"Let's go! You damn aha [Note 1], you can't eat the master's whip!"

The source of the noise was a few ugly knights. These guys with money mouse whips mercilessly beat the whips in their hands on the ragged pedestrians while yelling. www: read novels[ ]

"It's all you damn slaves, otherwise, master, why would we go out now and want to be lazy!"

Inadvertently, the time has entered the end of April.Even in the bitterly cold land of Liaodong, it is now the season when the ice and snow melt and the earth warms up.It is a pity that the melting of ice and snow brought not only the vitality of the greenery, but also the rising river and muddy and difficult roads, so that everyone was forced to struggle on the muddy roads.Because of this, the knights who were in a state of embarrassment would vent their rising anger on the culprit who caused them to encounter such a situation.

Of course, the slaves who were driven and beaten did not dare to resist. The previous painful lesson told them that the only result of rebels was massacre.Therefore, even though they were driven out of their settled huts by their masters who had always treated them harshly, and driven on an unknown journey, these people who had compromised with their fate still endured silently.

On the contrary, the leader of the evil-looking knights couldn't stand it anymore: "Okay, don't spread the evil fire casually."

"My lord, why be gentle with these barbarians." One of the knights responded. "They only know the whip."

"That's right!" The leader drove his horse to the knights with a smile, and suddenly pulled out his saber, and with the scabbard, struck the speaker. After the other party screamed, the leader looked around at the terrified crowd. "You bastard, what do you know?" the leader reprimanded. "Don't think that I don't know your dirty thoughts. Do you feel uncomfortable because no one is farming for you? Let me tell you, this group of people is more expensive than you. If there is one less on the road, there will be one less to change when you reach the field. The prince of Mongolia is back, and this kind of relationship, it is said that you can't bear it all, even the chief can't afford it. 【New】"

Only then did the obedient armored man come to his senses, yes, he was just the gangster who used Yicher Manchuria's [Note 2] identity as the tiger's minion, and now that the tiger itself was about to be beaten to death, how could he dare to be too flamboyant , so one by one restrained the minions, although the mouth was still cursing, but the whip fell in the air most of the time

If there is anyone in this era who can stand high in the void and overlook the land, he will find that on the vast land of Liaodong, there are dozens of escort teams like this, following their route, crossing rivers and mountains, Until it came to a certain harbor on the edge of the sea.

"Master He, the people have already been counted." Some distance away from the harbor, on the north side of the wooden city formed by a set of wooden fences, an official of the Qing court wearing a warm hat was looking at the opposite Zheng Zheng with a flattering smile on his face. Fan officer. "Just ask Mr. He to sign and sign the receipt, and the next official will send it back to Beijing on a flying horse."

According to the results of negotiations in Xixian County, the Qing and Zheng agreed to exchange a captured Mongolian prince Taiji with the package price of [-] former San Francisco or other Liaodong slaves.According to the exchange process, the Qing court first collected the former San Francisco ministries in Ningguta, Heilongjiang and other places according to the captured list provided by Zheng Fan, and then sent them to Haizhou, North Korea in batches. The text was sent to Xi County for comparison with Zheng Fan's copy. If it was correct, Zheng Fan would release a Mongolian prince Taiji in Xi County until the replacement was completed.

Of course, considering that there must be old and weak women and children who would not survive the trip, the Qing government provided more people in the San Francisco old department than agreed.But after more than ten years of torture, there are not many remaining San Francisco troops in the Northeast, so the Qing court can only drive all the other Han slaves and their descendants exiled in the Northeast to Haizhou, and even recruit Hebei and Shandong. The landless refugees pretended to be the former Ministry of San Francisco, and there were also secret spies stuffed in among them.

"Lord Heqira, the head is right, but look, all of them are sallow and thin, how can they survive the turbulence at sea, and we have to spend food to support them for a long time," volunteered to represent Zheng Fan He Tian, ​​who came forward, was born in the Jiayin period of the Tongziying. Now he is a fifth-rank ship commander in the Beiyang Squadron. Seeing how wretched he was shaking his head at the moment, he could be as wretched as he wanted. [New] "How did this happen, so I can't sign this word, and I can't draw this word."

This was intentional to make things difficult, absolutely correct, but Sa Sanduo, who was on the opposite side of Shengjing with a yellow flag-coated collar, didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand to hold He Tian's hand, and He Tian was startled: "What do you want to do?"

Before he finished speaking, he felt that there was an extra bag in his hand, which was angular and heavy to the touch.

At this moment, Sa Sanduo said with a smile: "Master He please hold your hand high, a mere gift is not a respect!"

He Tian really couldn't figure out how the other party conjured a bag of silver from the horseshoe sleeve, but he was just trying to figure it out, taking the opportunity to pass the addiction of scolding the other party, but he unexpectedly made a big deal of money, and he fell down first. Dazed, and not knowing what to say, he signed the official document handed over by the other party.

Looking at the contented back of Sa Sanduo who breathed a sigh of relief, He Tian slapped the back of his head: "What the hell, I can get money this way, if I had known, I would have paid him more."

Having said that, He Tian casually threw a silver bag of about 50 taels into the hands of the guards: "Go and hand it to the supervisor, who said that the Tartars took advantage of it and gave it to you. There is a saying that you don't take it for nothing, record it on the account, and give it to the guard." These San Francisco people can add a bowl of porridge, but they are all skinny and yellow, and it will be a burden to send them to the south.”

In addition to handing over the "Old Department of San Francisco", according to Sukhatu's suggestion, the two sides also opened the Lishichang Exchange Market a little farther away from Mucheng.The first batch of goods from both sides has arrived. Since the war between the North and the South has not been extinguished, the North-South business route has been interrupted for many days, so there is a need for each other.For example, sweets, cotton cloth, lake pens, rice paper, pepper, ivory, mercury, sumac, swallow's nest, shark's fin, rhino horn, kun skin, whale bone, whale oil candles in the south, and fur, pearls, horse mane, ginseng, etc. in the north. Soda ash, amber, shochu, big wood, etc., but the two sides tacitly did not provide any metal, Zheng Fan also did not provide silk, tea, porcelain, lacquerware that are in short supply in the sea trade, and the Qing court did not intend to sell horses.However, even so, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who came from Beijing to preside over the transaction all had bright eyes, and it was obvious that this transaction was a big deal.

"Master Qi," said Zheng Fan, who also came forward from the Department of Internal Affairs, but not the manager's department but the investigation department. "Time is tight, and we are exploring the way, so there are not many things this time. If you think it is okay and you can arrange enough goods, you can trade for a long time in the second time."

Since the Qing government can only transport by land, the transportation speed is obviously not as efficient as Zheng Fan's sea transportation. For this reason, the Qing court actually hopes to move the place of trade from Qingzhou back to the country: "Master Wu, can you move the Zhuichang?" Change to Xixian County or Huaibin, so that we can easily collect goods, and next time, can we bring some Jiangnan silk along with us?"

"I'm afraid the domestic market won't work. After all, the two sides haven't reached an agreement yet. For the sake of safety, it's better to be in Qingzhou." Master Wu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately rejected the other party's proposal. "As for silk, I know that you have lost half of Sichuan, and almost all the sources of silk products are gone, but buying silk requires a lot of silver. Do you have the financial resources now?"

That’s a good question. What the Qing government is short of now is silver. If a large amount of silver flows out because of the purchase of luxury goods, I’m afraid it’s not too far from financial bankruptcy. But because of this, silk has become a profiteering product, so After much deliberation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to buy some.

"Silver, we are indeed in short supply, but you are also afraid that there is something in short supply?" For a profit of more than [-]%, the moths of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can even trade with the devil*. "One horse can be exchanged for five pieces of silk. If it can be decided, next time, we will trade a thousand horses first."

"According to previous years' prices, it is indeed fair to exchange one horse for five pieces of silk, but the horse is not owned by your family, so why should you accept your price." Master Wu smiled and shook his head. He is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai for this deal. Yes, of course you can ask for prices. "In my opinion, a horse can have at most two Hulings. If you don't agree, forget it."

"Lord Wu, that's not how Xi was killed," said Lord Qi from the Ministry of Internal Affairs very dissatisfied. "In this way, I will make a concession, and a horse will be covered with palace silk." Master Wu just shook his head without saying a word, while Master Qi gritted his teeth and offered a new price. "One horse is exchanged for three and a half pieces of palace silk, the price cannot be lowered."

"No," Master Wu bit him to death. "At most every hundred horses, I will give you another Tessie Chime Bell."

With the withdrawal of Thai and Western missionaries, apart from the loss of astronomy, calendar and military science, the Qing court also cut off the source of imported products, so a self-ringing clock is now worth a lot of money.

It's a pity that Lord Qi and the others wanted silk and didn't want to ring the bell, so he proposed: "A horse can be exchanged for at least three pieces of palace silk, if it can be exchanged for three and a half pieces, for every 500 horses, we will give you [-] taels of silver as a gift. "

Master Qi persuaded: "This price is not low, Master Wu, you must think twice."

"I don't dare to ask for money." Master Wu is different from He Tian. He Tian accepts bribes and can be dealt with according to the regulations of the navy seized, but as a special agent of the investigation office, if he accepts the benefits from the Qing court without permission, After going back, it will evaporate immediately. "In this way, three and a half horses are up to me, but for every thousand horses traded, you have to provide ten additional logs with a breast diameter of three feet."

"That's a deal"

[Note 1] Aha: Manchu slaves, also do their Aha.

[Note 2] Yiche Manchuria: Manchu, the name of the members of the Manchu community absorbed before and after entering the customs in the Qing Dynasty."Yicher" in Manchu means "new", so it is also called "New Manchuria".It originally refers to the Manchurians who were newly recruited into the Eight Banners during the Huang Taiji period.After the Qing capital was established in Beijing, Dui Kuyala, Huerha, Hezhe, etc. were all registered as New Manchuria.

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