Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

436. People and Nobility

Chengtianfu was the highest administrative agency in Taiwan set up by Zheng Chenggong after his recovery of Taiwan. At that time, it only had jurisdiction over two counties, including Tianxing and Wannian.During the Zheng Jing era, due to the loss of the mainland base area, the power of the Zheng Fan completely retreated to Taiwan. Therefore, in order to resettle a large number of middle and senior generals of the Zheng Fan who came to Taiwan, not only the two counties of Tianxing and Wannian were upgraded to prefectures, but also further added. There are three administrative divisions including the Penghu Pacification Department, the South Road Pacification Department and the North Road Pacification Department.

Although the administrative area has been upgraded and increased, because the five provinces moved to the sea policy implemented by the Qing government cut off the possibility of the mainland coastal people fleeing to Taiwan. Therefore, in the first ten years of the Zheng Jing era, despite the best efforts of Chen Yonghua, who was in charge of government affairs, Dongning The population base can only be maintained at about [-] for a long time, and the area of ​​reclamation in each state and appeasement department is therefore restricted and cannot be further developed.It was not that Zheng Kezang persuaded Zheng Jing to take advantage of the San Francisco rebellion and Zheng Jun's return to the mainland to plunder the population from Fujian, Qiongzhou and other places as much as possible after crossing. Zheng Fan could not accumulate the necessary manpower and material resources to sweep half of the country in the future.

Although the population of Dongning once again showed a net outflow after Zheng Jun successfully recovered South China, the registered population of Chengtian Mansion had expanded to more than [-] at this time, and the county-level administrative districts had also expanded from the original five to include Tian. Eight counties including Xing, Wannian, Fengshan, Zhuluo, Pingtung, Chiayi, Changhua, and Danshui, and four pacification divisions including Penghu, Dongbei, Southeast, and Hualien.

"In the third year of Wuding, according to the king's will, the ministers and others conducted a land clearing of the counties and divisions under the jurisdiction of Chengtian Mansion. According to statistics at that time, there were 51 rice fields, vegetable fields, and sugarcane fields in Dongning. 110, 27, [-], and [-] points." Standing behind Zheng Kezang, Yin Zanglan of Chengtian Mansion reported carefully. "In addition, there are another [-] acres and four acres of tax-paying land under the names of Shufan communities. Adding up the two, Chengtian Mansion currently has a total of [-] A and [-] acres of taxable land cultivated??????"

Because Dongning is located in the subtropical zone, until the end of the year, there are still green rice growing in the grain fields of Daozuo. However, because quite a few men were included in the Zheng army to fight on the mainland, only women and children, old and weak, farmed. The growth of the crops on the fields in the field seems somewhat uneven.

Maybe he noticed Zheng Kezang's lingering eyes, so Zang Lan added: "Currently Dongning has a lot of land reclamation area, but according to the king's decree on tax exemption for meritorious officials, Chengtian Mansion's two tax revenues are actually not enough. many??????"

According to Zang Lan's explanation, today's Dongning relies on sugar export as the main source of profit, but according to Zheng Fan's tax-sharing policy, Chengtian Mansion actually doesn't get a lot of benefits from it, so that it is widely implemented in the government. After that, Chengtian Mansion was one of the areas that needed central government subsidies.

"In addition, the shipyards, iron smelting yards, and cement yards affiliated to the Ministry of Water and the Ministry of Industry have moved out of Dongning successively, which has also caused a certain impact on local finance." Zang Lan's report is obviously mixed with complaints, which is also normal, although Dongning It is the future eastern capital proposed by Zheng Kezang, but as Wuchang became the ruling center of Zheng Fan, the decline of Chengtian Mansion is unstoppable. "In addition, the Naval Academy has an exclusive interest in the production of Keelung's squid skin, whale bones, and whale oil candles, which is of no benefit to the local economy??????"

"Your meaning, I know." Zheng Kezang glanced at the chattering Zang Lan, and he also had some sympathy for the prefect's difficulties. The so-called crimes attached to the provincial capital of Guo, heinous attachment to Guo Jingshi, although Chengtian Mansion is not The capital of Great Xia in the future, but as the eastern capital where nobles and fiefs gather together, Zang Lan's life is obviously very difficult. "It is indeed inappropriate for the Naval Academy to use the whaling fleet for profit. The orphan will arrange for the Department of Internal Affairs to take over." Looking at the somewhat disappointed Zang Lan, Zheng Kezang smiled. "After the manager's office takes over, the commercial tax that should be paid will definitely not lose the place??????"

"The king is holy." Zheng Kezang hadn't finished speaking, but Zang Lan couldn't help praising him. "Your Majesty the Holy Spirit!"

"Okay, okay, there's no need to say more about these flattery words." Zheng Kezang shook his head and interrupted Zang Lan's words. "By the way, after Gu ordered the removal of the Kunlun slaves in Dongning, how did the local labor shortage be resolved?"

"Back to the king, now the farmlands of Wangzhuang, Speyer, and magnates mainly use labor from North Korea." Zang Lanyan's words flickered a bit. "As far as I know, there are nearly 11 fresh slaves in Dongning."

Zheng Kezang didn't use Kunlun slaves mainly because the price/performance ratio was not suitable. Of course, he didn't rule out the consideration of mixed blood, but the dignitaries used Koreans because they were cheap.The Korean civil war, which has not been decided so far, has created a large number of refugees. These refugees who are starved for food can be obtained almost as long as the freight rate. In order to ease the financial pressure, the South Korean officials, who have been swayed by Zheng Fan, have intentionally or unintentionally plundered the Korean population by Zheng Fan. The behavior of turning a blind eye and closing one eye caused the proliferation of Korean serfs in Dongning.In this regard, Zheng Kezang, who was the instigator, was taken aback and had no choice but to smile wryly.

With a wry smile for a long time, Zheng Kezang confessed to Zang Lan with a serious face: "I have been weighing the matter for a long time, and decided to maintain the old system in the future and bestow land on the duke. The national tax and imperial food have to be supervised by the prefectures and counties, so you should send people to investigate at that time, so as not to let the nobles oppress (serfs) too much."

Zheng Kezang's words related to the undisclosed national policy of the Great Xia Dynasty, so Zang Lan, who was flattered, felt great pressure at the same time, so he turned over and knelt down and said loudly: "I obey the order, just in case you don't agree... ????"

"Treat him with the laws of the Huanghuang Kingdom." Zheng Kezang grinned grimly. "It's very difficult for me to reward a noble, but it's easy to lose it."

The terrified Zang Lan didn't dare to say more, kowtowed and stood up. At this moment, he heard Zheng Kezang take care of his side and said: "Notify the Nanyang Navy and the Ministry of War that the Longxiang Army stationed in Dongning should not be transferred easily except for shifting defenses when the time comes. , in order to defend Anping and the mausoleum of the former kings at all times, and as for the Fubo Army under the jurisdiction of the Penghu Guardian Envoy, another regiment should be added to make sure."

Zheng Keshuang, who was beside Zheng Kezang, frowned slightly disapprovingly: "Brother Wang, are you worried about those fresh slaves making trouble?"

"There are raw Tibetans outside and fresh slaves inside, so how can Gu not be worried." Zheng Kezang shook his head at Zheng Keshuang. "Maybe Qin She thinks that Gu is making a fuss out of a molehill, but the descendants of the future are young and the slaves are young, so Gu has to plan ahead!"

What Zheng Kezang said was serious, so Zheng Keshuang was dubious. However, compared with the possible Xiannu rebellion in the future, Zheng Kezang was obviously more concerned about the national policy of the Great Xia that Zheng Kezang just said, so he hesitated for a long time and then tried it out. Asked: "Brother Wang just said that in the future, he will inherit the policy of ennobling the feudal clan and granting land. I don't know how many fiefdoms the younger brother will get by then."

Zheng Kezang's eyes lingered on the face of the seemingly greedy Zheng Keshuang for a while, and suddenly he burst into laughter: "Qin She just misheard, fiefdoms are impossible, but Zhuangzi can give some more."

If it wasn't for Zheng Kezang who wanted to send a message to Zheng Ming, Zheng Cong and others through Zheng Kezang, how could Zheng Kezang deliberately show his tone? Zang Ziran was happy to go with the flow.

"Xianjue doesn't need to go into details with Qin She. As for the Shijue, in the future, there will be princes, county kings, state dukes, county dukes, county dukes, county marquises, county marquises, county uncles, county uncles, county sons, and county sons." , county male, etc. twelfth rank prince." Zheng Kezang walked in the field with his hands behind his back, Zheng Keshuang followed step by step, as for Zang Lan and the others, they didn't keep up, lest they accidentally listened to what they shouldn't. "Princes and clan relatives don't necessarily have to be named kings, and the highest meritorious officials with foreign surnames don't necessarily stop at Dukes."

Zheng Keshuang thought for a while, then interjected: "Brother Wang, this seems to be the system of the former Song Dynasty. The highest meritorious officials with foreign surnames can be named county kings."

"That's right, it's Song Zhi." Zheng Kezang has never underestimated Zheng Keshuang, so the faction's surveillance has never been less. "However, the difference from the Song system is that in the Song Dynasty, noble titles were awarded, and in the Great Xia, some manors were granted without land taxes." Zheng Kezang said. "In addition, the royal title will implement the grace system. For example, Qin She, if you receive the title of the duke, after a hundred years, (the son) Yundong will be the duke when he takes over the duke, and Yunnan and your other concubines will receive the title together. When the son of Yundong inherits the title, he will be degraded to the county prince, and the rest of the sons of Yundong will be the county marquis; while the sons of Yunnan will also be demoted to the county marquis when they inherit the title, and their sons of Yunnan will be reduced to county princes at that time. Accept the title of County Earl."

"By analogy, every generation will be descended and inherited until the sixth generation. At this time, no matter whether you are the elder or younger of the house, all branches will be removed from the jade plate, and you will be considered as a minister." Zheng Kezang looked at Zheng Keshuang, whose complexion changed slightly, smiled. "Becoming a subject means that you are no longer qualified to inherit the throne. This is all false. The advantage is that the titles of each branch will be fixed in the future, just like the titles of meritorious officials. Of course, this is only limited to those who inherit the title. The son, and the rest of the heirs will be awarded the title equivalent to the lowest first-class nobleman after obtaining the qualifications of meritorious officials."

"Tweet?" Zheng Keshuang pondered thoughtfully for a while. "The policy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so to speak, Brother Wang means that the Zhuangtian that will be received in the future will also be given to the princes?"

"Exactly." Zheng Kezang nodded. "The situation of the imperial clan in the Ming Dynasty must be taken as a warning." Zheng Kezang added. "Of course I don't follow the pre-Ming's law that raising the clan is like raising pigs. I think that the children of the clan can be officials, join the army, and do business. After being reduced to ministerial status, they can do whatever they want without any restrictions."

"Brother Wang is generous." Zheng Keshuang praised insincerely, and then asked again. "It's just this meritorious qualification?"

Zheng Kezang smiled but did not answer at this moment, he just said almost perfunctorily: "You will understand when the national law comes out.

Seeing Zheng Keshuang racking his brains, Zheng Kezang was quite satisfied, and then he turned around and summoned Zang Lan and others who were waiting in the distance: "The former king promoted Tianxing and Wannian counties to prefectures, and succeeded to the throne alone. At the beginning, it was re-degraded to a county because of the small number of registered households, but now that the registered permanent residence has been enriched, Gu naturally dare not disobey the wish of the former king, and from today onwards, the two counties will be re-upgraded to Sanzhou?????? "

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