Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

360. Huguang Battle Hanshui

Zheng Jun marched westward along the Han River, but there was hardly a single living person on the vast land, which not only frustrated Zheng Kezang's idea of ​​conscripting husbands and food on the spot, but also made the tens of thousands of Zheng Jun who came from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi come to nothing. The horror of falling into the ghost realm is waiting for you in the depths of time.This starter comes from the river

"Your Majesty, Mianyang is the place where our army and the Qing captives changed hands several times. When the army flourishes, the people will be exhausted. Moreover, we will kill the captives, and the Qing captives will kill me. That's why we have nine empty houses and barren fields today. Scenery." As the most fertile area in Huguang, the two sides of the Han River are now completely uninhabited, so not to mention Zheng Kezang sighing, Cui Ping, who is a native of Hubei, also has a lot of sympathy. "I implore the king to wipe out the northern captives in one fell swoop so that the people of Hubei can live and work in peace."

"Poor Qin and Han scriptures, the palaces and palaces have been ruined. The people are suffering, and the dead are suffering." Zheng Kezang sighed, looking back and ordering: "The democratic staff gathered the poor people from all over the place and sent them to Hunan for reclamation, and ordered them to temporarily Leaving the battlefield." Due to the reminder of this incident, Zheng Kezang's thoughts suddenly jumped to something, so he casually asked about the full text of military marriage poison love. "Is the matter of the Cao Gang finished?"

Although the Caobang and Caohang in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces did not have millions of people in their heyday, they still had 60 to [-] dependents. Not all of them can be absorbed by the Yangtze River Shipping. Most of the tank boat sailors can't even adapt to the Yangtze River shipping, and they can't even talk about sailing overseas with more turbulent waves.

"Return to the king," said a member of the military staff sent by the Governor's Office to accompany the army, and soon appeared in front of Zheng Kezang. "The water companies in Zhili, Jianghuai, and Zhejiang have been successively changed into shipping companies for sale. There are 33 new shipping companies, 320 sand ships, and more than [-] sailors. They mainly operate the Yangtze River, canals, and coastal freight in Jiangsu and Zhejiang." The figures are in line with Zheng Kezang's judgment. "Another [-] or so sailors were employed by Jiangnan and Zhejiang He, and more than [-] people joined the navy. As for the former head of the water bank, his family members, and clan members, more than [-] people have been sent to Shilu to plead guilty."

Zheng Kezang interrupted: "Based on this number, there are still tens of thousands of people who will be refugees."

"Your Majesty may have miscalculated." Zhongsheren corrected him unequivocally. "Your Majesty, this is counting the people involved in the water line. In fact, there are not so many people in the water line and their family members. Not counting the criminals who have moved to Shilu, more than [-] water boat sailors and multiple family members For resettlement, there are still more than [-] people, together with their family members, who have already filled in Hunan to plant."

Zheng Kezang looked at this strong Zhongsheren unexpectedly. According to his guess, the other party did not seem to be an old man from Dongning. He was annoyed when he thought that Xiang Laixia, a scholar from the mainland, had invited him for his character. He didn't break out on the spot, but just sneered: "Order Zhili and Jianghuai to immediately check out the unemployed refugees. We must not let this hidden danger remain in the hinterland of our vassal."

Zheng Kezang's words are justified. All dynasties have been very wary of refugees, so the Zhongsheren, who have shown their strengths, will naturally not continue to argue with Zheng Kezang on this issue: "After the investigation of a group, they will move A batch went to Shitun in Jiangxi and Hunan, and farmhouses should also be given to landless people in the two places who are willing to follow.”

The people of Zhongshe twitched their eyebrows: "Your Majesty, it is a good policy to relocate refugees and cultivate land, but it costs a lot. Now the financial resources of the Fanzhong are already struggling, and the war between Huguang and Guizhou and Guangxi has not stopped."

"Qing's office is neither Nayan nor a minister. He actually questioned Gu's decree. It seems that he has worried too much." Zheng Kezang's words were very heartbreaking. "Guyong, you are in contact with Zhengshitang, not for you to tell me what to do." Looking at Zhongsheren's blue face, Zheng Kezang waved his hands. "Go do your own thing."

"I obey the order, but," although Zhongsheren reluctantly obeyed the order, he still did not retreat, with a loyal and resolute look. "The people in Zhili and Jianghuai traveled thousands of miles to Jiangxi and Hunan. The acclimatization of the soil and water is one case. These people have not used farming for many years. If they encounter subordinate officials or the weather is not waiting, they will be displaced again."

"Are you talking about the lonely moral government and not cultivating it!" Zheng Kezang snorted coldly. "Go and find out how Dongning is built, and then talk about it." After finishing speaking, Zheng Kezang drove his horse and stopped looking at him. About to hear Zheng Kezang's disdainful voice. "The guy who lied to the imperial staff"

Zheng Kezang had played outings here, but He Cai encountered a crisis on the Han River. On the Mianyang section of the Han River, there were more than 300 division ships, sentry ships, small sentinel boats, sampan boats, and long boats. The dragon boat lay across the river, followed by more than a dozen civilian ships and warships refitted from merchant ships, firmly blocking the way of the Yangtze River Fleet.

"Let me see, there are quite a few." The Qing warships that appeared in He Cai's binoculars had cannons. Although the material of the cannons was too far away to see clearly, they could be judged by the size of the muzzles. , the left side is just some ultra-small guns under one inch. Of course, there are still many Qing soldiers on the ship with bird guns, bows and arrows. Obviously the Qing army's intention is to approach the Tiaobang. "But it's wishful thinking to fight us on the water," He Cai ordered. "Send a flag, let's teach them a lesson with long cannons first."

Seeing Zheng Junhong's single boat retreating one after another, the Qing army blocked upstream became excited. Relying on the large number of boats, they began to pull out anchors-<-, and went down the current, intending to go straight to Zheng Jun's fleet and divide the encirclement.However, the Qing army's shelling with Zhangkou cannons, Dafagong, large and small Flang cannons, and even pine wood cannons, which were dug out from nowhere, fell in the vicinity one after another. The adjusted [-]st Squadron of the Yangtze River Fleet did not suffer any losses.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides had been shortened to less than one mile, Zheng Junhong's single boats lined up in three rows on the river began to fire one after another.The roaring three-inch cannon hit the howling shells far away into the Qing army formation a mile or more away, and the first blow directly hit an unlucky dragon boat President, don't be too presumptuous! .

Before the Qing army had time to exclaim that Zheng Jun's artillery fire was fierce, the long cannons in the second row spoke again, and then came the third row.

The more than [-] artillery shells that fell successively caused an astonishing loss. Although the two leading sentinel ships seemed to be fine, two of the following ships sank directly, and the other two also floated on the water. What's more unfortunate is that a sampan boat ♀ was caught in the middle of the forward fleet. The freeboard of the sampan was too low due to the installation of a cannon weighing several hundred kilograms. A direct hit from a wave of shells, but capsized under the huge wave created by the missing shells

The lieutenant-general of the Qing army who commanded the naval battalion felt sorry for his own loss, but knowing that the opponent was still preparing for a second wave of shelling, he did not dare to stay where he was, so he ordered hoarsely: "Rush over, and the artillery that is close to Haini will be killed." useless."

Before the lieutenant had finished speaking, Zheng Jun's second wave of bombardment arrived as scheduled. On the Qing side, three more large and small ships imitated Qu Yuan and sank into the river, and another three set off a desperate fire.However, these continuous losses are not a big loss for the Qing army with hundreds of orders. Therefore, encouraged by the rewards of "boarding a ship with ten taels" and "taking a ship for a thousand taels", the officers and soldiers of the Qing army still rushed straight ahead like crazy. Zheng Junhong came in a single boat.

"The channel of the Han River is still too narrow." Amidst the rumble of the third wave of shelling, He Cai, who was staring at the reaction of the Qing army ships, murmured. "The armor-piercing effect of the long cannon is not enough." After a review, He Caisui ordered loudly during the interval of shelling. "Send the flag and order [Yellow Ying], [Yellow Heron], [Yellow Crane], and [Yellow Falcon] to lead the teams straight to the Qing Dynasty ships. I want to see how powerful the Qing soldiers are. , or our team’s artillery is powerful.”

Following He Cai's order, Zheng Jun's 31 red single ships immediately changed their formation, forming five columns led by the flagships of the five divisions, and then all adjusted their sails, and slowly greeted the Qing army brigade.

Seeing that the Zheng army did not retreat but advanced, and the sharp artillery fire also stopped, the Qing army became excited. I saw the whole battalion chasing each other, using all kinds of sails, tents, oars, and sculls. Down, like an off-string arrow, it rushes towards the opponent who "does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth".However, the excitement of the Qing army also led to the complete disintegration of the formation that could be maintained, and there were also phenomena in which the slow ship blocked the fast ship, and the fast ship collided with the slow ship. The lieutenant jumped on both feet and was in love with the domineering pet: The devil's husband loves fiercely.

"Surrounded up!" Jumping back to jumping, but the expected situation still appeared, the lieutenant and the military inspector of the governor's mansion who was supervising the battle beside the lieutenant danced excitedly, thinking that the great success was about to be completed, but at this time the rumbling gunfire and the rising smoke covered the entire river. "What's going on, what's going on ahead!"

But the gunfire continued, the gunpowder smoke became thicker and thicker, and there was also the sound of fried beans to add to the fun, which really made the two people who were too happy to worry about gains and losses again: "Master Hu, it doesn't mean that after relying on help, Hai Ni's cannons are useless, so there shouldn't be any problems in the current state."

"Master Ying, it should be our cannons that are firing." Deputy General Hu was clearly trying to deceive the ignorant Manchurians. The sound of his own cannons was completely different from the sound of Zheng Jun's artillery firing. For this point, Deputy General Hu still deserves a share. It's clear, but now he still misses it, so he has to hold on. "We have more than 300 ships, and the sea is only as small as it is. We are sure to win."

"It should be a sure win." The blood on Wu Xunzuo's face became thicker again, and he was already calculating what kind of reward he could get with this military merit, whether it was a fourth rank or a third rank, whether he was a leader or a general, He was thinking wildly, when a gust of wind blew by, revealing the truth that had been concealed, and immediately made his eyes widen. "Ah! How did this happen?" That's right, what unfolded in front of Wu Xunbu was a scene like Shura's hell. The Qing army's warships surrounding Zheng Jun's red single boat were either sinking, paralyzed, on fire, or fleeing to both banks. On Zheng Jun's side, only a small number of gunboats emitted black smoke. "This, this is impossible!"

How is it impossible, not to mention the three-and-a-half-inch cannons and four-inch cannons on large red single ships, even the three-inch short cannons on small red single ships can easily tear apart the hulls of Qing warships at a very short distance.On the contrary, the stones, nails and other messy things fired by the Qing army's small artillery could not penetrate the thick hull of the red single ship. Only a few stray bullets that crossed the ship's baffle caused Zheng Jun to bleed.

"Master Ying, this is the end of the matter, I'm afraid it can't be undone." Looking at the opponent who continued to rampage like a tyrannosaurus rex, the trembling Lieutenant General Hu couldn't care less about those dead and dying subordinates. "Let's stay in the green hills so we don't have to worry about no firewood, let's go, let's retreat quickly, return to Xiangyang, return to Xiangyang"

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