"Jia Niang, Rou Niang, Jin Niang. [ ]" Zheng Kezang waved at his three older daughters and gathered them all in front of him. "Yesterday, your mother teamed up to lose my temper with me, saying that my father doesn't care about you, seeing that you are all seventeen or eighteen, and haven't helped you find a husband and son-in-law, it's really ugly." Zheng Kezang's words made the three daughters They all had glowing faces, but Zheng Kezang only talked about it. "Actually, your mother doesn't know that Dad is reluctant to part with you sweethearts, so he deliberately keeps you until now, but the boy's college should be married and the girl's college should be married, so Dad can't keep you for the rest of his life."

When Jinniang, born to Chen Xianqiao, heard that she was quitting, she hugged Zheng Kezang's arm and shook it: "Father, my daughter doesn't want to marry yet! My daughter still wants to spend more time with you and mother."

Zheng Kezang scratched on Jinniang's nose: "Really? Do you want to accompany my father and mother, or just for fun!"

Jin Niang was furious, and immediately relentlessly smashed Zheng Kezang with her fists, that is to say, Zheng Kezang still spoiled his daughter with the habit of different time and space, otherwise, with the customs at that time, even ordinary people would not be able to do so. There is a scene where a daughter and her father are acting like a baby, let alone a family of gentlemen and officials with stricter rules. As for the court, there will be no such family affection.

Rou Niang and Jia Niang were one year older, and they didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of Zheng Kezang, so they just chimed in and said, "The daughters really want to have a few more years of love under Father and Mother's knees."

Zheng Kezang laughed: "Good daughter, filial piety, parents love you, but youth is short, why would you rather hide in the room and watch "The Romance of the West Chamber" and "The Peony Pavilion" instead of finding a good husband? favorite."

Zheng Kezang's teasing made the three daughters blush with embarrassment. Looking at these shy faces, Zheng Kezang suddenly remembered the sigh of his father and son on the river, "The dead are like a husband", time is gone forever.

Suppressing the faint sadness in his heart, Zheng Kezang said to his daughters: "The palace is restricted, and you don't see any good men on weekdays. You all talk about what kind of husband you want to marry. He alone has half the country. If you think about it, you can always find a suitable family for you.[ ]”

How could the three girls, Jiajia, be willing to speak out the most secret thoughts in her heart, she just blushed and remained silent.

Zheng Kezang still didn't understand what the daughters were thinking, so he laughed loudly: "Well, tomorrow I will say that I will appreciate the plum blossoms, and ask the ministers to bring their children to the banquet. You can go and peek by yourself, and see what you like. You can tell your grandmother directly, or you can come and tell Dad, if you can't save face, you can write a note, and Dad will help you to check the other party's background."

The three girls who had reached the age of spring were so ashamed by Zheng Kezang's words, they left the laughing Zheng Kezang and ran out, so the matter was settled.The next day, Zheng Kezang really asked his ministers to bring their unmarried children to accompany him to the Yellow Crane Tower and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Snake Mountain.In fact, it is not a very secret news that Zheng Kezang has a daughter to marry, and all the vassals are also old, treacherous and cunning. Bring children and grandchildren, those who have no children and grandchildren bring nephews and nephews, and all go to the meeting like dogs.

But all the princes and grandsons attended the banquet excitedly, but they didn't see Princess Xia, let alone being ushered into a private meeting in a certain courtyard. Instead, Chen Xianqiao gathered the ministers, wives and daughters who came together to hold the banquet alone.For a while, some of the disappointed crowd remained graceful, while others showed their true colors.

I don't know how it happened, but there was a dispute among the young masters.Some people boast of their literary talents and look down on martial arts with a face full of flesh.Some people think that the world is not peaceful, and the king of Xia values ​​martial arts and despises literature, and ridicules scholars as cowards who have no power to restrain chickens.The two sides ridiculed each other, coupled with the grievances of their parents, if they were not afraid of disturbing Zheng Kezang's interest, they might have fought.

"Sister, that's good, just sit over there and keep your composure." Amidst the noise of the crowd, no one noticed Rou Niang who was dressed as a servant and they hid aside to watch the fun. "Looks like a calm person."

"Jin Niang, maybe it's not calm, but gloomy?" Rou Niang has her own understanding. [ ] "Or I didn't have the confidence to blend in, so I had to stand aside. Look, look, the one sitting on the left is still handsome, even if it is noisy, it looks heroic and extraordinary."

"Not good, not good, there is a high probability that the little boy is a flamboyant pillow, or that young master is full of eloquence."

Jia Niang also commented aloud: "What's the use of being full of knowledge? My father said that there is no use for life. I think I have mastered the way of a sage, but I don't want to sink down to do practical things. Such a fancy but useless guy." , How could Dad agree to it?"

"That warrior is not good either. If he dies in battle, wouldn't he be a widow?"

After watching for a while, the three women felt bored and sneaked back to the place where the female relatives were.When the three mothers saw their daughter's dispirited look, they were immediately anxious, but they couldn't say anything in front of the family members of the ministers, so they had to wait patiently until the banquet was over, and then returned to the temporary palace to arrest each other. Ask my daughter to find out.

"What, you need to be handsome, capable of writing and martial arts, you need to be like a spring breeze, and you need to be knowledgeable and interesting. You little ancestors, are you picking a husband and son-in-law again?" When the mothers finished figuring it out, they gathered the information and put it in Zheng Kezang. In front of him, Zheng Kezang suddenly fainted. "Is there such a perfect man among the men in the world? Do you want to dig Nalan Xingde out of the coffin for you alone!"

Zheng Kezang's words were rightfully cast aside by Chen Xianqiao, Tong Chunniang, and Fang Yuniang. Looking at the angry wives and concubines, Zheng Kezang had no choice but to beg for mercy and said, "I can ask someone to look for it, but I think it can be done." Wen Nengwu is not important. I don't expect them to help Gu, and I am more worried that they will be involved in affairs that should not be involved. Therefore, I can only find those who are good-natured, knowledgeable, and able to make my daughter happy. The kind that we are happy with, but what about pretty looks? Beauty is in the eyes of beholders, but I can’t guarantee that what I fancy will definitely fall into the eyes of my daughters.”

Zheng Kezang said it very truthfully, that's right, the sons-in-law of the Song and Ming dynasties were not allowed to be involved in politics, so being able to write and martial arts is just a hazy fantasy of girls, and it is not worth serious consideration, so Chen Xianqiao nodded : "Since your majesty has set a goal, please arrange for someone to search for it as soon as possible, but no matter what, you can't let your daughters be wronged."

This is not Chinese cabbage. You can find it if you just look for it. In addition to meeting the above requirements, you also need to ask the other party not to care about the official career. Easy.

But I can't say no, Zheng Kezang is still having a headache, so Jin Jiu sneakily mentioned one: "There is someone to choose, this servant is from the Xinglin family, who can be regarded as a poetic heir, not the king. What's more important is that this person is humble and polite, and his appearance is above average. As for what to say about knowledge and interest, it's hard to say, but it is said that there was a marriage earlier, but the woman didn't go through the door He died young before, and this person once declared that he would not marry for three years as a commemoration, so it can be said that he is also a kind and righteous person, the only shortcoming is that he is ten years older than the princesses."

Zheng Kezang squinted his eyes and said: "Ten years older, that is, 28 this year? It doesn't matter, but being kind and righteous doesn't mean being knowledgeable and interesting. Tell me carefully."

"Yes." Jin Jiu recounted what he knew. "Although this person is from an aristocratic Xinglin family, he did not practice medicine, but became a medical businessman." Zheng Kezang frowned, and Jin Jiu immediately added. "It's a pharmacy." Zheng Kezang felt relieved. "However, during the Northern Expedition of our domain, the source of crude medicine in the north was cut off, and the pharmacy could not be maintained. It happened that the Department of Internal Affairs was recruiting people."

Zheng Kezang was very surprised: "Is this person from the Department of Internal Affairs?"

Jin Jiu replied: "Exactly, the manager's office of the Internal Affairs Department that Wu Ding joined in the first year has now been promoted."

In the Manager's Office of the Internal Affairs Department, there is one person who will be responsible, one person who is an assistant, and two assistants. The specific departments have a supervisor and an assistant.The so-called promotion is just a small official under the supervisor or assistant, whose position is only from the seventh rank, and is an inner court official, so there is no saying that his future will be affected.

Hearing Jin Jiu's explanation, Zheng Kezang was a little bit skeptical while being happy. After all, the status of a promotion and the chief internal officer is very different. How did the two know each other? Could it be some mystery?

From this Zheng Kezang asked calmly: "This person is pretty good, where did you know about it?"

Jin Jiu has served Zheng Kezang for decades, so why didn't he know the master's temper, so he replied with a smile: "The slave is also in charge of the internal affairs department, this is not the marriage of the princesses, the king and the ladies are very good." I have a headache, the slave girl naturally wants to share the master's worries, so she is a little concerned. It just so happens that a few days ago, I went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to do business, and I saw him come out when I entered the door. The slave girl looked good, so I secretly checked the resume. If you think it is suitable, I will recommend it to the Lord.”

hit?What a coincidence, but Zheng Kezang didn't think that the other party did it on purpose, after all, it has nothing to do with ordinary officials even if there is a lot of trouble after marrying the princess.As for the relationship between this person and Jin Jiu, that is even more impossible. Jin Jiu is an old man who has followed Zhu Chenggong since the time, and has not returned to his ancestral home for decades, so what kind of relatives do he have?Of course, it is also possible that someone asked for it, but there was nothing to investigate, so Zheng Kezang had no choice but to pretend it was nothing.

"Then think of a way, let the princesses look at this person, if they think it's okay, no," Zheng Kezang quickly denied the order just now. "Let this person do one thing for Gu first to see how capable he is. If he does not do badly, then arrange for the princesses to meet him again."

"Yes, servant girl will go down to make arrangements now." Jin Jiu replied, just about to back down, when he suddenly came back to his senses. "Your Majesty, you didn't tell me what you asked this kid to do."

"Beijing sent people to seek peace." Zheng Kezang said indifferently, but he didn't know that these words were like a bolt from the blue. "It just so happens that we can't continue the fight for a short time, so let's talk about it. You go and tell him to go north to Xinyang. No matter whether the talk is good or bad, as long as he can hold the Beilu, he will be considered meritorious."

Shocked, Jin Jiu even forgot to respond, and just backed away, but Zheng Kezang was still covering his head: "Even if it works, there is only one kid, what should I do if there are two more, I have a headache."

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