After the bell rang nine times in a row, the door of the Small Buddha Hall in the West Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation finally opened, and Kangxi came out calmly with a rosary in his hand. www Several eunuchs who were waiting on the table immediately offered clean basin towels, and Kangxi sat down on the kang by the window after wiping it for a while. up.

However, the tranquility obtained from the process of praying to gods and worshiping Buddha did not last long. After seeing the Henan governor's report that there were many hungry people gathered in the province, Kangxi, who had a holy face just now, wrote in the memorial with a murderous look: "Henan Connecting Gyeonggi, Huguang, and Anhui, the terrain is very important, and there is absolutely no room for loss", "Hai Rebellion arrogates the former Ming Dynasty, causing people's hearts to turmoil, and bandits everywhere, and it is time to use heavy codes to correct it" and other bloody words.

"Long Live Lord," Li Dequan, the leading eunuch who saw that Kangxi had finished approving the memorial, reached out to take the memorial and asked little Sula to send it directly to the cabinet, reported softly. "Master Haila Xunhai is already waiting outside."

Hirazon has been the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since the fifth year of Kangxi, and he can be regarded as one of Kangxi's most caring ministers. When he heard that he wanted to see him, Kangxi certainly understood what it was, so he nodded in agreement.

"The servant Hailaxun pays homage to the Lord Long Live." Although he is a confidant, the pale bearded Hailaxun respectfully bowed down to Kangxi after entering the door. Of course, this is what Kangxi is most satisfied with, otherwise he would not let him He has stayed in such a lucrative place as the Ministry of Internal Affairs for so long.

"You wait outside impatiently, but is there any news from the south?"

Kangxi's question was nonsensical, but Hirazon could understand it, and he bowed and said: "Duoluo Jingding Baylor sent someone from Jiangbei Daying to send a police message, the front of Fujing In the Ming Dynasty, Yuni had ordered that the capital of the world would be moved to Jiangning, and the false emperor also ordered Zheng Kezang, the false king of Xia, to organize the Northern Expedition to expel the dynasty and restore the Central Plains."

The so-called Doro Jingding Baylor refers to Fei Yangwu, another minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and from the imperial family. He is in charge of the Duyu Division and the Armed Forces Institute in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among these two units, the Armed Forces Institute is in charge of the production and storage of imperial weapons. , and the Duyu Division is in charge of the selection, appointment, hunting and fishing of military officials affiliated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in name, but it is also responsible for the surveillance of all officials secretly (some people say that there was no spy politics in the Kangxi Dynasty? What a pity The facts cannot be concealed. The real abolition of spy politics in the Qing Dynasty began in the Qianlong period in the future. At this time, the rule of the Manchus had been stabilized, and the imperial power had completely overridden everything. However, in the Yongzheng Dynasty, when the court struggle was extremely fierce, and in the Kangxi Dynasty and Shunzhi Dynasty, when the Han people were still resistant, there were actually various secret service organizations).But now internal troubles are not as good as foreign troubles, so Feiyangwu's business focus has also shifted accordingly.

"In this way, the Hainibei criminal is already a certainty?" Kangxi stopped writing and thought for a while, then said calmly. "I can trust Ma Qi. I think there are two camps in Jiangbei and Anqing, and it is not so easy for Haini to hit the Yellow River."

The Jiangbei camp referred to by Kangxi and Hailaxun refers to the Jiangfang Qing army whose headquarters is located in Yangzhou. Its line of defense reaches Tongzhou in the east and Jiangpu and Liuhe in the west. The Qing army had more than [-] people; and the Jiangfang Qing army in the western section of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River based in Anqing, the capital of Anhui, also had no less than [-] people. In addition, Kangxi had already dispatched second-line reinforcements from southern Henan and other places. Kangxi was not very worried about Zheng Jun's attack.

However, the Qing army is currently fighting on two fronts, and the news from the north has relatively attracted Kangxi's attention, so he specifically asked, "Is there any news from Masika?"

Ma Sika, who was born in the Fucha family, is the elder brother of Ma Qi, the governor of Liangjiang. Now he is taking orders from the Anbei General Fei Yanggu as the Minister of the Guards and the Minister of Internal Affairs. For this reason, according to Kangxi's request, his memorials are indispensable in the three daily memorials of the Northern Expedition Army.

But Kangxi asked casually, but Hirazon was taken aback: "Long live, Mr. Ma's papers are not sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Kangxi put down the vermilion pen in his hand and then raised the amount with his palm: "I'm so busy and confused, I should ask the cashier about this, okay, you go down, if there is anything in the south, remember to report to me no matter how late it is."

Hirazon responded but did not kneel down, which made Kangxi look at him with some doubts, only to see Hirazon gritted his teeth: "I have something important to report, my majesty, please stand back."

Kangxi looked at the servants who didn't dare to make a sound, the chief eunuch Li Dequan stepped back immediately, and after a while, only Hirazon and Kangxi were left in the warm pavilion

Li De was pacing on the flat ground outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation absent-mindedly. He could clearly hear the sound of smashing cups in the Xinuang Pavilion and the sound of Haila Xun pleading guilty. Just wait, and at the same time, you need to be distracted, so little Sulas don't get too close

"Director Li." After half a stick of incense, Hirazon with a bruised forehead retreated. Li Dequan was about to step into the hall when he saw Hirazon greet him. "I'm sorry for what happened just now, but please don't take it to heart, Mr. Li. It's really a confidential matter, and it's inconvenient for a third person to be present."

"No matter what Mr. Hai said, he is serving the emperor." Li Dequan responded with a laugh. In fact, the House of Internal Affairs and the eunuch have not competed for favor with each other once or twice. A few understated explanations are taken as a signal of relaxation. "How can I think too much when I'm a freak?" Li Dequan hurried into the hall after getting rid of Hirazon who was hesitant to speak, and saw the mess in the Xinuang Pavilion. Kangxi, who was angry before, said. "Long live God can extinguish the fire, if something bad happens, what will we do in Qing Dynasty?"

"It's better when it's over." Kangxi said sullenly. "As for this rickety chair, so many people are plotting, it's better to give it to Hai Ni." Li Dequan was surprised, it was about the throne, and this is not something he can say as a servant, but fortunately, Kangxi just wanted to vent his anger. He was not going to confess to Li Dequan, which made the old servant feel at ease. "Let Zhang Yu see you."

Zhang Yulai, a scholar of the Wenhuadian University and a member of the household department, is here, but he is not alone. Several other scholars, such as the co-organizer Kaiyinbu who is also the leader of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and Sono, the University scholar of the Wenhuadian University who is also the Minister of Rites He and the others didn't hold back, and all of them were pale, and some of them were even sweating profusely.

Kangxi knew that something was wrong when he saw it. He suppressed the fear in his heart, lightly signaled everyone to calm down, and then asked in a suppressed tone: "All Qings gathered together suddenly, but did something happen to the North Army?"

"Return to the emperor," Xi Hana, a senior scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, looked around and saw that no one spoke, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and report. "The news of General Anbei hasn't come yet, it's Gansu."

Kangxi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his eyes focused: "Gansu, could it be that Zashbatu Khan has made a comeback?"

You must know that the army from Gansu and Shaanxi has already gone north to copy Galdan. If Zashbatu Khan takes advantage of the emptiness and enters at this time, the losses will be great. Large cities such as the State are also under threat.

But Kangxi never expected that even though he had already thought about the bad side, the actual situation was more critical than he imagined: "Your Majesty, it's not Zashbatu Khan, but the Western Army Soldier who instigated Allah Butan. horse."

Looking at Kangxi's instantly livid face, Zhang Yingyan, the co-organizer of the University, said: "Your Majesty, the situation is extremely urgent now. It's fine if Gansu is not protected, but if the retreat of the West Road Army is interrupted, there is no way to retreat or advance. I can't get in."

In fact, Zhang Ying said this in a rather tactful way. What does it mean to be unable to advance or retreat? As long as the food roads of Zhang Yun's wing that have penetrated deep into the army alone are interrupted, they are doomed to die in the wasteland of Mobei.What's even more frightening is that once this besieging force is finished and the two Jungars join forces, the original strength advantage of the main Qing army will no longer exist.Well, let’s take ten thousand steps back, even if the two Zhungeer armies still have a heart-to-heart, and they don’t know how to fight, but there is no strong army in Shaanxi and Gansu that can be used to resist Xizhun’s army. At that time, it will be a trivial matter to lose Gansu, and it will only be a big impact if Shaanxi is threatened.

"Immediately order Wang Liang, governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, to dispatch troops from Central Sichuan to Gansu and Shaanxi." Kangxi subconsciously ordered. "Send someone to recover Feiyangu, and another person to discuss peace with Galdan, and make Kalka his. From now on, the two will be bounded by the desert and will be brothers to each other." Speaking of this, Kangxi came to his senses and used the grassland It is absolutely impossible for the nation's temperament to stop like this. "As long as Galdan agrees to negotiate peace, I, I can marry the princess."

The word "marriage" instantly appeared in the minds of all the red-capped ministers. What a humiliation it is. It must be heartbreaking for such a famous emperor like Kangxi to say it himself. However, if you want to preserve Shaanxi Gan, to preserve the last elite soldiers of the Eight Banners, Kangxi had no choice but to make a bad move.

"In the past, Gou Jian lived together for ten years and retaliated for ten years. Now that I am in the prime of life, why can't I follow the example of the sages." Seeing the trepidation and fear of the ministers, Kangxi deliberately said lightly. "As long as Haini is defeated first and the land of wealth and wealth in the south of the Yangtze River is regained, Zhungeer is nothing but a clown."

Kangxi spoke boldly, but the hearts of all the Manchu and Han ministers became more and more heavy. Kangxi's words were correct. Compared with the Zhungeer cavalry who were skilled in bows and horses and used to large-scale maneuvers, the Zheng army in the south seemed to be easy to deal with. One point, but in the situation where the South is approaching and the Northern Expedition is approaching, is it possible to defeat the opponent by just talking about it and change the current situation of internal and external difficulties?Everyone in the hall showed a disappointed expression.

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