Fearing that Zheng Fan would tamper with the boat and repeat the scene of King Xiao Ming drowning, Emperor Wu Ding and his party, who traveled from Fujing to the north to return to the capital, could only trek through mountains and rivers with great hardships.Since the plan to seize the capital must be implemented before Zheng Kezang's Northern Expedition succeeds, the journey to the north also requires a fast speed.In this way, the accompanying people suffered.Although the local government gave them proper reception, but the kings who only had short-distance travel experience from Dongning to Fuzhou could not stand it in the bumpy sedan chair.After traveling for a long time, everyone's eyes are dull and their spirits are listless.

Fortunately, no matter how arduous and long the journey is, there will always be an end. No, the voice of the servant, like the jade tone of amnesty, lifted the spirits of Zhu Cichen, who had been sitting in the car until his bones were itchy.

"My lord, hurry up and report. This place is still fifteen miles away from Nanjing City, and the officials who greet you are already waiting at Shili Pavilion."

Zhu Cichen lifted the curtain on the car window, but before he said anything, another servant ran over quickly and said: "My lord, the emperor has an order, the convoy will go to Taizhou first. Grandpa's imperial tomb worship."

Isn't it agreed that everyone will pay homage to the ancestral mausoleum first?Why did it suddenly change.With such doubts, Zhu Cichen stepped out of the sedan chair, and then took a nasty horse from the guarding big Han general, turned over and rode on it.Of course, the reason why he changed trains was for a purpose, and it was a major event, and offering sacrifices to the mausoleum was also a major event. Naturally, Zhu Cichen didn't want the civil and military officials to see a sluggish and listless Daming heir.

Waiting for the big Han general of the banner guard to lead Zhu Cichen and the poor horse under the crotch to the imperial chariot of Emperor Wu Ding, the convoy officially looked in the direction of the Qianwei of the mausoleum, but the change of direction of the imperial chariot immediately caused a group of chaos. The academicians who had been in Beijing for a few days were waiting in front of them with all the officials from Nanjing. When they heard the news, they had to hurry to Xiaoling while exclaiming their surprise.

But things happened suddenly after all, and Zheng Fan had always exercised strict control over horses, so when the sparse civil and military personnel finally got together again, Emperor Wu Ding had already entered Xiaoling, accompanied by Zhu Cichen and a group of clans, and Waiting for the panting civil and military soldiers to trot to Xiangdian, the sound of crying and sacrifice also came to an end.

"Do you think that if you cry a few times, the great grandfather will be able to protect the Ming Dynasty?" Someone in the civil and military circle who was being teased whispered. "If it was so clever, then Emperor Yizong wouldn't hang himself on the coal mountain."

"It's not certain." Another scarlet robe continued. "Didn't Liu Bei cry out, maybe when he was crying, someone would rush to declare his allegiance to Zhengshuo."

Some filthy ones interjected: "I can't keep it all. It's because I'm worried that I won't be able to cry when the king comes back."

There was even ridicule and sarcasm on this side, and there were also people crying loudly along with the five bodies on the other side. Just this time, the originally chaotic team suddenly became clear.Although it is impossible for everyone to accuse each other verbally on this occasion, everyone must be able to understand their irreconcilable camp positions.

Emperor Wu Ding finished crying and offering sacrifices, and was weakly supported by his servants in Xiangdian. So far, the ceremony of returning the capital could not be done, and Chen Shengwu, the Minister of Rites who was in charge of the whole ceremony, had to discuss with Yuan Fu Hong Lei and Second Fu Yang Ying Afterwards, the Meridian Gate congratulatory ceremony was cancelled, and Emperor Wu Ding and his son were directly sent to the simply renovated imperial city. As for the clans, they moved into their respective mansions one by one. Therefore, the Wu Ding court was regarded as having completed its northward relocation. plan.

However, when Emperor Wu Ding moved north, Zheng Kezang was leading an army to fight fiercely in Huainan, northern Jiangsu. Without the existence of King Xia, Hong Lei and other Zheng Fan's old officials could not even return to the capital for the first time. dare not hold.As a last resort, on July 4000, Emperor Wu Ding, who had recovered a little, sent envoys to the city of Yangzhou to recall Zheng Kezang.But when the imperial envoy arrived at the front line, it was the time when the battle of Yangzhou was at its most intense. Zheng Jun had already paid more than [-] casualties of the newly attached army, and had not yet conquered Shugang. How could Zheng Kezang walk away at this time? was rejected.

However, Zheng Kezang, who refused to return to Beijing to participate in the grand ceremony, had to deal with the urgent military affairs transferred from Nanjing by the General Staff Office of the Metropolitan Government.At this time, there were three elements before Zheng Kezang, two of which were related to the Southwest battlefield, and the other had nothing to do with Nanjing, and came from the Western Anhui Army of the Northern Expedition.

The first piece of Southwest military information transmitted from Nanjing was a report from Guangxi. He Gan, the commander-in-chief of Guangxi, found that the enemy in front of him might escape westward, and urgently requested additional reinforcements so that he could take advantage of the situation to recover Gui Province and march into Yunnan and Guizhou; the second It came from Hunan. After the Hunan Qing army failed to attack Yongzhou and Hengzhou, it suddenly broke into Jiangxi. The governor of Jiangxi, Gu Tongshan, has urgently dispatched the first division of the Japanese army stationed in southern Jiangxi and the second division of the Japanese army stationed in Nanchang. However, Gu Tongshan was worried that the strength of the two divisions was not enough, so he requested to dispatch Hong Gongzhu's troops to the south immediately for reinforcements; and the report from the Wanxi Army of the Northern Expedition said that the enemy in Anqing was fighting in Wuwei, Lujiang and other places. After the strengthening of the Qing army, there seemed to be signs of breaking away from the strong city and fighting to the death with the Zheng army in the western expedition.

"Guangxi, Guangxi, why is it really adding to the chaos, how can Gu take care of it at this moment." It has been almost half a month since the news from Guangxi was delivered to Zheng Kezang. The day lily is cold. "Tell him, if there are similar requests in the future, ask him to discuss with Chen Mengwei. The soldiers are precious, and you have to ask for instructions on everything. What do you want him to do as a general who stands alone." He Gan would definitely feel wronged when it was passed on to He Gan's ears, but with such a thing, who made it so unfortunate that his memorial was delivered at the most tense moment facing Zheng Kezang. "By the way, on Ganxi's side, what's your opinion, Qing and others?"

"My minister thinks Master Lin's draft proposal is very appropriate." The draft draft is actually an opinion of the cabinets of the Ming and Qing dynasties on how to deal with central departments and local governments. Here, Sun Youlao applies Lin Sheng's proposals on military affairs in western Jiangxi as well. There is nothing inappropriate. "However, I think that after mobilizing one division and two regiments of Bo Yueqing to go south, the defense of northern Jiangxi will be completely empty. Therefore, I propose that while mobilizing Bo Yue's troops to go south, Peng Ze's Xuanwei First Division should go north to capture Wangjiang."

"Let Xuanwei's first division go north? Wouldn't Jiangxi be completely empty?" Zheng Kezang raised his eyebrows and looked at Sun Yourao in confusion. "Is it a bit risky, please tell me the reason."

Sun Youlao came to the map. At this time, his own staff put up the map of northern Jiangxi: "Your Majesty, please look, this is the Yangtze River. This is the Wangjiang River opposite Pengze. To the east of it is Anqing, and to the west is Anqing. Closely connected are Susong in Anhui and Huangmei in Hubei."

"Looking at the map, there is still some distance between Wangjiang and Anqing, but Susong and Huangmei are quite close." Zheng Kezang glanced at it, and suddenly knew in his heart that there is a famous lake beside Wangjiang. Po Lake is connected to Huanghu Lake, Daguan Lake, Longgan Lake, Longhu Lake, and Dayuan Lake. Susong Lake and Huangmeiju are around these lakes. Once Zheng Jun enters Wangjiang, it will not only threaten the above two counties, but also cut off Anqing's connection with Hubei. "Gu understands, what Qing means is to transfer the Yangtze River Fleet to sail into Pohu Lake."

"Your Majesty is wise." Sun Youlao complimented. "This is exactly what I mean. In this way, not only the two counties will be terrified, but the two provinces will also be shaken, and the enemies of Anqing may not dare to rush out when they know that they are under the enemy." Sun Youlao didn't say anything, that is Even if the Qing army went out of the city, they would definitely pick up the soft persimmons first. If a division was used to attract the Qing army in Anqing and buy time for the main force, it would be worthwhile even if the division was completely lost. "In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone."

"It makes sense." Zheng Kezang certainly didn't think about Sun Youlao so deeply, but the role of red single ships on the eastern front is not very great now. If we can liberate the combat power of the Yangtze River Fleet in this way, it will not only kill two birds with one stone, but kill two birds with one stone. Three birds. "Just do what Qing wants." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang seemed to have thought of something. "By the way, the Qing army marched westward from Changsha. Naturally, Uncle Xinchang and Uncle Xinfeng were not able to contain them. The people who came here each wrote a letter to reprimand them and urge them to use troops as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty, Uncle Xin Chang is a veteran of the feudal clan, so it's okay to reprimand him, but Uncle Xin Feng is a descendant after all, so he should be cautious." Sun Youlao immediately persuaded him. "I still remember that Uncle Xin Feng asked the Lord several times to allocate red single boats to help fight Dongting Lake. Perhaps it was because the navy was unfavorable that he was unable to march."

"Your words are also reasonable," Zheng Kezang thought for a while, and felt that Sun Youlao's statement was the old man seeking the country, so he made a decision. "In this way, let Huang Chuxu lead two teams to help Wangjiang, and transfer another team of red single boats to support Xinfengbo. As for the remaining team, Yangzhou is not over yet, and they have to close the canal to stop Ma Qi's troops Break through." Zheng Kezang paused after saying this. "Tell Wang Xinhua that the ship is given to him. If you can't force the enemies of Changsha back, don't blame Gu Gu for being ruthless."

Sun Youlao backed away with a nod, but Zheng Kezang paced back and forth in the big tent a little restlessly. He didn't know why he had such emotions, so he was very irritable. He endured it for a while, and suddenly he Thinking of something, he asked the guard, "Does Jin Yiwei have any new reports?"

The so-called Jinyiwei is a secret service agency established by Zheng Kezang on the basis of the Military Law Department when the Ming clan requested the restoration of the Banner Guard and Jinyiwei. Of course, the target of this spy agency is no longer the Ming Dynasty but the Zheng family.

"Go back to the king," the guard acting as the recording room replied, flipping through the summary booklet beside him. "Jin Yiwei's report, I have learned from the guards who broke into the palaces of the princes that all the feudal clans have asked the warriors in the mansion to practice more diligently. Governor Yu of the Jin Yiwei thinks that there may be unexpected changes. I hope the Lord be careful."

"An unexpected change? Do you want to repeat the Xuanwu Gate?" Zheng Kezang didn't think of anything else, but just contacted the envoy who had just left, for which he chuckled disdainfully. "It's a fool's dream." But Zheng Kezang knew the truth of despising the enemy strategically and valuing the enemy tactically, so he gave an order after thinking for a while. "Move a part of the Eastern Fleet to Zhenjiang, and order the Songchong Governor's Mansion to move troops to Danyang. Remember, this is a secret deployment, so don't let it out."

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