Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

374. Huguang Rain Battle

When Zheng Jun’s camp was built, it was built on the Jingjiang embankment, and it was generally in a zigzag semicircular layout, thus wrapping most of the Shatou township. [ ] Since Shatou City is one of the few commercial ports in Huguang, the township is as large as Jingzhou Fucheng, and the wall built by Zheng Jun is also quite long, with a total of about 22 miles.

At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 180 feet was considered a mile, and according to the effective killing distance of rifles, Zheng Jun set up horse-faced forts every 110 feet at the shortest point and every [-] feet at the widest point. There are [-] horse-faced bunkers of similar size.

The horse-faced fort is divided into two layers. The upper layer is smaller and has a battery equipped with two-inch or three-inch guns and a low wall to prevent the guns.Going down the gentle slope of half a person's height is the second larger floor. There is an infantry and two white soldiers on this floor. If you count the sentry commander and the sentinel, the entire horse-faced fort has a defensive defense. There are 130 troops and one artillery.In addition, there is a suspender at each of the four corners of the horse-faced fort, and there is a simple catapult made of bamboo and wood facing the Qing army camp, which is used to launch grass fireballs at night.

In addition to the horse-faced forts, Zheng Jun also set up watchtowers outside the picket piles inside the earthen walls. A squad of riflemen was stationed in each watchtower. Three watchtowers.Zheng Jun also opened a door stop every three or three miles, a total of seven, and each door stop had a separate garrison regiment.

Adding up the garrisons of Mamianbao, sentry towers, and gates, the front-line defenders number about 8000, and there are more than [-] reserve teams in rotation in several adjacent areas. More than [-] people from the general reserve team are on standby in Shatou City.The remaining newly attached troops also turned in their weapons and were mainly engaged in the tasks of civilian labor such as transfer and cleaning up the battlefield.

On the evening of June 26, the first year of Baokang, Zheng Jun killed a total of 620 officers and soldiers, seriously injured [-], and slightly injured more than [-]. It has withstood a severe test. As for some officers and soldiers on the sentry tower, they were injured by the Qing army's blunderbuss. Coupled with the previous losses, it can be said that nearly a brigade of Zheng's army has lost its combat effectiveness. [Thanks for supporting the novel]

Of course, the loss of the Qing army on this day was even more severe. After dawn the next day, the new attached army incarnated as a cleaning team cleared more than [-] corpses and [-] lightly and seriously wounded from the earth wall and outside the earth wall. As for the Qing army killed by artillery in the distance and hung on the picket array, Zheng Jun had no time to clean up.

It seems that the morale was low due to the heavy casualties. After picking up the casualties, the Qing army did not launch further attacks for two consecutive days.But both warring parties know that the ceasefire at this time is just a short intermission, and the next large-scale battle may break out anytime and anywhere.

On June 29, a thunderstorm ruled the entire war zone. Just after noon, the rain turned light. Zheng Jun, who had not waited to take shelter from the rain, drove out from the rear of the residence. The Qing army, which had disappeared for a few days, reappeared in Zheng Jun Within sight of the sentries.

As the alarm bell rang, tens of thousands of Zheng Jun, who were waiting to sleep, re-boarded their fighting positions.

"Fire the cannon!" Seeing the unscrupulous Qing army slowly approaching in the wind and rain, the leader of the Zheng army's artillery team, who was either disdainful or annoyed, issued orders one after another, and the roaring artillery immediately gave the Qing army who was advancing in a dense formation a blow. Unprecedented lethality.

The dumbfounded officers and soldiers of the Qing army never imagined that the Zheng army's cannons could be fired in the wind and rain, but they still obeyed the instructions of the Shangguan, and stepped on the pond and the soft ground, fiercely attacking Zheng Jun. The horse-faced forts and passages of the army rushed over quickly.

In fact, the wind and rain still significantly reduced the effectiveness of Zheng Jun's firearms.Among them, the artillery is better. The Zheng Jun artillery, which has a cannon mask and a fire door cover, can still maintain a firing rate of more than [-]% in the storm. Now that the wind and rain have subsided, ten cannons and nine cannons can be fired.However, rifles are different. Although the flintlock rifles equipped by the Zheng army are far more resistant to wind and rain than the matchlock rifles used by the Qing army, that's all. It has increased the misfire rate by more than [-]%. It is conceivable that when the short soldiers wanted to pick up, it also had a quite adverse effect on Zheng Jun. 【new】

Fortunately, the rifles of the Zheng army can still be used, but the bird guns and bows equipped by the Qing army are not.The Qing army, which had directly degenerated into melee savages, could only rely on melee combat after climbing to the top of the city to find the only slim chance of success.But this is obviously something Zheng Jun would not give easily, so the Qing army could only climb up the horse-faced fort again and again in vain, and was driven down from the heights again and again.

"These traitors have learned to be good." After sweeping a climbed Qing soldier down the ladder with a full base, Gu Minfeng wiped his face from the eyes, whether it was rain, Han water or blood. Go, laughing and cursing. "He even brought a short ladder to get over the dirt wall."

"But it's useless after all." Hao Yi, his fellow countryman next to him, grinned and chimed in. "I don't even look at it, even the rifle team has switched to stabbing people with spears." Hao Yi said excitedly, he took a thunderbolt without igniting it, and threw it down as a base stone, hitting an unlucky Qing army head, and smashed it from the ladder into the picket pile array. "It's fine if you come, but I'm worried that I won't be able to advance through the military, so I'll borrow my brother's head."

"Why so much nonsense." The squad leader, who was laughing at the side, scolded, exhaled and exerted force, a red-tasseled gun pierced into the face of the Qing army who had just probed like a poisonous snake, and immediately picked it off. There is a gap, the squad leader scolded. "Keep an eye on them, there are some traitors with excellent combat skills."

Of course, among the Qing troops who climbed the city, there were many good players who used cold weapons. No, there was one who climbed up with a shield on his head, and even covered his face and upper body with a shield when he exposed his head. Heavy blows didn't force him off the ladder.

Seeing that this person was about to successfully board the horse-faced fort, the rifleman who had been shooting at the nearby horse-faced fort pointed his weapon at this person, but there was no response to the first click.Just as the rifleman, who was obviously a recruit, hurriedly raised the hammer, a loud noise exploded in his ears, but it was a returning veteran who made up the blow, piercing through the Qing army in an instant. The shield in his hand and punched a huge bullet hole in his chest.

Before the recruit had time to thank the veteran, the veteran swung the handle of his gun and hit the man on the head. The man who was wobbling and refusing to fall to the ground finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell backwards in a slump, smashing his head. The green battalion soldier who followed behind fell down.

The recruit complimented the veteran: "With this martial art, at least he is a master."

"What kind of strong martial arts, what kind of boss?" The veteran spat in disdain. "No matter how powerful it is, it can't compare to the guy in our hands. Well, don't be stupid, check the reason why it can't be fired, fix it, and continue to clean up the traitors." The recruit responded, and hurriedly checked the weapon in his hand. , the veteran reloaded quickly, and then re-aimed at the opposite city wall and fired a gun. "This is today's No.12"

The rain disappeared into the atmosphere unknowingly. The Qing army, who had been afraid of Zheng Jun's sharp firearms, immediately lost their will to fight when the rain stopped. In their opinion, the probability of being concentrated by the guns is still small, but if they go forward and face the guns directly, one of them will die.

The Qing army under the earthen wall and the horse-faced fort could run away easily, but those who climbed on the ladder and those who had already climbed the earthen wall would sit still.I saw many people panicked and jumped directly from the ladder or the earth wall. The lucky ones fell on the dead bodies of their predecessors and were dizzy, and the unlucky ones fell directly to the ground. A large amount of rainwater and blood became very soft, but it could still easily break the hands, feet and even the necks of the Green Battalion soldiers who fell from a high place.

"Damn it!" Shanahai said angrily, looking at the lieutenant-general of the Green Battalion who was kneeling on the ground. "If you retreat without order, you should all beheaded to show the public." The generals and lieutenants all begged for forgiveness. To be honest, although the Qing army only suffered casualties of more than 2 troops, almost all the bravest soldiers in each battalion died. It was all wiped out, and it is simply an illusion to expect the remaining 4 terrified people to burst out with 120% courage. "Why do you want to rebel?"

Shanahai knew the situation of the army, and also knew the worries of the chief soldier and the deputy general, but his status could only allow him to be the villain. Shanahai lightly touched Neer who was sitting next to him with his leg. Tu, Na Ertu waved his hand suddenly: "The army is suffering, and this king is also aware of it, but if you don't clean up the military discipline, you will undoubtedly lose again in the future."

Looking at the pale faces of the generals of the green battalion, Naertu picked up a command arrow: "Those who retreat without authorization will go around the camp with arrows, and the commanders of each battalion will fight for [-] years to see the effect. As for the town association, we should pay more attention." Appease the supervising soldiers."

Because Naertu's punishment was very lenient, the general soldiers and lieutenants below were all overjoyed, and hurriedly kowtowed to Naertu.Naertu accepted it calmly, and waited until the chiefs of the Green Banner Soldiers withdrew, then looked at Shanahai and Ananda with horrified eyes.

The Manchurian nobles present here naturally knew what Naertu meant. Among them, Barhu, who had caused trouble once, suggested: "The green battalion is not stable. Should we send more Eight Banners soldiers in Jingzhou City to suppress it?"

This suggestion was quite satisfactory, so Shanahai quickly agreed, but then Barhu said: "Now the Green Camp has suffered a disastrous defeat, and the Eight Banners Army and Mongolian cavalry are sitting idly by. Can't be separated, let the Mongolian cavalry go straight to the passage to have a look."

"It's absolutely impossible." The Mongolian prince present was not a fool, how could he accept this request to kill them. "The passage is narrow, only allowing a few horses to pass through, and the flags cannot be deployed, nor can they use bows and arrows to threaten the defenders of the tower, so if they want to charge the battle, the Eight Banners soldiers are required to enter the field."

But how is this possible? If the Eight Banners soldiers are really ordered to attack, the spittle of these old and young men will drown Baerhu.So after thinking about it, the poor Shanahai and others can only continue to sit and besiege the city, just waiting for the reinforcements from the north to arrive, just like Zheng Jun turned around and surrounded them

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