Gartu, who was standing at the head of Xiangyang city, looked at the eastern wilderness with some worry. According to the agreement between himself and Yue Shenglong, the two sides should send people to deliver news every day, but the envoy he sent has not returned since three days ago. .Although there were always messengers from De'an's side, his heart was still a little flustered.

What worries him even more is that Zheng Jun's warships have gathered more and more in the past two days. If he hadn't urgently ordered people to throw trees into the river to hinder Zheng Jun's actions, Zheng Jun might have broken the blockade and rushed straight to Xiangfan.

Thinking of the consequences of Zheng Jun cutting off the pontoon bridge between Xiang and Fan, Gartu shuddered a little, then he shook his head trying to dispel the haze in his heart, but the heavy feeling always cast a shadow over his heart, he had no choice but to try to distract himself, But when he opened his mouth, it turned into: "Did Master De Anyue's messenger come?"

"If you go back to the master, the time should be up, but it's a bit late today." Wen Xunzhang of the governor's mansion responded, and then he said something that made Galtu tremble. "Master, I'm afraid this matter is a bit strange. I checked it carefully. In the past two days, not only did the people we sent to De'an not come back, but there was no messenger from Suizhou either."

Gartu's brain thumped, and then he looked at Wen Xunpu with the eyes of a dead man: "You, say it again!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Wen Xunbu didn't dare to hide it, so he repeated the results of his investigation, and then gritted his teeth and reported his judgment to Galtu: "Slave, I think De'an and Suizhou may have change!"

"Bastard!" Galtu raised his hand and slapped the opponent. "Why didn't you report it earlier!" It was precisely because Gartu fully agreed with Wen Xunpu's guess that he was so anxious. "Hey, Yue Shenglong, a good thief, you dared to accept the country's grace in vain"

Galtu didn't dare to imagine any more, he ordered categorically. "Xiangfan is closed, and everyone who can get weapons will go to the city."

After the panic-stricken Geshha rushed down the city in two steps at a time, Galtu, who was leaning against the battlements with weak feet, suddenly remembered a very important thing: "Come on, go north and contact Xuzhou immediately." Dajun, please speed up to Xiangyang, and then send another person with this governor to go south to Laizhou Town to help."

Gartu is very aware of the current situation. With less than 5000 troops in his hands, such as the supervisor of Biao Zhongying, Xiangyang City Shouying, and Wuchang City Shouying, it is impossible to defend the two cities of Xiangfan. Therefore, reinforcements must be obtained as soon as possible. , and the only ones closest to Xiangfan are Guo Shijie, Kazhu, who have just passed by, and Xuzhou's [-] reinforcements who have not yet arrived.As for the Jingzhou Zhennan Camp, on the one hand, the distance is too far, and on the other hand, it is not easy to alarm before the enemy's situation has not been officially determined.

Just as Galtu was thinking, he saw two riders driving out of the city gate quickly. As they left, the heavy city gate was slowly closing, and the city became jittery as a result.

Gartu immediately issued his third order today: "What is the Xiangyang government doing, let him immediately send government servants to the streets to suppress it."

Another relative left in a hurry, Gartu looked north at this time, clasped his hands together, and muttered in his mouth: "Bless the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Xinnan's guesses are false, and all illusions are obsessions. When there is good news, it will come immediately”

"My lord," a knight reported after dismounting from his horse and walking quickly to Le Minyue, the commander of the first division of the iron cavalry army, and Yin Mintong, the commander of the first division of the hussars army, who were standing side by side. "The Qing army is marching along both sides of the Tang River. They don't seem to be on guard at all, but the team is very long. It counts at least 2 people, and there are more than 1 civilians."

"Only 2 people." Le Minyue and Yin Mintong exchanged glances. "That is to say, there are at least 1 more pulls behind, and it looks like we won't be able to eat clean at once." Le Minyue had no doubts about the lack of vigilance by the Qing army. Naturally, he would not have thought that Zheng Jun would set up an ambush thereafter. "By the way, have you seen the artillery of the Tartars?"

"I didn't see it in the formation of the Qing army. I guess it should be on the ship." The staff officer who reported it replied with some doubts. "The Tartars surrounded the fleet tightly, and the subordinates have no chance to approach."

"You go down first." Yin Mintong waved his hand, signaling the other party to back down, and waited for the staff officer to lead the horse away, Yin Mintong said. "Brother Zhicai, don't be too demanding. It doesn't matter whether the artillery team is on board or not, and whether the Qing army still has [-] rear guards. As long as the current enemy is eaten, Huguang's affairs will be settled."

Yin Mintong was full of heart, but Le Minyue said: "The Qing army marched along the banks of the Tang River. If we want to wipe out their army, we need to divide our troops."

Yin Mintong naturally knew what Le Minyue was thinking again, so he took the initiative to suggest: "Then let the hussars cross the river. Fortunately, the Tang River is shallow and narrow, and it is not a wet season, so there is no difficulty for people and horses to cross the river."

It is not too difficult for people and horses to cross the river. The difficult thing is to transport the mounted cannon weighing more than a thousand catties across the river. However, since Yin Mintong recommended himself, Le Minyue immediately agreed: "So please trouble Brother Long Jie." Now, without further ado, I also ask the Hussars to act immediately."

Yin Mintong sent his staff to convey his order, and confirmed with Le Minyue: "Although the Tang River is not wide and not deep, it will take at least an hour for 6000 people to cross the river. I think we will attack together in Shenchu. At this time The Qing prisoner has not yet arrived at the camp, but he is definitely exhausted, and I can have an hour to rest here."

"Brother Yilong Jie." Le Minyue must agree to this point. "At the speed of the Qing army's movement, we are right here." Le Minyue poked heavily on a certain point on the map. "There is Jianhe River in the north and Liaoyang River in the south, which is just for us to drive from the back to the front."

The vicious sun seemed to never set, and the Qing army had to sweat profusely and marched southwest.The water sacs in their waists had already been used up, and many impatient soldiers rushed to the river to drink water despite Qianba's spurs, so the whole team appeared messy and slow.However, in the face of such a situation, the leading soldiers have no good way. Although they will not grab water with their subordinates, they will not always let the soldiers suffer.

In this way, the vanguard of the Qing army, who was advancing almost at a moving pace, finally came to the Liaoyang River.

Although the Liaoyang River was only a small river with waist-deep water and a width of less than Zhang Xu, the Qing soldiers sat paralyzed on the bank of the river and did not want to move anymore.Not only is this the case in the south, but Cangzhou Town on the opposite side of the Tang River also stopped by the Jian River to rest.For a while, the long line finally collapsed like a dead snake.

Looking at the Taixi pocket watch that had been calibrated before departure, Yin Mintong coldly ordered: "Order, the whole army is in armor!"

With the help of each other, the riders put on the upper body wart armor, and then climbed onto the horses one after another with the help of the supply soldiers.

There was no sound around Yin Mintong, only the sensitive war horse snorted uneasy when he sensed the change in the environment. At this time, Yin Mintong looked at the watch in the hands of the guard again. The commotion, but this is understandable, after all, watches in this era have problems with inaccurate time.

Yin Mintong didn't want to wait for the southern line to take the lead. After all, the sun was hanging above their heads, and the timepieces that were inaccurate would not be too far off, so he ordered decisively: "Attack!"

The first division of the Hussars also had a strength of 6000 men. Of course, there would not be so many cavalry troops on the battlefield, but the vibration caused by the [-] iron hooves hitting the ground and the resulting dust rising into the sky were still very impressive. on the impact.

Although the dull Qing army discovered the source of the vibration and smoke, they didn't think they were already in the war zone, so they didn't think it would be an enemy attack for a while.Only when several flags of the Zheng army emerged from the dust, did the panicked Qing soldiers realize the seriousness of the situation.

But even though the generals of the Qing army who commanded knew that something was wrong, the Qing army who was resting, except for a very small number of vigilance, was either drinking water or sitting in a group, unable to gather together in a hurry.It didn't matter if they couldn't be gathered together. The panicked Qing army ran around, which not only aggravated the chaos, but also dispersed the few organized resistance forces by themselves.

"Kill!" Zheng Jun's cavalry, which suffered only minor casualties in the panicked counterattack of the Qing army, rushed through a distance of several miles like a whirlwind, and roared into the Qing army's formation.Often, the lances in the hands of the knights have not pierced into the chest of the enemy in front of them, and the opponent who has no time to escape is only hit and flew by the galloping horse.

Just like that, the unscrupulous knights of Zheng Jun slaughtered their opponents like a hot blade cutting through cold grease.The Qing army staying on the other side of the Tang River watched this tragic performance in astonishment. Before they could realize whether they wanted to cross the river for reinforcements, the sound of rumbling horseshoes sounded from their own side.

Frightened by the scene of the Shura field against the case, the Qing army forgot that he was also a soldier with a sharp weapon, and fled in all directions in a panic.In order to escape as quickly as possible, these former soldiers dropped their weapons and helmets. If they hadn't had to cover their bodies with military uniforms, they might even drop this little burden.

However, the Qing army seemed to have nowhere to escape. The Zheng army came out from behind the Qing army. Except for a small number of people who fled quickly, the rest were driven towards Xiangyang by the Zheng army with sharp sabers.At the same time, Zheng Jun's cavalry artillery unit also completed the task of erecting cannons. The overwhelming artillery fire interrupted the Qing army's attempt to reorganize, forcing tens of thousands of Qing troops to take the road to Liaoyang River and Jianhe River. escape.

Thousands of Qing troops rushed to the two small rivers in front of them, and countless people were pushed down in the scramble.Before those who had been pushed down struggled to stand up again, countless feet trampled over them, trampling them to internal injuries and killing them on the spot.

Of course, not all the Qing soldiers who fell into the river were pushed down and trampled to death by the latecomers. Some people fell into the river due to slippery feet, drowned because they were not good at swimming and could not stand up. The fleeing accomplice was chopped down.Therefore, under the attack of Zheng Jun, the corpses of the Qing army formed a terrifying corridor of death

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