Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

34. Defeat in Wulong River

In the 30th year of Yongli in the Ming Dynasty, the 15th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, and the winter and November of 5 after the birthday of the Lord, since the Qing army brigades had already arrived at the city of Fuzhou under the guidance of Geng Jingzhong, Zhu Jin had to do his best to mobilize all the troops. A total of about [-] soldiers and horses stationed on the banks of the Wulong River for defense.

The Wulong River is a part of the Minjiang River. The Minjiang River meanders all the way eastward and after passing through Minhou, it is divided into two parts by Nantai Island, which lies downstream in the middle of the river. The south channel is called Wulong River, and the north channel is called It is called Matou River (Note: It is also called Majiang after the confluence of the two rivers).The waterway of Matou River is narrow, but the water is deep and the waves are rough, which is convenient for all kinds of large ships to berth. Although the Wulong River is wide and has a tributary, Dazhang River, the water volume is much more abundant than that of Matou River, but the river is tortuous, wide and shallow, and muddy Serious sand deposition is beneficial for wading and unfavorable for navigation with ships.

Originally, Zheng Jun should march into Nantai Island to control the Matou River in order to use the powerful navy to cooperate to stop the Qing army from invading south.However, the main force of Zheng's army was scattered all over Fujian and Guangdong. When Zhu Jin concentrated it and drove to the bank of Wulong River, Nantai Island had already fallen under the control of the Qing army, so he had to choose to block it by the bank of Wulong River.However, for this seemingly unfavorable start, Xu Yao, the commander of the Right Tiger Guard under the command of Zheng Jun, did not take it seriously.

Xu Yao's status was originally the same as that of Liu Guoxuan and He You as the commander-in-chief of the bodyguards, but Liu Guoxuan and He You have distinguished themselves in previous battles. Yao is very jealous, and even often says in private that he may not be inferior to Liu and He.

Zhu Jin had heard about Xu Yaohuai's dissatisfaction with his lack of talent. In addition, Liu Guoxuan was staying in Huizhou to guard against Shang Zhixin, and He You was stationed in Zhangzhou to guard against Liu Jinzhong's secretive actions. Zhu Jin then granted command to Xu Yao on the grounds that a bowl of water was flat.

However, Zhu Jin didn't expect that Xu Yao was a man of great ambition and talent, and he showed an arrogant face once he was in power, so that the whole army expressed dissatisfaction with this commander.But Zheng Jun's crisis is not as simple as the inhumanity used by the coach. After the great victory in Tuling, Zheng Jun was extremely arrogant. Fan's Qing army regarded it as a tofu dregs

"Xu Shuai, the Qing army has already crossed the river." Hearing the report from the sentry, more than a dozen town generals in helmets and armor rushed to Xu Yao's camp. "We should set up the battalion immediately, and teach them a lesson when the Qing army's half-crossing team is not complete, so that these dry Tartars can know the strength of our soldiers and horses."

"Let's set up the camp immediately?" Xu Yao took the time to polish his sword. "My lords are just so sure that the Qing army is not feigning action." Xu Yao has his own judgment. He believes that it is impossible for the Qing army to come out without sending out an outpost to fight. Since it is only an outpost, why make a fuss Let the whole army go out to form a battalion, what if the physical strength is wasted and the follow-up Qing army takes advantage of it. "Let's keep quiet for now."

Keep calm?How to say this, for a while the generals couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to do.

After the silence for a long time, the veteran town general naturally stepped forward to remonstrate: "Xu Shuai, the so-called opportunity in the art of war is never to be missed. Once the Qing army lands, it may be too late to go out of the camp."

"Doesn't this commander know about soldiers?" Xu Yao glanced at the crowd. He naturally understood what these former colleagues and today's subordinates were thinking. It was nothing more than dissatisfaction, but after all, he was the commander. Even if he dissatisfied, you all had to listen . "The commander-in-chief said that the Qing army may be feigning. If it really falls into the trick of the Qing army, who will bear the responsibility!"

When this big hat was put on, the generals were speechless. If you want to remonstrate again, he is the commander in chief. If you go overboard, you must be punished for disobedience before the army. When the time comes, I will give you a click, even if you prove your integrity afterwards If the judgment is correct, I'm afraid I won't be able to pick up the lost head.

However, most of the people present were veterans of the army for many years, and they already had an intuition about the crisis. Fortunately, Xu Yao did not order them to return to the camp to wait, so they all waited in the tent with tiger faces. latest report from .

In this way, the time passed by little by little in the mysterious atmosphere. Several impatient generals walked around restlessly, but Xu Yao continued to wipe his sword without seeing it, as if this was his identity. The only task of the coach.

In the midst of a one-to-many stalemate, the sentry sent by the Chinese military battalion rushed in almost scramblingly: "Report! Report to the commander-in-chief that something is wrong. The whip soldiers have already landed, and there are 2 of them. All!"

There was a sudden commotion in the camp, and many people looked at Xu Yao with suspicious eyes. Almost at the same time, another veteran town general strode out of the ranks and said, "Xu Shuai, the military situation is clear, the Qing army is by no means Feint, get out of the camp as soon as possible, otherwise the tartars will gather more and more."

Xu Yao looked at the eyes with disdain, contempt and doubt with a dark face, and his chest was filled with uncontrollable anger, but the facts have proved that he was wrong, and it would be useless to make people laugh if he tried to cover it up. In this way, he immediately ordered.

"Since the movement of the Qing army is clear, then the whole army will fight as a whole!"

However, Xu Yao's order was really late.By the time Zheng Jun dragged his feet out of the camp, nearly [-] to [-] Qing troops had already escaped from the chaos when they first landed.What's even more detrimental to the Zheng army is that the Qing army's transport fleet that has already turned back to Hangnantai Island will bring new forces to the opponent that can change the situation of the battle at the moment when the two sides are fighting fiercely.

The sound of cannons rang out. This was Zheng Jun's artillery shooting at the Qing army. Since the Qing army was rushing across by boat, they did not carry artillery, so they could only let Zheng Jun's artillery fire.But the expected massacre did not happen. The soil on the river bank full of water vapor was so soft that a person's feet might be able to step on it, but the kinetic energy would be directly absorbed by the shell when it hit it, so that it would not be able to jump up again to cause a second kill. Except for the bad luck of the hit, it did not cause too much loss to the Qing army.

Of course, even so, it is impossible for the Qing army to sit still.With an order, the green battalion soldiers in the front line began to charge.

Seeing the Qing army's overwhelming massacres, biting the ugly money mouse whip, Zheng Jun's team began to be a little commotion.Just at this time, our own attack order was also issued.Zheng Jun of the Four Towns was ordered to rush forward, intending to stop the Qing army on the spot.The two sides collided immediately, and the already slippery riverside beach instantly flowed into a river of blood.

If you want to ask the two sides in hand-to-hand combat, what is the kingly way, of course it is not a one-shot gun array, Guduo, a big knife, a hard axe, and even a three-pronged steel fork are the favorites of those who are on the scene---you cut it off with one knife My arm, the next moment I will crush your chest with a hammer, you will pierce my lower abdomen with a single shot, and the next moment I will smash your skull with a shield --- in the life-and-death struggle, only the fearless Life and death, not afraid of pain, can get away with life

The Qing army was fighting to the death, but Zheng Jun's morale was depressed because of the head coach's headstrongness. This time, Zheng Jun quickly retreated. Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the Prime Minister's camp beside Xu Yao hurriedly said: "Xu Shuai, I'm afraid the four towns will not be able to support them anymore, so please order troops to be dispatched for reinforcements as soon as possible."

Xu Yao didn't react immediately, instead he picked up the binoculars and carefully observed the rear of the Qing army. He saw a line of sails on the Wulong River on Nantai Island. It was obvious that he didn't know how many Qing troops would sweep in again.

After Xu Yao saw it, his face was ashen, he didn't know what he was thinking for a moment, the staff next to him urged him, but he turned his horse's head and said, "Get out!"

"What?" Observing the changes in the Zhongjun camp, Zheng Jun was struck like five lightning strikes. The main general fled the first battle just after the battle started. How can this battle be fought. "The bastard surnamed Xu deserves to be killed! He deserves to be hacked into pieces!" However, cursing could not change the wavering situation across the board. "What should I do? What else can I do! Withdraw! Let's withdraw too! Keeping the green hills alive is not afraid of running out of firewood."

"It's over! It's over! Run away!" The chaos in the rear naturally affected the soldiers who were fighting fiercely in front like dominoes. The prospect of collapse further exacerbated Zheng Jun's failure, and now, Zheng Jun is completely helpless

The shattered Zheng Jun dropped their weapons and turned around and ran back one after another, so that the Qing army was stunned for a moment. The Qing army never thought that the Zheng Jun, who claimed to be invincible all over Fujian and Guangdong, would die when the curtain of the war just opened. It is no longer supported.At one time, thinking that the Zheng army had played some trick, the Qing army subconsciously stopped the attack, and did not resume the offensive across the board until the commanders from all walks of life confirmed that the enemy in front of them had been defeated.

It is a pity that the suspension of the Qing army did not give Zheng Jun a chance to reorganize. As the saying goes, the army was defeated like a mountain. It became a proof of embellishing the achievements of the opponent, and some were even forced to flee from the Dazhang River in a panic, or only a small number of those who withdrew early from the battlefield barely retained the original organizational system.

"Don't chase after him!" The order of General Pingnan Laita, the chief general of the Qing army on the front line, also came down. "Be careful of poor rats coming back."

This ended a great battle, but the battle on the bank of the Wulong River was considered a great victory for the Qing army. No one thought of burning the supplies and fodder of the Zheng army sent to the bank of the Wulong River like flowing water. All became Laita's trophies, and more importantly, the shadow of Beibing's invincibility has been thoroughly rooted in the hearts of Zheng Jun since then.

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