Chen Zhaoniang and Tang Heniang died one after another. The blow to Zhu Jin was no less than the failure of the Wulongjiang and Xinghua battles, but this strong man still regrouped, raised food, recruited soldiers, packed up and went into exile, and gradually restored the vitality of Zheng Jun.However, Zheng Jing's action of extracting Ding Zhuang from the local area also affected the plan of immigrating to Taiwan. For this reason, Chen Yonghua found Ci'an with a headache.

"Grandson, now that the number of immigrants has dropped sharply, your majesty has to draw soldiers from Taiwan, what should we do?"

"Mr. Chen, my father asked Yu to learn government affairs from my lord, why did my lord ask Yu the other way around?" Of course Zheng Kezang did not believe that a man as talented as Chen Yonghua would be helpless because of a conscription order, so the only explanation that could be given was The other party's action was just to express their respect for the descendants of Jian Guo, but they didn't expect to get anything through this report. "And it's not that Mister doesn't know, but Yu is in mourning."

"The grandchildren are naturally intelligent, and in addition, they have judged the current situation of the feudal clan early, so I want to know the grandchildren." Chen Yonghua explained his original intention in this way. "I also feel that one person counts the short and the other counts the long, and I hope the grandchildren don't want to cherish themselves with a broom."

"One person counts the disadvantages, and two people count the strengths. It seems that Mr. Chen has to ask Yu to say something." Zheng Kezang sighed. "Forget it, I'll just try to say something." Chen Yonghua nodded and waited, and then he heard Zheng Kezang say something quietly. "I think that in the current situation, except for Master Liu Guoxuan's troops in Huizhou who have not suffered defeat in the towns of the Western Expedition, and the morale of the army can still be fought, the rest of the towns may not be able to fight again even if they are fully replenished. Therefore, Mr. Chen should speak up My father transferred all the towns back to Dongning, those that should be abolished, those that should be rectified, and the insufficient troops can be dispatched from Taiwan."

Chen Yonghua's expression changed. He was originally asking about Zheng Kezang's real prospects, but since Zheng Kezang insisted on the issue of reorganizing troops, why might he test Zheng Kezang's depth again: "Grandson, the enemy's situation ahead! Like a fire, what if the northern captives attack Siming while the feudal clan is mobilizing troops and horses?"

"The northern captives are going to attack Siming, where is their navy? The original Gengbu navy has been exhausted, and Qibingzhen and Miaozhixiu are in Dinghai and Wenzhou off the coast respectively. If these confidants cannot be solved, the Tartars will be safe Dare to cross the sea so easily?" Zheng Kezang obviously considered this issue long ago, so he said it logically. "Besides, the Tartars have recently captured Zhangquan, and there are still many disobedient people in the local area. If they don't calm down their rear, how can the northern captives advance lightly?"

Chen Yonghua nodded, as he agreed with Zheng Kezang's statement. It is indeed impossible for the Qing army to forget about it and attack Siming without naval ships. Therefore, the place where Zhu Jin is located seems dangerous, but as long as Ming Zheng's naval towns are healthy , In fact, it is still solid and should rest easy.

"As for the recruits recruited by my father on the mainland? Didn't my father strictly order Wang Jingong, Shen Rui, Zhang Xueyao and other soldiers to bring their families to Taiwan not long ago? We should start from this aspect and include the family members of the newly recruited soldiers. In addition, it should be suggested that the father and the king declare that heroes from all over the world will be granted [-] mu of land to their relatives when they come to Taiwan, and they will not be taxed for three years. In this way, more soldiers can be recruited.”

Zheng Kezang talked a lot, and the corner of his mouth was thirsty, so he picked up the cup and took a sip, but found that Chen Yonghua's eyes were a little frozen. Zheng Kezang knew that the other party was thinking about his speech, so he quietly gave him time to digest. Chen Yonghua raised his head again, and Zheng Kezang continued.

"When it comes to the transfer of Tun Ding from Taiwan to join the army, what Yu means is that if you can block it, you can block it; Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang added. "Your Excellency Yang may have received his father's order in Qiongzhou, but Mr. Chen had better use a fast boat to report the letter, so that he does not have to follow it. Even if he has already recruited his subordinates, he should stay with him first. Shang Zhixin may not have both ends of the head."

Although some of Zheng Kezang's words violated the rules of the monarch and ministers, and the filial piety of father and son, Chen Yonghua quite agreed: "The words of the descendants are very insightful, and the ministers should immediately pay homage to the king. There is only one case. There are a lot of gaps, and I have done a few battles with many clubs in the North Road Appeasement Department, if it needs to be expanded, this soldier?"

"Didn't the father want to recruit veterans from Taiwan?" Zheng Kezang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and then instigated him. "Although the situation in the mainland is tense, it will not break down immediately. Instead of wasting precious food and fodder in Siming Air Force, these veterans should be pulled out to fight a few battles in Taiwan to restore their spirits."

Chen Yonghua clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "The grandson's idea is good. In this way, the best of both worlds is achieved, and the subject is indeed educated."

"Mr. Chen is absurd. Yu is just a contingency technique, not the right way." The so-called right way is to use strong troops and advanced technology to overthrow all enemies in front of him. Zheng Kezang is still unable to do this kind of right way, so It's not a self-effacing casual statement. "When the remaining filial piety period expires, you should still ask Mr. Chen for advice on how to govern."

Chen Yonghua knew that Zheng Kezang had issued an order to expel the guests, but he still needed Zheng Kezang to come forward: "Shisun, Shou Ningbo and others have started to invade the official land again. Not only that, this time Lian Yongtaibo (Zheng Kuan) ), Shunchangbo (Zheng Yu), Zhao'anbo (Zheng Wen) and other houses also followed suit, what should we do?"

"What? Started to invade the official land again?" Zheng Kezang was taken aback and asked back. "Where did they get the manpower?"

Chen Yonghua smiled wryly and said: "The minister checked, and several uncles actually forced the refugees who came to Taiwan to serve as slaves. I'm afraid there are already thousands of them."

"Damn it!" Zheng Kezang was furious. Of course he knew that one of the requirements for industrialization was to drive laborers off the land, but Taiwan has not yet reached that point, let alone implement the regressive serfdom. "Mr. Chen, is this your fault? Why did you only find out now? What did you do?"

Zheng Kezang's accusation made Chen Yonghua speechless. He couldn't say that he was not Zhuge Liang who did everything by himself, and that he couldn't control Taiwan like Luo Mi, so he could only stand up and bow: "Your servant is guilty, and I will report to you." Your Majesty apologizes!"

"Okay, don't say these useless words." Zheng Kezang shook his head, pleading guilty to Zhu Jin?Zhu Jin was already in a state of desperation in the mainland, wouldn't this time add fuel to the fire. "You are the chief envoy of Dongning, and Yu is the supervisor of Taiwan. If everything is pushed to the front of the father, what should I do?" Zheng Kezang pondered for a moment. "How much money is there in the official?"

Chen Yonghua didn't know why Zheng Kezang asked this question, hesitated for a while, and reported the figure: "In addition to the military salary, the salaries of hundreds of officials, the savings in the Changping warehouse, and the military rations to be exported to the mainland, there are still 4000 silver available to the officials. Two, if you need it urgently, the Ministry of Household Affairs can temporarily borrow ten thousand two from the Yuguo treasury."

Zheng Kezang knew that the number reported by Chen Yonghua must have been an ambush, otherwise Dongning mighty feudal clan, no matter how bad it was, would not have only this little reserve, but he didn't order it: "It should be enough, Mr. Chen, you immediately Send someone to the British Guili Chamber of Commerce to find Director Parison to buy [-] strong black slaves, and he must be transported within the year."

nigger?Speaking of black slaves, Chen Yonghua is no stranger. Zhu Chenggong once had a 300-strong black slave firearms team. Now these black slaves are old and dead, but some of them are The one who was rewarded and settled in Dongning.But what does Zheng Kezang want to do to buy black slaves with official money?

"The bought black slaves have two uses." As if seeing Chen Yonghua's doubts, Zheng Kezang took the initiative to explain. "One case is to exchange detained immigrants with several of Yu's uncles. This is courtesy first, and soldiers later. If they dare to push forward and shake the overall situation in Taiwan, Young Master Yu will have to practice the law for his father."

Chen Yonghua pondered for a moment, and used the money from the government to pay for the sins of the Zheng uncles. Of course he was a little bit reluctant, but after all, Taiwan belonged to the Zheng family, and Zheng Kezang made such an arrangement. The reason, so I gritted my teeth: "If you can buy a long-term peace with money, I will admit it. By the way, the grandson just said that there is another use."

"Yes," Zheng Kezang had already suppressed the anger in his heart at this time, and spoke in a calm tone. "I intended to select the best and strongest from the black slaves to join the army. In this way, even if my father ordered the transfer of Taiwanese veterans to the west one after another in the future, Mr. Chen would have an extra force in his hands that could be reinforced everywhere besides the brave guard."

"One more force that can be reinforced anywhere?" Chen Yonghuapin smacked Zheng Kezang's words, and keenly discovered the mystery. He immediately thought of something, so he confirmed it. "The implication of the grandson's words is that there are other armed forces besides this army that is planned to be trained with black slaves? What kind of force? Boys' battalion?"

"That's right," Zheng Kezang replied leisurely. "The main army of the Boys' Camp has formed a battalion. Master Chen should have known about it earlier." Chen Yonghua blushed, apparently Zheng Kezang already knew about the things he had set up in the Boys' Camp. "Yu talked to several battalion leaders that no matter how good the treasured sword is, it is useless without blood. Therefore, after completing a period of training, the Boys' Battalion will also follow the brave guards and the reorganized veterans. Let's fight."

Zheng Kezang's ambition has been fully exposed, and Chen Yonghua looked over solemnly: "Does the grandson know what he is doing?"

"Of course Yu knows what he's doing." Of course Zheng Kezang knew that if the boy camp was just a playmate in a house, others would naturally not have any opinions, but if this army continued to support Zheng Kezang after going through the fire of war For some people, it is an opportunity to sow discord between father and son. "Yu told my father three years ago." Zheng Kezang pointed in the direction of the mainland. "In the future, I will follow my father to fight in the world, and my father has personally agreed. Is it possible that someone will slander me because of this?"

"So it was the king's promise." Chen Yonghua breathed a sigh of relief. "In this way, the minister can rest assured."

"Mr. Chen is doing it for Yu's good, and Yu is not very grateful." Seeing that Chen Yonghua seemed to really care about him, Zheng Kezang naturally wanted to express it. "I would like to ask Mr. Chen for more advice in the future."

"The minister should obey his orders"

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