"Brother Big Niu, do you think Haini will come? The update is the fastest--" a Xiangyong holding a red-tasseled gun lowered his voice and asked his companions. This is a deserted mountain road in Xiong'er Mountain, and the garrison is not The serious green battalion manages soldiers, and as the local regiments of the township, these little people don't care about the emperor Kangxi who is aloof.

"If the sea doesn't come through, we'll starve to death." Zhao Daniu muttered, although he was big and round, but behind him was the young landlord who donated the title of guard, so he didn't dare to speak loudly to be reprimanded. "It's true that Master Ma has lowered the rent. The government has not exempted this year's tax. If the few acres of land at home are not planted quickly, this year will not be passed."

What Zhao Daniu said made all the village braves around him lament. Yes, the main labor force of the family has been pulled out to guard the mountain road. If the farming work is delayed, it is enough to eat bran and swallow vegetables. If you can't pay the imperial grain and national tax, the whole family will be ruined.

Although Zhao Daniu said it in a covert manner, the commotion he caused was still seen by the young master of the host family.However, the young master of the Ma family is not going to punish Zhao Daniu and the others. After all, the big guys are all from the village. Zhao Daniu’s family has been tenants for the Ma family for three generations. Because the Zheng army occupied Nanyang, the merchants on this road disappeared. He didn’t care about it. That's too harsh.

What's more, the young master of the Ma family, who was forced to donate the garrison and was forced to be appointed as a mountain road inspector by the county, is also very angry. If it weren't for the family business of the Ma family that has been established here for four generations and owns about [-] acres of land, he would have The agitated family went to the Zheng family in Nantou, so as to avoid being eaten up by the Qing Dynasty's exorbitant taxes and a group of subordinate officials.

The big guy was worrying, and suddenly there was a faint movement on the mountain road: "What is this sound?"

Zhao Daniu listened intently for a while, then suddenly shouted: "There is a cavalry team, this is the bell of the cavalry team."

cavalry?Zheng Jun took Nanyang, and the merchants have disappeared for more than half a year. How could there be a cavalry?Moreover, the cavalry came from Zheng Jun's control area. Could it be that Zheng Jun's scouts came over?

At the thought that the 10,000+ Qing troops were all in the hands of Zheng Jun, all the village warriors who had never seen blood were frightened out of their wits. At this time, there was still a trace of calmness in the horse patrol and the horse guard ordered: "What are you panicking? It’s far away, Daniel, you take someone over there to have a look, whether it’s Zheng Jun or not, come back and report.”

Zhao Daniu trembled, but under the intimidation of Young Master Ma, he still uneasily explored the source of the voice of a Xiang Yongchao, and the villagers here are ready. Once it is confirmed that it is Zheng Jun, everyone Preparing to run away, Ma Xunjian also stuttered and memorized the big article drafted by the school teacher at home that he was attacked by Zheng Jun and was forced to retreat due to the invincible force of the township. He was going to report to the county, but after a while, Zhao Daniu and the others Came back happily.

"Young master, no, my lord, it's not Zheng Jun, it's the cavalry. I can see clearly that there are more than a dozen horses, and there is no Zheng Jun."

Everyone immediately relaxed, and a few even sat down on the ground.

It was the same at the beginning of Ma's defense, but soon his face became condensed. Yes, Zhao Daniu and the others didn't look like Zheng Jun, but someone would blatantly set off on the road under the banner. That was not a sneak attack, not an investigation, it was a storm .

For this reason, an extra-minded Young Master Ma commanded several hunters in Xiangyongzhong and said: "You guys go up and look for a place with bows and arrows and firecrackers. If there is anything wrong with the cavalry team, shoot arrows and firecrackers immediately, and respond to the people below." people."

Several hunters from the village took orders to go, and Ma Shoubei said again: "You, yes, little monkey, you climb up to the big tree over there, and if I don't let you come down, don't come down, yes, don't even if something happens." come down."

Young Master Ma looked at the little monkey with a serious expression: "It's really an accident, you have to endure it until this group of people are far away before coming down, then report directly to the village and ask my father to collect the bodies for us."

After several adjustments, Ma Shoubei dragged his trembling legs back to the gazebo and pretended to drink tea, while Zhao Daniu and the others, whose faces were cramped after listening to the adjustment, pretended to be relaxed and concentrated on guarding behind the rejection horse.

After waiting for a while, the mule bell rang from far to near, and the horse team finally appeared in front of the checkpoint: "Stop, stop, who are you!"

Zhao Daniu asked dryly, "What are you doing here, stop for me, or I'll kill you as spies!"

The horse team stopped when they heard the sound, and Zhao Daniu and others became more courageous. At this time, two people in the horse team came out in a row, and one of them shouted in a Beijing accent: "Are you the inspector of Lushi County? Master, I am the Ministry of Internal Affairs." People, move the checkpoint for me, and if you miss the business of the master, you magistrates will not be able to eat and walk around!"

"What is the Ministry of Internal Affairs?" Zhao Daniu asked in confusion. "We are Lushi County, that's right. It's Shanzhou above. There's no Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hey, I think you're not lying."

The speaker's nose was crooked, and he pointed at Young Master Ma who was hiding in the distance: "That one over there, come here, I don't believe that a bunch of scumbags have no experience, even an official has never heard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. My name, my lord, I am working for the emperor."

Needless to say, although the young master of the Ma family has read one, he really doesn't know what the Ministry of Internal Affairs is, but the signboard of acting for the emperor is still effective. No, he had no choice but to rush over reluctantly to deal with the affairs in front of him .

"You said you are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so you must really be from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?" Ma Xunjian imitated the tone of the county adults while talking and looking at each other up and down. "What evidence do you have? Besides, you came from Haini's territory, who knows if you are a traitor or not, hurry up, hurry up, or else you will be arrested and presented to the officials."

"Puchi!" Xiangyong next to him hadn't laughed yet, but the fellow who came next to him who claimed to be from the Ministry of Internal Affairs laughed out loud, and then he only heard him teasing. "Brother, didn't you say that your signboard is popular in the Qing Dynasty? Why doesn't it work as soon as it comes up? If you don't want to show the signboard below, it may be more useful than you."

He was so angry that the nose in the House of Internal Affairs was neither nose nor eye, if he hadn't continued to refuse the horse, he probably wanted to hit Young Master Ma, but after a while, he had to take out something from his arms: "Here , Blind dog, see what this is, and if you see it clearly, let me get rid of the horse."

"On the House of Internal Affairs, No. 11, No. 34, made in the [-]th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, with a white face and no beard." Young Master Ma read this piece of nanmu waist card with body temperature word by word, while reading, he raised his head to meet the other corresponding. "It does look a bit like it, but what's the use of it? I, no, I have never seen a real Internal Affairs Office badge. Who knows if it's a fake."

Someone whose face was swollen with anger shouted, "There's more on the back."

"The badge was issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are moiré patterns on it, which looks real. But." Ma Shoubing threw the badge back into the arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "However, master, I have never seen the real thing, so I'm sorry, leave quickly, or the knife and gun will be blind."

"You!" Someone who was speechless could only point at the other person and tremble all over.

Seeing his peers repeatedly being deflated, the other person who laughed so hard for a while also felt that something was wrong, so he shouted: "The guy who has a dog's eyes, master, I have urgent business now, and I don't want to wait for you to mess with me. Hurry up!" Remove the roadblock, let this matter go everywhere, if not, it will be too late for you to regret it."

Young Master Ma glanced at the other party with disdain: "He is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are you?"

"Me? If you say it, don't get down in fright. The master is not a big official, he is a Cong Qipin," the speaker had a weird smile on his face, and he reached out to take off his hat, resulting in an obvious bun The eyes of all the townspeople were shocked. "It's just that my seventh rank is not from the Qing Dynasty, but from the Ming Dynasty."

"Hai Ni!" After a cry of exclamation, a group of village braves and horse inspectors turned their heads and ran away. Even the hunters who were ambushing among the rocks also rushed out from their hiding places, and fled to the distance with all their hands and feet. Only those who obeyed the order and hid in the tree held their breath tightly, looking at the dumbfounded people at a loss.

"Brother, you are still better." The man from the Ministry of Internal Affairs gave a thumbs up in a convincing manner. "However, bro, isn't your hair too ostentatious? Lu's is just the beginning, and he will go to Shaanxi and Gansu in the future. This hair alone will cause a huge disturbance. When it is spread out, I'm afraid it will hurt both sides. not good."

Of course, Zheng Fan understood what the other party meant, and it was also a journey of thousands of miles. When he arrived in Gansu, he had to trace the whereabouts of Yue's family based on the traces left by the secret spies sent before. It's just that although he accepted the other party's reason, he had to be careful.

"Although it will be troublesome in the future, it is very useful right now. Otherwise, you and I will be entangled by the brat."

"Little ghosts are not scary, they are just ignorant. Believe it or not, we will only go straight to Lushi County. When I show the signboard, the county magistrate will definitely help us get a response." A person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Compared with Niu Niu, just looking at his companion's hair, his eyes are a little straight. "So, it's better for some of you to shave your head."

"I have to enter the Lu's family to shave my head." Zheng Fan's man said with a smile. "Maybe I can still find a Taoist uniform, so I don't need to shave my head."

"That's true." The people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs echoed casually, and then turned around and cursed at the horse team: "You don't have eyes, the people at the checkpoint have all run away, so why don't you come and move the horse away?"

People in the horse team hurried over, and as soon as they started, someone reported: "My lord, no, the pot head, the horses are locked up with iron chains, and they can't be moved."

The official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cursed: "Idiot, why don't you hurry up and chop it open with an axe."

While the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs stared at his subordinates and cut off the horses, Zheng Fan's people stomped into the horse team, swept away the people around them, and asked his followers unobtrusively: "Draw the terrain along the way. Yet?"

"Don't worry, shopkeeper, everything has been drawn."

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