Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

337. Ke Dingkai and Tang Kaishan

Updated: 2012-11-05

Fish scale book, also known as fish scale book, fish scale picture, fish scale picture book, fish scale book, measurement book, is a kind of land registration book since the Song Dynasty. It draws houses, forests, ponds and fields in order and shows the corresponding names. , is the general book of folk fields.It got its name because it looks like fish scales.The Yellow Book, also known as the Yellow Book of Taxes and Service, is based on the household as a unit. The registration document of the two-generation management of household registration and the basis for the implementation of tax collection and labor.

"Ke Qing, over the past year, you have worked hard and waited."

Looking at the cadastral fish scale books and household registration yellow sheets of Yingtian, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Suzhou, Songjiang, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Taiping, Chizhou, Xuanzhou, Guangde, etc. Zheng Kezang couldn't help being moved when he looked at the black and thin face of Ke Dingkai, the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the former Yingtian Exploration Officer of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

"Sharing the Lord's worries is what the ministers should do."

Having said that, Ke Dingkai is actually a little worried. This is not because he cut corners in the process of clearing Zhang Tianmu and clearing the population, but because Zheng Kezang's newly formed shogunate for recruiting generals does not have the Yingtian Division. In this organization, I don't know how Zheng Kezang will arrange Ke Dingkai, so he is really worried about gains and losses.

"If you have done something wrong, you should be punished, and if you have meritorious service, you should be rewarded. This is what you should do." While talking, Zheng Kezang walked to the thick pile of books, picked up a book, flipped through it casually, and put it back . "Preach the will of Gu." The servant who followed him immediately took out his pen and ink and waited. "Award a third-class loyalty and diligence medal to the officials, soldiers, civilians, and children who participated in the cleanup of the Jiangnan fields in northern Zhejiang. Those who died due to illnesses will be given funeral pensions of one hundred taels of silver, and one son will be promoted to study in the county school."

Ke Dingkai hurriedly thanked Zheng Kezang for his kindness. This was not flattery. It must be known that meritorious titles are very important for the promotion of the living, and letting the bereaved son of the deceased enter the county school opened his way to officialdom---Ming Zheng’s The school is both the same and different from the previous school. The same thing is that the students not only do not need to pay money, but also have subsidies for board and lodging, pen and ink, and books; Continue to study or serve as a small official.

"The reward is also rewarded. Next, Ke Qing will continue to bring out the results of the Qingzhang in the four provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong." After giving a sweet date, Zheng Kezang put an even greater burden on Ke Dingkai. . "Although the feudal clan cannot help annexing, it is still necessary to be aware of the amount of taxes to be levied and the number of soldiers to be recruited."

"I understand." It's not that Ke Dingkai is just trying to deal with it. In fact, he is very clear about Zheng Kezang's intentions. Yes, although Zheng Kezang does not prohibit mergers, he has a great taboo about privately cultivating new fields. Therefore, the focus of his work is on the sidelines of the inventory. Not only that, Zheng Kezang also intends to institutionalize the Qingzang for a long time. The current inventory of each province will start a new round of inventory after the last province is completed. In the process of continuous investigation, Zheng Fan's control over the local area has reached an unprecedented level in all dynasties. "The minister must do his best."

"That's great." Zheng Kezang nodded in satisfaction, and then he seemed to think of something, so he opened his mouth and said. "Ke Qing, although the Yingtian Division has been abolished, Qing's responsibilities are very heavy now. Without a name, it is a grievance." Ke Ding was jumping wildly, hearing Zheng Kezang say. "Qing is already a third-rank official. In this way, giving Qing the title of minister of the second rank is also convenient for negotiating with the local authorities when he is cleared."

Ke Dingkai knelt down and thanked En. Speaking of it, he was promoted to the third rank in order to correspond to the position of Minister of the Household Department. He did not intend to win another level this time, let alone be Zheng Kezang's confidant The position of the inner minister of the near minister.

"Speaking of which, this minister has wronged Qing." Although Ke Dingkai was already extremely pleasantly surprised, Zheng Kezang seemed to feel that the reward was not enough, so he took out another carrot to seduce him. "If it weren't for Mr. Ke who is now a counselor, Qing and a cabinet minister are also competent."

Mr. Ke in Zheng Kezang’s mouth is naturally Ke Dingkai’s father, Ke Ping, and the counselor is the political governor of Zheng Kezang’s new political system. Anyway, they are all a bit old-fashioned, so they were changed to the Prime Minister and the Counselor and Cabinet Minister respectively.In the same way, the so-called cabinet ministers are the former prime ministers.

"The king's absurd praise," Ke Dingkai was surprised and delighted at the moment. He was delighted that Zheng Kezang's evaluation was very high, and he might join the cabinet in the future. What surprised him was the insinuation of the so-called father and son in the same dynasty, powerful ministers, So he hastily said humbly. "How dare the minister stand in the same rank as his fathers."

Zheng Kezang flicked his hands indifferently, half encouraging and half persuading, and said: "You can enter the cabinet as your goal, as long as you do your part well, I am very happy to see a good story."

Not long after Ke Dingkai withdrew, Tang Kaishan, the minister of the General Office of the Quanhuo Yamen, the right servant of the household department, and the former secretary of the Baoquan Experience Department of the Metropolitan Government, was ushered in by the servant.I saw that after he bowed to Zheng Kezang, he presented the plate that was in his hand before, and his own servant handed it over to Zheng Kezang.

"Is this a sample of Baokang Yinguan and Baokang money?" Zheng Kezang carefully looked at the coins in his hand, and asked in his mouth. The so-called Yinguan was a copy that Zheng Fan imitated based on the styles of foreign money and cake money that were popular in Jiangnan, Fujian and Guangdong. It is a kind of suppressed silver coin, and Baokang is the year name proposed by Zheng Kezang for Zhu Cixing. "Speak carefully, sir."

"I obey the order." Tang Kaishan responded, and immediately began to speak. "Baokang Yinguan weighs seven coins, and the silver content reaches 925%, and the remaining 90% is divided into copper, tin and lead." The silver content of Baokang Yinguan cannot be compared with that of Kupingyin, which is commonly known as snowflake silver. The miscellaneous silver with a silver content of [-]% and the Spanish silver coins with a silver content of [-]% that are mainly circulated in the market may not be able to catch up. Drive the gold, silver and copper coins circulating in the market out of the market. "The value of one thousand Wen is enough."

Zheng Kezang looked down at the silver coin in his hand, and sure enough, he found what Tang Kaishan said [Zhi Dang Qian Wen], so he frowned and asked, "Can it be used as a consistent coin in the market?"

Zheng Kezang naturally didn't want his well-designed Yinguan to become as unreliable as the Daming banknotes, but Tang Kaishan replied confidently: "Your Majesty, rest assured, based on the issuance of the Wuding Yinguan that was trial-produced at the beginning. Look, because it is exquisitely made and not easy to forge, it is rarely circulated in the market.”

Zheng Kezang was taken aback for a moment, there was no circulation, what else could there be to be happy about?

Just when he was puzzled, he heard Tang Kaishan explain: "The ministers think that this just shows that the people have recognized the value of Yinguan."

Zheng Kezang thought about it carefully, and there is indeed some truth. According to the theory that bad money drives out good money, it is the value that can be collected by people. In this way, it is temporarily impossible to do the two reforms, but you can get part of the money in advance So he opened his mouth and asked, "Can Quanhuo Yamen be sure to squeeze out all the money from all over the place?"

Zheng Kezang thought very clearly that as long as there are no weighted silver taels on the market, it is impossible for the bank to be out of circulation.

"I think I'm sure, but." Tang Kaishan suddenly came to a turning point. "Your Majesty, I ask the king not to promise to use silver coins to cover silver lessons in this year's Spring and Autumn Fu."

Tang Kaishan’s intentions and Zheng Kezang’s need not be guessed to be clear, that is, before Baokang Yinguan has been circulated in large quantities, silver should be withdrawn as much as possible, but whether the currency can establish credit depends on whether the government can accept it. Ke Zang naturally denied it.

Looking at Tang Kaishan's dejected face, Zheng Kezang comforted him: "I understand your good intentions to manage money for the country, but you need to take a long-term view and don't have to haggle over pennies and pennies. talent will continue to flow.”

With Zheng Kezang's attitude, what else could Tang Kaishan say, so he had to bow his head and accept it.At this time, Zheng Kezang's eyes moved to several copper coins placed beside the silver coins. There were a total of these copper coins. The five big bronze coins have the same diameter as the big brass coins, then the second small brass coins with a diameter half the size of the big brass coins, and finally the one bronze small coins with the same size as the brass small coins.

Looking at the size and thickness of these copper coins, Zheng Kezang asked again: "Tang Qing, how are the face values ​​of these coins calculated? Once they are circulated in the market, will someone melt some small coins and turn them into big ones? What about disrupting the market?"

Tang Kaishan was speechless when asked by Zheng Kezang, and Zheng Kezang shook his head: "Your Majesty, go back and do some calculations."

Tang Kaishan was ashamed and was about to step back, but Zheng Kezang called him again: "Tang Qing, besides paying attention to minting coins, the Money Spring Yamen has another task that must not be slacked off."

Tang Kaishan immediately stated: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the relevant regulations on the operation of the bank will be delivered within a month."

"Did you add a deposit?" Tang Kaishan hurriedly said no, so Zheng Kezang asked. "It must be added that if the debt is broken, the big family will be hurt but not hurt, but the small family will go bankrupt in an instant, so we must try to make up for it in advance." Tang Kaishan was a little disapproving, but Zheng Kezang insisted that he would not Say no. "In addition, the opening of the bank is subject to the approval of the provincial branch of the Quanhuo Yamen, but the liquidation must be handled by the accounting and taxation office, that is, the taxation department, and the powers and responsibilities must be clarified separately."

Tang Kaishan replied again: "Yes."

"Also, banks must be divided into tiers, and those with insufficient reserves are not allowed to operate beyond their scope."

Tang Kaishan retreated with a series of instructions, but Zheng Kezang's work was not over yet, no, Cai Hanxiang, the official secretary of the Overwatch Council, asked His Majesty to see him again.

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