Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

380. Xiangyang Rebellion

The messengers who failed to contact the reinforcements but saw the return of a disastrous defeat, and the defeated soldiers who fled to the city of Xiangfan after nightfall, all revealed the ending of the Qing army's return.At this moment, Galtu had completely given up on luck, and he had even predicted the "horror" scene that Zheng Jun would come in the next day.

With such a clear understanding, after a short thought, Gartu sent an envoy to report to Jingzhou overnight.At the same time, Gartu also used the power of the governor to send Manchurian and Han army banner officials and their family members in Xiangfan and Fanzhou to Gucheng in the upper reaches of the Han River in the name of grain superintendent, and instructed them to flee from Gucheng to Dengzhou, and then passed through Neixiang and Xichuan went to Bauhinia Pass and entered Shaanxi.

But at this moment, Gartu obviously didn't realize that Zheng Jun's marching speed would be faster than he imagined. When he entered Neixiang, he was stopped by Zheng Jun who arrived in advance.Of course, these are things for later.

The front foot sent off the bannerman, and the back foot Gartu regretted it again.He was afraid that without the repression of the bannermen, the Han soldiers and the green battalion soldiers would cause chaos.But there is no place to buy regret medicine, and it is unrealistic to send people to recover a group of flagmen who can run faster than rabbits.As a last resort, Gartu inspected the defenses of the two cities of Xiangfan non-stop, and dispatched his personal companion Baoyi to supervise the battalions.

Galtu still wanted to stick to Xiangfan as long as possible, but his behavior of sending away the bannermen to monitor the Han generals made some green camp generals have different thoughts.Especially under the personal guidance of Cao Zhongying and Yue Shenglong, the generals of the green battalion whose families are mainly in Huguang may think that it is a good way out to join Zheng Jun.

"Lord Fan, the Governor-General has gone crazy," Yuan Boxiong, the battalion guard general of Wuchang City who was in charge of the defense of Fancheng, said to Fan Jinshan, the battalion guard general of Xiangyang City. "This is going to drag us into hell together."

Uncle Yuan Xiong had a reason for his remark. Although Gartu mobilized the people to fight bravely, the Xiangfan defenders were only five thousand, and they had to guard two cities. Not to mention that they couldn't stop the Zheng army, which could kill [-] reinforcements. Even the Zheng Jun navy, which has already cleared the Hanshui Channel, may not be able to contend.It would be fine if you just hit the stone with an egg, but Galtu was afraid that the Zheng army would be among the defeated troops fleeing from the north, so he not only refused to open the city gate to let them in to strengthen the defense force, but also sent people to shoot and kill them, forcing these Qing soldiers to attack. The army fled into the countryside to cause disaster, so in any case, the green battalion soldiers who were born and raised in this place would not be afraid.

"I know what your brother is thinking." General Fan Shen is a local, so he hated Gartu's decision even more, but because he is a local and his family members are all in Xiangyang City, he also hesitated. "It's just that there is still a superintendent in the middle battalion in the hands of the platform maker. If Xiangyang doesn't move, and if Fancheng is the only one to mobilize, I'm afraid that my brothers will not dare to be reckless."

Superintendent Biao Zhongying is a large battalion, with a total of 500 people, far stronger than the Xiangyang City Shouying and Wuchang City Shouying with [-] to [-] people each.What made Fan Jinshan even more apprehensive was that General Yuan Shen, the battalion officer who supervised the standard camp, was promoted by Gartu himself, and Gartu even recommended the title of Lieutenant General of the other party. Could such a person easily turn against him?

"I know what you are worried about, brother. Are my family members not in Xiangyang? But if Zheng Jun comes in a big way tomorrow, do you and I still have the right to do righteousness?" Yuan Boxiong smiled wryly. They are two concepts, and the endings are bound to be very different. "Or is my brother willing to die for the Qing Dynasty who doesn't treat us as human beings?" Yuan Boxiong shook his head. "Wife and child are dead, we can still beg and regenerate. If you and I are dead, do they still have a chance to live?" Yuan Boxiong pointed to the southeast direction. "King Xia issued a decree to severely punish the traitors early in the morning. Even if you and my sons and daughters are lucky enough to survive, life will definitely be worse than death."

"Master Yuan, if I don't want to fight back, why bother to grind my teeth here with you." Of course, Fan Jinshan understands that if he doesn't say that he is ugly today, someone Yuan who has already tried to meet him will definitely be the first to let him go. , so he confessed. "You have to ask me to think of a perfect solution. Besides, did you send someone over to Zheng Jun?"

"To tell you the truth, I sent people out of the city from the west as soon as the governor left. I guess I have contacted Zheng Jun's navy." Yuan Boxiong replied truthfully without denying it. "However, there is no perfect way in the world. As the saying goes, the opportunity should never come again, brother, you must think about it."

Fan Jinshan was still hesitating when suddenly there was a commotion outside the door. The two stood up and looked out, only to see two governors, Geshha, rushing in aggressively, and drove the guards guarding the door into a frenzy: "They Why are you here?"

Before Yuan Boxiong could answer, one of Geshha's people had already seen the two of them, and immediately shouted: "Master Yuan, Mr. Fan, what are you doing in this room if you don't follow the order of the commander-in-chief? If you want to, you can't do it!"

"Master Zhijun asked us to patrol the city. It doesn't mean that we have to stay on the city for twelve hours." Fan Jinshan explained very displeased. "The sea rebellion hasn't arrived yet. If you mess up your position like this and don't let the soldiers rest, then why are you fighting?"

Fan Jinshan's words were in line with the law of war, but Ghoshha, who had eaten a turtle, refused to give up: "Then you all get together."

Without waiting for Geshha to finish speaking, Fan Jinshan replied casually: "Master Yuan and I are discussing how to defend the city."

"Is that true?" The two Goshha looked at each other suspiciously, then sneered. "I don't know what countermeasures the two adults have discussed, can you let us listen together."

Uncle Yuan responded with disdain in Xiongyu: "The soldiers are few and the generals are few, and the upper and lower are centrifugal. We have nothing to do."

"Up and down centrifugal. Uncle Yuan Xiong, you are so brave to slander Shangguan!" The two Geshiha looked at Yuan and Fan angrily. "I see that you are not discussing how to defend the city, but are planning to discuss how to surrender to the sea!"

"I really think it's still a normal day, and you can do whatever you want with the tiger skin of the Governor's Mansion." Yuan Boxiong looked at the two with deadly eyes, and this expression made the two Goshhas feel a little creepy. "You are really right. We are discussing how to dedicate the city. Since the two of you are willing to be voters, that's great. Come on! Cut it off!"

"Yuan Boxiong, how dare you!" The soldiers of the governor's mansion cursed and drew their swords, but it was too late, and a row of bows and arrows were shot from the side room, and the two without armor were shot like hedgehogs. "Yuan Boxiong, how dare you"

"Master Yuan," Fan Jinshan walked up to the two corpses and poked them with his feet. "You archer was prepared for me."

"Brother, what you said is serious." Even if Yuan Boxiong had this idea, he can't say it clearly now. After all, Fan Jinshan is not two Goshhas who have no foundation in the army. If Fan Jinshan is hurt Enraged Xiangyang city guard camp, it is also a lose-lose matter for Yuan Boxiong. "How dare I do this to my brother, it's just that the matter has come to an end, brother, if we don't go against it, it won't happen."

"I've been dragged into the water by you, bro, what else is there to say." Fan Jinshan sighed. "However, as I said just now, there must be a perfect method to prevent the soldiers from being distracted. Now I still say the same thing, this matter must be done perfectly."

Safe?How could things be so safe? Yuan Boxiong carefully thought about Fan Jinshan's meaning, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Brother, what you mean is, maybe we can still contact Xiangyang?"

"Yuan Kemin may not be able to impress him, but Hu Naili, who supervised the naval battalion, must not be willing to be buried with him."

"Look at my pig brain, yes, yes, Hu Naili will never follow Gartu all the way to the dark." Yuan Boxiong laughed, laughed for a while, and then his smile faded away. "It's just how to contact Hu Naili, what if he sells us?"

"Isn't Lao Hu here responsible for guarding the pilgrimage gate? Send someone to the city to shout, saying that we have something to explain to our family, presumably even if the Governor's Mansion Goshha is watching, he will not give us face." Fan There are certain loopholes in the words of Jinshan, because crossing the river from Fancheng to Xiangyang City and walking to the Hanmen Gate is obviously closer than going to the Pilgrimage Gate, but there is no way, otherwise it is basically impossible to get close to the goal. "As for Hu Naili's going to sell us, we shut down the four gates of Fancheng, and Gartu can fly in again, which means that the family will suffer at most."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Yuan Boxiong applauded. "Then we still have to pick an eloquent past"

Due to the urgent military situation, the personal guards of the governor's mansion were all waiting outside the gate with lanterns and torches, and there were patrolling sentries shuttled back and forth from time to time.However, the seemingly tight security does not represent the real defensive power. No, the guards who seem to be standing firmly have their upper eyelids covered with lower eyelids, but they are still holding on with a lot of strength.

The sound of rustling footsteps woke up the drowsy guards. Looking at the crowd coming from a distance, the leader of the team drew his sword and asked, "Who dares to trespass on the governor's place?"

Seeing Qinweimen holding his sword and gun, the leading general of the Green Battalion responded with anger: "I am Lieutenant General Hu of the Navy Battalion. I have urgent military information to report to the Governor, so why don't you open the door and report it?"

"Deputy General Hu?" The guard looked at the person with some doubts, yes, he recognized his face, but the other person looked like this. "Stand still, Lieutenant General Hu, what military situation requires so many soldiers and horses to accompany you, do you want to make trouble?"

"How is it possible." Hu Naili signaled the people around him to stop temporarily, and he walked quickly to the head of the personal guard. "Brother, I learned that Superintendent Biao Zhongying intends to rebel, so I brought troops here to protect the governor. Please report it as soon as possible."

"The battalion in the supervisory bid will go against it." The head of the guard who was so frightened that he forgot to confirm the authenticity of the news for a while, and ordered subconsciously. "Hurry up, open the side door and let Vice General Hu report to the commander in chief." The door creaked open, and the guard put away the knife and said respectfully. "My lord, hurry up."

"Thank you very much." Hu Naili smiled, drew out the knife and slashed at the opponent's neck. Before those astonished eyes completely lost their light, Hu Naili let out a loud shout. "kill"

In the first year of Baokang in the Ming Dynasty, and at the end of the 36th day of July in the 300th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, Hu Naili, the battalion officer and deputy general of Huguang Governor Biao Naval Division, tricked Huguang Governor into opening the gate of Xingyuan under the pretext of reporting urgent matters, and then led [-] people from his troops to enter. In the Governor's Mansion, Gartu, Governor of Huguang, was captured alive.Yuan Kemin, who was in charge of Xiangyang's main defense, sent troops to try to take back the governor after hearing the inquiry.The two sides fought in the night, and finally forced Hu Naili to kill Gartu on the spot.Gartu died immediately, and the Biaozhong Battalion was immediately dispersed. Yuan Kemin, unable to recover, had to flee in panic with less than a hundred remnants.

Early the next morning, the main force of the Zheng army had just left Zaoyang, and the defenders of Xiangfan all begged to surrender to the vanguard of the naval division. When the news came, everyone was dumbfounded.

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