"My lord, the Mongolian soldiers are powerful in the troubled areas, but they are incompetent in fighting Zheng's army. Now they want to use our army as the vanguard. This is obviously for us to take chestnuts from the fire." Zhao Nanqiao, the second-rank military defense envoy of Hamgyong Province, who is a foreigner of the Spanish class, immediately urged Jin Jiuyuan, the highest official of the Hamgyong Province, not to obey the orders of the soldiers. "Also please adults must not obey, in order to preserve North Korea's vitality."

"Lord Zhao, how can the so-called skins and hairs be attached? In case the Mongols retreat, can our army hold the Xianjing Road?" Jin Jiuyuan shook his head. "If it weren't for the Southern Dynasty stealing the throne, how could North Korea have suffered such a catastrophe?"

Zhao Nanqiao said in his heart that there is no need to discuss who is right now, but the so-called Zhengshuo dispute is life and death, so it is not easy for him to say this, so he can only express in a tactful way: "My lord's words are good, but right now The current situation is that Zheng's army is so powerful that even the Mongolian cavalry have no choice but to use the flesh and blood of the Koreans to clear the way."

"The so-called political style of rebirth without compassion." Jin Jiuyuan cut off Zhao Nanqiao's words. "The Qing court is helping the court to seek rebellion. If North Korea doesn't shed any blood, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing, and it may be exploited by the Qing court in the future." Jin Jiuyuan's meaning is very clear. Now the civil war is being fought by foreign troops, right? As a long-term strategy, if the North Korean army can play a supporting role or even a major role in the war, it will definitely be a good thing for the Pyongyang court to negotiate with the Qing Dynasty. "So, dead people are not scary, and losing is not scary. As long as it can show the power of the court, it is worth killing them all!"

Zhao Nanqiao's heart beat wildly.However, although both of them are from the second rank, North Korea has always followed the Ming system, and the gentlemen and the military have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Since Jin Jiuyuan made up his mind, Zhao Nanqiao naturally couldn't violate it, and he didn't dare to violate it.After all, the thousands of Mongolian soldiers outside the city are still sharpening their knives. If he resists the order, Jin Jiuyuan only needs to order to open the city gate, and the Mongolian soldiers will arrive in no time. With the strength of the Korean army, can he please himself?

"Yes." Since Jin Jiuyuan could not be persuaded, Zhao Nanqiao had no choice but to accept the arrangement of fate, but when he got up and went to the military camp in the city, he whispered to the guards around him. "Prepare the middle-aged man's clothes, and arrange horses, food, and money for the road. If things go wrong, we have to plan."

So under the mentality that the chief officer was ready to escape at any time, the ignorant North Korean army was driven onto the battlefield

In the early morning of the next day, Zheng Jun, who had crossed the Longxing River, left the roughly constructed camp and approached Yongxing City.But after only five or six miles, it was reported that the North Korean army had left the city.He Shuzhi, who was interested in fighting in the field, was overjoyed immediately, and immediately restrained his troops to form a formation to meet them, and at the same time sent scouts to inquire about the movements of the North Korean army in detail.

"Good guy, there are quite a lot of people. Tell me, is there 3000 people in this group of North Korean troops?"

Liang Ying, the army commander who set off with Tan Ma, let out a sound of exclamation after carefully observing the lineup and flags of the North Korean Army not far from the city. Thousands, even [-] are not necessarily the opponent of a division of Zheng Jun.However, when the Fourth Division of the Longxiang Army dispatched troops to the Eastern Front, it was because of consideration of the mountains and rivers in the east of Korea, so the artillery corps and the army corps directly under the inconvenient division did not dispatch troops due to transport capacity. In order to solve the problem, the third brigade belonging to the fourth division also stayed on the western front, so the total strength of the battle was only more than [-] people.After entering Chaodong, in order to ensure food supply, they left several food collection teams, food transportation teams and guards in Jiangling, Xiangyang, Gaocheng, Tongchuan and other places along the way. Leaving a regiment of troops to prevent the Mongolian cavalry from outflanking and outflanking, so there are only four regiments of soldiers and two sentries and six two-inch guns that can actually be put into battle. Mongolian cavalry.

"Just look at this formation." Liang Ying faintly noticed the flying dust behind the chaotic court army, and she had some calculations in her heart. "Okay, let's go back, so that Tan Ma won't let go!"

Liang Ying went back and reported his discovery to He Shuzhi. He Shuzhi thought for a while and made a decision: "Immediately send someone to notify the sailors to go ashore to take over the defense of the plateau county city. .”

Originally, He Shuzhi was trying to make up for it, but the slow movement of the North Korean army gave Zheng Jun time to calmly dispatch ---Although the North Korean army in Yongxing City has only [-] soldiers, its composition is complicated. The Central Forbidden Army of the Mansion, the Fifth Military Battalion, and the Third Inner Hall, the town soldiers from Hamgyong Province and Hamheung Mansion, and the powerful militiamen who conquered the localities. These armies do not rule each other and are hostile to each other. Zhao Nanqiao spent a lot of time It was only then that they were dispatched in unison --- at this time, Zheng Jun's fleet floating on Yongxing Bay had received an order to send sailors on board to land.

The noisy dragged on until around noon, when Zheng Jun sat on the ground and had finished his lunch, the North Korean army slowly appeared on the horizon.Zheng Jun rested for a while, and felt that he had digested all the food before he stood up and lined up. At this time, the Chaojun had also stood still and was about to take a breath, but Zheng Jun took the initiative to force him up.

Seeing Zheng Jun taking the initiative to attack, Zhao Nanqiao responded immediately.The gunners from the Imperial Army system in Seoul quickly lined up in three rows. The first row half-kneeled, the second row stood up straight, and the third row stood ready, waiting for Zheng Jun to step into the range before firing.Almost at the same time, several tiger squatting guns and Frang machine guns owned by the North Korean army were also lined up one after another, just waiting for Zheng Jun to come to the door.

However, the two regiments of the Zheng army lined up in a horizontal formation did not advance a few steps, and a few mules and horses dragging artillery came out from the gap between the regiments.Looking at this scene from a distance, the court army was in turmoil, and everyone was at a loss.As a last resort, Zhao Nanqiao had no choice but to send his own soldiers to restrain the formation, and at the same time sent loudly-voiced subordinates to tell the whole army, "Zheng Jun's artillery is not Hongyi cannon."

Zheng Jun’s two-inch cannons are indeed not Hongyi cannons, and the material of the cannon body is not more suitable for making cannons. Navy brass, but the refined iron cannon blanks of Zheng Fan’s military cannons are all forged repeatedly, and there are no air bubbles and trachoma in them. , The original widely used central cooling method was also replaced by the oil-immersed bore drilling method and the rotary grinding cutting method. The inner bore has a higher finish, and the gun's limit charge is also larger, which naturally shoots farther.If it weren't for the inability to drill and cut steel billets at this stage, it would not be impossible to replace all of them with steel cannons given Zheng Fan's ability to directly produce steel using regenerator and basic refractory brick technology.

And Zhao Nanqiao's contempt for Zheng Jun's small guns was also learned a little later: several iron bullets crossed the distance where the North Korean artillery and firecrackers could not fight back, and smashed heavily into the ranks of the North Korean army, hitting Zhao Nanqiao's favorite firearms unit They were beaten so badly that they cried and howled.

Seeing that the original perfect formation was shattered by the rapid artillery fire of Zheng Jun, Zhao Nanqiao was surprised and had to order the town soldiers and militiamen in Hamgyong Road to attack immediately.However, the momentum of Zheng Jun's bombardment frightened these weaker fighters, so Zhao Nanqiao had no choice but to order the beheading of several deserters and several generals who disobeyed the military order as a deterrent.

Under the urging of their respective officials, the timid North Korean troops gathered together and killed them. In their view, this seemed to give them more courage, so that they did not have to fear the fierce bombardment of Zheng Jun.But they were wrong. During the charge, the solid bullets, shotgun shells, and chain bullets fired by Zheng Jun let the North Korean army know what the fear of death is.And when they managed to break through Zheng Jun's bombardment line, what awaited them was a new metal storm caused by Zheng Jun's platoon of guns.

"Right now." Just as the North Korean army was struggling in the fire built by the Zheng army, the Eastern Mongolian cavalry hiding behind the North Korean army seemed to have found the right time to attack, Sanggar shouted loudly on the horse. "Descendants of Genghis Khan, Amitabha Buddha blesses you, kill all those southern barbarians, attack!"

More than 4000 horseshoes flew up and down, rumbling against the ground, causing invisible ripples.

"Here we come." He Shuzhi, who had been prepared for a long time, felt the fluctuation of the earth, and ordered with a blank face. "Change the formation!" After receiving the order, the two regiments in front quickly turned into a hollow phalanx, and the six artillery pieces were also dragged onto mules and horses and returned. "Order the first brigade and the first regiment and the second brigade and the second regiment to prepare for the forward pressure"

Zheng Jun's platoon of guns became sparse due to the narrowing of the front, but the North Korean army did not take advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, but was subconsciously driven to both sides by the sound of horseshoes sounding from behind.

"Bastard!" The Gu Nai at the front is a Taiji in Arong Banner. As a Taiji, he has no territory but has a few subordinates who graze for him. He just decided to go to North Korea to get a vote, but he got some money, but whether he will live or not depends on today's results. Therefore, he is very dissatisfied with the timid North Korean soldiers in front of him, but the dissatisfaction is dissatisfied, and then he is dissatisfied I can only rely on myself. "If you are a warrior, follow me!"

After crossing the scattered and fleeing North Korean soldiers, the Eastern Mongolian cavalry divided into two rushed towards the hollow phalanx of the two regiments. Many people had already held their horse bows in their hands, and they would shoot arrows as soon as they got close.But like a volcanic eruption, Zheng Jun kept firing bullets, knocking down Mongolian riders one after another.Of course, under the counterattack of the Qing army, the two phalanxes also suffered considerable losses.

But except for a few of the most valiant warriors who drove their horses into the thorn forest and fell to the ground with blood on their heads, the rest of the Mongolian soldiers still couldn't control their favorite horses to break through Zheng's formation. About this point, superstition The Mongolian soldiers only thought that the lama's magic power was not enough to dispel the evil spirits brought by Zheng Jun.As a last resort, seeing that the Mongolian soldiers in the rear of Zheng's army were still there for a while, they abandoned the current formidable enemy, turned around and rushed towards the new target.

But in this way, not only did the horse's speed have no room to increase, but the back was exposed again. As a result, they were shot from front to back, and only the corpses of people and horses were scattered all over the field.

"Defeated!" Before the Mongolian soldiers on the front line had this idea, several banner owners Zasak, Baylor, and Beizi had turned around and fled with their relatives, thus victory or defeat became a foregone conclusion. It's just that the few Mongolian warriors who risked their lives to break into the ranks of Zheng Jun lost their lives in vain

"The first brigade seized Yongxing immediately, and then went straight to Xianzhou and Xianxing Mansion." He Shuzhi ordered. "The captured North Korean troops will be escorted to Seogwipo." After the North Korean army is escorted to Seogwipo, they will be transferred to Qiongzhou Shilu as slaves. "Examine the wounded Mongolian soldiers. Those who wear ordinary clothes will be executed directly. Those who wear luxurious clothes will also be sent to Seogwipo. Someone there may be able to use them."

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