"Master, Lord Tong is asking to see you. Novel"

"Tong Gui? What is he doing here? See the old man's joke." Shanahai, who was waiting for punishment in Jingzhou city, closed the thread suit in his hand, and coldly glanced at the entourage in front of him. "Go back to him, the old man disappeared without hesitation." The relatives retreated obediently, and after a while there was a sudden noise in the front yard. Shanahai was about to ask someone to inquire, but Tong Gui, who was waving a horsewhip, came to him. Barging in like this, I was so angry that my lungs were about to explode, so I stood up and asked loudly. "Master Tong, Vice President Tong, I'm afraid the court's order has not yet come. Why, are you so eager to bring someone to raid the house?"

"Boss!" Tong Gui didn't care to refute Shanahai's angry words, but just said it straight. "Please follow the officer quickly."

Shanahai was stunned: "What happened? Could it be that Haini went out of the stronghold to attack the camp, but even if Haini attacked the camp, the prince has so many capable generals, one more old man is not too many, one less old man is not many, old man treats Sinners, don’t join in the fun.”

"My lord, don't be angry." Tong Gui's eyelids twitched wildly, but Shanahai insisted on not leaving, so he had no choice but to ignore keeping the secret. "The big thing is bad. Yue Shenglong is attached to Ni. Hai Ni encircled and wiped out [-] Xuzhou reinforcements in Tang County two days ago. It is estimated that Xiangfan has been completely surrounded by Hai Ni." Shanahai's face suddenly changed, and Tong Gui continued. "Now the Zhennan camp is in a panic, and the boss is asked to enter the camp immediately to take charge of military affairs."

"Yue Shenglong surrendered to the enemy? Xiangfan was besieged?" Shanahai raised his eyebrows, and then replied in a nonchalant tone. "I thought the sky was falling. It turned out that Xiangfan was besieged. What's so terrible about it? In the past, the Song army had struggled in Xiangyang for more than ten years, but the Mongolian army could not go down. Although Master Gartu had few soldiers, he persisted. Three months is not a problem, and with these three months, the Zhennan battalion would have returned to defeat Zheng Jun long ago."

"My lord, Haini can besiege the city for three months, but the officers and soldiers may not last for ten days." Tong Gui said with a panicked expression. "Your Majesty probably doesn't know that the civil chaos in eastern Sichuan, some mobs claiming to be the former King Ning of the Ming Dynasty, captured Chongqing and Kuizhou, and the food roads in central Sichuan have been cut off for many days. Now the Zhennan Camp has less than ten days' worth of rations. "

"What, the grain road in central Sichuan is cut off." Shanahai was really moved. "Why doesn't the old man know?" After the words came out, Shanahai remembered that he was no longer the deputy general of Zhennan or the general of Jingzhou, so he asked angrily. "Why didn't you deal with it earlier! What do you dare to eat?"

Tong Gui's face was very embarrassing: "At that time, I only thought it was ordinary rioters. How did I know that they not only succeeded, but also caused such a big disturbance, and if Chuanbei Town was allowed to return to the teacher, the whole camp would be in turmoil, so, so"

After hearing this, Shanahai laughed angrily: "So you just let the grain road be cut off, good, great, why are there so many bastards among us Manchurians, no wonder half of Jiangnan has been lost, it's really embarrassing to our ancestors! "

Having said that, the situation has forced Shanahai to stop standing on the sidelines: "Come on, prepare your horse!"

When Shanahai rushed to Zhennan Camp, the people below Naertu had been looking forward to it, but Shanahai didn't want to hear their greetings, so he asked with a straight face as soon as he sat down: "Now we know that the river is going against the sea. What's going on?"

Ananda, who presided over military affairs in place of Naertu, who was recovering from illness, and Shanahai, who resigned voluntarily, reported: "There is no movement yet."

"That's good!" Shanahai gasped. "Jiangbian Haini probably hasn't heard from the north yet, so we still have a chance." Speaking of this, Shanahai ordered. "Without further delay, the troops must be withdrawn today"

Retreating in front of the enemy is a big move, and Shanahai didn't expect to hide it from Zheng Jun, so he played tricks first.On the one hand, the Qing army once again lined up to make a strong attack again, and on the other hand, it launched more than a dozen generals Wu Chengyonggu to bombard Zheng Jun's camp.Taking advantage of Zheng Jun's attention being attracted, Ananda, Zhu Duna and others led the battalions of the Beijing Banner to immediately escort Naertu back north.As for Baerhu and Tong Gui, they rushed back to Jingzhou and led the Jingzhou Banner Battalion to escort the families of officers and soldiers as the second echelon to the north.

Of course, the Mongolian cavalry also wanted to escape immediately, but Shanahai held all the Mongolian nobles in his hands, coercing the Mongolian cavalry to advance and retreat with him.Of course, Shanahai's idea was to use the Mongolian cavalry to counter-charge the Zheng army who might pursue it, but his actions obviously damaged the interests of the Mongolian princes. A big drag on Shanahai.

Since the news of Xiangyang's siege spread in the army early in the morning, all the generals of the green camp were also very dissatisfied with Shanahai's practice of using the green camp as the army, among which the morale of Chuanzhong town was the most unstable.It was only Zheng Jun's attitude of being buried in the beating, with no intention of going out to fight, that finally prevented the Qing army from collapsing on the spot.

But Shanahai's plan was still not completely successful, and the key problem was the Jingzhou Banner Camp.Jingzhou Qiying has also settled in Jingzhou for more than ten years, and there are more or less bottles and cans that need to be taken away.There are a few bottles and cans in this household, and there are four thousand households with four thousand banner soldiers.Of course, the facts are not that exaggerated, but the soldiers may not have so much wealth, but the leaders, assistant leaders, and deputy capitals all have wives, children and savings, so they can't just withdraw as Shanahai expected. Shanahai had to adjust the time of the general retreat.

I heard that I had to pretend to be in front of Zheng Jun the next day, and all the towns in the green camp were clamoring. Shanahai personally led a team to patrol the camp and killed more than [-] leaders. , but Shanahai, who was sitting on pins and needles, knew that he was sitting on the crater and might be burned by the fire at any time.

However, Shanahai could not stop the wheel of history. On this night, Zheng Kezang finally got the good news from the northern line.For this easy victory, Zheng Kezang also lamented abnormally --- Speaking of Lin Sheng's acceptance of Yue Shenglong's conditions, he did not actually ask Zheng Kezang's consent. He cares about it, after all, he knows the truth that the opportunity cannot be missed, so it is inevitable to ratify it after the fact---there is also a clear answer to the abnormal behavior of the Qing army during the day.Under such circumstances, Zheng Kezang responded immediately even though he was eight hours later than the Qing army's Zhennan camp.

Early the next morning, the Qing army, who intended to stand on the last post, went out again.But something unexpected happened, and Zheng Jun had already lined up to meet him.If this was a few days ago, Shanahai or Ananda would have been overjoyed, but now, Shanahai, who is stubbornly holding his head, has to continue singing.

For a while, the artillery fire from both sides was raging again.Since the gunners of the Xi'an Firearms Battalion had already retreated overnight, the Qing army was manipulating the cannons of General Wucheng Yonggu and General Shenwei. They were dispatched from various towns. These people had never operated Qiying artillery before, so they didn't know how to charge the guns. dose.For fear that putting too much would cause the bombs to explode, the gunners of the green battalion voluntarily reduced the amount of charge compared to building artillery, which led to the transfer of murderous weapons to fireworks shells.Although the Zheng army had hundreds of artillery mounted on the Mamian Fort and it was too late to take them down, the remaining [-] or so two-inch and three-inch field guns were so powerful that the Qing army, which had been shaken in its morale, was in the middle of firing. Hard days in the rain.

Taking advantage of its own artillery suppressing the Qing army's artillery team, Zheng Jun, who was lined up in four division-level horizontal formations, began to advance slowly.Since the Qing army in the Zhennan camp had never had a field battle with the Zheng army, they were at a loss when they saw the Zheng army in action. In the end, they saw the banner of Shanahai in the camp before reacting. Zheng Jun approached.

After entering a hundred steps from each other, the Zheng army's troops began to fire salvos at the approaching Qing army in three formations.The first few rows did not cause major casualties, but as the Qing army gradually entered the fifty paces, the power of Zheng Jun's salvo was revealed——Zheng Jun's rifles could penetrate heavy armor within thirty paces , and only a few of the green flag soldiers wore armor, so the sweeping bullets hit the rows of green battalion soldiers, almost wiped out the remaining elites in the dilapidated Qing army battalions.

When the Qing army finally broke into the gunpowder smoke caused by Zheng Jun's propellant, Zheng Jun's gun forest was also in place again.Seeing the rows of thorns and spear points stabbing towards them, the Green Battalion soldiers who had experienced the power of Zheng Jun's spear forest several times collapsed almost instantly.Countless Green Battalion soldiers threw down their weapons and fled in all directions. They were so desperate that they seemed to think that they could escape life as long as they left the battlefield.The fleeing Qing army led the brigade behind, and the Green Banner soldiers who didn't want to fight anymore scattered, and even the battalion officers, town generals, and association generals fled for their own lives, regardless of the fact that they were still in the central army. Shanahai's response.

Seeing the scenes of countless Qing troops fleeing, Shanahai knew that the situation was over, but he still refused to give up, so he ordered the Mongolian cavalry to attack Zheng Jun's flank.But after Shanahai's order was issued, the Mongolian cavalry asked Shanahai to let the princes back to command.Although Shanahai knew that this might be an excuse, but at this point, he could only accept threats.Shanahai guessed right. After more than a dozen Mongolian princes returned to the cavalry, instead of charging towards Zheng Jun, the Mongolian army cut down the Green Banner soldiers who were blocking their retreat path and then drove away.

After seeing this blood-vomiting scene, Shanahai looked up and sighed: "Your Majesty, this slave has done his best, and the overall situation has deteriorated so badly. It's not the slave's fault."

After saying that, Shana killed himself with a sword.But Shanahai, who did not forget his allegiance to Kangxi when he was dying, never thought that Naertu and others who managed to escape from Zheng Jun's heaven and earth after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and those Mongolian kings and guilds who used horse speed to get rid of Zheng Jun's chasing and killing He blamed himself for the defeat in the Battle of Huguang, so that Shanahai and his family were sent to Ninggu Pagoda by the wise and holy Kangxi, and they would never stand up again.

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