"Great victory, great victory, the Mobei army defeated Galdan! Killed tens of thousands of enemies, and Galdan was defeated."

As Lubu Feijie's knights drove all the way from Deshengmen to the Forbidden City, the city of Beijing was disturbed. The long-awaited smiles appeared on the faces of the bannermen from all households who were looking forward to it. Many young and old gathered in teahouses and restaurants to start Salivating and speculating about the rewards of this war, only a few families of soldiers who participated in the war are still worried about the life and death of their relatives.

The victorious knight rolled around the gate and fell off his horse. The imperial guards in yellow jackets were waiting there. After receiving the memorial, he passed through Tiananmen Square, Daqing Gate, and Taihe Gate at a speed similar to a trot. The cabinet on both wings of the royal road, the Shangsi courtyard, the elder brother's office, and the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When they got to the gate of Qianqing, the imperial guards handed the memorial box to the eunuch standing here, and a high-quality eunuch immediately held it over his head. He hurried away from the Hall of Mental Cultivation where he lived.

After passing the gate of Yangxin, the baton was passed to the eunuch on duty in the hall of Yangxin again. The eunuch on duty shouted the good news all the way. This was also to greet Kangxi in advance, so as to save time from accidentally bumping into the master of the empire.

Kangxi was talking to his two older sons at the moment, and he was a little displeased when he heard the noise outside, when he saw Li Dequan, the chief eunuch, walking in with the box in his arms: "Your Majesty, I am overjoyed that General Anbei defeated Gar in the Tula River." Dan Army"

Kangxi was taken aback for a moment, but before he could speak, Crown Prince Yinreng congratulated loudly: "My son congratulates Emperor Ama, and congratulates Daqing!"

The eldest elder brother Yinfeng was preempted by Yinfeng, his face flushed red, but he didn't stop talking: "Huang Ama is overjoyed, Galdan is about to lose, and Cewang Allah Butan can't do it alone. Withdraw the troops, so I have nothing to worry about in the northern border of the Qing Dynasty!"

Kangxi nodded to Yinpin satisfiedly: "This is somewhat insightful."

Having said that, Kangxi took the box, opened it, and read Fei Yanggu's "Mobei Great Victory" and the accompanying pleas for merit and guilt, but he didn't see the glowing look of Yin Yu who was praised, and the livid face. Prince Yinfeng.However, as Kangxi looked at it, his face suddenly became gloomy. The two princes also felt the change in their aura, and immediately stopped their provocative eye contact, and stood aside with their heads bowed.

Kangxi carefully read through Fei Yanggu's papers again, and at this moment, a eunuch reported outside: "Your Majesty, some academicians have heard about the great victory in Mobei, and they have come to the palace to congratulate the emperor by handing over plaques."

These words seemed to add fuel to the flames, Kangxi's pockmarked face suddenly deformed, but his reason told him that it was definitely not the time to get angry, so he took two deep breaths to calm down his turbulent mood, and rushed At a loss, Li Dequan ordered: "Let them all come in."

After singing their praises for a long time, all the courtiers finally dispersed contentedly. The calm Kangxi finally calmed down again. He picked up Fei Yanggu's memorial three times and looked at it. Text, he suddenly asked outside the room: "Have the books for Ma Sika and Shu Shu arrived?"

As the supervisor of Fei Yang's ancient army, Ma Sika needless to say, Aixinjue Luo Shushu is the great-grandson of Lidun, the king of Wugong County, a serious yellow belt who was also a general in the Qing army. However, in the past, when he quelled the San Francisco rebellion, he had a quarrel with the general Mang Yitu and falsely claimed to be sick at the critical moment of attacking Nanning, and withdrew the troops and returned. As a result, he was dismissed and confined. It was not until the 33rd year of Kangxi that Manchuria with the Yellow Banner was re-granted. The position of deputy capital commander, this time is an imperial envoy sent to Fei Yang's ancient army to pass orders.

Since the two people's close cooperation followed the normal way, it is impossible to compare the speed with Lubu Feijie, who has no horsepower, so Kangxi naturally did not get a positive answer.But what made Kangxi even more sulking was that the papers that should have arrived didn't arrive, and the papers that shouldn't arrive were handed in unexpectedly.Jilin and Heilongjiang called the police again. On the one hand, Eros sent troops across Heilongjiang, and on the other hand, the horse thief played by Zheng Jun made a comeback in Jilin.

Stimulated by the two copies of Jilin and Heilongjiang, Kangxi, who was originally angry, finally calmed down completely. He stood up and paced slowly in the small space in the West Wing of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After weighing for a long time, he returned to the kang Go up, pick up the ink pen and write on Fei Yanggu's memorial

On June 34th of the [-]th year of Kangxi, the Qing court issued an edict to publicize the victory of the Battle of Zhaomoduo, and awarded General Fei Yanggu, the Great General of Anbei, the title of First Class Duke for his achievements in this battle.Immediately, Kangxi ordered Fei Yanggu to lead Zhili, Shanxi Green Camp and Chahar, Tumed, Ordos, Horqin, Ujumqin, Zalu, Sunit, Bahrain, Keshigten, Naiman The Mongolian cavalry of the alliance banners such as Aohan and Aohan continued to pursue Khobduo.

While ordering Fei Yanggu to continue westward, Kangxi transferred back the Eight Banners Army of Manchuria, which had suffered heavy casualties in the First Battle of Zhaomodo. The troops from the three provinces blocking Erji Mountain, the Khalkha River and the Kherlen River returned to the original defense in order to deter the Hubei army and eliminate the increasingly rampant Jilin horse bandits.

Also on June [-]th, Kangxi secretly sent envoys to Gansu and Shanxi to seek peace with Tserwang Allah Butan. As long as Tserwang Allah Butan agrees to hand over Galdan's head and withdraw his troops from Gansu, Kangxi can acquiesce The quasi-empire annexed Khovd and the whole of Qinghai. In addition, Kangxi was willing to donate millions of silver, silk, tea, and rice noodles to the Jungar Empire every year for repairs. As for the population and wealth looted by the quasi-army in Gansu, Kangxi even is not even mentioned

It is impossible for the envoys going west to get a response so quickly even if they traveled day and night, so Kangxi's attention turned back to the Jianghuai battlefield.On June [-], Kangxi received good news. After receiving reinforcements from the Huguang Qing army on the front line in Jingzhou, Hunan Governor Sang E repelled Mao Hongyan's attack under the city of Changsha. Zheng's army lost nearly [-] people and had to return to Hengzhou. Standing firm, Sang E took advantage of the trend and took back Baoqing in one fell swoop. However, after receiving reinforcements from Guangdong and Jiangxi, the Zheng army had stabilized the morale of the army. Do not reformulate the standoff.

Although this news did not come from the main battlefield, it was a stimulant to Kangxi. In his opinion, this news, like Fei Yanggu's defeat of Galdan, was a sign that the Qing Dynasty had returned to glory.However, the so-called blessings and misfortunes never come singly, Kangxi was happy for one day, and received an emergency report from Yunnan and Guizhou the next day.Therefore, excessive expropriation led to Fumin, Jinning, Kunyang, Anning, and Songming in Yunnan, Luliang, Malong, and Xundian in Qujing, Shiping, Ningzhou, Tonghai, Cheng'e, Hexi in Lin'an, Xinxing, Jiangchuan, and Jiangchuan in Chengjiang. Lunan, Dingyuan, Nan'an, Guangtong, Yaozhou of Chuxiong Prefecture, Pingyuan and Bijie of Dading Prefecture, Zhenning and Yongning of Anshun Prefecture, Qingping of Duyun Prefecture, Meitan and Yuqing of Pingyue Zhili Prefecture, Yongcong of Liping Prefecture More than [-] prefectures and counties in two provinces, including Yinjiang in Sinan Prefecture and Shibing in Zhenyuan Prefecture, broke out large-scale civil unrest in early May.These revolting common people and local chieftains either played the banner of Wu Zhou, or announced their return to the Ming Dynasty. For a while, the flames of war ignited all over Yunnan and Guizhou. In addition, the green camps of the two provinces have already moved to Guangxi. City and Fucheng, waiting for the green flag soldiers from the two provinces to return to the province and central Sichuan to come to the reinforcements.

After reading the memorial, Kangxi was furious and scolded the officials of the two provinces for being incompetent. effect.

But putting pressure on the officials alone can't change anything, the key is to have more soldiers to calm down the incident.

But now, Cewang Allah Butan, who has invaded Gansu to spy on Shaanxi, has not yet retreated. The troops from Sichuan can only be sent to Gansu and Shanxi first, and it is impossible to reinforce Yunnan and Guizhou. In this way, the only way is to transfer the troops to aid Guangxi first. .But if the troops to aid Guangxi were withdrawn, the strength of Guangxi alone would not be able to stop Zheng Jun's attack at all.

what to do?Lose one province or lose two provinces?Kangxi thought about it for a whole day, and he didn't even stick to the water rice. In the end, he had to make a painful decision to withdraw his troops from Guangxi.Kangxi may have calculated it this way. Losing one province is better than losing two provinces. Moreover, Yunnan and Guizhou are the gateway to Sichuan. If troubles cannot be restrained within the province, I am afraid that the entire Southwest will no longer be owned by the Qing Dynasty.

Kangxi was in pain, and Yinfeng was in even more pain. He felt more and more dissatisfied with Kangxi towards him. What should I do?Thinking of this, Yinfeng couldn't help trembling, he was still young and had a great life to live, so naturally he didn't want to die or enjoy a dark and imprisoned life, for this he had to fight hard.

But he worried that Ling Pu and others alone would not be able to accomplish anything, so he was in great pain and gradually lost weight.

"Prince, Mobei's soldiers are coming back." Gelfin's words hurt Yinfeng's heart like an ultimatum. "At that time, we won't even have a chance to do it."

"My lord, Mr. Ge is right," Ling Pu's position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also been revoked, which made him change his hesitation in the past and strongly agree with Gelfin's proposition. "Preemptive strikes, and later strikes others, it's time for you to make up your mind."

"Gu also knows that life and death are on the line, but what's the use of relying on those hundreds of eunuchs who are powerless."

"Prince, don't worry. These days, the slaves have also made connections in Beijing. They selected more than 200 loyal people from the deposed old department of the Eastern Palace. When the time comes, equip them with swords, guns, and blunderbusses, so that they will have the power to strike. "

Ling Pu made preparations here, and Gelfin was not idle: "The minister also contacted the North Korean envoys to avoid the temptation of going to North Korea for a year to offer rice, and obtained fifty Korean warriors. In addition, the minister also used the relationship of his father , recruit some people from the Wucheng Bingma Division and Patrol Center Camp, as long as they can enter the palace at that time, they can also help."

"I've already thought about entering the palace, so I will enter the palace through Donghua Gate." Donghua Gate is adjacent to the East Palace, and it has always been the passage for the crown prince to enter and exit the Forbidden City, so it is normal for Ling Pu to think of Donghua Gate. "I know the guards guarding the gate, when the time comes." Ling Pu fiercely made a slashing gesture. "Excuses to go out of the palace, you must not guard against it!"

Yinreng looked at Ling Pu and then at Gelfin. Seeing that both of them were determined, he could not help but straighten his back: "When will you do it?"

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