the intensity of the training of the staff office." Because Zheng Jun's navy cut off the Yangtze River, Zheng Kezang remained optimistic about the question of the suspicious combat power of recruits and newly attached troops. "As for the lack of firearms, it's a problem. Cai Qing, can the Armaments Department come up with an exact timetable?"

"Returning to the lord, I have ordered Dongning's iron smelting and gun workshops to move to Fujian and Guangdong, and also ordered people to set up factories in Zhejiang and Zhili. As long as these factories resume production, I will definitely make up for it within the year. One-third of the shortage of firearms." Because the production of Zheng Jun's blunderbuss involves a secret process, Cai Qian did not dare to boast too much. "In addition, according to the intention of the Lord, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have also begun to re-produce various types of inland watercraft." Since the notification ships and cruise ships all use keel technology and have a deep draft, it is somewhat inconvenient to use them on the Yangtze River. Therefore, Zheng Ke Zang Cai asked the Ordnance Department to produce inland river gunboats with a relatively shallow draft. "It is estimated that five to six paddle gunboats with more than 25 materials and less than [-] materials and [-] transport ships with about [-] materials can be produced every month."

"The production of the three-deck gunships at the Yezo and Seogwipo Shipyards must not stop, and the mining of Shilu's iron ore must also not stop." Zheng Kezang made a point, and then turned his gaze back to Lin Heng. body. "The problem of military horses does exist. In this way, the orphan will arrange for Honglu Temple to negotiate with the North Korean side to lease the entire Jeju." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang paused. "The defense of the Yangtze River is like this for now, but Yueqing Bo (Hong Gongzhu), Changhua Bo (Mao Hongyan), Xinchangbo (He Gan) are fighting in Jinghu and Guangxi. The two departments of military affairs and military weapons must give priority to supply lack"

After sending Lin Heng and the others away, Zheng Kezang walked out of the house and slowly stretched his body in the courtyard. The fatigue from sitting for a long time made his back ache. In fact, he didn't have to work so hard, but because the Qing army was there In Jiangbei, the timid Emperor Wu Ding did not dare to move his line back to Nanjing, so Zheng Ji was forced to stay in Fuzhou as the center of the Ming court. Staying in Fuzhou, Zheng Kezang was forced to do it himself.

Zheng Kezang was moving his body while shaking his head and feet. A guard with a happy face came in hurriedly, whispered to the deputy chief guard who was standing beside him, and after listening to the guard's report, he had just been appointed by Zuo Huben Division Director Jun Ren. Ma Yankai, who was transferred, immediately stepped forward and reported to Zheng Kezang: "My lord, the envoy from Fuzhou has just entered Chaoyang Gate."

"Are you here?" Zheng Kezang nodded. It has been ten months since Zheng Jun regained Nanjing. , Northwest Hunan, advancing the front to the two lakes and the west of Guangxi, such a great achievement is indeed worthy of the Fuzhou court canonizing himself as king. "This is already the third wave?" Ma Yankai replied yes, and Zheng Kezang laughed. "Etiquette is enough, and I'm afraid it will chill people's hearts if I evade it." Ma Yankai smiled apologetically, looking at him, and Zheng Kezang suddenly remembered something, so he asked. "Has King Ning arrived in Fujing?"

The King Ning that Zheng Kezang was talking about was naturally Zhu Da. An old man in sixties should not actually be the object of Zheng Kezang's attention, but who made Zhu Da's brother the only powerful faction in the Ming clan, who was fighting against Jinghu? A branch of the Ming army has a close relationship and has a certain influence in Jiangxi Province.

"Chen, I don't know." Ma Yankai replied awkwardly. He was just a guard, so naturally he couldn't act beyond his authority.

"I just forgot." Zheng Kezang laughed loudly, and immediately recruited the real person in charge. Hearing the news that Zhu Da had arrived in Fuzhou, Zheng Kezang's eyes lit up. "It's good that he's here, since he's committed himself, don't let him get away." Of course, Zheng Kezang won't start now. "Tell Yu Ping not to watch too closely," Zheng Kezang commanded in full control. "Give them a chance to do activities in series, so that ghosts and monsters will jump out one by one." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang reached out to take a towel from the servant next to him and wiped his sweat. "This is how it works once and for all"

"Zheng Ni's ambitions have really been exposed." By the time the news of Zheng Kezang's conferment as Xia Wang spread to Beijing, it was already the end of May in the 33rd year of Kangxi, and he had just withdrawn his rights from Shaozheng Emperor Yinreng. So Kangxi said to the two sons in front of him. "So I'm free from worries."

The so-called worry-free is just Kangxi's exaggeration. Although Kangxi exempted Yinfeng from the crime of self-reliance and continued to retain the status of prince on the grounds that Yinfeng was coerced by others, this kind of hypocritical warmth is just the existence and appearance of inconsistency. Between father and son, as for other people, there is no need for Kangxi to be soft-hearted. Of course, for the stability of the court, Kangxi must use the method of stripping cocoons to deal with it. The impact of redemption has even more restrained Kangxi's plan to go south again, thus forcing Kangxi to watch Zheng Ji Daming gain a firm foothold in the south of the Yangtze River.

It is based on knowing everything, so Yinfeng, who no longer has too many fantasies, listened to Kangxi's remarks with a blank face, but Yinfeng, who had already regarded himself as the future prince, was eager to try He said: "Huang Ama, my son thinks that now is the opportunity to counterattack."

Yinfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, and for a moment he thought that Shen Sheng died inside, and Chong'er was safe outside, so he interrupted Yinfeng's words eagerly without thinking: "Huang Ama, my son thinks that the elder brother is the one It is very true that the crusade against Haini is at the right time, and my minister is willing to go out of Beijing and go south to join the conquest, so as to take the blame and make meritorious service."

Yinreng finished his request in one breath, but it was Kangxi's scrutiny that responded to him. Yinreng's heart beat wildly, and after a long time, Kangxi waved his hand: "You were kidnapped by Tong Guowei, and there are What's wrong, it's nothing more than a silly talk, and besides, you are the crown prince, the prince, how can you leave the capital without permission, don't say it again from now on."

Looking at Yinfeng who retreated dejectedly and Yinfeng who sneered, Kangxi had a flash of thought, and then he said kindly: "As for taking advantage of the current situation to march south, it is easy for you to think about it, but the imperial court has lost the land of wealth in the south of the Yangtze River, Huguang. The granary can't be counted on. Without rice, no matter how the imperial court marches south, it won't be like Chongzhen in the pre-Ming Dynasty and fishing in the dry lake."

Yinfei froze for a moment, he thought for a while and seemed to understand something, he knew that he was too complacent recently to attract Kangxi's beating, but thinking about it also, without Mingzhu's support, his only credentials as a big brother It's just old age.

Seeing that Yinyi also retreated after being beaten, Kangxi looked down at the memorial in his hand again, and suddenly he threw the memorial on the ground in a rage: "Chuoketuo is so stupid, the fundamental place of Fengtian ancestors is actually there." The horse bandits rebelled, and he didn't suppress them or report them, so why did he come to the clan's mansion to take away his Fu Guogong, and serve in the Huaiyang army."

The two princes who had just learned the lesson did not dare to make a sound, but after losing their temper, Kangxi asked Su La, who was waiting on him, to pick up the memorial and read it again carefully. : "Yinfeng, Yinfeng, you two have a look together, and after reading it, let's share it with me."

The two people who were named took the memorial and put their heads together to watch it carefully. After a long time, Yinfeng said hesitantly: "It has been a long time since there have been horse bandits in Liaodong, and Chuoketuo's corpse is in its place and ignores it." It is an unforgivable crime to sit and watch the village be destroyed and the clothes looted, and it is appropriate for Huang Ama to send out his army."

The corners of Kangxi's eyes twitched, and then he looked at Yinyi, who said at this time: "I think this matter is not so simple."

Kangxi snorted, and then he heard Yinfei continue: "The time when the horse bandits appeared was the time when Haini invaded the southeast. I don't know if there was any connection during this period, but it may not be impossible for Haini's big ship to go deep into Liaodong. .”

"Come here," Kangxi shouted towards the door, a royal guard immediately rolled in, and Kangxi ordered immediately. "Let the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigate to see if the slave who was looted is a rebel from the San Francisco. In addition, I still remember that Dai Zi once made a kind of blunderbuss, and asked him to walk immediately to the blunderbuss."

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