"Qi Qing, the Ministry of War and the Privy Council have no idea of ​​dividing the divisions into two types: berth and non-bearer. "Zheng Kezang comforted the aggrieved Qi Zhixin. "Each division eats the local area in turn to alleviate the central government's financial resources and to suppress the local area, but I can guarantee that the system of garrison troops in each province will not change every five years. The third division of the Xuanwei Army will inevitably be ordered to march north. .”

"Your Majesty, this is not what I care about." Qi Zhixin was already an associate general of Wubing Town before Shi Lang attacked Taiwan, and his status was far higher than that of Yin Long and others who were only charge officers at that time, but he had never been a boy. He is the instructor of the battalion, so his promotion speed is far slower than that of the other party. Now he is a division commander. It is impossible to say that there is no resentment about this. "It's just that the general's yamen has repeatedly bypassed the ministers and directly transferred the brigade and regiment levels. The ministers may think that something is wrong."

Qi Zhixin's reply made Zheng Kezang fall into deep thought. In Zheng Kezang's plan, the provincial general yamen is similar to a provincial military region in a different time and space, but it should not have the right to directly mobilize the garrison troops. However, due to Zheng Fan's restoration of southern China However, in the past six years, the three-level military service system has not yet been fully finalized. Therefore, as the chief of the provincial military region, the defending general has accepted the entrustment of the governor who also leads the affairs of the Privy Council to command and mobilize the local garrison.

So after thinking about it for a while, Zheng Kezang, acting as a peacemaker, expressed his opinion: "The position of the commander-in-chief of a province is higher than that of the commanding officer of a division. Do you want an explanation?"

Seeing the red-faced Qi Zhixin opening his mouth to argue, Zheng Kezang waved his hands: "Of course, the local situation may not change as quickly as before the army, but the reason is the same. You must not resist in your heart. Besides, a single spark can start a prairie fire. If there is any trouble, it is better to kill it at the beginning, if you follow the rules and let the documents exchange, I am afraid it will lead to a big mistake."

Zheng Kezang also did not blindly criticize Qi Zhixin for not seeing the big picture: "However, there should be a system for the commander-in-chief to mobilize the garrison. When there is nothing to do, there must be authorization from the governor's office, and the garrison should be arranged first, and the commander should make proper arrangements. Arrival in a few days, transfer in a few days, and troops dispatched in a few days may be stipulated in advance."

"As for once the prefectures and counties submit urgent reports and requests for soldiers to the Zongbing Yamen, the Zongbing Yamen may deploy troops based on this, or it may be a pre-military example."

Zheng Kezang was considered a bowl of water, so Qi Zhixin, who had conflicts with Yin Long, could only respond, even if he was a little reluctant: "Your Majesty, I think that with this principle, everyone will be safe."

"You can't just be satisfied with being quiet." Zheng Kezang shook his head. "Nowadays, the meritorious and civilian system is not yet perfect. The divisions of the town army should transfer staff officers and backup military officers at all levels to enter the general army's office and the sub-guard office. First, they come to counsel military affairs, communicate with the local area and the town army, and second, they come to supervise and train the township. , Regiment training to replace the town army to suppress the place."

"Your Majesty, there seems to be something wrong with the town's army linking up with the local area." Chinese dynasties have been very vigilant about the military's control of local financial power and governance power, and the military people may consciously dare not contact the local area easily. It is precisely this kind of thinking , Qi Zhixin seemed a little worried. "Your Majesty, please think twice."

"There is a more military method, and I am still worried that you will not be able to cede the land for yourself?" Zheng Kezang is confident that the emergence of warlords can be restricted through the meritorious system, martial arts system and other institutional constraints. "Besides, it's not for you to interfere in the government affairs of the local, prefecture, or county, but to strengthen the relationship between you and the local guardian."

Qi Zhixin thought for a while and felt that what Zheng Kezang said made sense. After all, it was only the internal connection between the town army and the military affairs system, and it really couldn't be labeled as a joint place, but he was still worried: "Your Majesty, all divisions of the town army Sending people into the general army's yamen and the sub-guardian's yamen, does it mean that the general soldier and the sub-guardian's yamen should also send people into the headquarters of the town army?"

"Of course." Not only the provincial military region and the military sub-divisions will send people to the garrison, but also the gendarmerie and secret service agencies will also send people to the garrison. "Do you have any questions, Sir?"

Qi Zhixin nodded: "I'm afraid that the commander-in-chief's yamen and those who guard the yamen will take over."

It may be impossible for the liaison officers sent by the general army's yamen to suppress the division control, but there are no more than two or three divisions in a province's town army, or even only one division. If the sub-commands and regiment chiefs are a little daring to use chicken feathers as arrows, the town army may not be able to withstand it.

It cannot be said that Qi Zhixin's thoughts are groundless worries. Once the country is established for a long time and the authority of the central government declines, some people will be eager to try it. Zheng Kezang squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment: "Your reminder is good, Guzi will arrange for the Ministry of War and the Privy Council to discuss properly. Articles, in the future all have their own system, and those who disturb the system will be punished****”

Perhaps it was Qi Zhixin's words that disturbed Zheng Kezang's mood, so he seemed absent-minded during the next inspection in Zhaoqing, so that Yin Long, the deputy general of Guangdong, was quite suspicious about it.

On November [-]th of the first year of Taishun, Zheng Kezang returned from Zhaoqing to the east. However, Zheng Kezang did not directly enter Guangzhou, but first arrived in Foshan. "Commonly known as the four major towns in the world, Foshan and Yan in Guangdong. The town belongs to the South China Sea , Merchants converge, department stores gather, and Jiaan pavilions vary, stretching for dozens of miles. There is no more prosperous and prosperous area in South China."

Although Foshan is so prosperous and has more than [-] people, Foshan at this time is just a small town belonging to Nanhai County. In addition, there are more than a dozen yamen servants who maintain the market, which are inconspicuous dots on China's political map.

Therefore, the arrival of Zheng Kezang not only caused a sensation in Foshan, but also brought an impact on the officialdom in Guangzhou.

In order to ensure Zheng Kezang’s Anqing, in addition to a regiment of Royal Guards and Imperial Guards, Yin Long and Qi Zhixin each commanded a regiment to defend the periphery. The First Division of the Longxiang Army also dispatched a regiment to Shunde to respond. Nanhai County also dispatched a large number of yamen servants to Foshan. For a while, except for Zheng Kezang himself, everyone in Guangdong was facing a big enemy.

Zheng Kezang didn't take this seriously. He thought that although he didn't have many guards, he was definitely not a white dragon fish suit, so he took the time to inspect Foshan.At this time, Foshan was famous all over the country for its handicraft industry and commerce. Among them, the handicraft industry was led by smelting industry. "Of all the smelters, the iron in the base furnace of Luoding Datang is the best. It is all cast iron. It is smooth and soft. It can be drawn into a thread. The casting wok is also firm and good. The price is higher than that of other furnaces. The iron of all furnaces is smelted. Lost to Foshan port."

For Zheng Fan, the smelting industry in Foshan was the most important source of pig iron before the iron mines such as Shilu, Ma'anshan, and Daye were put into production. After Zheng Fan controlled half of southern China, Foshan ironware became the most important military cargo. Zheng Fan’s military department purchased Foshan pig iron and refined it in Dongning and Jiangnan to make artillery, rifles and other military equipment. Almost 30% The Guangzhou Railway was directly bought by the government, which further stimulated the prosperity and development of Foshan Metallurgical Industry.

After inspecting several smelting workshops and iron shops, Zheng Kezang then inspected the pottery industry in Foshan's handicraft industry.

The pottery industry in Foshan is inherited from the Guangdong pottery industry in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It is mainly civil pottery, and also imitates famous porcelain from various places. It has its own characteristics, and has formed a pottery guild and a pottery family. It sells domestically in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian. , it was sold to Beihe and Guangnan, and part of it was sold to Japan, and it was also famous for a while.

However, what attracted Zheng Kezang was not the prosperity of the smelting and pottery industries, but the pattern of Dongjiahang and Xijiahang in Guangdong's handicraft industry.As the name suggests, the Dongjiahang is the representative of the management, while the Xijiahang is the representative of the workers. The two sides negotiate to resolve labor disputes.

The reason why Zheng Kezang attaches great importance to Dongjiahang and Xijiahang is of course because of their advanced nature. In the Jiangnan area in the north, the economy is also extremely prosperous and labor disputes continue. Because there is no Xijiahang similar to trade unions, Jiangnan silk Weaving and cloth workers often organized strikes called "Calling Break" because of wage issues. The losses caused by this certainly affected the employers and proprietors, and also had an impact on Zheng Fan, who relied on commercial tax as the basis for the operation of the central government.

"Copy the rules of procedure of Dongjiahang and Xijiahang to the Ministry of Ji (Yalt and Iron) and write it to the Yamen of Jiangnan Salt and Iron for trial implementation." Zheng Kezang ordered. "If Jiangnan's implementation is feasible, it should be implemented nationwide. The imperial court and local governments should not intervene in disputes between merchants and apprentices, lest the one who suffers from it will blame the government."

Zheng Kezang would never take the establishment of a country and get rid of the rule of the Manchus as his ultimate goal of rebirth. Therefore, when the social transformation began, the fierce class conflicts had to make him express some forward-looking worries.The knowledge before crossing told him that in order to deal with the possible confrontation behavior of the marginal groups at the bottom, the society needs to have several lines of defense, such as fair economic treatment, legitimate interest organizations, harmonious social network, mutual aid formed by the people and public welfare. Organization, restraint of etiquette, law and order, government relief, fair judiciary, state violence machine.

Although Zheng Kezang is still unable to do some of them, and the official recognition level is not so high, he must start now, otherwise once the curtain rises, the irreversible trend will inevitably cause a huge impact.Of course, he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Now that the small-scale peasant economy is absolutely dominant, all he can do is to exert a subtle influence on it.

"Okay, I have seen what I should see." I have seen what I should see. Foshan's business can no longer attract Zheng Kezang's attention, so he ordered. "It's really hard to be alone in Foshan for Guangzhou Prefecture and Nanhai County, no matter what, I'm so excited, let's go ****"

I'm sorry, I've been away for ten days, but tomorrow I'm going to fly to Bali again.


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