"My lord Liu, my lord was just a vice-general of the green battalion back then. It was the feudal lord who promoted you to General Huaiyuan. It can be said that he treated you well. Now, the northern captives are marching into Zhejiang and Fujian, and the war is at its most critical time. The feudal lord has no choice but to transfer you." State soldiers sent out to help, but your lord is pushing back and forth at this time, could it be that there is something wrong?"

In the middle of April in the 30th year of the Yongli calendar of the Ming Dynasty, Geng Jingzhong was unwilling to invade eastern Zhejiang and failed. He mobilized all possible troops to prepare for a desperate battle with the Qing army led by Prince Kang Jie in Zhejiang.When the order to transfer troops came to Tingzhou, Liu Yinglin, the guard general, neither wanted to surrender to the Qing Dynasty nor sent troops, but only wanted to guard the land and stay out to be the emperor of the land.For this reason, Geng Jingzhong's emissary was very annoyed, and he denounced him for having evil intentions.

"My lord," Liu Yinglin's general asked with a disturbed expression as he sent away the angry envoy of Geng Fan. "If the feudal lord dispatches soldiers to attack Tingzhou in a fit of rage, the remaining soldiers and major generals will not be able to defend against it, so how should we deal with it?"

"Geng Jingzhong is already too busy to take care of himself in the face of the northern captives, how much energy is left to plan Tingzhou." Liu Yinglin put on a confident posture. "However, what you said is also reasonable. Even if Geng Jingzhong doesn't come, the North Prisoners will come in the future. It is true that we should make preparations early." Liu Yinglin raised his head and looked at the sky outside the window. "Go to Quanzhou for Yu."

"Quanzhou?" The general was shocked. "My lord, do you mean to contact Ming Zheng? Ask them to help defend Geng Fan's army?"

"You're wrong, Yu didn't want you to contact Ming Zheng, but to return to the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty." Liu Yinglin sighed. "The world is in turmoil. Now that Yu and the others have changed their course, they naturally want to hug someone with thick legs. Wu Sangui's Zhou Jun is far away in Hunan, and Geng Jingzhong is invincible. The only choice is Taiwan. Zheng Jun will fight against Geng Fan in the north and Shang Shang in the south Fan, the Huang family in Zhangzhou was flattened, and the soldiers are mighty, maybe they can protect the rest of the others from the wind and rain."

"Get out of the way, you drunkards, get out of the way." In Macau's Jose House tavern, the drowsy drunks who were burned by alcohol were awakened by a noise, and they opened their drooping eyelids. I saw a few powerful men pushing and shoving to open a passage in the crowded environment.

"Who is it?" Several acquainted alcoholics whispered. "What are you doing here? Are you looking for someone or are you here to fight?"

Soon their guesses were answered, a man of yellow race who couldn't tell his age stood on the stage and announced loudly: "I want to recruit twenty sailors, there is no limit to the race, anyone who has experience in crossing the ocean and can skillfully maneuver Various types of sails, those who can use right angles or master astrology, and those who can speak Chinese will be given priority. "

In the tavern, sailors from various countries who had nothing to do and waited to be recruited silently looked at the speaker. Just as the speaker was about to leave bored, a voice rang out: "Sir, should you tell us the salary? If If you don’t pay for nothing, I don’t think you can recruit people.”

A burst of laughter spread throughout the tavern in an instant, but the recruiter did not laugh: "25 reals a year."

The booing became louder, and someone beside him laughed and cursed: "Stingy yellow-skinned pig, 25 riyals, you keep it for yourself!"

The recruiter's eyes turned cold, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The two big men who opened the way rushed over knowingly. They picked up the drunk opponent and punched them. The recruiter said to the people in the tavern that had become silent again:

"25 riyals are not for you to take the risk of sailing across the ocean, but for you to be instructors and train a group of young people who like sailing, so the price is not low. Of course, if someone has the special skills that Yu just mentioned , Salary is not impossible to discuss."

Looking at the still silent crowd, the recruiter spat on the floor of the tavern resentfully, as if cursing softly, and was about to get up and leave, when someone in the corner stood up unsteadily and staggered to the recruiter. In front of the interviewer, he said in a very nasal Dutch:

"Since you are in charge of training sailors, don't you know that your Excellency needs a skilled captain? I am an imperial knight Karl Von Seiding Hollen from Hansa, and I have served as the captain of the Danish merchant ship Swan and the French merchant ship Dolphin. You can hire them for [-] riyals a year."

captain?Captain with seagoing experience?The recruiter was moved, but before he could open his mouth, someone broke the news.

"The bastard was a captain, but he sank the Swan and the Dolphin."

"Who brought the boat to the reef." Karl retorted. "It's not your negligence as a navigator, Mr. Horn."

The recruiter frowned, and the big man beside him saw this scene, and gently leaned over to whisper a few words, the recruiter nodded, so a big man brought over the two who were talking to each other: "Yu I will give you a three-month probationary period, and if you are qualified, you can be paid according to the agreement, but if you are not qualified, you can just throw it into the sea and feed it to the sharks!"

The Imperial Knight was fine, but the navigator Horn yelled: "Who said I want to work with this doomed captain!"

But the big man didn't listen to his judgment, and pushed the two out of the wine: "Is there anyone else who is willing to accept recruitment?"

The recruiter asked again, as if he felt that these people's actions were too rough, and the sailors in the tavern just lowered their heads and drank, but no one responded.The recruiter felt bored, so he walked out along the way. As soon as the group left, the wine immediately became noisy again, and everyone was talking about these strange people

Walking out of Jose's house, the recruiter took out a handkerchief and slapped his nose. Obviously, he was aggrieved by the smoky atmosphere in the tavern. At this moment, the big man next to him asked him how to deal with Martin and Horn. The recruiter thought for a while: "Send it to Huang Chaofeng's foreign house to be raised, and send it away when someone finds it. Next, which one should we go to? Voyager's House? Damn Macau, there are dozens of them in such a small place." Tavern, that’s all, lead the way.”

"Recently, I heard that you have received a big business? It's from the senior staff?" The governor of Macau, Antonio Barbo Salobo, naturally didn't know the scene in the tavern in the small territory he ruled. One of the elders enjoying the leisure time in the afternoon. "Come to drink, I wish you a millionaire soon."

"It's not a big business, it's just 1000 taels of jute and 2000 taels of canvas every year." Having said that, the elder still had a drink with the governor. "If I hadn't taken over the business of buying brown sugar from South China and transporting it to Dayuan, I would never have done such a loss-making business."

"1000 taels of jute and 2000 taels of Indian canvas. Well, this business is really not big, but fortunately, it is more convenient to import jute and canvas from India. At least half of the profit is still in this business?" Inquiring thoughtfully. "But the officials themselves produce sugar, and the new white sugar and rock sugar are their specialty products. How could they think of continuing to import low-quality brown sugar from southern China?"

"Isn't white sugar refined from brown sugar?" The elder also put down his wine glass. "Brown sugar goes in and white sugar goes out. This is also a good deal," said the elder himself first laughing. "In fact, as long as there is profit, we will ship whatever they need. Isn't that why we come to China from Portugal all the way."

"Of course there is nothing wrong with saying this, but the current civil war in China should not last for too long. Once the victor is confirmed, I believe your business with the officials will not last long." Of course the governor stands tall Those who can see far, so it is understandable to make such a language.

"Of course I understand this. There is a saying in China that a boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge," the elder clasped his hands together in front of his chest. "But before the winner is determined, even God will not prevent us from gaining the opportunity to benefit." After saying this sentence that would be considered by the Jesuits to be perverse, the elder subconsciously begged God to forgive him. After praying, the elder opened his eyes open your eyes. "Right now, big people are moving people from mainland China in a planned way. Their market is huge. If we don't pay close attention, the Spaniards, British, and even the French will surely take away the profits we deserve."

"Speaking of the market for senior officers, I recently received a report that orders for various iron materials and armor have increased significantly."

"That's right, for full body armor, the preferences of the officers have not changed." The elder responded that the cold forged full body armor in Europe was the standard equipment of Zheng Chenggong's Iron Man Army back then, and the bows and arrows of the Qing army could not shoot through such hardness. High armor. "Furthermore, according to the business representative who placed the order for me that day, the senior officials also have a strong interest in ordering Andalusian horses."

"Oh? Do you want to purchase large war horses? But the loss of transportation along the way is not small."

"Who says it's not, but the other party has enough money, even if you sell him the crown of the King of Victory, there's nothing wrong with it." The elder who had just blasphemed against God, at this moment, was very concerned about being secluded in the Azores by Prince Pedro. The archipelago's Portuguese king, Alfonso VI, spoke out loud. "Of course," seeing the governor's displeased expression, the elder immediately changed his words. "We are not profit-seeking Dutch, we understand how to deal with these oriental nobles."

"I hope so." The governor nodded. "But please remember that we are only relying on China's land, in case the new owner of this land has any dissatisfaction." The governor's words were full of warning. "His Royal Highness the Regent and the Royal Government are absolutely unwilling to see Macau taken back"

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