Zhiyin County, Ningbo, originally belonged to Kuaiji County, Yuezhou. Yinzhou was built in the fourth year of Tang Wude (AD 621). It was the beginning of the establishment of the state capital for Ningbo. It was named "Mingzhou", and the territorial system was basically fixed.Inherited to the Ming Dynasty, it was named Ningbo Mansion by Zhu Yuanzhang of Hongwu according to the meaning of "Hai Ding Ze Bo Ning". The Qing Dynasty inherited the system of the Ming Dynasty and was also called Ningbo Mansion, which belonged to Huiji Road (Ningshaotai Road) in Zhejiang Province.

Since the Tang Dynasty, Ningbo has been one of the starting points of the "Maritime Silk Road". It is also known as China's three major foreign trade ports along with Yangzhou and Guangzhou.In the Song Dynasty, Guangzhou and Quanzhou were also listed as the three major ports of foreign trade, and carried out extensive sea trade with Japan, Silla, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and some European countries.

By the middle of the 16th century, Ningbo Prefecture had become one of the largest free trade ports in the world.As a result, under the situation that the Zheng family was still entrenched in Dongning and the threat of the sea was still serious, the financially distressed Qing court was forced to partially revoke the order to seal the sea and move the border. In the 24th year of Kangxi (AD 1685), it reopened trade and opened a Zhejiang Customs, one of the four major customs in the Qing Dynasty.

After Zheng's recovery of Jiangnan, the status of Ningbo Prefecture as a major maritime trade city has not been weakened. Even the Ming and Zheng, which pursued mercantilism in the economy, paid more attention to the development of maritime trade. They not only allowed merchant ships from various countries to come to trade, but also encouraged Domestic merchants went to sea for trade, so for a time, local merchants gathered in Ningbo, all kinds of businesses flourished, ships kept coming and going, and the market was extremely prosperous.

"After the division of provinces, the goods from Hangzhou, Lake and other places have been transferred to Songtai and other places, but the goods from Yanzhou, Quzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing and other prefectures still need to rely on Ningbo port." It means that, as a member of the customs office, he has no direct subordinate relationship with the provincial government, so to some extent, he also bears the identity of a secret supervisor. "However, with the opening of Taiwan and Wenzhou, it is expected that merchants in Yan, Qu, Jinhua and other places will switch to Taiwan and Wenkou."

"So Ningbo has considerable opinions on the setting of Taizhou and Taiwen as the capital of western Zhejiang?"

> "Ningbo local gentry thinks that this domain is suspected of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge."

"Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge? They deserve it too!" Zheng Kezang commented disdainfully. "If it weren't for the Eastern Fleet to berth at Daqu Mountain, this dry gentry with only silver in their eyes would have established a private port long ago."

There is a reason for Zheng Kezang’s words. The ban on the sea in the middle of the Ming Dynasty was the shadow of Ningbo smugglers. Later, Wang Zhi and Xu Haifeng were the black hands behind the Japanese pirates. How could Zheng Kezang hand over the monopoly power to the Ningbo Merchants Gang.

Since cases of Ningbo Maritime Merchants bribing the Maritime Shipping Department and the Shipping Department and even corrupting the Dongyang Fleet occurred from time to time, Lin Zhao did not dare to respond to Zheng Kezang's double-entendre comments, so he had to listen with his head bowed. Zang changed the subject: "Of course, what should be appeased is still to be appeased. In this way, Lin Qing, you go to pay homage to Uncle Xinjian and Mr. Lizhou on behalf of Gu."

Xinjian Bo Wang Yangming and Huang Zongxi are both from Yuyao. The former is the new sage who created the "unity of knowledge and action" and "mind learning", and the latter is also a generation of Confucianism admired by the people of the time. To appease the scholars in western Zhejiang as much as possible, and to appease the scholars, the maritime merchants who have not yet entered the political stage will naturally be unable to publicly express their dissatisfaction, and Zheng Fan will naturally resolve the crisis invisible.

As for why Zheng Kezang didn't pay homage in person to achieve a better impact, there are also opinions.Wang Yangming's cemetery is at the south foot of Xianxia Mountain in Hongxi, Huajie, Lanting Town, Shaoxing County, and Huang Zongxi's cemetery is at the southeast foot of Longshan Mountain under Hua'an Mountain, 10 kilometers southeast of Yuyao City. No matter how great it is, it belongs to the courtiers. Of course, the king cannot be allowed to worship in person, otherwise it is arrogance and violates the law of etiquette, but the result is counterproductive.

Lin Zhao led the decree to retreat, and Zheng Kezang said to the literary servants beside him: "Pass down the decree, posthumous posthumous posthumous Zhang Huangyan, former Shangshu of the Ministry of War of the Ming Dynasty, and pay homage to the tombs of Zhang Huangyan and Yue Fei in the west of Zhejiang and Hangzhou???? ??”

After the edict was issued, Zheng Kezang immediately drove to Tianyi Pavilion.The collection of books in Tianyi Pavilion began with Fan Qin, the right servant of the Ministry of War in the Ming Dynasty during the Jiajing period. At that time, there were more than [-] volumes of books in the collection. The public.

Of course, Zheng Kezang is not a great Confucian like Huang Zongxi. Naturally, he came to Tianyi Pavilion not to appreciate those rare and rare books, but to promote literary governance. He hoped that the descendants of the Fan family could provide book samples, and the secretary supervised them to proofread and print them. And provided to central yang and provincial and government three-level libraries.In this regard, it is naturally impossible for the members of the Fan clan to refuse Zheng Kezang's request, not to mention that Zheng Kezang also promised to print the words "Ningbo Fan's Tianyi Pavilion Collection of Books" on the cover of the book after publication.

While the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves, a conspiracy was also unfolding in the North Korean embassy in Juhuazhou, Yuehu, not far from Tianyi Pavilion.

Speaking of which, it turned out that although North Korea had an marriage relationship with Zheng Kezang, there were no permanent envoys in Taiwan throughout the Dongning period. Sending troops to North Korea, at a time when the relationship between the two countries is getting closer, in order to further gain support from Ming and Zheng, South Korea decided to have a permanent envoy in Zheng Fan.

South Korea wanted to set up an embassy in Wuchang, but Zheng Fan categorically rejected it, citing the Ryukyu case. Although South Korea tried to obtain additional treatment based on the differences in the relationship between the two countries, it had no choice but to do so in the same way as Ryukyu did in Fuzhou and Annan. Set up a pilgrimage embassy in Guangzhou as well as in Ningbo, a treaty port.

"Lord Jin." Commercial Envoy (Deputy Envoy) Quan Zuo Guang retreated from the hall, lowered his voice, and discussed with Pilgrimage Envoy (Principal Envoy) Jin Dongbin. "King Xia passed through Ningbo, which is an opportunity for us." Opportunity, of course, is an opportunity. Cui Yingzhi and Cui Xian brothers formed a clique and usurped power in South Korea by their support, which aroused the dissatisfaction of a considerable number of North Korean ministers. The two conspiring are the backbone of the anti-Cui alliance. "As long as King Xia is moved by talking, I am not afraid that great things will fail."

"The Cui brothers usurped power for a day. Has King Xia never heard of it?" Jin Dongbin, who came from a wealthy family, was not as optimistic as his deputy. "Obviously not so, but why did King Xia allow the Cui family to do whatever they want? It is nothing more than that the Cui family was very cautious, and what they did did not endanger the palace. Since the king's status is not threatened, King Xia naturally turned his eyes closed. A glance??????"

"Lord Jin," Quan Zuoguang interrupted Jin Dongbin rather impolitely. "The lower official knows what your lord is worried about. That's right. King Xia doesn't care who is in power in North Korea. He only asks that North Korea can contain part of the North Korean forces. Cui can do it, so naturally he won't change generals. However, Lord Jin Don't forget, this is based on the agreement of the year."

Zheng Kezang had a secret agreement with Cui Yingzhi before acquiescing to Li Yan's ascension, that is, Li Yan's position was later passed on to Li Concubine's son, Cui Yingzhi was forced to agree at that time, but Cui Yingzhi finally stood up to Zheng Kezang's interference in North Korea's internal affairs Requirements ensured the du lixing of North Korean politics in the era after Li Ye and Li Ye.This feat of preserving North Korea has been talked about by Cui Yingzhi all the time. Almost everyone in the South Korean political circle knows it. It once created Cui Yingzhi's external aura of loyal ministers and capable officials, but now in the mouth of Quan Zuoguang It was the root cause of the downfall of Cui Yingzhi's party.

Jin Dongbin's eyes were a little blank, he didn't understand what Quan Zuoguang meant: "The agreement back then? Master Quan is talking about it?"

"There are rumors in Hanyang that the king intends to make the third son the king's son." Quan Zuoguang pointed in the direction of Chaojing. "This is a violation of the previous agreement. King Xia should be very angry about this, but it's just because of Concubine Li's face that she didn't show it."

"But Cui Shi didn't participate in this matter." Jin Dongbin felt that his brain was not enough. "How can we get involved? Once we fail to bite, King Xia will know the truth, and our lives will be difficult."

The point is not that Zheng Kezang knows the truth, but that if the Cui brothers are not killed with a stick, he must be the one who is unlucky.

"What Mr. Jin said is very true." Quan Zuoguang obviously disdains the indecision of his party members, but the other party is a child of a family and a superior, so it is not easy to embarrass him, so he explained. "This matter was decided by the Sacred Heart of the King, but Cui Shi knew that this move violated the agreement between the two countries, but did not stop it. This clearly acquiesced to what the king did." Quan Zuoguang held a pair of winning cards in his hand. Said in a tone. "Based on this, we can report to King Xia that the Cui family is behind this matter." Quan Zuoguang sneered. "King Xia paid such a high price in order to firmly control North Korea and let North Korea help him fight against the northern captives. How could he be willing to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain? Under the wrath of thunder, the king may be fine, but the Cui family will definitely be finished. "

"Isn't this driving away wolves at the front door and welcoming tigers at the back door?" Jin Dongbin gasped. "In case King Xia interferes in North Korea's internal affairs." Jin Dongbin shook his head. "Aren't you and I sinners of North Korea?"

"King Xia is angry because of North Korea's breach of contract, and once King Xia breaches the contract, we can also stand up and remonstrate." Quan Zuoguang puffed out his chest. "What Cui Yingzhi can do, I can do it too. Once it is done and done, Cui Yingzhi's status today will be the status of you and me in the future." Quan Zuoguang seduced. "How about it, Master Jin, can you take a gamble?"

"Cui Yingzhi's current status?" Jin Dongbin narrowed his eyes. Of course, he was not tempted by Quan Zuoguang, but he was thinking about the chances of success, and whether the final victory would be won by those big players in the court. Guys got it. "I don't care about this. I just hope that this Hajj can be done smoothly for ten or twenty years."

Quan Zuoguang laughed lightly, Jin Dongbin Xiaofu is at ease, which is exactly what he wanted, since this is the case, he can taste the fruits of victory by himself: "Master Jin, then should we discuss how to deal with it?" Only then can I meet King Xia."

"Yes." Jin Dongbin frowned. "The guards around King Xia are strictly guarded, and we and other foreign ministers can't easily see Wang Jia, how can we meet face to face?"

Quan Zuoguang was very disdainful of this incompetent boss, but he couldn't help but smile on his face: "Lord Jin, I have an idea??????"

I'm sorry, I don't know what happened this year, there is no off-season, so the update is not timely, which disappointed the book lovers.However, there may be a short-term vacation between March 3 and April 31, and it will be continuously updated at that time.

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