Updated: 2012-11-07

Caishiji, Yueyang Chenglingji, and Nanjing Yanziji, which lie north of Taipingfu City and on the south bank of the Yangtze River, are collectively known as the "Three Rocks of the Yangtze River". It has the reputation of "a show through the ages". www Caishiji In the middle of the Tuwu River, there are cliffs facing the sky, strangling the main points of the river, the current is fast, and the terrain is dangerous. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

In the 31st year of Shaoxing (1161) in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a "quarrying battle" related to the national fortune of the Southern Song Dynasty. In the fifteenth year (1355), Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just established himself, defeated Aluhui on Taiping Road of the Yuan Dynasty with Chang Yuchun as the vanguard, and then opened the door to march on Jiqing Road (Nanjing), paving the way for the birth of the Ming Dynasty. the initial cornerstone.

In addition to the impressive ancient battlefield, Caishiji has always been a scenic spot in the south of the Yangtze River. Throughout the ages, it has attracted countless literati and celebrities, such as Bai Juyi, Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Lu You, Wen Tianxiang, etc., who have come here to write poems and sing, especially in the Tang Dynasty. The great poet Li Bai wrote poems while drinking here. According to legend, he drowned in the water because he was drunk to catch the moon, adding a bit of mystery to the resort.

However, whether it is to appreciate the beautiful scenery or recall the magnificent scene of Jin Ge, Zheng Kezang's main purpose of this trip is not.When the cautious magistrate of Taiping and Dangtu County followed Zheng Kezang's patrol team to the rolling hills east of Caishiji in surprise, only those who had been ordered to secretly investigate the iron ore reserves of Ma'anshan knew about Zheng Kezang's trip. real purpose.

"This mountain." After Zheng Kezang stretched out his hand to grasp falsely, he nodded and shook his head and sighed. "A treasure land, a real treasure land." In Zheng Kezang's remaining past life memories, the wasteland under his feet is one of the seven largest iron mining areas in China, with iron ore reserves calculated in billions of trillions, and associated Gold, copper, phosphorus, alum, potassium feldspar, kaolin and other countless resources, although some resources cannot be used in this era, but copper and iron alone are worth his coveted. "Hateful, hateful."

Zheng Kezang yelled at the sky with some desire and dissatisfaction. His hysterical appearance made countless local officials subconsciously turn their heads away. Of course, these people did not know what Zheng Kezang was thinking. , Some people even thought that Zheng Kezang suddenly lost his mind and went crazy.Of course, there are also smart people who, seeing Zheng Kezang's crazy appearance, thought that there were treasures in the mountains, and secretly sent people to mine them after they were smart and prepared to go back.

"Cai Qing," after venting for a while, Zheng Kezang turned his head to look at Cai Tong, the former officer of the Salt and Iron Department of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, who is now recruiting the Minister of the Salt and Iron Department of the Shogunate. "How is the progress of the Shilu Iron Mine, and when will the road be cleared?"

Cai Tong responded with a wry smile: "The Shilu mining area is a hundred and sixty miles from the sea, and there are many hills during the period. Although the Yantie Division has invested nearly [-] slaves in rotation, due to many diseases and dangerous roads, so far only More than [-] miles of cement roads have been built, but more than a quarter of the slave labor has been lost.”

"You don't have to worry about the issue of slave labor." Zheng Kezang said through gritted teeth. In order to develop Shilu, Zheng Fan has invested nearly 50 taels of silver in four years. It cost nearly 15 taels to buy black slaves. "The Orphan will inform the Supreme Court that all death row prisoners and assassins will be sent to Qiongzhou to open mines in the future. In addition, the banner soldiers captured from all over the country will also be allocated to you. I only have one request, to leave the mine within three years."

Cai Tong's brows tightened even more. You must know that Zheng Kezang seems to have given him a lot of time, but road construction is only one aspect, and on the other hand, mines must be dug out. There is only an extremely thin layer of rock on the vein, but even if the omniscient monarch is right, it is not that simple to get out of the mine.

But thinking about it, Zheng Kezang was waiting for his statement, so Cai Tong, who didn't dare to show too much hesitation, had no choice but to grit his teeth: "My lord, I will go to Qiongzhou in a few days. If I don't leave the mine, I won't prepare for it." Come back to meet the Lord."

"Okay, great!" Zheng Kezang patted Cai Tong's shoulder happily. "If Qing is successful, Gu Duan will never forget Qing's achievements." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang seemed to have thought of something. "In this way, the Ordnance Department of the Guming Army Department allocates 100 million catties of gunpowder to open the mountain, so that Qing will not have to frown."

At this time, the accompanying Sheren came to remind Zheng Kezang that it was getting late, so Zheng Kezang went down the mountain unsatisfied, got into the carriage and headed for Taipingfu City. Before getting into the car, Zheng Kezang confessed to the magistrate He said: "According to the edict of Fuguo Licheng, Dangtu County has been settled. If not, it will be moved here."

After Zheng Kezang put down the curtains of the car, the convoy started immediately, leaving only a group of dumbfounded officials to send off respectfully

Zheng Kezang's tour this time is not only in Taiping, he will go west to Xuanzhou and Chizhou, then north to Anqing and Lufeng, then through Xinchang and Yangzhou to Zhili Prefecture in Yancheng, and then cross the south of the Yangtze River and go down through Taicang, Songjiang, Jiaxing went to Hangzhou, and returned to Nanjing via Huzhou, Changzhou, and Zhenjiang after visiting Hangzhou.It's just that Zheng Kezang originally planned to go on tour at the end of June and early July, but by coincidence, Emperor Wuding Zhu Yougeqia passed away at this time.The turmoil of the national funeral and various trivial matters after the succession of the new king have forced him to delay his trip until now. Fortunately, although his tour time has been delayed, he is scheduled to go to Jiangxi, Huguang, and Hunan to rotate the divisions of the local troops at the end of June But still left on time

While Zheng Kezang was inspecting troops, talking to gentry, caring for widows, and commending widows, Kangxi received a report from Wu He, governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and Sichuan made another payment worth more than [-] yuan. With two teas and silks, the satisfied Zhungeer army has all withdrawn to the west of Yumen Pass.It is not enough to take over all the lost land. There are rumors that Cewang Alabatan has fallen out with the Dalai Lama who complained about his retreat.

Upon receiving this good news, Kangxi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ordered Shaanxi to move the landless and landless refugees to Shibian, Gansu.Then Kangxi officially ordered on July [-] of that year to change the original post of governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi to governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and set the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu in Lanzhou, hoping to strengthen the defense of Gansu and deal with Zhungeer. The comeback of man.

On July 35th in the [-]th year of Kangxi, the Qing government upgraded the post of governor of Sichuan to Governor of Sichuan, and appointed the former The governor of Huguang, Wu Fan, was the governor of Sichuan, and the governor of Shanxi, Gartu, was transferred to take over as the governor of Huguang.

On July [-], Kangxi added a governor of Henan and Shandong on the grounds of coordinating food supplies and preparing troops so that he could reinforce Prince Zhuang Boguoduo in the direction of Xuzhou. With a clean official voice and loyalty to the Qing court, Kangxi appointed him as the first governor of Henan and Shandong.

After arranging the western and southeastern lines of defense, Kangxi celebrated the victory over Galdan as an excuse to meet the Mongolian princes from Chahar, Xilin Gol, and Khalkha, as well as living Buddhas from all walks of life in Inner and Outer Mongolia.

Out of admiration for the "hehewuwei" of the Qing court, Mongolian princes of all sizes, leagues, and banners, as well as living Buddhas of the Yellow Sect below Jebtsundamba, rushed to the Qing Dynasty with various gifts within a month. Turgeng Yizhaer (Mulan Paddock) in Hexigten Banner made a pilgrimage to the honorable Bogda Khan.

On August [-]th, Kangxi's chariot arrived at the paddock.After Kangxi rested for a while, he replaced the Eight Banners who had arrived earlier in the armor inspection.After the inspection, the bird gun guards and artillery armor of the firearms battalion were ordered to demonstrate the guns.The rumbling guns and the heroic appearance of the eight-banner cavalry team shocked the audience. A large number of Mongolian princes kowtowed to Kangxi who was riding on a white horse, and the slogan "Long live the great emperor, long live" went straight into the sky.

After displaying the elite soldiers of the Eight Banners and relatively sharp firearms, Kangxi ordered an imperial banquet. Although the Qing court's treasury could already run mice, Kangxi still staged a good show of a strong and powerful country by virtue of his harvest in North Korea.Faced with endless delicious food, endless wine and generous rewards, even some Mongolian princes who had heard about the current situation of the Qing court were deceived by the external illusion and willingly attached themselves to Kangxi.

However, Kangxi did not convene all the Mongolian ministries to show off, so after three rounds of wine and five flavors, the meat of the show came up.

I saw Bandi, who was the head of the Lifan Academy at the time, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, although Galdan, who has rebelliously invaded the country, has been awarded the head, the Jungar people still occupy Khobdo and spy on the various ministries of Khalkha, so we must guard against it."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in awe, and the might of the Zhungeer army was still vivid in their minds. No one wanted to face this kind of threat again.

At this time, I heard Kangxi ask: "What's your opinion?"

Bandi replied: "I thought that a general of Dingbian should be placed in the west of Khalkha to monitor the movement of the Jungar army, but Moxi is barren, and the imperial garrison must be limited. I also ask the emperor to order the four divisions of Khalkha to dispatch troops. Horse help defend."

Kangxi scanned the four Khalkha princes in front of him, Tushetu Khan, Chechen Khan, Sanyin Nuoyan Khan, Zasak Tu Khan, and all the princes and living Buddhas of Outer Mongolia below Jebtsundamba came out and knelt down one after another. He expressed his willingness to listen to the dispatch of the Qing court, and asked the great emperor to take pity on the Mongolian people of Khalkha, station troops in Moxi, and shock Zhungeer.

Seeing that the princes of Outer Mongolia obeyed, Kangxi naturally pushed the boat along, so the military power of Outer Mongolia fell into the hands of the Qing court.However, Kangxi was still not satisfied with his harvest, so after ordering the appointment of Deputy General Dingbian, he directly ordered Horqin, Ujimqin, Zalu, Sunit, Bahrain, Keshigten, Naiman, Ao The Banners of Han, Barhu, Karaqin, Kulun, and Abaga sent [-] to [-] cavalry each to North Korea to replace Jilin's garrisoned Eight Banners and some Banners banned from traveling.

These princes of Inner Mongolia are no more than the Khalkhas who are the current enemy. When they heard Kangxi's order, of course they were unwilling.

Regarding this, Kangxi said: "North Korea is rebellious and disobedient, and it should be severely punished. Since all ministries send troops, all the gains will naturally belong to each banner."

Hearing that Kangxi offered free plunder as a reward, these Mongolian princes who were dazzled by the golden prospect agreed one after another.

Next, Kangxi followed suit and ordered Chahar Banners, Tumed Banners, and Urad Banners to send [-] troops to Hubei Province to help in the battle.The Chahar tribe is the direct descendant of the Borjijin clan, and the Tumed tribe is also a descendant of the Altan Khan. The two tribes have always peeped at the fertile land in the pass, and now they are even more enthusiastic when they get the opportunity. The princes of each tribe are not only satisfied. According to Kangxi's request, he also provided an additional [-] cavalry, bringing the total strength of the Mongolian army transferred to the south to [-].

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