Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

423. Zheng Ruan Civil War

Today I heard that there was an elephant team attacking the city, so Ling Zhiqing hurriedly left the relatively comfortable environment of Lord Zheng's camp and rushed over.The fastest update [New]\\\\Speaking of which, Ling Zhiqing still has the impression that the elephant team should be an impact force like the cavalry team, so he is really curious about how the cavalry army will attack the castle.

When Ling Zhiqing arrived, the elephant team was already in battle.Zheng Zhu used a total of [-] elephants in this battle, more than half of which were heavy-duty female elephants, and only less than [-] war elephants could charge into battle.Of course, there is limited space for moving around in a small bastion, and it is not enough for [-] elephants to go into battle together, so there are only more than [-] elephants dispatched this time.

These war elephants are more than ten feet tall, with long fangs, mighty proboscis and manic neighing. To Ling Zhiqing, who has never seen this scene before, they look like prehistoric monsters. horrible.

Looking at it, Ling Zhiqing asked the interpreter: "Why did you paint yellow mud on the elephant?"

This is not a secret in Annan and other countries in the Indochina Peninsula, so the interpreter quickly replied: "Elephant skin is already thick, so if you paint it with yellow mud, it can better resist the bows and arrows shot by the enemy."

"Then why don't you wrap your body with a vest-like armor or rattan armor?"

"Put armor on an elephant? I don't think I've heard of it before." The interpreter replied a little strangely. "But it was covered with rattan armor in the past, but now with firecrackers and cannons, no amount of rattan armor can block it, so it just doesn't catch it."

"So that's the case." Ling Zhiqing nodded, expressing his understanding. This is because the rattan armor is no longer enough to counteract the power of gunpowder weapons. As for why not put an iron armor on the elephant, Ling Zhiqing guessed that it was either too heavy or too expensive. up. "I understand." Just as he was speaking, soldiers with guns, bows, and blunderbuss climbed into the panniers on the elephant's back. This kind of pannier for combat is very simple and has no protection at all. The king used the throne on the elephant to make a big difference. [Thanks for supporting the novel] "Ah," Ling Zhiqing suddenly exclaimed. "Why are there still cannons?"

The interpreter smiled proudly: "This is the elephant cannon I carefully designed."

But before the interpreter could restrain his smile, he heard Ling Zhiqing continue to exclaim: "This, can this be done accurately?"

The interpreter's smile suddenly froze on his face. That's right, most of the elephant cannons are scary. In fact, they don't have too much power. Closing the elephant's eyes and deafening the elephant's ears can only be driven by the tacit understanding between the elephant and the elephant slave.

Fortunately, Ling Zhiqing wasn't obsessed with the strange idea of ​​putting cannons on the elephants. He could only see that the elephant team had already begun to charge slowly within his sight.In fact, in addition to the guards and warriors on the elephant, a group of elephant soldiers also has more than a dozen soldiers guarding the elephant. Elephants only know how to move forward, so they are far more concerned about preventing the elephant from being trampled than on the opponent's attack.

As the elephant approached, the Nguyen main bastion began firing.The roaring sound filled the whole wilderness in an instant, and shells fell around the elephant team from time to time. However, the Annan land in the rainy season is muddy and slippery, so no ricochets were formed. Only a few unlucky people who were directly hit fell into the field. Death's grasp.

The elephant cannon also started to fight back, and every time the recoil force made the monster tremble, but as Ling Zhiqing judged, most of the fired shells disappeared, even if they hit the right direction, but the small-caliber elephant cannon did not It is impossible to reach the opponent in the bastion, and what is even more tragic is that it is extremely difficult to reload after each shot.

Just as Ling Zhiqing, who was looking carefully through the binoculars, shook his head, an elephant suddenly neighed and screamed, and then fell down on its forelegs, its huge body slumped to the ground, causing great damage and confusion to the unprepared side .

"He was hit directly by a shell. [ ]" The resolution of the telescope in Ling Zhiqing's hand is not that high, but it can be judged without looking at it clearly. "Ah, this is it?" A terrifying scene appeared in Ling Zhiqing's sight. An elephant, which became crazy for some reason, waved its long trunk and twisted its body to throw away all the foreign objects on the driver and its body. Controlling the monster, the original guard immediately turned around and turned to kill. After a burst of frightening stabs, the exhausted elephant finally fell to the ground. "Injure yourself before you hurt anyone."

Ling Zhiqing shook his head and shook his head. At this moment, the elephant team that had finally broken through the range of the Ruan Army's artillery was ushered in the baptism of the opponent's larger number of matchlock guns.Another elephant writhed wildly, and then fell into the hands of its own people.Fortunately, Lord Zheng didn't just get beaten blindly. As the distance approached, the counterattack of the elephant soldiers finally caused damage to the opponent.

"This is completely out of proportion." Ling Zhiqing said with a slap in the face, although relying on the bravery of the elephant team, Lord Zheng had a hand-to-hand fight with Lord Ruan's army defending the city for the first time, but the price was too high. Based on the number of elephants owned by Lord Zheng's army today, it is impossible to launch several similar attacks. "But this is an opportunity, and we should join the team to help."

As if hearing Ling Zhiqing's words, almost a battalion of soldiers rushed out.At this moment, the Ruan army on the bastion had already fought with the elephant soldiers, so there was no time to block the follow-up Lord Zheng's army. In this way, the first soldiers passed through the battle with zero casualties lots.

The battle quickly developed into the inside of the bastion, battalion after battalion of Lord Zheng's army entered one by one, Ling Zhiqing commented on this: "Isn't this adding fuel?"

Ling Zhiqing has never been in the military academy, otherwise he would not have been eliminated, but he has never been in martial arts, but there are many staff officers and sentry commanders under him who are from martial arts, and there are even young martial arts graduates from the boy camp Therefore, he is well aware of Zheng Jun's operational code of "concentrating all possible forces and decisively engaging in combat" and regards it as the golden rule.

However, everything in front of him is obviously contrary to Zheng Jun's policy of concentrating troops to win in one fell swoop, but he will not remind Lord Zheng of anything, after all, he has stated in advance that he will not dictate the war, and secondly, he doesn't know. The situation inside the bastion, what if the terrain can only be entered by one battalion by one battalion.

Since the battle ahead has never stopped, Ling Zhiqing, who only has the right to watch the battle, had to wait patiently for the development of the battle situation.It may be because this bastion is relatively important, so Lord Ruan also invested a lot of power. The two sides fought each other and fought all day long. In the end, Lord Zheng finally took down this fortress relying on a large number of soldiers, regardless of casualties. .

After receiving the report of the falling city ahead, Ling Zhiqing, who couldn't wait any longer, immediately walked towards the bastion, and asked as he walked, "Since the owner has changed hands this time, will the Lord's Mansion send troops to encircle the other fortresses next?" ?”

It stands to reason that these are military planes, and the interpreter cannot answer them, but the interpreter replied: "How is it possible? On the one hand, the Southern Army will definitely send troops to fight for it, and on the other hand, the Southern Army still has a line of defense in the rear."

After an explanation by the interpreter, Ling Zhiqing realized that the Ruan-Zheng Great Wall had not just one, but two, and even three key places.Moreover, except for the bastion area which is convenient for marching, the rest of the city walls are built between mountains, which is not suitable for frontal attack, and does not use a breakthrough point to detour to other places, so Lord Zheng's army can only peel the onion layer by layer.

As a result, a new question was born in Ling Zhiqing's mind: "Then why not attack by sea."

Although Ling Zhiqing was from the Lu division, he was greatly shocked by Zheng Jun's several landing operations. In his opinion, the most convenient way to fight Annan's terrain is to aid the sea and land, but his doubts are destined to be unanswered. Interpreter's reply.

Ling Zhiqing, who knew the abrupt question he asked, didn't say much, just moved forward, and as he approached the bastion, dead and wounded soldiers and elephant soldiers appeared one after another in front of his eyes, and the further they walked in, such a situation The more thrilling it becomes.

Ling Zhiqing was also a leader of soldiers, and he was familiar with casualties, but the dead were already gone, but the wounded soldiers seemed to have no one to take care of them, so he couldn't help but asked, "Why don't you send someone to clean them up? These wounded soldiers can still be saved. of."

The interpreter didn't seem to have been on the battlefield, so he couldn't restrain the desire to vomit at this time, and he retched for a long time before responding: "Someone rescued him, why didn't anyone rescue him, Mr. Shangguo, look over there, right?"

there?which side?Ling Zhiqing looked around, only seeing monks in plain robes carrying dead bodies.Annan is different from Siam, Chenla, and Laos. They believe in the Chinese Buddhism that was passed down from the middle land, so there are very few monks who are wrapped in yellow robes.However, these monks don't look like doctors, but no one else seems to be busy except them.

what happened?Ling Zhiqing looked at the interpreter, waiting for his explanation.

The interpreter rubbed his eyebrows and temples for a long time, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the envoy from the Northern Kingdom was puzzled, so he explained word by word, "Master Shangguo, don't you see that the monk is saving people?"

After listening to the explanation, Ling Zhiqing realized that Annan did not have a special ambulance battalion, and the wounded soldiers could only obey the fate, and once the fighting started, the surrounding monasteries would send monks to do good deeds.On the one hand, the monks rescued and buried the corpses of peasants and soldiers who could not return home, and on the other hand, they also helped the injured soldiers by the way.

However, monks are only amateur doctors after all, so the slightly injured may be able to get a certain degree of medical treatment, but for the seriously injured, the only way is to wait for death.What's even more frightening is that the slightly injured can only get a little salt water to wipe the wound. Once suppurated and inflamed, what awaits them is basically the result of dying in a foreign land.

"This, can the peasants and soldiers fight in this way?" Ling Zhiqing understood why the soldiers' fighting will was so poor, so once they went out to fight, they would die in ten days. "Why doesn't the Lord's Mansion take care of it?"

"Care? These are lowly people," the interpreter said disdainfully. "It's not a scholar or a nobleman, how can the main palace manage it?"

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