Updated: 2012-11-14

Jin is a common surname in North Korea, but Jin Kuruo is not a native of North Korea. As a veteran who was plundered to Dongning along the coast of Wentai and then joined the Zheng Army, even though he was wearing a thick cotton robe at the moment, he still felt that there was something wrong with him. Sisi's cold air penetrated into his body, so he complained again: "Why is this place so cold?"

"The cold is not scary, the only thing I'm afraid of is not being cold." Someone next to him said, Jin Kuruo turned his head to look, but it was his immediate superior, the commander of the third regiment of the third brigade of the fourth division of the Longchamp Army-- -After Wuding established the recruiting system in four years, the sentry officer was changed to the sentry commander, the regiment control system was changed to the regiment thousand commander, the brigade chief was called the division commander, and the division commander was reduced to the command officer--- Zuo Hai, just listen to what this lieutenant from the sixth grade Zhongxian said breathlessly. "The ice castle under our feet looks solid, but once it thaws, it will turn into tofu dregs. There is no need for the North Koreans to send troops, and we have to flee in despair."

Speaking of which, from being plundered to Dongning to the present, Jin Kuruo saw too many dead people along the way, so he didn't want to fight, especially for the Koreans who couldn't fight, so he listened to Zuo Hai's words, and his face On the contrary, he showed a bit of joy: "What does your lord mean that we can still sleep soundly in these few months?"

"How is it possible?" Zuo Hai flatly vetoed it. "The Qinglu brigade will not come to attack us, but there are Qinglu cavalry squads all over the mountains and plains outside. If they are allowed to approach to investigate and collect food, we will be in big trouble when the freeze is thawed." Zuo Hai looked at the standing The soldiers listening attentively at the post consciously took this opportunity to disseminate the military orders assigned from above. "That's why Fentong lord has decided to send sentries to attack in turn to expel the surrounding northern captives and gather the surrounding North Korean people." Speaking of this, Zuo Hai deliberately raised his voice. "It's not the same as fighting Tartars anywhere. If you stay in the fort, you still feel aggrieved. It's better to go out and exercise your body. Maybe you can get some wild rabbits and come back to add food."

When Zuo Hai said this, Jin Kuruo had already fully understood the meaning of the officer, so he pretended to be heroic and said: "Your Excellency is very true, here are real Tartars, and killing them is definitely better than killing fake Tartars in China. Enjoy it, maybe you can even pick off one or two heads of princes and father-in-law, and then you will be prosperous."

"Stand up straight!" Kang Wenjie yelled at the crooked North Korean soldiers in front of him. Although most of the North Korean soldiers in the second squad could speak Chinese and write Chinese, the new North Korean soldiers standing in front of him at Sui Rang were basically He came from middle class and slaves, but even North Korean military officers from the second class may not be able to understand his weird Mandarin in Hokkien accent, so every time he was exhausted, the team in front of him still went its own way. "Straight mothers and thieves are all elm heads"

Kang Wenjie was sent to the North Korean army according to the provisions in the annex to the "Yihai Secret Treaty" to help the new North Korean army train. Like him, there were more than 100 deputy chiefs, deputy commanders, deputy team leaders, and deputy squad leaders, almost killing the dragons. More than half of the middle and lower-level military attaches of the [-]st Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Xiang Army were transferred.However, although Zheng Fang was enthusiastic, except for the left-wing Five Associations controlled by Cui Xian, who had nowhere to go, the right-wing court army actually welcomed Zheng Jun's arrival with a perfunctory attitude.And even the left-wing Wuxie Korean army, because of the different military systems of the two sides, could not make use of the full experience of Zheng Jun's instructors, which also made the progress of training the Korean army very slow.

Of course, not all North Korean troops are like this. In view of Zheng Jun’s strong guns, the North Koreans have spent a lot of money and energy in learning artillery skills, but the advanced knowledge of breaking down ballistics is only just now in Zheng Jun’s martial arts. With the prototype, the North Koreans only learned the superficiality of using the decomposition of shooting steps and intensive training to increase the speed of shelling. Even this superficiality was weakened to a certain extent because what Zheng Fang sold was the obsolete Hongyi cannon.

But in any case, the arrival of this batch of teachers and teachers of Zheng Jun has strengthened the connection between Zheng Jun and the North Korean new army, and brought the cooperation between the North Korean army and Zheng Jun to a new level. In the mid-December of that year, the combined forces of the two armies of Chaoyang and Zhengzhou went north, and successively recovered many important towns such as Gongju, Cheongju, Chungju, Yeoju, and Wonju, as well as Nonsan, Yeesan, and Asan. , Lichuan and many other counties and counties pushed their soldiers forward to the outskirts of Yangzhou.

The place was taken back, but everything was ruined by the Qing army.In view of the fact that the above-mentioned areas were no longer able to raise troops, Jia Qi, the commander of the Fourth Division of the Longxiang Army who commanded the battle, decided to withdraw his troops and return to the south of Jinjiang, but this decision was rejected by South Korea.From the perspective of the South Korean royal court, no matter how dilapidated the place is, the territory is the territory, and only with the territory can it show the legitimacy of the regime, so it does not agree with Judge's withdrawal plan.

While the two sides were sticking to each other, Cui Yingzhi, instigated by the national envoy He Zhizhou, proposed a compromise plan. The first, third, and fifth right-wing associations were divided into the three prefectures of Yuan, Li, and Zhong, and the fourth association was stationed in the north of Jinjiang. The left-wing new army was transferred back to Cheongju and Gongju to continue training.This plan is actually full of evil intentions. It is going to put the only army that the South Korean royal court can completely control directly under the Qing army for consumption. However, even if the South Korean side can see it, they have to bite the bullet and stick to it. The fate of the South Korean Army was thus doomed, and all the Zheng Junxie stationed in it also retreated.

"My lord," the knight returning from the fast horse reported to Latuba panting heavily. "The imperial army is building a stronghold in the village ahead."

Latuba's eyes lit up suddenly: "See clearly? It's just the court army, no sea rebellion?"

Although Latuba is a Jueluo, and his ancestors also had the title of duke, but these are all old calendars, and in his life, there are only third-class Ashhanihafan (baron) left, and the official is nothing more than a prince. If he hadn't gone south to North Korea, he might have spent his whole life eating old rice in Jilin. Therefore, he cherishes this opportunity very much, and hopes to gain some military merit through this campaign, and then be promoted. Jinjue, go to the world of flowers in the pass.

"See it clearly." The knight in charge of the Shiku (leader) affirmed with burning words. "Only the North Korean army, about [-] people, no guns, but a few bird guns, but the defense is very loose."

The leader didn't know that according to the new military system of the North Korean army, the enemy who appeared in front of him should be a battalion of 250 soldiers.Of course, the dozens of missing North Korean troops may have gone to the remaining villages nearby to collect food, or they may have gone to collect the building materials necessary for building the village. Naturally, the leader cannot be accused of not observing carefully.

"200 people." Latuba looked at the subordinates around him. According to the Eight Banners military system, Pashiku was assigned as the assistant of the leader, and basically led half of the leader's soldiers and horses. He governs 130 to 140 cavaliers, so now he has no more than [-] men, of which there are only [-] cavalry and [-] blunderbuss soldiers, which is less than one-third of the Koreans in terms of strength. "It's a tough nut to crack, sons, do you have the guts to go up against this official?"

The Jilin soldiers in Latuba had seen battles with the Oros people who had invaded before, and they were not lacking in courage. In addition, they had seen the appearances of the comrades who accompanied the army in the western expedition to Galdan after they returned from victory. I had some expectations in my heart, now that I heard Ratuba's agitation, they all screamed, so Ratuba sent a Kabush virtuous super-ha soldier back to report the news, and the rest of them picked up the bells, the horses picked the bells, and the flags died down. Goal touch.

The North Korean army also set up vigilance, so although Latuba and his party were cautious, they were quickly exposed against the backdrop of the white snow.Seeing the sound of gunfire and shouts from the North Korean army, Latuba didn't care to hide his whereabouts.As soon as he gave an order, 64 iron hooves including the horses under his crotch flew flying, and the small cavalry burst out with the momentum of thousands of horses, and rushed towards the panicked North Korean army.

However, the snow on the road still hindered Latuba's actions, so that the gunmen and archers of the North Korean army lined up.However, Latuba's indomitable momentum frightened the North Korean army, so at a distance that could not reach the opponent, the North Korean army desperately fired bullets. There was only one result of such blind moves, and that was that they could not stop the opponent's advance at all.

Soon, La Tuba threw himself towards the court army, and jumped off the horse at the moment when the horse smashed through the opponent's ranks. He swung the heavy sword in his hand, and immediately scarred the court army who rushed forward.After beheading several people in a row and forcing back the imperial army around him, La Tuba swept the battlefield with stealthy eyes.Yes, fourteen of the sixteen cavalry rushed in, tearing apart the seemingly complete formation of the Koreans.Of course, the North Koreans were still organizing a siege, but they cared about one side and not the other. The infantry of the Qing army, which was running wildly behind the cavalry, had quickly approached the theater of battle. When they joined the battle, the situation would be reversed in an instant.

The North Korean military officer commanding the battle seemed to have noticed the crisis, but under the fierce fighting of the Qing army's vest, his formation was broken, and the scattered blunderbuss and archers could not gather together to form a new line. , He had no choice but to flee to the unbuilt fortress in the village with a part of the troops who could still obey the command.

In fact, there were not many Korean soldiers who could escape with the battalion soldiers and horse envoys. More people either fled into the wild or were entangled by the Qing army.It was almost a one-sided battle when the Qing army's vests and bird musketeers went into battle.Counting the results of the battle, Latuba's side only had five dead and two injured, while the North Koreans left fifty corpses, and seven or eight were injured, but the fate waiting for them was still Latuba's Praise the head of military exploits.

"My lord, I saw many North Korean soldiers fleeing into the woods," said the panting leader who had just reported. "There are dozens more who have fled into the village, aren't we?" The reminder made a gesture. "The first level is not too little."

"The situation in the village is unknown, and the North Korean army still has guns in their hands. In case of a stubborn resistance, although we can eliminate them, we must lose some brothers." La Tuba was also sober, and did not insist on annihilating the North Korean army. false name. "It's better to go and eliminate the deserters in the wilderness first. As for the village, let's wait for a while, they won't dare to escape if they think about it."

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