& From time to time, one or two ships approached the shallows on the shore, spit out a lot of people and things, and then the noisy sound waves began to extend to the silent inland.

"This won't work, the speed is too slow." Gong Tian, ​​who was standing on the Liuqian flagship Wu'an Jun, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but tighten his brows. As the supreme commander of the landing operation led by the navy, He is well aware of the importance of this campaign to the Navy. "Is there any other port where I can land?"

Ma Tao, the chief of staff of the Fubo Fleet standing beside him, thought for a while and gave an answer: "I remember that the water surface at Fangcheng Port is also very open, and some transport ships may be transferred there to land, but it may take a little longer to go ashore. Heaven's way."

"Then why hesitate, send a flag and ask Tan An to lead his men to escort a part of the convoy over there."

Just as the flag on this side was sent out, a small boat on the other side got out of many transport boats scrambling for the beach like a fish, and approached the Wu'an Jun.After a while, a fourth-class staff officer in his early twenties quickly climbed up along the gangway, and after checking the password with the guard on duty, he went straight to the poop where Gong and Ma were standing.

After going up to the stern tower and performing the military salute, the Zhongwu school lieutenant hurriedly reported: "At the military gate, Commander Yang has led his troops to the city of Qinzhou. 39 Seven Green Banner Soldiers and 240 Villager Troupes practiced out of the city and surrendered."

The commander mentioned by the young staff officer is actually not the official position of commanding Yang Jie in the third regiment of the Hailongxiang Division, because in this operation, eleven outposts and two outposts of the three naval regiments under the Fubo Fleet were used. And three supply posts, so Yang Jie, who unified the command of these troops, was respected as the commander of the squadron according to the customs of the navy.

"Mao Gaifeng has just descended now, don't you think it's too late?" Gong and Ma haven't responded yet, and Tang Ping, the captain of the Wu'an Jun, appeared out of nowhere. In addition to the commanding officer also serving as the captain of the flagship, a naval military officer at the level of Gong Tian is no longer in charge of the ship himself. "Du Shigui from Lianzhou prefecture surrendered five months ago. A magistrate of a mere Sanzhou still dares to stand up to this day. It is conceivable that he must be a hardcore traitor."

"Mao Gaifeng is also difficult to do. After all, there are half a battalion of soldiers from Zuojiang Town, Gui Province in the city. Even if he has the heart, he would not dare to act rashly." Say something. "Anyway, once Qinzhou falls, the whole of Guangdong can be regarded as completely restored."

Regarding Ma Tao's words, Gong Tian nodded noncommittally and then arranged to the staff officer who reported the letter: "Inform Commander Yang and ask him to gather up the troops and rectify them on the spot. When the military supplies arrive, we will continue to Nanning Let the Qing army know that our army is going north."

The staff officer took the order to leave. At this time, Tang Ping, who had just spoken but was ignored, walked to Gong Tian: "Junmen, Commander Yang's troops are still too small. Isn't it a bit too reckless to just go north like this? I think it is Instead of drawing some sailors from the ships to temporarily form a team and transfer them to Commander Yang, it will save him from being stretched when the time comes."

"This is also a way." Ma Tao agreed, and he said at the same time. "My lord, isn't the king intending to set up a naval division under each fleet? Why don't we go ahead and take advantage of the opportunity to attack Nanning to expand it on the spot. Even if it is not decided in the future, it is nothing more than a reorganization."

There is a reason for Ma Tao's words. Zheng Kezang came up with the idea of ​​setting up a special naval division in view of the fact that the naval regiments of the governor's mansions have the heavy responsibility of defending the soil, and the naval fleet has no direct land combat forces to respond. However, this idea was temporarily shelved in the Military Affairs Department because the expansion of the Army Division was now costing too much money.

"I'm afraid you two are out of your mind." Gong Tian swept the two students, and scolded them bluntly. "If you don't follow orders to expand the army privately, what do you want to do?" Speaking of this, Gong Tian looked at Ma Tao. "Brother Guangyi, you are also a military supervisor. Say it yourself, if I issue this order today, how many reports will fall into Yu Yanwang's hands tomorrow." Mentioning the instructor of the Military Law Department, Ma Tao couldn't help but A shock, as for Tang Ping, there was also a smug smile on his face at the moment. "Okay, don't look so winky, remember it clearly next time, even though we are all drawn by the king, we must have some taboos, the king doesn't rub the sand in his eyes."

That's the end of this topic. In order to avoid embarrassment, Gong Tian changed the topic: "The Fubo Fleet is about to be reorganized into a Western Fleet. According to the king's intention, from now on, from Nan'ao Island in the east to Thonburi in the west. , Heni (Note: Pattani) are the cruising areas of our fleet, please tell me how to fight for the establishment with the Military Affairs Department at that time."

Ma Tao also understands that some things cannot be explained clearly, so he said wisely: "The sea area covered by this fleet is so extensive, I am afraid that the second-class cruise gunboats with [-] or [-] materials will be the mainstay."

"When it comes to the wide range of sea areas, the same is true for the Dongyang Fleet and the Nanyang Fleet." The Dongyang Fleet is currently planning to be responsible for the Zhejiang Sea and the sea area north of the Zhejiang Sea, which is roughly the jurisdiction of the original Zhoushan Squadron and the Northern Fleet. Ryukyu, Luzon, and Boni are also vast seas and territories, so Tang Ping thinks it is okay to use cruise ships to cruise, but the key is to snatch the inheritance of the Zhenguo fleet. "However, our enemies will be European and Western countries in the future, so cruisers are absolutely indispensable."

"Cruiser?" Ma Tao smiled wryly. "The shipyard has only built a few third-class cruisers with more than [-] materials over the years. How can it be our turn?" This is true, even though the shipyards in Seogwipo and Ezodi have already started production. Small three-deck cruiser, but there are too many monks, too many wolves, and too little meat. The Dongyang Fleet guards the safety of Nanjing, the gateway to the Yangtze River. Should we share more? There are only a handful of them. "Don't waste your time thinking about it."

"In any case, there must be one or two fleets of cruisers." The formation of the Zhenguo Fleet is different from that of the Fubo Fleet and the Northern Fleet. Incorporated into two three-deck gunboats. "Otherwise, there will be another scene of the naval battle off the coast of Jinlan, and we will have to suffer a lot."

"Brother Zhipu is right. Although Lin Xian is also a layman, he should also understand the principle of keeping a bowl of water level." Gong Tian was obviously stimulated by the words Tang Ping said about the battle in the outer seas of Jinlan, but this It's also very normal, if it wasn't for this naval battle, I'm afraid it might not be his turn to be the admiral of the Fubo Fleet. "Even if we can't give us the cutting-edge Wanliao third-class cruiser, at least we should give us the old ships like Huo Xingyao and Di Xiangwu."

Gong Tian's request is not high, but Ma Tao thinks it is very possible to realize it: "There is some hope for this, but I think that if the higher-ups don't give us cruisers, we can make some decisions on first- and second-class cruise ships."

Ma Tao's words diverted the thinking of the other two people, and Tang Ping even calculated how many double-deck gunboats the Western Fleet needed: "Lianzhou is a good port, and we must buy a team in the future ( Four ships); Xiangshan Ao will need a team to guard the Pearl River Estuary; Nan'ao Island and Tongshan Island will also need a team; in addition, Changhua and Hongji will need a team; Jinlan Bay will also need a team. fleet; that's twenty ships."

"Oh, I don't think I'm wrong." Tang Ping rubbed his head while talking. "Why is the number less than that of the Fubo Fleet?"

"Of course it's not right." Gong Tian corrected. "We still need to set up a squadron here in Jin Ran Bay, at least to ensure the establishment of two teams, otherwise we will not be able to handle it at all; as for Lian Leiqiong, we also need to set up a squadron, so that two teams can ensure the safety of Qiongzhou and Beihe Ocean. Since there are two teams at Xiangshanao and Nan'ao, it is best to set up a squadron; as for our own team, if the military affairs department sends a large ship, we will form a separate team. If not, we will directly command the Xiangshanao side. Squadron."

"I'm afraid the military gate underestimated the Pearl River Inland River Squadron." Ma Tao now showed the role of the chief of staff to fill in the gaps. "Although we don't like the dozens of red single boats, staying on the Xunjiang River can give He Zongbing some courage."

Tang Ping laughed loudly: "Brother Yiyuan is right, this red single boat is still useful, otherwise, how could our Master Youqian propose to the king to set up a Yangtze River Inland Fleet."

"Poor mouth." Ma Tao glared at Tang Ping, and then laughed himself out loud. After laughing, he suddenly looked at Gong Tian thoughtfully. "Junmen, you said just now that if the cruiser is not provided, you will directly control the squadrons on Xiangshanao and Nan'ao Island." Gong Tian nodded in agreement because he didn't understand, so Ma Tao asked further. "Then if the higher-ups really gave us the Huo Xun Yao and Di Xiang Wu, where do you plan to put the team?"

"Where, needless to say, of course it is Macau." Gong Tian said as he moved his eyes to the east. In a direction that he couldn't see, several three-deck gunboats of the Zhenguo Fleet were cooperating with the Guangdong defenders to besiege. Macau Island, once the Portuguese can't survive and withdraw from this pearl of the South China Sea, with the complete coastal defense fortress that has been built, it should become the headquarters of the future Western Fleet. "Why do you have an opinion?"

"How could it be? There is a Ferangji man's boat yard in Macau, which saves us a lot of trouble," Ma Tao shook his head like a rattle. "It's just that I think that since Macau's status is so important, I'm afraid it's not so easy for the Folang Robot to return it. If the Zhenguo Fleet can't block the Folang Robot in the port, we have to go there for reinforcements."

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