Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

304. Open source chapter flow

Around the 33rd year of Kangxi, apart from the Fubiao Third Battalion stationed in Gongchang (Longxi) with the governor, the Qing army stationed in Gansu also had Tibiao Fifth Battalion stationed in Lanzhou, Liangzhou (Wuwei), Suzhou (Jiuquan), The four towns of Ningxia and Xining.From the perspective of the distribution of the garrisons in the four towns of Fuyi, it can be found that the north is heavy in the south, and the west is heavy in the east. There are only a few thousand paces in Xining Town in the vast area, which cannot form a powerful deterrent to the princes of the Mongolian Heshuote tribe who are close at hand.

Zashbatu Khan saw the emptiness of the Qing army, so he did not hesitate to rush forward and wait for the Zhungeer people to launch an attack together.It must be said that Zashbatu Khan chose a good timing. At this time, the attention of the Qing army was being attracted by the strong enemy in the north. The Heshuo special cavalry had swept across the entire Hehuang, and the Qing army in Gansu reacted.

But it was too late to react at this time. Except for the big cities such as Xining, Datong, Yong'an, and Weiyuan, which were still in the hands of the Qing army, the rest of the small and medium-sized strongholds had all fallen into the hands of the Heshuote people. What was even more frightening was that In view of the fact that there were not many cavalry in the army, the Qing army was forced to give up the field battle and defend behind closed doors, thus giving up the initiative of the battle to the enemy. Only then did the army keep the current territory.

Seeing that the Qing army could not hold on, Zashbatu Khan, who was overjoyed, did not accept it as soon as he saw it. Instead, he rushed to Hezhou under the ambition of reshaping the image of the leader of the Weitra, preparing to drink the Matao River.At this time, after receiving the news that Zashbatu Khan had defeated the Qing army, Mongolian tribes and herdsmen families scattered around came in droves, all wanting to get a share of the next looting, and Zashbatu Khan came many times. As a result, the army horse under his command quickly expanded to five or six thousand horses.

Since Hezhou already belongs to the confidant of Gansu, and is only a short distance away from the important town of Lanzhou, the terrified Gansu side could not care about dealing with Galdan in the north, and hastily mobilized 6000 people from the bidding, bidding and Liangzhou Township. The so-called [-] army was personally commanded by Zhang Yunyi, the son of the former Gansu Admiral Zhang Yong, and the current Gansu Admiral Zhang Yunyi, and rushed towards Hezhou.

Although Zashbatu Khan's soldiers and horses have greatly increased, the poor siege ability of the Mongolian cavalry has prevented them from taking down the city of Hezhou, which is united as one. Intentionally retreated.At this time, the news came that the main force of the Qing army came to help, and the hot-headed Zashbatu Khan decided to fight the Qing army again before retreating.

On October 33, the [-]rd year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yunyi's troops entered Dongxiang, Hezhou, and immediately confronted the men of Zashbatu Khan who swarmed in.In the early morning of October [-]th, the two teams came out of the camp at the same time. The stupid Zashbatu Khan immediately drove his subordinates straight to the Qing army formation, but they were shot by Qing army artillery.

Although the artillery equipped by the Qing army in Gansu is bulky and has a very short range, the thunderous sound still shocked the Heshuo special cavalry composed of herdsmen. They thought it was witchcraft practiced by the Qing army, and they dared not move forward in fear. , and the Mongolian horses they sat on were even more unbearable. These big guys either had limp hooves or ran into their own people violently. Even the herdsmen who grew up on horseback couldn't appease them for a while.

Seeing the chaotic formation of the Heshuote people, Zhang Yunyi, who had a long history of family education, immediately and decisively ordered the Qing army to carry out a countercharge.In the imposing counterattack of the Qing army, the Heshuote cavalry with earthy faces turned around and fled regardless of Zashbatu Khan's loud stop.The helpless Zashbatu Khan saw that the situation was not good and could only run away, so the Qing army only paid more than a dozen casualties before defeating the Heshuote attack, and then chased and killed Zashbatu all the way. Khan expelled Hezhou, recovered the Hehuang Valley, and restored contact with the defenders in Xining and other places.If it weren't for the colder weather, the Qing army would have chased all the way to the west of Qinghai Lake. Even so, Zashbatu Khan's losses were still heavy. Not to mention the subordinates who later joined, the three thousand fine cavalry who sent troops at the beginning In the end, only less than one-third of the quantity remained.

The news of Gansu's victory was sent to Beijing. Emperor Kangxi was overjoyed and immediately appointed Gansu governor Buka as the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi. , thus becoming one of the highest titles among Han officials outside the Han army banner after the San Francisco Rebellion.

However, the crisis in Gansu was only temporarily lifted, and a more dangerous enemy loomed behind Zashbatu Khan. For this reason, Kangxi sent his ministers to Lhasa and Yili Bari to lobby Dalai Lama and Dalai in November of that year. Allah Butan.

However, the news from the two places has not yet come. The Qing court received a report from the Heilongjiang side at the end of November, saying that the Oros people had torn up the "Nerchinsk Treaty" and re-sent troops into Yaksa and other areas that were assigned to the Qing court. .In this regard, Kangxi, who was unable to deal with the enemy on all sides, had no choice but to scold the Oros people for their treachery, and strictly ordered Heilongjiang General Sabsu and Ningguta General Tong Bao to guard against them and not allow the Oros people to enter again.

In view of the fact that the external environment was getting worse and worse for the Qing court, Kangxi had to face a major choice.After several weighings, Kangxi finally made up his mind. At the beginning of December of that year, the Qing court sent envoys to Khobdor, trying to persuade Galdan to strike a truce and maintain good relations between the two countries at the cost of abandoning Khalkha Mongolia. Kangxi is willing to marry the sixth daughter of the emperor, Princess Shuo Chunxi, to Galdan.

After the envoys to Zhungeer set off, Kangxi issued orders one after another, asking Shandong, Henan, Sichuan and other places to step up the training of green battalion recruits and prepare to transfer south to east.In view of the difficulty of crossing the Yangtze River defense line, Kangxi also ordered Ma Qi, the new governor of Liangjiang, to build warships in Jiangbei.Of course, this is all a cover. Kangxi's main goal is clear, and that is to use Huguang as a breakthrough point to make a gap in Zheng Jun's soft belly.

However, whether it is conscription or shipbuilding, it requires a lot of money and food as a backing. Because Jiangnan, the most important fiscal and taxation area of ​​the Qing court, has fallen, and the salt fields in Lianghuai and Changlu, which are one of the main sources of income, have been repeatedly attacked by Zheng Jun's navy. The harassment caused by the lack of salt production and the difficulty in collecting salt tax. Therefore, the Qing government did not have enough financial resources from the central government to the local government to realize the grand goal set by Kangxi.In order to solve the money problem, the household department with a head as big as a bucket finally got inspiration from the long-overdue Guangxi Memorial after repeatedly proposing to increase the land tax, which was repeatedly rejected by Kangxi. At the meeting of the Eighth Dynasty in early December, he formally reported to Kangxi and asked for a large donation.

Kangxi, who still had some scruples about his reputation behind him, dismissed the memorial from the Ministry of Households again with a look of hesitation. For this reason, Kulner, who was confused, had to visit Li Guangdi, who had just been promoted to co-organizer, to ask for advice.Li Guangdi, who had known Kangxi's character for a long time, was unwilling to answer Kulena's question at first, but he couldn't stand the other party's stalking, so he made a slight mention, and Kulena, who had just woken up from a dream, turned around happily yamen.On that day, all the officials of the Ministry of Households discussed at night, and specially formulated the implementation regulations for the donations of each province, and sent them to the provinces in the form of a mansion newspaper without a request.

This donation regulation includes a series of issues such as the specific number of silver taels required to purchase official products at all levels, the conversion of the difference in compensation for officials purchasing higher-level official products, vacancies and actual positions, and how to divide the local and central authorities. The above-mentioned donated officials must be released to Beijing before they can be reported to the Ministry of Officials, and if they are unqualified, they will not be appointed.

The regulations of the Ministry of Households, which was acquiesced by Kangxi, quickly set off a frenzy of "paying for service" in the Qing court's ruling area. Some provinces even used this policy as apportionment to force large local households to pay. The result is naturally the original intention of raising emergency military pay with Kangxi. On the contrary, and the "local policy" of the Ministry of Households allowed military attaches from guerrillas to surrender, revolutionize, and retain personnel to donate, which further shook the military discipline and combat effectiveness of the Qing army, and the consequences were even more unimaginable.However, the local provinces of the Qing court could not see the evil results of drinking poison to quench thirst. They only felt that this regulation came too late, so that they could not have a good year this year

In addition to donating money, the Ministry of Finance also tried every means to reduce expenditure.Of course, military expenses cannot be saved, and the monthly allowances of the royal family and nobles are also indispensable. As for the salaries of hundreds of officials, they can be postponed for a while. In addition, the largest expenditure of the Qing court, "Hegong", can also be temporarily put on hold. .

Naturally, officials, large and small, complained about this behavior of the Ministry of Households. You must know that not everyone has the ice respect, charcoal respect and New Year's filial piety sent from somewhere, but the Ministry of Household's practice has been acquiesced by Kangxi. They had no choice but to find their own way out, and if they couldn't do it, they had to lose their official uniforms regardless of their dignity.

Beijing officials did not dare to complain to the Ministry of Housing, which was backed by Kangxi, but Yu Chenglong, the governor of the river, stood up and fired at the Ministry of Housing.Speaking of it, Yu Chenglong was actually a defeated general. After losing Jiangxi, he was meritorious in escorting Kangxi back to Jiangbei and escorting him back to Beijing.

But although Yu Chenglong is an upright official, he is not a famous general and he is not an expert in river management. He has come to this day completely relying on the same name and integrity as the old Yu Chenglong. Speaking of which, the higher the status, the more cautious he should be. However, But he was a cannon, and he fired straight at the household department who shared Kangxi's worries without knowing the destination. At this moment, he finally hit the iron plate. On December 33, Kangxi's 23rd year, Kangxi decreed to reprimand this favorite minister for " Interfering with the central government is not the duty of a border minister."

Fortunately, Jackie Chan is an active supporter of donations. He said in the memorandum that "the river works cost a lot, and the household department's expenses are insufficient. It is necessary to open a donation case. Now follow the example of Shaanxi's hunger relief, increase or decrease as appropriate. People who are old, sick, and retired, as well as chief political envoys, "Gai Xu donated back" so that he was able to record his merits and stay in office. However, because he had no money in his hands, he was actually a river governor in name only. So he was changed to governor of Henan in the name of transfer, and the governor of He was not abolished.

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